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Does Kasuri's Message of Peace have Official Backing?
Jan 21, 2011

Does Kasuri's Message of Peace have Official Backing?

Indo-Pak relations appear to be on hold largely because of complications created by the Afghan situation. Part of the problem are Pakistani suspicions about Indian ambitions in Afghanistan. Former Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri believes there are misperceptions on both sides.

Does prudence belie reality?
Mar 19, 2010

Does prudence belie reality?

The moment finance minister Pranab Mukherjee announced a mere 4% nominal increase in defence budget pegged at Rs 1,47,344 crore for 2010-11, members of Indian strategic community started showing their frustrations.

Does South Asia exist?
Jun 19, 2008

Does South Asia exist?

The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) of Stanford University and the Observer Research Foundation, had co-sponsored a conference entitled "Does South Asia exist? - Prospects for Regionalism in South Asia." As the title suggests there was considerable and intense debate on this subject during the two-day conference.

Does the UN matter?
Nov 30, 2004

Does the UN matter?

Does the United Nations really matter when it comes to war and peace in the 21st century? To ask this question when long promised reform of the UN seems at hand ¿ the report of the High Level Panel appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan will be out on Thursday ¿ and India is stepping up its efforts to become a part of an expanded UN Security Council sounds heretical.

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?
Mar 15, 2008

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?

On the eve of the February 18 elections, no two people in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi were agreed on the certainty of elections taking place. Elections cannot take place, it was argued then, because the establishment will not risk an open-ended process which might produce inconvenient results. In the Pakistani context, the establishment has always meant the Army, the bureaucracy, big landlords and the United States.

Doesn't G20 need a Secretariat?
Sep 06, 2013

Doesn't G20 need a Secretariat?

With the IMF being viewed by developing countries with skepticism, the G8 unrepresentative of current global realities and the UN too large, the G20 has done well to fill the gap in an effective global governance model. And the effectiveness of the G20 as an international body would be greatly determined by the structure it chooses to pursue.

Dogfight over the MMRCA
May 07, 2011

Dogfight over the MMRCA

If the selection for MMRCA so far has shown emphases on technicalities, the final selection should primarily be based on more concrete benefits that either company offers. The final MMRCA award would also reflect the abilities of the MoD in processing such complex contracts in the future.

Doklam impasse: Why confrontation with the PRC matters
Jul 19, 2017

Doklam impasse: Why confrontation with the PRC matters

The current impasse has put India in a veritable hornets' nest, because New Delhi can neither forsake defending the territorial claims Bhutan has over

Doklam, Gipmochi, Gyemochen: It’s hard making cartographic sense of a geopolitical quagmire
Jul 21, 2017

Doklam, Gipmochi, Gyemochen: It’s hard making cartographic sense of a geopolitical quagmire

While India has been assertive in protecting interests it considers vital to its security posture in the region, New Delhi remain cagey when it comes to drawing lines on a map.

Domestic reform key to India’s rise
Jan 29, 2021

Domestic reform key to India’s rise

The geoeconomic benefits of working towards more robust growth, both now and in the future, are multiple.

Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4
Jan 21, 2022

Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4

Across the globe, more than 730 million women report ever having experienced some form of gender-based violence; those in low- and lower-middle-income countries are disproportionately affected. In the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the incidence of violence suffered by women in the hands of their intimate partners, owing to heightened stresses of loss of livelihood, disruption of social and protective networks, a

Don't blame it on China
Oct 17, 2013

Don't blame it on China

India has many reasons to nurse a nuclear grievance against China. For, Beijing's decision to arm Pakistan with nuclear weapons has given Rawalpindi the impunity to pursue cross-border terrorism against India. But Delhi has no reason at all to blame Beijing for its own failures on the nuclear policy front.

Don't count on emotion to boost ties with Dhaka
Jan 13, 2010

Don't count on emotion to boost ties with Dhaka

To explain the causes of the present unsatisfactory situation many in India would argue that a self-absorbed India has neglected its neighbourhood

Don't hyphenate Israel
Jun 15, 2015

Don't hyphenate Israel

Israel being India's most trusted ally in West Asia and among the three or four closest friends in the world, Prime Minister Modi's visit to Israel needs to be a standalone, a single country trip. The India-Israel relationship is important enough, even sacred enough, to merit that respect.

