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The Obama visit and its geopolitical context
Feb 09, 2015

The Obama visit and its geopolitical context

If we accept the US to do something for us, we too have to be able to offer a quid pro quo, remembering that in international relations, national interests are supreme, sovereignty is (sometimes) equal but power and reach are not equal.

The Obama visit: A Perspective
Nov 27, 2010

The Obama visit: A Perspective

One of the most awaited and celebrated events of 2010 in India was the State visit of US President Barack Obama from November 6-8. Considerable amount of discussions and debates had taken place both before and during the visit.

The OIC and India: signals of a re-think
Feb 02, 2006

The OIC and India: signals of a re-think

On the eve of his recent visit to India, in an interview to an Indian newspaper, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia remarked that "India should have an observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference similar to that held by Russia." He added it would be "beneficial" if India's entry was proposed "by a nation like Pakistan."

The Omicron Update: Assessing early indicators in India
Jan 11, 2022

The Omicron Update: Assessing early indicators in India

While lockdown might not be necessary in this third wave, ensuring compliance with COVID-appropriate behaviours is a must to prevent any untoward cons

The Omicron variant: Weighing the severity
Feb 03, 2022

The Omicron variant: Weighing the severity

Have we learnt our lessons from experiences of countries across globe in handling the Omicron variant? Is India prepared enough?

The outliers who won the PM's post
Apr 16, 2014

The outliers who won the PM's post

If Narendra Modi becomes prime minister, he will join a select band of predecessors who can be called "outliers" - a scientific term used to describe phenomena which are outside the normal experience.

The outsourcing debate in the US elections
Aug 20, 2012

The outsourcing debate in the US elections

In the US presidential election, dominated by domestic issues and with little focus on foreign policy, outsourcing has emerged as a point of discussion. India is one of the top countries to which the US outsource work.

The Pakistani army planning something against India
May 08, 2015

The Pakistani army planning something against India

It is not the first time that the Pakistan army has accused the R&AW of fomenting trouble in Pakistan. India should be cautious of what lies behind this seemingly sudden provocation. The Pakistan army prepares the ground for a major attack against India and its assets by raising the pitch of allegations to whip up public support at home. This has been the case in the past, including the Mumbai attacks of 2008.

The pandemic and its effect on children in the Seychelles
Sep 14, 2021

The pandemic and its effect on children in the Seychelles

The Seychelles has taken proactive legislative steps to ensure that the pandemic’s impact on children is reduced

The Pandemic at 24 Months: An Assessment
Aug 14, 2023

The Pandemic at 24 Months: An Assessment

Two years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 14-24 million people have died worldwide due to the coronavirus or the chaos of lockdowns and other impacts. To a great extent, much of this current state of the world is due to human health being profoundly misunderstood and neglected in international relations and national politics. This brief discusses two principles that can help understand why this pandemic is not at an

The pandemic is ‘the’ moment. Hack yourself
Oct 13, 2020

The pandemic is ‘the’ moment. Hack yourself

If we are empowered enough, we can see order in chaos and focus our efforts on social innovation to ‘make things happen’ — but above all, we lea

The paradox that Obama confronts
Apr 29, 2014

The paradox that Obama confronts

The big paradox that the US confronts is the need to confront China and Russia at the same time. Clearly, even the mighty US does not have the energy and resources to do that. Beijing is, of course, quite self-confident because it is locked into the western economies and is, in that sense, sanctions proof.

The paranoia over Ford Foundation
Apr 28, 2015

The paranoia over Ford Foundation

There is an irony in the government's crackdown on Ford Foundation that seems to have escaped most observers. In the 1960s, the principal critics of the Foundation were the Indian Left. Now, the government and critics of foundations and NGOs fail to realise one thing. Now we are a self-confident, resilient society with institutions that have gained considerable depth. We are also a transparent and open society.

The permanent effects of the pandemic on the female workforce
Sep 22, 2021

The permanent effects of the pandemic on the female workforce

It is understood that not only gender equality suffers a setback when women leave the workforce, GDP suffers a blow as well

The place of Brazil at the vaccine line
Mar 11, 2021

The place of Brazil at the vaccine line

A deliberate strategy of not tackling the novel coronavirus from the start has left the pandemic out of control in Brazil.

The political pilgrim
Aug 02, 2014

The political pilgrim

Once Narendra Modi steps away from the minefield of Nepal's domestic discourse on the Hindu state, the Indian Prime Minister will find the shared Hindu and Buddhist heritage a solid foundation on which to build a new and lasting edifice of bilateral cooperation.

The politics of vaccines
Apr 30, 2021

The politics of vaccines

Direct criticism for scarce or expensive vaccines at the government, not the private sector

The power triangle in the India-Pacific region
Jul 09, 2012

The power triangle in the India-Pacific region

Strategists in New Delhi would have to factor in that a two front confrontation with Pakistan and China cannot be ruled out. US response in this case is an uncertainty. We need to remember that in the ultimate analysis, China is the resident power and the US is a distant power.

