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70 Policies — Finance Commissions, 1951
Aug 02, 2018

70 Policies — Finance Commissions, 1951

Finance Commissions decide the distribution taxes between the centre and the states, and is the key financial lever determining the federal structure

70 Policies — Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973

The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act extended controls to “the use or disposal of — or dealings in — coin, bullion, securities or foreign exchang

70 Policies — Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956

The resolution emphasised on support for cottage, village and small-scale industries by restricting production for large players, differential taxatio

70 Policies — Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951
Aug 02, 2018

70 Policies — Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951

The law declared “in the public interest” — a term that would get echoed over the next five decades for several laws and policies, to mean the c

70 Policies — Institutes of Technology Act, 1961
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Institutes of Technology Act, 1961

While building institutions is hard, maintaining them is even harder.

70 Policies — Minimum Wages Act, 1948
Aug 01, 2018

70 Policies — Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Through the Minimum Wages Act, the Parliament declared that governments — not economic agents — would decide the amount of wages paid.

70 Policies — Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969
Aug 06, 2018

70 Policies — Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969

A five-decade-old issue — concentration of economic power, dominance in the hands of the few and the resultant inequalities — remains alive even t

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Banks, 1969
Jul 19, 2019

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Banks, 1969

“Nationalisation,” Indira Gandhi proclaimed, “is necessary for the speedy achievement of these objectives.”

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Coal Mines, 1971
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Coal Mines, 1971

In terms of outcomes, the first decade of coal nationalisation saw “political patronage of mafia activities” and bureaucratic corruption.

70 Policies — Nationalisation of General Insurance, 1972
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of General Insurance, 1972

From 1972 to 2002, the journey of GIC — from nationalisation to a general insurance monopoly to opening up to private competition and finally to bec

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Life Insurance, 1956
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Life Insurance, 1956

While the ostensible reason for nationalisation and the obliteration of all competition was unfair practices of the companies and the protection of po

70 Policies — Oil and Natural Gas Division, 1955
Aug 03, 2018

70 Policies — Oil and Natural Gas Division, 1955

Intermingled with ONGC’s corporate structure was India’s strategic goal of energy security, the route to which was through global acquisitions.

70 Policies — Planning Commission, 1950
Aug 02, 2018

70 Policies — Planning Commission, 1950

An analysis of the agenda papers and records of the first 50 meetings indicates the dominance of a central economic thought, articulated by the prime

70 Policies — Public Provident Fund, 1968
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Public Provident Fund, 1968

Initially offered by post offices and branches of select public sector banks, today, most private sector banks can offer the provident fund scheme to

70 Policies — Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1974
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1974

Possibly enthused by the socialist celebration of nationalisation as a silver bullet for all things market, the nationalisation of textile mills faile

70 Policies — Special Economic Zones, 1965
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Special Economic Zones, 1965

The Special Economic Zones Act was, and still remains, a difficult legislation to turn into action.

70 Policies — The 93.5 Percent Marginal Rate of Taxation, 1971
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — The 93.5 Percent Marginal Rate of Taxation, 1971

The intellectual framework for high taxes was set by Finance Minister C.D. Deshmukh in his 27 February 1953 Union Budget speech, where he set up the T

75 वर्ष का भारत: नैतिकता, अर्थव्यवस्था और मिसाल
Jul 30, 2023

75 वर्ष का भारत: नैतिकता, अर्थव्यवस्था और मिसाल

भारत अपनी ‘आर्थिक संरचना’ को इन नई हक़ीक़तों के हिसाब से �

75 वर्ष का भारत: नैतिकता, अर्थव्यवस्था और मिसाल
Feb 05, 2022

75 वर्ष का भारत: नैतिकता, अर्थव्यवस्था और मिसाल

भारत अपनी ‘आर्थिक संरचना’ को इन नई हक़ीक़तों के हिसाब से �

A balance of forces: The very meaning of ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ in a war has changed. Ask the Americans
Feb 01, 2020

A balance of forces: The very meaning of ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ in a war has changed. Ask the Americans

Even short of nuclear war, it is open to debate if India, the preponderant South Asian military power, has the capacity to beat Pakistan at this juncture.

A battle between the known and the unknown in Argentina
Nov 10, 2023

A battle between the known and the unknown in Argentina

Argentina stands at a defining crossroads as it goes to the polls amid economic woes

A beef with the state
Apr 17, 2017

A beef with the state

The cow is a symbol of reverence for many in Indian society.

A beeline for the ballots in Kashmir
Jun 20, 2024

A beeline for the ballots in Kashmir

The high voter turnout in Kashmir Valley prompts the question: Does this indicate a return to normalcy, or is a more complex reality unfolding?

A belligerence towards Beijing that is unsettling
May 29, 2023

A belligerence towards Beijing that is unsettling

Washington’s hostility towards Beijing may bring benefits to India, but a breakdown in China-U.S. ties would be catastrophic for the world

A blueprint to evaluate digital governance
Apr 18, 2013

A blueprint to evaluate digital governance

Sooner than later, India will have to start evaluating its e-governance projects. And in the near future, the focus will shift to the outcomes of e-governance initiatives.

A bridge across the Palk Strait
Jan 28, 2015

A bridge across the Palk Strait

Earlier during his stint in office nearly 10 years back, Ranil Wickremesinghe had mooted the idea of building a bridge - literally - across the Palk Strait, linking his country to India. Now that he is back as prime minister and as part of a 'cohabitation arrangement' but through political consensus, unlike in the past, the two governments could consider reviving the proposal for mutual and greater benefits.

