Search: For - Elections

923 results found

Political  Iran
Jun 25, 2013

Political Iran

It is easy to be cynical about the elections in Iran to choose a new president. After all, the elected president does not dominate Iran's complex political system. That privilege belongs to the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. This does necessarily mean the current elections are inconsequential.

Political funding: How BJP and Congress compete for every piece of the pie
Apr 25, 2019

Political funding: How BJP and Congress compete for every piece of the pie

In 2018, the ruling party collected as much as 95% of the donations routed through the electoral bonds.

Politics in the garb of impeachment
Dec 19, 2019

Politics in the garb of impeachment

American society and polity remains as polarised as three years back when Trump was elected. If anything, the polarisation seems to have only increase

Politics of Naxalite violence in Andhra Pradesh
Nov 24, 2000

Politics of Naxalite violence in Andhra Pradesh

The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, announced on November 14, 2003 that the forthcoming mid-term elections to the State Legislature would be fought on the issue of ¿crushing¿ the Naxalites. He declared in Hyderabad, in the presence of the national media, that Naxalite violence was hampering development and progress in the State.

Portends from Polls-2011: Performance and accountability
May 13, 2011

Portends from Polls-2011: Performance and accountability

With the decisive verdicts in these Assembly elections, and more Assembly elections slated in Uttar Pradesh and a host of others States before 2014 general elections, the voter has put Governments and leaders on notice, when it comes to performance and accountability.

Post-US midterms: Biden’s focus on fighting gridlock
Nov 29, 2022

Post-US midterms: Biden’s focus on fighting gridlock

The US midterms augur a political future riddled with roadblocks

Promises behind the National Register of Citizens of India: Issues and challenges
Apr 30, 2019

Promises behind the National Register of Citizens of India: Issues and challenges

The BJP’s electoral fortunes in the ongoing elections will be a pivotal determinant in the implementation of the NRC across the country.

Protect rights of all, or it'll be drag on growth
Dec 28, 2017

Protect rights of all, or it'll be drag on growth

Democracy is about winning elections, forming stable governments, governing efficiently and ensuring justice.

Race recentred: Deepening political divide in the US
Jul 26, 2023

Race recentred: Deepening political divide in the US

How the recent SCOTUS decisions has brought race back to the forefront of the culture war in the US

RBI surprises all by not further raising the repo rate
Dec 20, 2013

RBI surprises all by not further raising the repo rate

The government is perhaps keen on projecting a welfare-oriented profile in which the poor are looked after. Prices, jobs, higher industrial growth and prospects of rapid economic recovery will remain the most important planks on which the next elections will be fought. The RBI's latest move of not raising the repo rate may also help in economic recovery.

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused
May 21, 2013

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused

The democratic transition in Pakistan has coincided with the last year of the UPA government's second term in India. As the government battles one controversy after another, the looming elections in 2014 may act as a distraction wherein improving relations with Pakistan may not be a priority for the government at present.

Record of Indian arms industry remains one of failure
Apr 11, 2013

Record of Indian arms industry remains one of failure

The demand for cash that all political parties have to contest elections has been the fountainhead that has created a bureaucratic, military and defence decision-making structure which ensures that we keep running at the same place when it comes to creating a vibrant military industry complex in the country.

Reimagining India-Nepal ties: The decade that was and the road ahead
May 21, 2024

Reimagining India-Nepal ties: The decade that was and the road ahead

As the current government in India completes its second stint in power, the timing is opportune to reflect on the trajectory that the bilateral relationship has taken up in the past decade

Rethinking Donald Trump
Sep 27, 2016

Rethinking Donald Trump

Is a Trump Presidency all that bad for the US or the rest of the world?

Revisiting AFSPA - Don't blame it for Kashmir problems
Sep 20, 2010

Revisiting AFSPA - Don't blame it for Kashmir problems

In Jammu and Kashmir, AFSPA has enabled us to create conditions wherein we could hold free and fair elections and allow the state to be run by its elected representatives. And what if such military operations had not been possible or successful?

Riding the tiger
Apr 18, 2019

Riding the tiger

With elections in progress we find that our choices are extremely limited.

Rise of the common man: The changing dynamics of Indian politics
Dec 30, 2013

Rise of the common man: The changing dynamics of Indian politics

It is now clear that Aam Aadmi Party will be the major contender in the Lok Sabha elections in the first quarter of 2014 and would give all other veteran parties like the Congress and the BJP a real challenge. The AAP could even halt the march of Narendra Modi towards Delhi.

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan
Aug 11, 2023

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan

To supplement the still lagging Afghan and ISAF security capabilities, alternative structures have been used or created, especially in rural or hard-to-reach areas. Two important groups among these are private security contractors (PSCs) and 'community defence' organisations or local militias. This paper assesses the impact of these entities on Afghan stability. Beginning March 19, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq, drawing both material an

Rollercoaster ride to White House
Oct 12, 2016

Rollercoaster ride to White House

Donald Trump's defiant performance in the tawdry second debate on Sunday has turned it into a rollercoaster

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?
Apr 16, 2019

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?

Good performance invites the curse of heightened expectations unless tempered by realism. The BJP manifesto fails to walk this tightrope.