Don't leave spies out in the cold
May 01, 2013

Don't leave spies out in the cold

At first sight, it would appear that Sarabjit Singh's case, which dates to 1990, may fall in the category of Indian involvement. But other evidence suggests the case against him is weak. There are also reasons to believe that Sarabjit's was a case of mistaken identity

Donald Trump's decision to cancel 'secret' talks with the Taliban
Sep 09, 2019

Donald Trump's decision to cancel 'secret' talks with the Taliban

Trump's move is likely to be temporary, as he is keen to show that he has upheld his election commitments.

Donald Trump’s review could help India nuance its nuclear doctrine
Feb 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s review could help India nuance its nuclear doctrine

No one believes that India would wipe out Lahore, if Pakistan used a low yield nuclear weapon against an Indian military formation, and that, too, in Pakistan.

Don’t have unrealistic demands from Sunak
Oct 31, 2022

Don’t have unrealistic demands from Sunak

The bilateral relationship is growing due to a newfound convergence in their strategic orientation. Let’s not burden Sunak with unrealistic expectations.

Dotcom bubble, version 2.0
Oct 17, 2015

Dotcom bubble, version 2.0

Is the digital economy about digitising the real economy, society and governance - or is it simply a valuation game? The question is particularly valid as a series of digital and e-commerce companies have totted up impressive funding without knowing how to build a sustainable business model.

Double jeopardy of inflation and IIP slowdown
Oct 18, 2022

Double jeopardy of inflation and IIP slowdown

This double whammy will pose a challenge to those at the bottom of the income pyramid

Double-talk on development?
Dec 14, 2011

Double-talk on development?

Controversies over the safety of the Mullaperiyar dam in Kerala and Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu, development issues regarding Sangur and Nandigram in West Bengal have exposed the political double talk on the excuse of people's concerns.

Doubting Delhi
Jan 08, 2013

Doubting Delhi

From America to Bangladesh and Australia to Europe, those who bet on big breakthroughs with India in the last few years can't hide their disappointment at its seeming inability to seize the opportunities at hand. It is up to Delhi to prove that the concerns of its friends and partners around the world are misplaced.

Doubts over a successful security transition
Feb 09, 2012

Doubts over a successful security transition

Recent announcements detailing the probability of an early NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan are not realistic, given the ground realities in the country. Lt-Col Daniel Davis in his article 'Truth lies and Afghanistan' speaks of a misleading picture presented by US leaders.

Douse the anger within
Apr 15, 2019

Douse the anger within

While the Government continues to celebrate the armed forces’ performance for electoral gains, it will do well to remember that the basic tenet of warfare is that the man behind the gun matters more than the gun. Its failure to grant non-functional upgrade is all the more hurtful

Dousing flames in #Kashmir
Aug 17, 2016

Dousing flames in #Kashmir

Role of media, civil society, political parties and business are significant in addition to Central and State governments in dousing the flames in Kas

Downturn demystified: Decoding the slowdown in the Indian economy
Sep 04, 2019

Downturn demystified: Decoding the slowdown in the Indian economy

Even though the government seems to be addressing concerns ailing the economy, the slowdown seems to be deeper than what the numbers suggest.

Do’s and Don’ts for India in Sri Lanka’s politico-economic crises
May 13, 2022

Do’s and Don’ts for India in Sri Lanka’s politico-economic crises

As the Sri Lankan crisis worsens with every passing hour, India could help the Sri Lankan state by extending further economic assistance.

Dr Jagdish Sheth predicts New Asian currency
Jul 21, 2008

Dr Jagdish Sheth predicts New Asian currency

World renowned management professor and author, Dr. Jagdish Sheth, delivered a lecture on "The Tectonic Shift: The New Geoeconomic Reality" at Observer Research Foundation. Dr. Sheth, Professor of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School, Atlanta, USA, and the author of 'Chindia Rising: How China and India will benefit your business' forecast a new geo-economic reality in the world driven by markets of emerging nations.