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits
Aug 07, 2023

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits

In India, the line separating social cost and benefit from private benefit and cost is blurred, leading to less than ideal outcomes for both citizens

A budget ‘like never before’?
Feb 01, 2021

A budget ‘like never before’?

It is for time to tell whether the suggested reforms will lead India to play a prominent role in the post-pandemic economic recovery.

A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies
Jul 13, 2023

A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies

India’s decarbonisation plans rest on its ability to generate green energy. Until then, the energy transition path till 2070 will remain at best, a

A century of giving up beef: Muslims demand nationwide ban on cow slaughter
Aug 12, 2019

A century of giving up beef: Muslims demand nationwide ban on cow slaughter

The majority of Muslim leadership in India has, all along, been always in favour of a nationwide ban on cow slaughter, but somehow successive regimes

A change in the Maldives
Sep 26, 2018

A change in the Maldives

India must seize the moment and rebuild the bilateral relationship

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener
Jun 05, 2023

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener

This Environment Day, India can focus on adopting an actionable framework that will ensure the creation of an agile, green, and resilient medical supp

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests
Sep 15, 2020

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests

New Delhi, Tehran and Moscow could coordinate their efforts on Afghanistan as the US exits

A Commando turns a Statesman?
Apr 19, 2005

A Commando turns a Statesman?

That is the question that should be uppermost in the minds of analysts as they analyse the outcome of Pakistani President Gen.Pervez Musharraf's visit to India from April 16 to 18, 2005, and compare it with his first visit in 2001, which ended in a fiasco at Agra.

A committee to 'administer' a 'market price' for gas
Feb 07, 2013

A committee to 'administer' a 'market price' for gas

Rationing of gas makes the development of a unified gas market impossible. This means the prevalence of a dozen price levels confounding all - buyers and sellers, and investors on both sides. The spin-off leaves India struggling with the most poorly developed gas infrastructure.

A Deal too Far?
Mar 02, 2006

A Deal too Far?

On the eve of President George W. Bush's visit to India and Pakistan, both sides are racing to complete the nuclear agreement announced in the July, 18, 2005 communiqué between Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the time he reaches

A decade later, is a 26/11 redux probable?
Nov 26, 2018

A decade later, is a 26/11 redux probable?

The 2008 terrorist attack came during a sustained period of high economic growth in India.

A digital direction for BIMSTEC
Oct 05, 2017

A digital direction for BIMSTEC

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) was formed to foster socio-economic cooperation between its seven member nations – India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The group signed a free trade agreement (FTA) in 2004, but the pact is still not operational due to the lack of consensus on certain key issues. Some members like India are keen to finalise the terms of t

A faltering corporate governance
Feb 23, 2022

A faltering corporate governance

SEBI’s recent retraction of the requirement of separating the roles of Chairperson and MD raises some key questions about India’s corporate govern

A flawed view
Mar 12, 2004

A flawed view

George Perkovich is of the view that India is not a major power today though it definitely enjoys a substantial measure of autonomy. The essence of his argument can be summarised as follows:

A foreign tour with  slightly different goals
Apr 09, 2015

A foreign tour with slightly different goals

Modi's visit to Germany and France will give him an opportunity to discuss key political issues relating to Ukraine and the Middle-East. India is feeling the indirect impact of the Russian estrangement from Europe as this has led to closer strategic ties between Moscow and Beijing.

A four-pronged approach to tackle air pollution
Sep 22, 2022

A four-pronged approach to tackle air pollution

A multi-stakeholder approach that includes actors such as the government, private sector, and community needs to be adopted to improve the air quality

A French Five-Course Meal
Feb 14, 2013

A French Five-Course Meal

India and France must start looking together at the region and the world. A Franco-Indian vision document could be a vital first step towards developing a cooperative framework for stability and security in the region. And the relationship must be purposeful, nimble and creative.

A Future without Nuclear Weapons
Nov 09, 2011

A Future without Nuclear Weapons

The elimination of nuclear weapons is a pre-condition for peace in the 21st century. This was the key message delivered by the Hon'ble Senator Douglas Roche, renowned campaigner for nuclear disarmament in his address to Indian experts at the ORF campus in New Delhi.

A growth budget all the way
Feb 20, 2013

A growth budget all the way

We really do not understand inflation stickiness in India since 2010. However, the silver lining is that oil prices may not rise any further following the shale gas revolution in the US. The Finance Minister can certainly do something about growth and possibly pray for lower inflation.

A Guarantee Of Continuity
Jun 24, 2024

A Guarantee Of Continuity

Modi’s re-election assures India’s allies that Delhi will play a leading role in shaping the new world order

A holistic understanding of Himalayan ecology
Jun 25, 2019

A holistic understanding of Himalayan ecology

The Indian Himalayan Region, spanning 12 Indian states, has long been absent from the centre stage of Indian policy.

A largely inconsequential Lakhvi
Apr 22, 2015

A largely inconsequential Lakhvi

Certainly, the Government of India should vehemently object to Lakhvi's release, as it has rightly done. But to expect that such objections will have any substantive impact on Pakistan, is silly. India must keep its guard up.