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls
Sep 09, 2018

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls

Allegations against Hasina’s government include authoritarian governance, hounding of the opposition and rampant corruption. These issues and the India factor will dominate the electoral campaign.

Sheikh Hasina’s return to power in Bangladesh dogged by controversy
Jan 01, 2019

Sheikh Hasina’s return to power in Bangladesh dogged by controversy

By the standards of electoral practices in South Asia, incidents of violence in Bangladesh’s elections cannot be viewed as excessive. The allegations of malpractices cannot be dismissed outright since no election in Bangladesh has been free from these aberrations and violence.

Should parties announce PM candidates?
Jan 29, 2019

Should parties announce PM candidates?

The knowledge and understanding of the past and the fundamental of democratic practice do not put any constraints on political parties to declare thei

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?
Apr 23, 2024

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?

Peter Pellegrini’s recent presidential victory could mean Slovakia mirroring Hungary's stance on Ukraine, potentially troubling the EU

Some breathing space in Paris
May 09, 2017

Some breathing space in Paris

A strong European Union is in the interest of India, New Delhi can do its bit to support this process.

Some votes are more equal than others
Apr 18, 2019

Some votes are more equal than others

India’s voter turnout increased from 56.9% in 1980 to 66% in 2014. However, gaps remain.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 11
Mar 23, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 11

With the government declaring May 10 as the polling date for Provincial Council elections in the east, LTTE is worried about the outcome of the possibly "rigged" elections. The group has asked its parliamentary proxy, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to boycott the elections fearing a total rout in the predominantly Tamil majority area. On the other hand, the group has softened its stand on talking to the Rajapaksa government.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 12
Mar 30, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 12

On the domestic front, Sri Lanka remained engaged in the forthcoming Provincial Council elections. On the eastern front, various electoral alignments are being worked out. Bargaining is taking place among political parties to woo winnable contenders to their side.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 14
Apr 13, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 14

The much anticipated Constituent Assembly (CA) elections were held on April 10, 2008. Despite wide-spread apprehensions, the elections were peaceful, with people turning out in huge numbers to cast their votes.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 28
Jul 14, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 28

With the political parties failing to reach a consensus on nominating the President, the Vice-President and Chairman of the Constituent Assembly (CA), it became clear that the issue would be resolved only through elections, scheduled now for Saturday (July 19).

South Asia South Asia Weekly 35
Sep 01, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 35

Asif Ali Zardari, who led Pakistan People's Party (PPP) to victory in the February elections, became the 14th President of Pakistan by securing a majority in Senate, the National Assembly and three of the four Provincial Assemblies on Saturday (Sept.6).

South Asia South Asia Weekly 37
Sep 15, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 37

The Election Commission finalized October 8 as the polling day for the first-ever multiparty elections in Maldives. The decision followed the Majlis passing two crucial Bills, which have been hanging fire for quite some, preventing the holding of the elections.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 43
Nov 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 43

The historic second round of the presidential elections ended in the Maldives on October 8 with the victory of the Maldivian Democratic Party Alliance leader Mohamed "Anni" Nasheed. Known for his progressive views, Anni defeated his rival, the longest serving ruler in Asia,

South Asia Weekly 100
Nov 30, 2009

South Asia Weekly 100

Former General Sarath Fonseka, who played a major role in decimating the LTTE, has formally announced his presidential candidature for the elections to be held in January 2010. He is all set to take on the current presidential incumbent and his former mentor Mahinda Rajapaksa as a common opposition candidate.

South Asia Weekly 102
Dec 12, 2009

South Asia Weekly 102

Twenty-three candidates, including current President Mahinda Rajapaksa and former army general Sanath Fonseka, filed their nomination papers for the presidential elections to be held on January 26, 2010.

South Asia Weekly 94
Oct 18, 2009

South Asia Weekly 94

President Mahinda Rajapaksa-led ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party-United People's Freedom Alliance coalition won the southern provincial council elections with a heavy margin.

South Asia Weekly 99
Nov 22, 2009

South Asia Weekly 99

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has called for early Presidential elections, which would be held on January 23, 2010. Under the Sri Lankan Constitution, the President can call for an early election after the completion of four years out of his six-year term.

South Asia Weekly Report 77
Jun 22, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 77

Local council elections in the Northern Province districts of Vavuniya and Jaffna will be held on August 8. Though President Mahinda Rajapaksa assured free and fair elections, the opposition wants foreign observers to oversee the conduct of the elections.

South Asia Weekly Report 84
Aug 10, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 84

The ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party of the President Mahinda Rajapaksa recorded an emphatic win in the local council polls held in the turbulent northern areas of Sri Lanka. The elections, held just two months after the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of the Tamil Eelam (LTTE),

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XI; Issue 47
Nov 26, 2018

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XI; Issue 47

This week’s roundup from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 1
Jan 14, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 1

Our weekly roundups from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 19
May 16, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 19

Exploring Pakistan's human trafficking problem , India's declining political rhetoric and other recent developments from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 23
Jun 11, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 23

Exploring much needed political reforms in the Congress party, the judicial reforms in Maldives and other recent developments from South Asia.