Search: For - Modi

1321 results found

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum
Sep 17, 2021

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum

Critique of BRICS is logical and natural but can be unfair without careful examination of its evolution and contribution

BRICS of a new world
Jul 14, 2014

BRICS of a new world

The Fortaleza summit will represent the reboot of BRICS. Prime Minister Modi has the biggest political mandate among his BRICS counterparts, and also the weight of the largest expectations.

BRICS sees rekindling of India-Russia romance
Oct 17, 2016

BRICS sees rekindling of India-Russia romance

Sino-Indian ties have been going downhill for the last few years. At the BRICS summit, India sought to re-engage Russia more substantively.

Budget 2019: A confused path to $5 trillion dream?
Jul 09, 2019

Budget 2019: A confused path to $5 trillion dream?

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman seemed to be the chief protagonist of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of India becoming a $5 trillion econo

Budget 2021 pushes the growth pedal
Feb 01, 2021

Budget 2021 pushes the growth pedal

Sitharaman and Modi need to be commended for their courage in continuing with reforms against all odds.

Budget must focus on defence
Feb 17, 2015

Budget must focus on defence

The Modi Government's first real annual Budget is perhaps its most important test after flunking the Delhi Assembly examination. While businessmen will be watching it to gauge the intentions and determination of the Government to create a pro-business atmosphere, it will be equally eagerly watched by the armed forces community for its modernisation targets.

Building Back Better: Infrastructure investment as a G20 priority
Sep 19, 2022

Building Back Better: Infrastructure investment as a G20 priority

For India, multilateral cooperation for facilitating investment in infrastructure is the need of the hour.

Building up connections in Central Asia
Jan 27, 2022

Building up connections in Central Asia

Since 1991, New Delhi's ties with the Central Asian countries have developed slowly despite a shared culture and trade links via the ancient Silk Road

Can 'Make in India' deliver?
Dec 26, 2014

Can 'Make in India' deliver?

The Narendra Modi government's 'Make in India' campaign, on the whole, seems out of sync with today's world where it doesn't matter where a product is made because even high exporting countries like China basically assembles parts made elsewhere in the world.

Can govt let private sector take lead on growth?
Dec 02, 2019

Can govt let private sector take lead on growth?

Bringing the private sector centre-stage requires a sea change in the manner of its participation and its role in nation-building.

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

Can India and the EU operationalise their natural partnership?
May 13, 2021

Can India and the EU operationalise their natural partnership?

With the EU being India’s largest trading partner and the second-largest export destination, the economic logic of strong India-EU economic relations is self-evident. The two sides have also agreed to commence talks for a standalone investment protection pact and an accord on geographical indications

Can India be an alternative to China for African economies?
Oct 21, 2015

Can India be an alternative to China for African economies?

As Chinese economy is facing its worst slowdown in recent times, for Africa, Modi's new India might turn out to be the one viable alternative to China. Therefore, the upcoming India-Africa Summit will be an occasion to harness this opportunity and seek a meaningful strategic engagement beneficial to both the countries.

Can India secure its women the most empowering tool — energy access?
Mar 07, 2020

Can India secure its women the most empowering tool — energy access?

Adapting a more multi-dimensional framework for measuring energy access that could capture gender disaggregated data and indicators would push for a m

Can India’s Defense Industry Make It on the Export Market?
Mar 10, 2022

Can India’s Defense Industry Make It on the Export Market?

A recent sale to the Philippines is a major win, but India faces obstacles to its big ambitions.

Can smart cities solve our urbanisation problems?
Aug 18, 2016

Can smart cities solve our urbanisation problems?

Are smart cities the panacea for the increasing urbanisation problems in India? Question asked the Modi government is speeding up its smart city mission.

Can the OBOR project be made to work for countries other than China?
May 23, 2017

Can the OBOR project be made to work for countries other than China?

Given the quantity of investments, China can’t afford to have the OBOR initiative fail. Sceptics like India can use that to persuade China to make modifications.

Canada cousins
Apr 14, 2015

Canada cousins

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Canada this week should help rejuvenate an important relationship that has long been neglected in New Delhi. If real political differences alienated India and Canada during the Cold War, it is Delhi that has not been sufficiently attentive to the possibilities with Canada in recent years.

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it
Sep 20, 2023

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it

Giving support to Khalistani terrorists against India hyphenates Canada with Pakistan. This has security and strategic implications for the world.

Caught in US-Iran tangle
Jul 23, 2018

Caught in US-Iran tangle

Trump Tantrum: US sanctions on Iran threaten to hit India’s strategic interests in West Asia

Celebrating a unique 50-year relationship: India and Bangladesh are development partners with worrying challenges
Dec 22, 2021

Celebrating a unique 50-year relationship: India and Bangladesh are development partners with worrying challenges

The foremost geostrategic challenge for India vis-à-vis Bangladesh is to counter the machinations of the China-Pakistan axis.

