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Russia not happy with India's efforts to diversify nuclear partners
Dec 21, 2012

Russia not happy with India's efforts to diversify nuclear partners

Despite efforts, Indo-Russian nuclear engagement has been limited, mainly because of two factors. One, there is an unstable status of legal framework for the transfer of nuclear technology and second, India's efforts to diversify nuclear partners have been a little upsetting for Russia.

Russia's ISIL challenge in the North Caucasus
Jul 09, 2015

Russia's ISIL challenge in the North Caucasus

Russia has been dealing with extremism within its borders for several years. So it is not exactly unprepared for whatever threat ISIL currently poses. However, there is a degree of complacency that has set in.

Russia-Pak relations: Beyond Putin's cancelled trip to Islamabad
Oct 03, 2012

Russia-Pak relations: Beyond Putin's cancelled trip to Islamabad

While Russia is aware of Islamabad's role in fomenting international terrorism, it realises that any successful resolution of the problems associated with Afghanistan must involve Pakistan. A cancelled presidential visit cannot change the relevance of this, or of Russia's goal, in enhancing ties with Pakistan.

Russia-Turkey deal and geo-politics of gas
Dec 30, 2014

Russia-Turkey deal and geo-politics of gas

At a time when it is facing Western sanctions and a proxy war on oil prices, Russia sprang a huge surprise early this month by signing a gas deal with Turkey. The deal will enable Russia to pump natural gas into a Turkish hub, near the Turkey-Greece border and from there into the southern EU market.

Russia-Ukraine War: यूक्रेन संकट के प्रति नेपाल की प्रतिक्रिया!
Jul 31, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: यूक्रेन संकट के प्रति नेपाल की प्रतिक्रिया!

क्या नेपाल अपनी गैर संरेखण नीति को छोड़ रहा है और वेस्टर्न

Russia-Ukraine War: रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच जारी युद्ध को रोकने की कोशिशें कहां हो रही हैं?
Jul 26, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच जारी युद्ध को रोकने की कोशिशें कहां हो रही हैं?

रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच जारीwar को समाप्त करने और शांति स्थाप�

Russia-US deal puts Syrian rebels back to "minus one"
Sep 21, 2013

Russia-US deal puts Syrian rebels back to "minus one"

The Syrian rebels are not back to square one, but to minus one. They have been outsmarted by the Assad regime, just as the Russians outsmarted the Americans.

Russia-Vietnam cooperation in the Asia Pacific
Aug 02, 2013

Russia-Vietnam cooperation in the Asia Pacific

While Russia has been very careful of not antagonising China, which has emerged as Moscow's second largest trading partner in the Asia-Pacific, Beijing is uncomfortable by the nature of Moscow's involvement in Hanoi.

Russian Boost To Kyoto Protocol
Jun 07, 2004

Russian Boost To Kyoto Protocol

Humanity depends heavily on the various benefits that nature provides us. It's impossible to truly estimate its value. However, economists and environmental scientists have estimated in dollars what it would cost us to accomplish the services nature provides. Using multiple databases, they estimate that nature provides $33 trillion dollars worth of services every year¿that's nearly twice the annual Gross National Product (GNP) of all the countri

Russian Far East & opportunities for India
Jan 31, 2014

Russian Far East & opportunities for India

If the Indian government appropriately leverages Russia's goodwill, Russian Far East could turn out to be a growth area for Indian business. Innovatively implemented, India's ties with the Russian Far East could help cement Indo-Russian relations as well as bolster its ties with Central Asia and East Asia.

Russian pipeline
Jul 16, 2014

Russian pipeline

Given its vast coastline, Delhi should devote its attention for now to importing hydrocarbons by sea, investing in equity oil in Russia and other energy-rich countries, and concluding swap arrangements rather than grandiose transregional pipelines.

