Search: For - Covid

7227 results found

Timing is everything: COVID-19 caseload pattern and mitigation strategies in 4 US hot spots
Apr 14, 2020

Timing is everything: COVID-19 caseload pattern and mitigation strategies in 4 US hot spots

Even as states on the US East Coast and West Coast are banding together to figure out a reopening plan, new cases continue to overwhelm the US hospita

Too early to tell if BCG vaccine is our saviour in fight against COVID-19
Apr 21, 2020

Too early to tell if BCG vaccine is our saviour in fight against COVID-19

Until we know for sure if BCG — or any other drug or vaccine — is the antidote against COVID-19, testing, contact tracing and social distancing ar

Treading the unusual alliance between Big Tech and the government post-Covid-19
Oct 02, 2020

Treading the unusual alliance between Big Tech and the government post-Covid-19

No matter how dangerous it is to individual freedoms, government-Big Tech collaboration is necessary, both in times of crisis as well as normalcy as m

Trump takes (political) charge of COVID19 economic recovery
Aug 14, 2020

Trump takes (political) charge of COVID19 economic recovery

The US President’s invocation of executive powers to continue unemployment benefits, is simply a smokescreen for his election-year politicking

Trump’s politicisation of COVID-19
Mar 26, 2020

Trump’s politicisation of COVID-19

The US president is exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to further the ‘America First’ agenda vis-à-vis China, Mexico and Iran

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within
Apr 29, 2020

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within

The nature, frequency, and messaging in the communication that the government is taking, boasts of information, connectivity, and authenticity — all

UN failed in Its COVID response, but what about PM Modi’s record?
Sep 28, 2020

UN failed in Its COVID response, but what about PM Modi’s record?

Not only is Indian economy sliding, but liberal democratic foundations of the Indian Republic are withering away.

Understanding the risks posed by COVID-19: A Public Health perspective
May 24, 2023

Understanding the risks posed by COVID-19: A Public Health perspective

Four months since the outbreak of COVID-19, some vital unknowns about the pandemic remain, including IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) and immunity from reinfection. A clearer understanding of the risks posed by COVID-19, informed by science and data in the Indian context, will help the country in mustering an effective strategy to hurdle the crisis. The government must undertake mass antibody testing and scale up healthcare capacity across the count

Urban densities and the Covid-19 pandemic: Upending the sustainability myth of global megacities
May 04, 2020

Urban densities and the Covid-19 pandemic: Upending the sustainability myth of global megacities

High-density urban agglomerations may be sustainable in terms of the economies of scale their populations provide. Yet, as proven by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these same urban spaces are nearly defenceless in times of unprecedented disease outbreaks. A pandemic poses many risks to the millions who live in dense megacities, whether in wealthy countries or developing ones. The sheer density of the population of these cities provides an ideal e

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19
Jun 09, 2020

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19

Questions about the utility of globalisation are not new. Could the COVID-19 outbreak be the final nail on the coffin for an idea that drove the world economy in the past three decades?  In theory, countries would produce what they specialised in, leaving it to the market to ensure everyone got a better price for it. As 2020 began, the pandemic spread from one province of China and soon disrupted production across the world. Countries banned the

US COVID aid to India: What lessons can we learn from this crisis?
Apr 27, 2021

US COVID aid to India: What lessons can we learn from this crisis?

After initial fumbles, US clearly planned the path ahead beginning April 2020. India could have learnt from this.

US-India cooperation against COVID19
Apr 27, 2020

US-India cooperation against COVID19

COVID19 pandemic offers India and the US an opportunity to build a positive-sum consensus

What can artificial intelligence tell us about the scale of Covid-19 in China?
Oct 09, 2020

What can artificial intelligence tell us about the scale of Covid-19 in China?

How is the discrepancy between the Chinese government’s own words and the statistics it released is so pronounced? The answer to this question can b

What COVID19 reveals about China-Southeast Asia relations
Apr 26, 2020

What COVID19 reveals about China-Southeast Asia relations

The management of the coronavirus crisis has demonstrated a regional tendency to be loyal to China — to the point of endangering lives.

What we will lose to Covid-19
Mar 25, 2020

What we will lose to Covid-19

Political leaders have already declared ‘war’ on the disease and such a framing typically precedes “extraordinary” invasive measures that slow

When COVID19 and Natural Hazards Collide: Building Resilient Infrastructure in South Asia
May 11, 2023

When COVID19 and Natural Hazards Collide: Building Resilient Infrastructure in South Asia

Countries in South Asia, before COVID-19, were already battling critical socioeconomic vulnerabilities and a deluge of extreme weather events brought about by a changing climate. The pandemic has demonstrated how disasters can cascade and converge to threaten lives, livelihoods, and economic and social systems. Yet, governments in the region have been slow to incorporate a multi-hazard, multi-sectoral perspective into their preparedness managemen

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis
Apr 28, 2020

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis

While Beijing needs to flaunt its ‘true friend’ to the world, and Islamabad needs a counterweight to its ‘eternal enemy’ India.

Will Aarogya Setu provide solution to India’s COVID-19 worries?
May 12, 2020

Will Aarogya Setu provide solution to India’s COVID-19 worries?

The success of the application is reliant on two factors — its own technical implementation, along with the uptake among the population at large.

Will the World Trade Organisation pass the COVID “test”?
Nov 18, 2022

Will the World Trade Organisation pass the COVID “test”?

India must redouble its efforts in the WTO to have the TRIPS waiver extended to cover therapeutics and diagnostics and use its G20 Presidency and the

Women leaders and alpha males up against Covid19
Apr 21, 2020

Women leaders and alpha males up against Covid19

There's no knowing if women leaders will ultimately prove better in tackling the pandemic but some of Asia's alpha males could certainly have done bet

WTO & COVID: क्या विश्व व्यापार संगठन कोविड से जुड़े ‘इम्तिहान’ में खरा उतर पायेगा
Dec 01, 2022

WTO & COVID: क्या विश्व व्यापार संगठन कोविड से जुड़े ‘इम्तिहान’ में खरा उतर पायेगा

चिकित्सकीय उपायों और जांच-पड़ताल को TRIPS छूट के विस्तारित द