Dr. S. Jaishankar’s Inaugural Address at BRICS Academic Forum 2021
Aug 04, 2021

Dr. S. Jaishankar’s Inaugural Address at BRICS Academic Forum 2021

Address by External Affairs Minister at the inaugural session of BRICS Academic Forum 2021.

Dragon’s descent: Potential surge of Chinese investments in southern Bangladesh
May 03, 2024

Dragon’s descent: Potential surge of Chinese investments in southern Bangladesh

While Chinese investments can help in developing southern Bangladesh, it will create ripples in the geopolitics of the Bay of Bengal

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism
Jul 10, 2013

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism

The 'Elavarasan episode' in Tamil Nadu is a product of an electoral malady for which the political class would only offer words, not pro-active solutions. With greater educational opportunities and industrialisation nearer home rewriting the face of caste equations, the problem has worsened.

Drawing lines in the water
Jul 14, 2014

Drawing lines in the water

There are unlimited possibilities for strengthening maritime cooperation with Bangladesh and Myanmar - ranging from joint scientific research to environmental monitoring and from major trans-border projects to trilateral naval exercises. If Delhi decides to play for small stakes in the Bay of Bengal, it will deal itself out of the emerging great game in the east.

Drawing the boundaries: Ideal ingredients of a Space Code
Jan 04, 2013

Drawing the boundaries: Ideal ingredients of a Space Code

Given the enormity of challenges, there is a need for all the space-faring powers to unite in this exercise. It is important for India and others to debate and decide on what it thinks the norms should be and what sort of future it wants to achieve in space.

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India
Apr 13, 2020

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India

The relationship between China and Pakistan has been a major hurdle in India’s membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Drifting apart: Maldives’ growing ties with other countries
Jan 27, 2024

Drifting apart: Maldives’ growing ties with other countries

Normalising India-Maldives ties to whatever extent possible now depends on the ability of the political leadership in the two countries

Driving Across the South Asian Borders: The Motor Vehicle Agreement Between Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal
Sep 04, 2015

Driving Across the South Asian Borders: The Motor Vehicle Agreement Between Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal

The benefits of strengthening physical connectivity in a geographically contiguous region are increasingly being recognised. These links are expected to increase economic activity and people-to-people interaction, leading in turn to regional and sub-regional integration. In this backdrop, the Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) signed among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal is expected to facilitate cross-border movement of vehicles, thereby reducing

Driving the G20’s Climate Agenda: Priorities for India’s Presidency
May 01, 2023

Driving the G20’s Climate Agenda: Priorities for India’s Presidency

India has assumed the G20 presidency at a critical and opportune time in history, even as the half-yearly report card indicates that consensus-building in the grouping has been more difficult than India may have expected. This brief identifies six areas where India can manifest its capability to lead the building of an effective and plausible climate action plan. Globally, championing the tracking of per-capita emissions and fossil fuel-b

Drones are welcome, but where's the policy framework?
Jan 15, 2015

Drones are welcome, but where's the policy framework?

The Delhi police proposal to use drones for day-to-day law and order activities is bound to fail unless it is accompanied by a regulatory and manufacturing ecosystem for unmanned aerial vehicles

Drones: Guidelines, regulations, and policy gaps in India
Mar 05, 2018

Drones: Guidelines, regulations, and policy gaps in India

Technology affects us in positive ways yet can also be disruptive; such is the case with Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA or more commonly known as drones). While drones are proving to be useful for military, commercial, civilian, and even humanitarian activities, their unregulated use carries serious consequences that need to be addressed. This paper examines drone operations in India and analyses the major policy gaps in the country’s evolving

Droning on; but miss the real source of terror
Jun 27, 2012

Droning on; but miss the real source of terror

Neither the drone attacks - a significant technological innovation in air power - nor direct cross-border military raids address the ultimate source of terror, the Pakistan army. They merely target the manifestation of the problem.