Russia’s Demographic trajectory: dimensions and implications
Jul 24, 2023

Russia’s Demographic trajectory: dimensions and implications

Demographic trends in Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 have largely been unfavourable. Deaths exceeded births for the first time in 1992, and a period of negative growth followed which continued unabated until 2012 when marginal growth was achieved for the first time in two decades. This paper studies the demographic patterns in Russia since 1991, which are unique for several reasons. While population decline is common amo

Russia’s manoeuvring of conflicts for enhancing military exports
Dec 01, 2016

Russia’s manoeuvring of conflicts for enhancing military exports

Contrary to Western assessments that Russia’s military intervention in Syria would only deepen the economic crisis it is already facing in lieu of conflicts

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change
Aug 20, 2020

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change

This paper outlines the development of Russia’s relations with the countries of Southeast Asia, focusing on the years after 2014. As relations with the West reached a new post-Cold War low, Moscow has intensified its efforts at building stronger ties with the East. The paper deals with the impact of these developments on the state of its political, economic and defense engagement in Southeast Asia, both bilaterally and multilaterally. It will s

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China
Oct 25, 2019

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China

Right from 1947, big powers have had their geopolitical interests in South Asia.

S-400 missile systems: A booster dose with side effects
Dec 04, 2021

S-400 missile systems: A booster dose with side effects

It is within the US’ interests to not sanction India for the acquiring of the Russian missile system, considering both India and the US would like t

SAARC 'A Non Starter
Dec 08, 2004

SAARC 'A Non Starter

SAARC conjures up an image of jamborees and no results. The South Asian Association of Regional cooperation with its seven members ( India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh) remains one of the most dysfunctional trade blocs and there is hardly any freedom of movement of goods, services and people. The next (13th) SAARC summit is going to be held in Dhaka in the beginning of January 2005.

SAARC countries need to do much more to fight terrorism
Mar 20, 2012

SAARC countries need to do much more to fight terrorism

India has said that the regional efforts to counter terrorism in South Asia continue to face significant challenges though there are various SAARC frameworks on suppression of terrorism since 1987.

SAARC energy agreement: What should be the next steps?
Dec 08, 2014

SAARC energy agreement: What should be the next steps?

The SAARC energy agreement signed may have given some hope for the realisation of energy cooperation in South Asia. But, it needs to be understood that an overarching agreement has little impact on project-based cooperation, owing to the centrality of India in the South Asian geography.

SAARC should focus on higher education
Jun 23, 2005

SAARC should focus on higher education

Amb M Rasgotra, International Affairs Adviser, Observer Research Foundation, and former Foreign Secretary of India, was invited as Chief Guest at the Convocation of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lnaka, held on June 23, 2005. The complete text of his Convocation Address is reproduced below:

SAARC Summit: Finally, some positive movements
Nov 18, 2011

SAARC Summit: Finally, some positive movements

The 17th SAARC Summit was held at Addu Atoll, Maldives on the 10th and 11th of November 2011. The venue, in the words of the Bhutanese Prime Minister, reflected the vastness of South Asia.

SAARC Summit: Long term opportunities and immediate threats
Nov 24, 2014

SAARC Summit: Long term opportunities and immediate threats

Despite SAARC's failures of the past, the repeated declarations by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the need to reinvigorate ties with neighbouring states have created a renewed interest in the possibilities of multilateral cooperation under SAARC.

SAARC: 'Challenge to do even better'
Nov 18, 2011

SAARC: 'Challenge to do even better'

The 17th SAARC Summit, held on 10-11 November at Addu City in Maldives, will be remembered for three things - for the inspiring speech of the outgoing Chair,

SAARC: Balancing regional realities, global modalities
Dec 06, 2014

SAARC: Balancing regional realities, global modalities

In context of SAARC, the reality of the situation demands that India handles Pakistan separately. India also has to approach the rest of SAARC neighbours with a more accommodative mind-set. Such mind-sets cannot be confined to sharing history and culture, economic prosperity and development-spending.

SAARC: The Way Ahead
Sep 15, 2023

SAARC: The Way Ahead

SAARC is nearly 30 years old yet is still weak. Today, South Asia is one of the world's least integrated regions. Members have weak economic ties, issues of national identity persist, and political tensions remain. What lies ahead for SAARC?

Sabarmati Summit
Sep 17, 2014

Sabarmati Summit

Hard-nosed realists around the world are impressed with Modi's diplomatic flair seen during his visits to Nepal and Japan. But they ask if Modi can go beyond the atmospherics and bring about a substantial change in the relationship with China. Here again, Modi has the opportunity to introduce change.

Same same, but different
Mar 27, 2015

Same same, but different

The buzzword across three principal Asian countries � India, China and Japan � is 'reform'. While the test for China is tough enough, the challenge for India is far tougher. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has promised "the most drastic reforms since the end of the Second World War".

