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R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture:  Building Partnerships for Lasting Peace in South Asia
Dec 29, 2011

R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture: Building Partnerships for Lasting Peace in South Asia

The Third R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture was delivered by His Excellency Mr. Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on October 5, 2011 in New Delhi. Outlining his vision for a peaceful and stable South Asia, President Karzai stressed that all the regional players would have to work together towards achieving this goal. This is the text of the lecture and proceedings of the event.

Rajapaksa’s dysfunctional regime in Sri Lanka and its impact on South Asia
Sep 23, 2021

Rajapaksa’s dysfunctional regime in Sri Lanka and its impact on South Asia

How the island nation’s security conundrums will worsen an already threatened South Asia post the reemergence of the Taliban

Reading Donald Trump’s choices in South Asia
Apr 20, 2017

Reading Donald Trump’s choices in South Asia

India and the US remain on the same page in tackling the Afghanistan problem.

Redefining ‘power’ in South Asia: An assessment of the Kathmandu-Delhi-Dhaka nexus
Aug 25, 2023

Redefining ‘power’ in South Asia: An assessment of the Kathmandu-Delhi-Dhaka nexus

In an evolving demand-supply equilibrium in South Asia, India is now emerging as an invisible hand that is facilitating economic integration, trade, a

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown
Jul 10, 2015

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown

An examination of the prospects for al-Qaeda following the US drawdown in Afghanistan and the likely threats which the region, and India in particular, might face in the future. A supplementary scrutiny of ISIS, and the group's possible expansion in the region, is also proffered.

Resurgent Russia joins great game in South Asia
Mar 29, 2017

Resurgent Russia joins great game in South Asia

South Asia's foreign policy calculus is increasingly complex as Russia steps up to vie for power with the US

Rethinking Regionalism: The idea of China-South Asia Trans-Himalayan regional cooperation
Dec 12, 2019

Rethinking Regionalism: The idea of China-South Asia Trans-Himalayan regional cooperation

Even as globalisation has succeeded in creating a closely connected world, its biggest failure may yet be that it could not produce a stable world. Today there is a widely held view that organising the world regionally may be complementary to globalisation, if not serve as a replacement altogether. Other analysts consider the relationship as more tangled, debating whether to view regionalism as a stepping stone to globalisation or as a stumbling

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?
Jul 26, 2019

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?

Trump’s comments on Kashmir during Imran Khan’s visit may reflect the US undoing its India-Pakistan dehyphenation policy.

Reviewing the evolution of pro-Islamic State propaganda in South Asia
Jan 06, 2022

Reviewing the evolution of pro-Islamic State propaganda in South Asia

The Afghanistan crisis has given new platforms fuel to push pro-IS propaganda in South Asia

Rupee going global: Acceptable for South Asia?
Apr 04, 2023

Rupee going global: Acceptable for South Asia?

India’s efforts to make the rupee a global currency seems to bode well with its neighbours but there is still a long way to go

Rural Development & Energy Policy: Lessons from Agricultural Mechanisation in South Asia
Jul 22, 2023

Rural Development & Energy Policy: Lessons from Agricultural Mechanisation in South Asia

The purpose of this paper is to reopen policy debates on the role of agricultural mechanisation in rural development. The paper examines very different and diverse patterns of agricultural mechanisation in some South Asian countries over the last 30 years

Russia is re-emerging in South Asia
Feb 23, 2024

Russia is re-emerging in South Asia

Desperate to get around international isolation and seeking to co-opt new ‘friendly states’, Moscow seems ready to make allowance for the region�

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China
Oct 25, 2019

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China

Right from 1947, big powers have had their geopolitical interests in South Asia.

Shared Cultures and Heritage for Conflict Resolution A South Asian Perspective
Jul 11, 2012

Shared Cultures and Heritage for Conflict Resolution A South Asian Perspective

This is an edited version of the talk given by Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne, a well known historian and archaeologist from Sri Lanka, at ORF on April 9, 2012. Prof Seneviratne, currently Professor of Archaeology at the University of Peradeniya, Colombo, has carried out pioneering research in the field of archaeology and is a widely respected speaker on the subject.

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round
Dec 03, 2021

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round

In the ongoing contest between China and India for influence, New Delhi has made some gains in the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Sino-Indian jostling in South Asia
Jan 22, 2018

Sino-Indian jostling in South Asia

With help from the Belt and Road Initative, China strives to compete with India for influence throughout South Asia

Situating South Asia in the US response to transnational threats and Islamic militancy
Aug 26, 2015

Situating South Asia in the US response to transnational threats and Islamic militancy

The rise of Islamic State does pose a strategic threat to South Asia, although the influence might not be direct, according to Prof. Stephen Tankel of American University. He says since the decline of the Al Qaeda senior leadership in Pakistan, the IS has emerged a source of new leadership.

Sri Lanka’s role in Sino-Indian competition in South Asia
Jan 28, 2020

Sri Lanka’s role in Sino-Indian competition in South Asia

The country continues to be a prime area of competition for both Asian powers in the South Asia region.

Surgical strikes along LoC puts South Asia on cusp of new India-Pakistan dynamic
Oct 01, 2016

Surgical strikes along LoC puts South Asia on cusp of new India-Pakistan dynamic

The Kargil war of 1999 and Thursday morning's surgical strikes have now decisively proved that the LoC is not a focal point for India and Pakistan.

