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World Youth Skills Day 2022: Putting young India first
Jul 15, 2022

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Putting young India first

India has a formidable arsenal of digital skilling programmes for youth, but significant gaps remain, which are a cause of concern for young Indians,

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Upskilling the youth of India
Jul 15, 2022

World Youth Skills Day 2022: Upskilling the youth of India

To address the skill deficit, India needs to extend high technical and vocational courses to improve employability.

WTO's Bali Ministerial: What is in it for India?
Jan 15, 2014

WTO's Bali Ministerial: What is in it for India?

To be relevant, the WTO cannot keep postponing handling the major sticking points. It has to fulfill its agenda of ending rich country farm subsidies and tackle issues like rules governing intellectual property rights - things that regional FTAs are already dealing with.

WTO’s deadlock: EU’s trade duty dispute with India
Feb 29, 2024

WTO’s deadlock: EU’s trade duty dispute with India

The ongoing WTO dispute settlement between the EU and India could encumber India’s efforts to boost the domestic electronic product manufacturing se

Xi rises, India falters
Mar 20, 2018

Xi rises, India falters

New Delhi has no choice but to deftly manage Sino-Indian relations.

Xi's India trip: Time for a reality check
Sep 18, 2014

Xi's India trip: Time for a reality check

As Xi and Modi meet in first Ahmedabad and then in New Delhi, India has political and strategic issues that it will want China to respond to - the contested border and territorial issues, China-Pakistan cooperation on nuclear, missile, maritime and border infrastructure issues.

Xi's visit to Maldives: Should India worry?
Sep 29, 2014

Xi's visit to Maldives: Should India worry?

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit and accompanying independent agreements with Maldives and Sri Lanka, on undefined maritime issues and cooperation, have the potential for causing greater concern not only in India, but in the shared neighbourhood and beyond.

Xiamen BRICS Summit: A significant forward step for India
Sep 08, 2017

Xiamen BRICS Summit: A significant forward step for India

Modi and Xi tried to remove cobwebs and mistrust that have appeared in bilateral ties recently. It will, however, take much more than a single meeting

Yameen’s China deals: Need for India to revisit its IOR neighbourhood policy
Dec 12, 2017

Yameen’s China deals: Need for India to revisit its IOR neighbourhood policy

For New Delhi, the China FTA came as a surprise as less than a year earlier, Yameen had declared that Maldives’ first FTA, whenever signed, would on

Young Indians distrust China, Pakistan; rate pandemic, economy as big challenges
Aug 17, 2021

Young Indians distrust China, Pakistan; rate pandemic, economy as big challenges

The Observer Research Foundation first conceptualised the foreign policy survey last year to build on the existing strand of polling research in India. In December 2020, the poll sampled 2,037 Indians aged 18-35 from 14 cities

Young Voices Policy Forum: Detailed discussions on Indian foreign, security policies
Mar 05, 2014

Young Voices Policy Forum: Detailed discussions on Indian foreign, security policies

With the aim of bringing together some of the brightest young minds working on various issues of national and international importance, Observer Research Foundation has initiated a forum called the Young Voices Policy Forum.

YourStory: India’s premier destination for entrepreneurship journeys
Nov 10, 2020

YourStory: India’s premier destination for entrepreneurship journeys

Like everything else, technology and the internet have many strengths, creating many avenues for growth and new opportunities to innovate.

Youth and Radicalisation: The Threat to India
Sep 13, 2023

Youth and Radicalisation: The Threat to India

In common discourse on extremism, it is widely thought that the poor and unschooled are most easily recruited to militant organisations. Today, however, an increasing number of young professionals are embracing extremism. Is this true for India? If such a pattern is indeed present, what threats does it pose to India?

Yudh Abhyas: US’ high-altitude technologies and the Indian Army
Sep 03, 2022

Yudh Abhyas: US’ high-altitude technologies and the Indian Army

As the date for the Yudh Abhyas joint military exercise draws nearer, let's take a look at military technologies from the US that may benefit India.

Zardari's India visit: An assessment
Apr 07, 2012

Zardari's India visit: An assessment

When Dr. Manmohan Singh and Mr. Asif Ali Zardari meet in New Delhi on Sunday, they could productively focus on two important themes - one, looking at a number of agreements that could be clinched in the next few months. Two, to set a date for Dr. Singh's visit to Pakistan.

Zardari's India visit: Improve religious tourism
Apr 07, 2012

Zardari's India visit: Improve religious tourism

After Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) on India-Pakistan borders having almost failed, may be, hopefully, the high-profile pilgrimage of President Asif ali Zardari will play a role in making the visits of not-so-high profile ones less arduous and cumbersome.

Zero-hunger target for India: A far-off goal
May 27, 2022

Zero-hunger target for India: A far-off goal

A more holistic approach needs to be adopted for India to overcome its malnutrition challenge.