Sanctions on Myanmar will not work
Oct 18, 2007

Sanctions on Myanmar will not work

Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a brainstorming session on "Possible Approaches for India's policy towards Myanmar" on October 18, 2007. The meeting discussed a gamut of issues including India's Myanmar policy, sanction regime, the China factor, Myanmar's political transition, and international community's response to the recent uprising in Myanmar.

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran
Mar 04, 2013

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran

To understand the different aspects of the Iranian nuclear programme and its impact on the region, especially India, Observer Research Foundation, in collaboration with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), organised a workshop on March 4, 2013.

Sanders narrows down the gap with Clinton
Jul 08, 2015

Sanders narrows down the gap with Clinton

Unlike the crowded and competitive Republican presidential nomination field, the Democratic field, for a long time, looked empty with only Hillary Clinton. The strong entry of Sanders in the Democratic nomination has given the American voters a fair choice between Clinton and Sanders' respective brands of politics.

Sankararaman Murder Case: What's happening?
May 05, 2005

Sankararaman Murder Case: What's happening?

In yet another bizarre turn to the Sankararaman murder case, the Tamil Nadu police have arrested Mutt manager Sundaresa Iyer and junior pontiffs brother Raghu under the anti-drugs law. They have now been charged with conspiring to murder construction contractor Ravi Subramaniam, who has turned approver in the Sankararaman murder case,

Sauce for the goose but not for the gander
Mar 02, 2010

Sauce for the goose but not for the gander

Showing images of attacks on US soldiers in Iraq is a crime? In what category do we then place the complete destruction of what was once Mesopotamia, one of the world's earliest civilizations?

Saudi Arabia steps up anti-terror fight
Mar 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia steps up anti-terror fight

Over the last few years, Delhi has found Riyadh more forthcoming in tracking down terrorists of concern to India. As the Kingdom enters a more decisive phase in their war against terror, the prospects for security cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia are likely to improve.

Saudi Arabia-Iran: Resilient animosity?
Jun 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia-Iran: Resilient animosity?

Even as the 'Arab Spring' confrontations develop a sectarian character, the Saudi-Iranian relationship cannot be perceived through the dichotomous lens of sectarianism or of pragmatism. The evolving relationship between the two states incorporates both elements

Saudi Arabia: A nation in turmoil
Jul 16, 2004

Saudi Arabia: A nation in turmoil

¿Unlike in Egypt, Algeria and Yemen, no well¿defined group engaged in sustained terrorism has emerged in Saudi Arabia¿i. A lot has been said and written about Saudi Arabia¿s role in the largely defunct ¿war on terror¿. The ruling family of the House of Saud has been an unabashed US ally in the campaign to hunt out terrorists.

Saudi succession
Jan 07, 2015

Saudi succession

The NDA government has not devoted sufficient attention to the Middle East in 2014. As New Delhi turns to the Gulf in 2015 and tends to its high stakes in the region, an intensive engagement with Saudi Arabia must be at the top of PM Narendra Modi's diplomatic priorities.

Saudis in Pakistan
Jan 10, 2014

Saudis in Pakistan

Amidst the growing distrust of the US and the absence of domestic capabilities to confront a rising Iran, the Saudis are determined to strengthen their regional alliances, especially the historic partnership with Pakistan.

Saving fish, fishing and fisheries
Dec 31, 2013

Saving fish, fishing and fisheries

In seeking 'Scheduled Castes' identity, fishers across India, including those in southern Tamil Nadu coast, need to acknowledge the double-edged weapon that court orders have been in conferring 'tribal rights' on land-based SC communities.

Science & Technology Challenges for India
Jul 05, 2005

Science & Technology Challenges for India

Recongnising the pivotal role of technology in ensuring India?s emergence as a global player, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, has launched a ?Technology Initiative?. As the first event, a one-day workshop on ?Science & Technology Challenges for India? is being hosted on May 7, 2005. The workshop brings together renowned professionals to evolve collective, cohesive thinking on issues of significance to India?s S&T performance and as

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech
Jan 17, 2024

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech

This issue brief examines the complex interplay between science fiction and technology development in the age of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and brain-computer interfaces. As the line between science and fiction continues to blur, this brief argues for strategically using science fiction narratives to inform and guide technology development and policymaking. Drawing upon historical precedents of scien

SCO Summit: A Russian perspective
Jun 22, 2017

SCO Summit: A Russian perspective

Moscow is interested in continuing the SCO's expansion — primarily by making Iran a member.