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia
Jun 24, 2017

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia

Indian announcement of having conducted surgical strikes across the de-facto border with Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has major implications for deterrence-stability in South Asia. New Delhi has sought to devise a military strategy to respond to Pakistan’s sub-conventional war that does not lead to escalation of conflict to nuclear levels and collapse of nuclear deterrence. This paper analyses India’s surgical strikes of September 2016, thei

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives
Jul 20, 2010

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives

Because of the tacit and overt alliance between the constituents of policymaking institutions and the violent non-state actors in Pakistan, it is imperative to review the current strategies and policies to evolve a more comprehensive set of actions.

The case for outer space cooperation in South Asia
Jan 18, 2019

The case for outer space cooperation in South Asia

While the need is clear, realizing such cooperation will mean addressing several key challenges.

The changing contours of Russia’s South Asia policy
Jul 27, 2017

The changing contours of Russia’s South Asia policy

Russia’s policy towards South Asia has been the subject of much speculation lately. With closer cooperation between Russia and China and the former’s warming up to Pakistan, it is becoming increasingly evident that Russia is moving away from its India-centric approach in the region. This brief studies the changes, and continuity, in Moscow’s foreign policy towards South Asia as it transitioned from the Soviet Union into the Russian Federati

The defining relationship of South Asia
Sep 06, 2022

The defining relationship of South Asia

It is hoped that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India not only heightens bilateral relations between the two countries but also benefits the entire region

The Delhi-Beijing battle in South Asia
Jan 06, 2021

The Delhi-Beijing battle in South Asia

It is India that is not only challenging China when it comes to the major ideas of our times, but is also standing up and confronting China to preserve its vital interests.

The extent of China’s soft power in South Asia
Jul 11, 2020

The extent of China’s soft power in South Asia

Soft power in South Asia has ushered a fear of retaliation; negative impacts such as debt traps appear less threatening to these countries than turnin

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia
Jan 04, 2018

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia

With the territorial defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, analysts are pondering the kind of organisational form the group would take next. The influence of the so-called Islamic State in South Asia may be minimal, but India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, have all had the shadow of ISIS’ global footprint land on their doorstep. This brief sheds light on how the influence of ISIS spread across South Asia, specifically after 2014, when pro-I

The India-Pakistan war that influences South Asian politics to this day
Dec 05, 2013

The India-Pakistan war that influences South Asian politics to this day

In the 1971 war against Pakistan, had Indian forces managed to push beyond Turtok and capture Thang, the subsequent Pakistani adventure in Kargil in 1999 or the threat to Siachen would have been infructuous.

The rise of anti-American rhetoric in South Asia: An assessment
May 05, 2023

The rise of anti-American rhetoric in South Asia: An assessment

South Asian nations are using anti-American rhetoric to push back against the US’s demands for internal reforms and signal their agency and increasi

The Role of Gender Equity in Reducing Malnutrition: The View from South Asia
Aug 16, 2023

The Role of Gender Equity in Reducing Malnutrition: The View from South Asia

This brief analyses the correlation between gender-based inequities and malnutrition. It highlights the case of South Asia, and uses as a backdrop the compounded challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors review existing literature on the subject and cull patterns, with the aim of outlining recommendations for countries in the region for bridging interrelated gaps in gender parity and nutrition.

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security in South Asia
Aug 17, 2023

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security in South Asia

Gender inequality is a major cause and effect of hunger and poverty, with women and girls comprising 60 percent of the global hungry. Women face multiple challenges (such as limited access to education and employment opportunities) that curtail their economic autonomy and weaken their bargaining position within the family, consequently impacting household food security. The pandemic has worsened this situation. It is crucial to apply a ge

The Scourge of the Pandemic on Children in South Asia
Sep 14, 2021

The Scourge of the Pandemic on Children in South Asia

South Asia has had dismal indicators for the development of children, the pandemic has only exacerbated these problems while negating most progress ma

There is a change in US attitude to South Asia. India should leverage the moment
Oct 14, 2021

There is a change in US attitude to South Asia. India should leverage the moment

This is a transformative period in the US-India relationship. New Delhi should be more self-confident in its ability to shape the trajectory of this engagement

Time for India to set priorities in South Asia
Aug 26, 2014

Time for India to set priorities in South Asia

India does not have much time left to set its priorities right, whatever they be. If nothing else, it cannot afford to 'tire out' its neighbours, who can then choose their own, individual course.

Towards a unique digital South Asian identity
May 10, 2017

Towards a unique digital South Asian identity

Executed properly, Aadhaar could become a central pillar of India’s ‘neighbourhood first’ policy.

Trump's South Asia policy: India, Pakistan and China
Oct 06, 2018

Trump's South Asia policy: India, Pakistan and China

A year since the announcement of the new South Asia strategy, an attempt to break from the recurrent continuum has been evident. At least on two of the three accounts — with respect to Pakistan and India, the Trump administration has spurred a break from the past.

Trump’s Afghan strategy — Transforming South Asia
Aug 28, 2017

Trump’s Afghan strategy — Transforming South Asia

Trump's Afghan strategy has been long in the making. But the wait has been well worth it.

Ukraine-Russia conflict: Impact on South Asia
Feb 24, 2023

Ukraine-Russia conflict: Impact on South Asia

The Ukraine crisis has exacerbated the economic turmoil in the South Asian economies