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1768 results found

The New Face of al-Qaeda in Pakistan
Oct 08, 2004

The New Face of al-Qaeda in Pakistan

The September 26 death of Amjad Farooqi, Pakistan's most wanted terrorist, reveals the new face of terrorism taking shape in the backwoods of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Killed after a five-hour gun battle with security forces in Sindh, Pakistan, Farooqi had a bounty of Rs 20 million (436,205 USD) on his head.

The new Pakistan army chief faces an uphill task of ensuring stability
Dec 12, 2022

The new Pakistan army chief faces an uphill task of ensuring stability

The tattered legacy left by predecessor Gen. Bajwa pushes Gen. Munir to mend the army’s tarnished image

The nuclear factor in the India–Pakistan relationship
May 09, 2023

The nuclear factor in the India–Pakistan relationship

Pakistan’s growing weakness could alter the nuclear dynamics in the subcontinent in the coming years

The Pakistan quagmire
Mar 03, 2022

The Pakistan quagmire

Pakistan’s economic instability accompanied by the growing crisis in Afghanistan has pushed it in a tight corner

The Pakistani army planning something against India
May 08, 2015

The Pakistani army planning something against India

It is not the first time that the Pakistan army has accused the R&AW of fomenting trouble in Pakistan. India should be cautious of what lies behind this seemingly sudden provocation. The Pakistan army prepares the ground for a major attack against India and its assets by raising the pitch of allegations to whip up public support at home. This has been the case in the past, including the Mumbai attacks of 2008.

The Pathos of Pakistan: With Article 370 gone, Pakistan loses its 'jugular vein' and its face
Aug 12, 2019

The Pathos of Pakistan: With Article 370 gone, Pakistan loses its 'jugular vein' and its face

Pakistan is cornered after India revoked Article 370. But it is still a time of great caution for India. We must watch the neighbour's moves, his begging bowl in one hand, dagger in the other.

The problem with Narendra Modi’s Pakistan policy is not ideology – but hubris and incompetence
Sep 24, 2018

The problem with Narendra Modi’s Pakistan policy is not ideology – but hubris and incompetence

His party claimed to be different from the effete government led by the Congress and its foreign policy therefore needs to be held to a higher standard.

The Quagmire of Pakistani Politics-will it last?
Jun 29, 2004

The Quagmire of Pakistani Politics-will it last?

The President of Pakistan had expected his handpicked Prime Minister, Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, to perform his bidding and strengthen his position. But President Musharraf was disappointed. He, therefore, felt that a change was essential in order to secure his own place and keep the other power players content.

The real issue in Pakistan's 'Kashmiri cause'
Dec 14, 2013

The real issue in Pakistan's 'Kashmiri cause'

It was evident at some of the various Track 2 dialogues a few years ago, where water from Kashmir was the issue that Pakistani delegates wanted to discuss saying that this could become the new flashpoint. Actually, water from rivers that flow through Kashmir has always been the real issue for Pakistan and not Kashmiris or their religion.

The Role of China-Made Frigates in the Pakistan Navy’s Power Projection Matrix
Jun 15, 2023

The Role of China-Made Frigates in the Pakistan Navy’s Power Projection Matrix

This brief evaluates the capabilities of the Chinese-origin frigates acquired by Pakistan, and explores the potential implications of their induction on the operational approach of the Pakistan Navy. The brief argues that the Pakistan Navy’s acquisition of Chinese-origin frigates must be viewed as part of its attempted transformation from a force adopting an offensive sea-denial strategy to one gearing towards enhanced regional

The Russia-Pakistan Rapprochement: Should India Worry?
Sep 13, 2023

The Russia-Pakistan Rapprochement: Should India Worry?

Russia and Pakistan have never really had warm relations. Following Pakistan’s independence in 1947, then Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan was invited by both the Soviet Union and the US. He chose to visit the US, mainly because the US had 2 more capacity to help Pakistan economically.

The SCO and the conflict between India and Pakistan
Dec 08, 2020

The SCO and the conflict between India and Pakistan

Organisations don’t exist on their own; they consist of participants, and their success or failure is determined by the extent to which the goals of

The state of democracy in Pakistan
Sep 15, 2022

The state of democracy in Pakistan

For Pakistan to become truly democratic, significant revamping of the country's structural scaffolding is necessary.

The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan and the defeat of state authority in Pakistan
Apr 20, 2021

The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan and the defeat of state authority in Pakistan

The TLP poses a challenge to the military-intelligence establishment as it continues to grow and gain popularity.

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan
May 13, 2020

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan

Despite the persistence and spread of the corona pandemic, China has managed to use cultural centres as a tool to maintain its influence and geopoliti

The ‘Crore Commanders’ of Pakistan army
Aug 30, 2020

The ‘Crore Commanders’ of Pakistan army

While post-retirement employment is not illegal, there are serious questions of propriety and conflict of interest that crop up, especially when the g

Three years of India-Pakistan border ceasefire: Stable and unsteady
Mar 19, 2024

Three years of India-Pakistan border ceasefire: Stable and unsteady

New Delhi is aware that Pakistan’s military establishment will continue its proxy war, nonetheless, it favours a ceasefire for as long as possible w

Three’s a crowd: United States and the Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship
Nov 07, 2022

Three’s a crowd: United States and the Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship

Afghanistan, for a long time, was a ‘point of convergence’ for the US and Pakistan, but in the changed reality post the US withdrawal from Afghani

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?
Jun 05, 2024

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?

Speculation is rife on both sides of the Radcliffe Line about a possible re-engagement between India and Pakistan. However, it remains uncertain wheth

Time to beat Pakistan at its own game
Sep 22, 2016

Time to beat Pakistan at its own game

Pakistan has been a master of conventional hybrid warfare, using allegedly non-state actors to torment India.