The pragmatic idealism of Nehru
Nov 20, 2014

The pragmatic idealism of Nehru

It is easy to criticise Nehru today. His priority then, as it remains that of our country today, is to take poor Indians out of poverty and protect the country's territorial integrity. Given the circumstances, he did not do a bad job, and he did it without murdering millions as was done in China, or overturning democracy, as was the case in many countries of the time.

The problem in Af-Pak is Pak
Dec 14, 2009

The problem in Af-Pak is Pak

The real American dilemma is to find allies in Islamabad who reduce and not multiply anti Americanism

The problem is not Islam, but a civil war within the faith
Jan 12, 2015

The problem is not Islam, but a civil war within the faith

The terrorists may be an extreme minority, but they have successfully coerced the majority?or, to be more accurate, enthralled them?into sympathy for them. They have successfully also intimidated a large number of writers, artists, journalists, film-makers, many of whom live in exile.

The problem of Kachin
Jun 14, 2012

The problem of Kachin

The impact of the Kachin conflict should also be evaluated in terms of Myanmar?s ties with other nations, especially Japan ? a nation that is one of the principal aid providers and architects of Myanmar?s path to development.

The problem with Teesta
Jun 18, 2014

The problem with Teesta

The Modi government needs to break from traditional, statist methods of conducting water diplomacy and distinguish itself by including the concerns of basin inhabitants on both sides to find a lasting solution to the Teesta issue.

The Process is Unwinding
Jul 12, 2005

The Process is Unwinding

It is time to conduct a reality check on the India-Pakistan peace process. In fact, there is a particular urgency for it. For, the peace process seems to have got hijacked by secessionist elements in Kashmir and Pakistan who never had any stakes in it.

The proof of the pudding is not in the import negative list
Jun 03, 2021

The proof of the pudding is not in the import negative list

A mismatch between words and actions will not only harm defence modernisation but also India’s fledgling defence industry.

The Quad’s Push for Global Vaccine Equity
Sep 24, 2021

The Quad’s Push for Global Vaccine Equity

Despite leveraging the strengths of the four Quad countries, the Quad Vaccine Partnership will still need to overcome several challenges to achieve th

The Quagmire of Pakistani Politics-will it last?
Jun 29, 2004

The Quagmire of Pakistani Politics-will it last?

The President of Pakistan had expected his handpicked Prime Minister, Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, to perform his bidding and strengthen his position. But President Musharraf was disappointed. He, therefore, felt that a change was essential in order to secure his own place and keep the other power players content.

The question of Arab unity and reform?
Apr 15, 2005

The question of Arab unity and reform?

¿Arise, ye Arabs, and awake!¿ was the seditious 19th century slogan of Arab nationalism in its infancy. It aroused them against the Ottoman rule but did not hinder the subsequent imperial designs of Britain and France. The moment of liberation became the start of newer forms of dominance.

The rape cases of 2012 & 2018 that shook the nation
Apr 16, 2018

The rape cases of 2012 & 2018 that shook the nation

The proximate political failures in both these cases are greater than in 2012, and require a more robust political response

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally
Dec 16, 2014

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally

By organising the two-day Lahore convention through Hafiz Sayeed and his Jihadi organizations of LeT and JuD, Pakistan wants to demonstrate that the people of Pakistan are not happy with the way the events have taken place in Kashmir.

The real issue in Pakistan's 'Kashmiri cause'
Dec 14, 2013

The real issue in Pakistan's 'Kashmiri cause'

It was evident at some of the various Track 2 dialogues a few years ago, where water from Kashmir was the issue that Pakistani delegates wanted to discuss saying that this could become the new flashpoint. Actually, water from rivers that flow through Kashmir has always been the real issue for Pakistan and not Kashmiris or their religion.

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 1
Mar 23, 2004

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 1

Once the US successfully built and used nuclear weapons to devastating effect to end the Second World War, other great powers of the time realized that the acquisition of nuclear weapons was essential to maintain their status. In 1970, after three decades of hectic developments,

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 2
Mar 24, 2004

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 2

The first part of this effort documented the various acts of omission and commission by the non-proliferation ayatollahs that led to the 1998 nuclear weapons testing of India, followed by Pakistan. However, the stark reality of the consequences of the dubious policies adopted by the NPAs towards Pakistani and Chinese proliferation came to light recently in the exposé of the Pakistan¿s ¿nuclear father¿ Dr.A.Q.Khan and his nuclear smuggling rin

The relationship between public green spaces and population in a city
Jan 19, 2022

The relationship between public green spaces and population in a city

For better quality of life, city planners need to take into consideration the additional population that will flow in due to greater urbanisation whil

The reopened Iraq debate
Feb 04, 2005

The reopened Iraq debate

Iraq is back in the headlines, loaded with euphoria. The electoral exercise has been undertaken; the results have yet to be announced. The running commentary on CNN on January 30 tended to suggest a near perfect exercise. No mention of course was made of the invasion, the occupation, the Iraqi dead, the reduction of Iraq to a stone-age condition, the falsehood of the pretext for war and the failure to find traces of weapons of mass destruction