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan
Sep 09, 2021

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan

With the Taliban taking over in Afghanistan, India must engage more closely with Central Asia for both strategic security concerns and trade

Chance to resolve China-India border dispute
Sep 16, 2014

Chance to resolve China-India border dispute

Any border settlement between India and China will be unsettling for important constituencies in both countries. If Modi has to get an agreement through Parliament and, before that, the Sangh Parivar, Xi needs to take his Politburo, if not his Central Committee with him. Both know that they can only do it now when they are at the height of their powers.

Changing landmarks in Indo-Russian economic relations: The Vladivostock summit and beyond
Sep 16, 2019

Changing landmarks in Indo-Russian economic relations: The Vladivostock summit and beyond

The Putin-Modi summit as part of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok was a step further in Indo-Russian relations.

Charting the future of India-US ties
Oct 16, 2020

Charting the future of India-US ties

The relationship is more robust than ever before. But deepening ties will bring its set of challenges

China and India need a way to get out of the maze in Ladakh
Jul 03, 2020

China and India need a way to get out of the maze in Ladakh

It is clear that the old confidence building measures regime initiated in 1993 has broken down. Yet striving to sort out differences over where the LAC lies is the only way forward for Prime Minister Modi and President Xi.

China is foolish to make an enemy of India
Jun 18, 2020

China is foolish to make an enemy of India

While the People’s Republic may be more powerful now, its arrogance is driving Asia’s other giant into the arms of the U.S.

China, India, and the race to EVs
Jun 28, 2024

China, India, and the race to EVs

In case of India, a long-term trend of relocation of industries (EVs as well as others) from China is seen as a foregone conclusion by a section of Ch

China’s massive attack against India: A looming possibility
Jun 17, 2024

China’s massive attack against India: A looming possibility

India might be deceiving itself by believing China will limit itself to "grey-zone operations" along the Sino-Indian border, avoiding all-out war. Thi

Completing the 1991 Agenda: Reforms for the Fourth Industrial Revolution 
Jul 24, 2021

Completing the 1991 Agenda: Reforms for the Fourth Industrial Revolution 

The reforms of 1991 were designed for a different technological frontier than what faces India in 2021.

Confronting India’s nuclear regulation challenge
Mar 25, 2020

Confronting India’s nuclear regulation challenge

India should recognise that no country has a completely fool-proof mechanism and it should not get excessively defensive about its nuclear security policies and practices.

COVID-19: The lofty economic recovery for Latin America
Jan 27, 2021

COVID-19: The lofty economic recovery for Latin America

The sudden fall in commodity prices, export volumes, FDI redirection, and growing unemployment strongly disturbs Latin American economies.

COVID19: Despite lockdown and sealing measures, is India still looking at alarming mortality levels?
Apr 09, 2020

COVID19: Despite lockdown and sealing measures, is India still looking at alarming mortality levels?

It is important that India steps up testing. The testing protocol needs to prioritise the high-risk group of individuals with travel history because t

Create a social contract between the state and its most alienated citizens
Sep 02, 2019

Create a social contract between the state and its most alienated citizens

Modi must preserve the dignity of the ordinary Kashmiri. This is what he will be judged by.

Crossing the federal line
Dec 14, 2016

Crossing the federal line

PM Modi's recent comment on a debate on simultaneous elections to Parliament and state assemblies cannot only be called as a casual off-the cuff comment

Cryptocurrency's classification conundrum
Jun 22, 2023

Cryptocurrency's classification conundrum

While there is no explicit definition of cryptocurrencies under India’s regulatory framework, the focus is on investor protection, anti-money launde

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges
Apr 17, 2023

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges

Fifty years after the first LNG tanker sailed from Mississippi to UK in 1959 natural gas has finally matured into a global commodity. Gas is no longer limited to being a regional resource or a continental resource.

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges
May 10, 2023

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges

Fifty years after the first LNG tanker sailed from Mississippi to UK in 1959 natural gas has finally matured into a global commodity. Gas is no longer limited to being a regional resource or a continental resource.

Data for development: Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework
Dec 30, 2020

Data for development: Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework

Any new framework for non-personal data must consider that data is not just an economic resource to be commodified, neither is it an instrument of sov

Dealing with the next Uri — or Mumbai
Sep 21, 2016

Dealing with the next Uri — or Mumbai

Even if India is unable to respond to the Uri attack, there is still time for the Modi government to recover.

Decision to boycott Belt and Road Initiative Forum is one of the biggest Indian foreign policy risks
May 18, 2017

Decision to boycott Belt and Road Initiative Forum is one of the biggest Indian foreign policy risks

The Narendra Modi government's decision to boycott the Belt and Road Initiative Forum in China constitutes one of the three biggest Indian foreign policy risks in recent memory.

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions
Dec 17, 2014

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions

The Modi government's policy of engagement, rather than isolation of sanctioned countries, is very much in line with its predecessor, United Progressive Alliance, led by Manmohan Singh. However, like Singh, Modi too has refrained from speaking on the issue of sanctions.

Decoding what U.S. wants from India
Jan 20, 2015

Decoding what U.S. wants from India

Narendra Modi is viewing Obama's New Delhi visit on a longer perspective where he seeks to leverage the U.S. connection to attract technology and investment from the western world, as well as build ties to balance China.