To be not talking to Pakistan is dumb
Oct 31, 2015

To be not talking to Pakistan is dumb

The Modi government appears to have abandoned the multi-pronged policy of its predecessor of simultaneously engaging Islamabad and dealing with cross-border terrorism. This government made a surprise beginning with the idea of promoting South Asian unity . But since then it has been fixated on countering terrorism at the cost of everything else, though Pakistani covert activity in India has seen a sharp decline since 2008.

To Build Bridges in Afghanistan, Deploy India-Pakistan Nation-Builders
Nov 01, 2010

To Build Bridges in Afghanistan, Deploy India-Pakistan Nation-Builders

Irrespective of how the 'Afghan Endgame' unravels in the coming months, it is safe to argue that stabilizing the war torn country will take decades, and much international help.

Transparent elections crucial to Pakistan
Feb 26, 2013

Transparent elections crucial to Pakistan

A free and fair election is critical for Pakistan to face the mounting challenges the country is grappling with, according to Mr Saad S Khan, a bureaucrat and scholar from Pakistan.

Trump's South Asia policy: India, Pakistan and China
Oct 06, 2018

Trump's South Asia policy: India, Pakistan and China

A year since the announcement of the new South Asia strategy, an attempt to break from the recurrent continuum has been evident. At least on two of the three accounts — with respect to Pakistan and India, the Trump administration has spurred a break from the past.

TTP-Pakistan peace talks: The pitfalls and their implications
Aug 18, 2022

TTP-Pakistan peace talks: The pitfalls and their implications

The fulfilment of TTP’s demand would indirectly help the Afghan Taliban achieve its expansionist position on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Two Blows to India-Pakistan Ties
Jul 16, 2011

Two Blows to India-Pakistan Ties

The latest terrorist attack on Mumbai and careless comments by an Indian minister on the scrapping of aids by the United States may set back ties with Pakistan.

UN committee pulls up Pakistan for racial discrimination
May 01, 2009

UN committee pulls up Pakistan for racial discrimination

Pakistan's record in fulfilling its international commitments to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination came under strong criticism when its periodic report on implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination came up for examination

Understanding India’s silence on the political crisis in Pakistan
Jun 16, 2023

Understanding India’s silence on the political crisis in Pakistan

Despite being the immediate neighbour, India has chosen to follow a no-reaction policy towards the ongoing turmoil in Pakistan

Understanding Jihadism in Pakistan
Jul 23, 2023

Understanding Jihadism in Pakistan

Pakistan is often accused of being a state sponsor of terrorism. This article bases itself in the belief that though the problem of ?Jihadism? may well have originated from some of Pakistan?s security paranoias, it is now assuming proportions far larger than Pakistan itself. At this stage, Jihadism will be a problem for Pakistan itself as much as for the rest of the world. At the same time, the ability of the Pakistani state to counter this pheno

Understanding the situation in Pakistan
Mar 11, 2009

Understanding the situation in Pakistan

Most experts who attended the focus group discussion on the situation in Pakistan at ORF felt that South Punjab is going to be next stronghold of terrorism in Pakistan

United Nations should be used to pressure Pakistan: Shashi Tharoor
Feb 22, 2011

United Nations should be used to pressure Pakistan: Shashi Tharoor

Drawing on his immense knowledge as a former UN career diplomat, Dr. Shashi Tharoor, suggested enforcement of various instruments of the United Nations to force Pakistan to comply with its counterterrorism commitments.

Unpacking Pakistan's economic meltdown
Jun 15, 2023

Unpacking Pakistan's economic meltdown

The likelihood of Pakistan defaulting on its foreign obligations this year appears more imminent than ever

Unravelling of ‘Naya Pakistan’
Apr 12, 2022

Unravelling of ‘Naya Pakistan’

Reveals continuing limitation of politics and Imran Khan’s failure to change it

US aid to Pakistan: the broader debate
Nov 02, 2010

US aid to Pakistan: the broader debate

There is little doubt that fragile states often need external assistance to survive. In the past decade Pakistan has become one such case. A struggling economy, chronic poverty, poor provisions of public services, internal violence

US contemplating reversal of its Pakistan policy
Jun 04, 2012

US contemplating reversal of its Pakistan policy

The United States is contemplating a total reversal of its highly ineffective Pakistan policy. This was stated by Prof Christine Fair, Assistant Professor at Georgetown University's Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service while delivering a talk on "The situation in the Af-Pak region" at Observer Research Foundation on June 4, 2012.

US Policy options in Pakistan
Oct 13, 2011

US Policy options in Pakistan

Pakistan will face severe consequences if they do not change their policies in dealing with terror networks, said Dr. Lisa Curtis during a talk on "US Policy Options in Pakistan" on October 13, 2011 at Observer Research Foundation.

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent
Aug 21, 2023

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent

The US has subjected Pakistan to a unilateral sanctions regime at several crucial junctures in the history of their bilateral ties. Though the reasons for cutting off economic and military aid to Pakistan have been contingent on strategic exigencies prevalent at different points in time and therefore not singular, countering Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions has been a recurring theme. It is widely believed that these sanctions have not been able to

US-India-Pakistan: The eternal triangle
Dec 27, 2012

US-India-Pakistan: The eternal triangle

The US needs Pakistan to withdraw from Afghanistan and Pakistan needs all the money it can get. Pakistan also dreads that if the US leaves without helping Pakistan get what it wants from the Indians now, which is a concession on Kashmir, they will never have another chance.

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)
Apr 07, 2023

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)

The US-Pakistan deal is as simple as it can get: Pakistan will cooperate with the US to hunt Al Qaeda and in return the US will not annihilate the Taliban which serves Pakistani strategic interests in the region.