 Trickle-down Wage: Analysing Indian inequality from a gender lens
Jan 04, 2022

 Trickle-down Wage: Analysing Indian inequality from a gender lens

As women bear the brunt of the rising income inequality, the need for a positive policy change has become even more pronounced

​Advertisement hoardings in Indian Cities: ​ भारत के शहरों में विज्ञापनों की होर्डिंग
Jul 26, 2023

​Advertisement hoardings in Indian Cities: ​ भारत के शहरों में विज्ञापनों की होर्डिंग

विभिन्न नागरिकों द्वारा भारी संख्याओं में प्राप्त शिका�

‘Acting East’ through India’s subregions
Oct 24, 2017

‘Acting East’ through India’s subregions

India’s eastern subregions form its first geostrategic chain in the Indo-Pacific region. They have emerged as key strategic spaces for New Delhi to push forward its ‘Act East’ policy. As new opportunities open up, the evolving challenges warrant New Delhi to frame a regional strategy that focuses on the subregions as one single strategic arch. 

‘Freebies’ and Welfare Schemes: Setting a Framework for the Debate in India
Feb 16, 2023

‘Freebies’ and Welfare Schemes: Setting a Framework for the Debate in India

India has a long history of nurturing a social welfare regime whereby material goods are distributed to the poor and vulnerable populations of the country, helping uplift their socio-economic condition. However, many of such welfare goods are often called ‘hand-outs’ or ‘freebies’ that are promised or delivered based on electoral considerations; they are widely viewed as manipulative, aimed only at influencing electorates. The mas

‘Hybrid’ export growth models: Hope for India
Nov 02, 2019

‘Hybrid’ export growth models: Hope for India

Government advisory committees come with implicit constraints to stay within the limits of what is politically doable.

‘Prachanda’ visits India: New political cartographies being drawn?
Jul 26, 2022

‘Prachanda’ visits India: New political cartographies being drawn?

The growing ties between Nepal and India can be witnessed as the political parties of both these countries are eager to work closely on new initiative

‘Rediscovery’ of Europe: New avenues for the Europe-India partnership
Aug 09, 2018

‘Rediscovery’ of Europe: New avenues for the Europe-India partnership

Europe and India not only have similar concerns, but can also see the direct impact of BRI in their extended neighbourhoods in Eurasia and the Indian

‘Tiger Triumph’ tri-service exercise to consolidate US-India defence ties
Sep 24, 2019

‘Tiger Triumph’ tri-service exercise to consolidate US-India defence ties

Trump’s announcement of the first-ever tri-service US-India military exercise demonstrates his will to insulate US-India defence ties from bilateral

“Market coupling” in the power sector: Is India doing enough?
Feb 26, 2024

“Market coupling” in the power sector: Is India doing enough?

While India emphasises on harnessing the potential of integrated power exchanges, regional trends worldwide suggest “market coupling” as a concept

"H" is for high technology cooperation, not H1B visas
Mar 14, 2017

"H" is for high technology cooperation, not H1B visas

Donald Trump's policies on immigration and H1B visa present a unique opportunity for India and the US for conversation on technology cooperation.

"भारताच्या अर्बन मोबिलिटीचे विद्युतीकरण: आव्हाने आणि उपाय"
Jun 29, 2024

"भारताच्या अर्बन मोबिलिटीचे विद्युतीकरण: आव्हाने आणि उपाय"

भारताचे नागरीकरण येत्या दोन दशकांत झपाट्याने वाढणार आह�

#AIForAll: कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता के लिए केंद्रीय नियामक मुद्दे
Jul 29, 2023

#AIForAll: कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता के लिए केंद्रीय नियामक मुद्दे

कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता (Artificial Intelligence) के नियमन के वास्ते एक उपयु

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला
Sep 12, 2022

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला

विभिन्न राज्यों में पार्टिकुलेट मैटर के लिए पायलट ईटीएस

#ASAT एंटी सैटेलाइट हथियार: अंतरिक्ष के भविष्य के लिए असली ख़तरा
Oct 27, 2022

#ASAT एंटी सैटेलाइट हथियार: अंतरिक्ष के भविष्य के लिए असली ख़तरा

अंतरिक्ष में दुश्मन को नुक़सान पहुंचाने वाली ताक़त, जैसे

#Balochistan Conflict: बलूचिस्तान की आग में झुलस जाएगा पाकिस्तान
Jul 30, 2023

#Balochistan Conflict: बलूचिस्तान की आग में झुलस जाएगा पाकिस्तान

पहले बलूच मिलिटेंट टारगेटेड किलिंग करते थे, लेकिन अब सुसाइड बॉम्बिंग हो रही है और मिलिट्री कैंप पर हमले हो रहे हैं.

#China: 20वीं पार्टी कांग्रेस और चीन की कूटनीति के भविष्य का सफ़र
Jan 05, 2023

#China: 20वीं पार्टी कांग्रेस और चीन की कूटनीति के भविष्य का सफ़र

जहां तक चीन की कूटनीति की आगे की योजना की बात है, तो पिछली ब