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30102 results found

Chinese technonationalism: An era of “TikTok diplomacy”?
Oct 28, 2020

Chinese technonationalism: An era of “TikTok diplomacy”?

The politicisation of technology is not new. However, China’s ambitions in promoting homegrown companies at the expense of foreign competitors is br

Chinese views on India’s nuclear developments
May 09, 2023

Chinese views on India’s nuclear developments

China has not engaged in a nuclear dialogue with India despite India being a full-fledged nuclear weapons state; this is unlikely to change in the nea

Chinese views on the evolving dynamics of US-China-Russia ties
Feb 16, 2022

Chinese views on the evolving dynamics of US-China-Russia ties

The benefits from Russia-China relations outweighs the benefits that each could receive from their relationship with the US, however, uncertainty loom

Chinese cyber escalation against India’s electricity grid amidst the boundary crisis 
Mar 10, 2021

Chinese cyber escalation against India’s electricity grid amidst the boundary crisis 

Beyond defensive measures, New Delhi needs to step up efforts for a potent cyber offensive capability that can enable retaliatory strikes against Chin

Chinese strategy is clear: The world has much to think about
Feb 20, 2021

Chinese strategy is clear: The world has much to think about

The PRC perceives a natural and ineluctable shift of power from the West to the East.

Chink in the checker's board
Jul 10, 2017

Chink in the checker's board

The Chinese action in the Doklam plateau is the usual creeping barrage of aggression, presenting fait accompli.

Chip-ageddon? The Race to Ace Tech Sovereignty
Sep 26, 2021

Chip-ageddon? The Race to Ace Tech Sovereignty

From Taiwan and South Korea to China and the US and EU, the race towards manufacturing semiconductor chips has only just begun

Chips Act: अमेरिका और चीन के बीच तकनीकी अलगाव
Nov 08, 2022

Chips Act: अमेरिका और चीन के बीच तकनीकी अलगाव

अमेरिका का निर्यात नियंत्रण चीन को एक मज़बूत घरेलू सेमीक

Chip’s reshaping power dynamics
Aug 25, 2023

Chip’s reshaping power dynamics

Apprehensions of China gaining an advantage in the tech rivalry through unfair means weigh heavily on US threat assessments.

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?
Mar 11, 2024

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?

The Indian electricity market's future might incline towards renewable energy suppliers, possibly featuring specialised green providers.

Choosing the middle path for ‘middle power’
Jul 31, 2020

Choosing the middle path for ‘middle power’

As Jaishankar has pointed out, global shifts like the changing American role and increasing Chinese assertiveness have created more space for nations like India and Japan

Choppy waters: On the Italian marines decision
Jul 13, 2020

Choppy waters: On the Italian marines decision

Exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction over state officials — as India attempted to do so — is successful in very few cases, and depends on the

Jan 25, 2005


I have been in receipt of some mail from my readers asking for my comments on the reports carried by the "Washington Post" and the CNN TV channel of the US during the week-end regarding the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) of the USA setting up a new intelligence collection unit called the Strategic Support Branch (SSB), which has been operating in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries since 2002.

CIA'S Exasperation with Pakistan
Jun 21, 2005

CIA'S Exasperation with Pakistan

The exasperation of Porter Goss, the Director of the US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), with Pakistan's role in the hunt for Osama bin Laden and other remnants of the Al Qaeda, is evident from his remarks on bin Laden during an interview with the "Time" magazine which has been carried by it this week

Circa 2018: Digital dragon and lessons for Digital India
Jan 06, 2018

Circa 2018: Digital dragon and lessons for Digital India

To ride the next wave of innovation, India needs its own strategy. Its agenda for 2018 should be to leverage the hundreds of millions it brought onlin

Cities for Women: Taking stock of gender-sensitive urban planning and design
Dec 22, 2020

Cities for Women: Taking stock of gender-sensitive urban planning and design

Gender-sensitive planning will help mitigate adverse and unequal impacts — and build resilience.

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities
Nov 30, 2021

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities

All treatment facilities and protocols had a significant bias in favour of the ‘apartment-living citizen’, which is why the Dharavi model is so im

Cities with extreme deficits of quality of life
Oct 17, 2019

Cities with extreme deficits of quality of life

A city’s inability to offer infrastructures that enable life, such as drinking water, conditions of hygiene, electricity and other such life-enablin

Cities, not nation states, are likely to script the next age
Oct 16, 2017

Cities, not nation states, are likely to script the next age

It is almost certain that cities will script the story of our future. If India is to capitalise on this megatrend, it becomes essential for the country to engage in widespread and deep reforms, which go beyond infrastructure and focus on reforming governance mechanisms and empowering local government.

Citizen empowerment in urban local bodies
Oct 19, 2020

Citizen empowerment in urban local bodies

Unlike the ‘area sabha’ of the Nagar Raj Bill, the decisions of the ‘jan sabha’ were to be binding on the wards committee in regard to local w

Citizen Kalam: Fine mind, biggest heart
Jul 28, 2015

Citizen Kalam: Fine mind, biggest heart

In generations to come, India will no doubt produce finer minds; but it is unlikely to give us a bigger heart. More than his achievements as a missile and defence technologist, beyond governmental accomplishments and far removed from the prizes and honours he received, President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam touched human lives.

Citizens paying for private sector inefficiency
Jun 17, 2013

Citizens paying for private sector inefficiency

Privatised electricity distribution in Delhi completed ten years last June. Now an important question which we have to ask time and again is, why should the citizens pay for the inefficiency of the distribution companies? This is yet another public service that has become a score point for political parties, giving no relief to the ordinary citizen.

Citizenship (Amendment) Act set to be Maha alliance’s trial by fire
Dec 17, 2019

Citizenship (Amendment) Act set to be Maha alliance’s trial by fire

Uddhav Thackeray would need to show great maturity and statesmanship to keep the MVA partners glued together when the Centre unleashes NRC in Maharash

Citizen’s report on their city’s traffic congestion: Pune
Dec 08, 2023

Citizen’s report on their city’s traffic congestion: Pune

The Pune city police need to adopt appropriate measures to address the city’s traffic issues as per the suggestions made by the Pune Platform for Co

City gas distribution: The challenge of geography
Jun 20, 2024

City gas distribution: The challenge of geography

The claim of CGD network coverage for 98% of the population doesn't guarantee PNG access. It only indicates potential access and is entirely dependent

City heritage and flawed strategies
Mar 01, 2022

City heritage and flawed strategies

The heritage list needs to be curated keeping in mind the financial and administrative aspect of safeguarding such sites

Civil society and nuclear weapons policy
Jan 15, 2015

Civil society and nuclear weapons policy

At a conference on "Civil Society and Nuclear Weapons Policy", organised by ORF and Chatham House in Bangkok, there was a general consensus among participants that the emphasis should be given on raising awareness on the various hazardous impacts of the nuclear weapons explosion, especially in the nuclear weapons states.

Civil-military fusion for Atmanirbhar Bharat
Dec 31, 2023

Civil-military fusion for Atmanirbhar Bharat

Given India’s history and ethos, India must forge its own unique structures to achieve jointness and integration and civil-military fusion in the br

Civil-Military relations at a breaking point in Pakistan
Oct 23, 2021

Civil-Military relations at a breaking point in Pakistan

Will Prime Minister Imran Khan complete his term in light of current tensions between his administration and the military?

Civil-military relations in Independent India
Aug 15, 2022

Civil-military relations in Independent India

What explains India’s success in keeping the military out of politics, and how have civil-military relations fared in Independent India?