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1736 results found

With China’s rise, strong Indo-French relations more than welcome
Mar 09, 2018

With China’s rise, strong Indo-French relations more than welcome

Bilateral ties between New Delhi and Paris today cover a gamut of issues including defence, maritime, space, security, and energy.

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!
Jul 29, 2023

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!

लोकतंत्र के एक मॉडल के रूप में "चीनी लोकतंत्र" को हाल ही मे�

#Maldives: मालदीव की सियासत के लिए क्या है उपचुनाव के नतीजों के मायने?
Jul 30, 2023

#Maldives: मालदीव की सियासत के लिए क्या है उपचुनाव के नतीजों के मायने?

सत्तारूढ़ गठबंधन के नेता और पूर्व राष्ट्रपति अब्दुल्ला �

#Myanmar में तख़्तापलट के एक साल: ‘म्यांमार नीति’ को लेकर उलझन में भारत!
Jul 30, 2023

#Myanmar में तख़्तापलट के एक साल: ‘म्यांमार नीति’ को लेकर उलझन में भारत!

म्यांमार के साथ भारत का जटिल इतिहास और उसका रुख़, भारत को �

#Sri Lanka: संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का घरेलू और क्षेत्रीय देशों के साथ संबंधों पर असर!
May 31, 2022

#Sri Lanka: संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का घरेलू और क्षेत्रीय देशों के साथ संबंधों पर असर!

श्रीलंका में बिगड़ता आर्थिक संकट, अब उस सरकार के ख़िलाफ रा�

#भारत-चीन संबंध: दोनों देशों के आपसी संबंधों में फिर से तनाव!
Sep 01, 2022

#भारत-चीन संबंध: दोनों देशों के आपसी संबंधों में फिर से तनाव!

श्रीलंका में भारतीय और चीनी राजनयिक मिशन के बीच एक चीनी मिलिट्री रिसर्च पोत के वहां पहुंचने को लेकर सोशल मीडिया पर बहस छिड़ गई.

'यंग इंडिया' ला श्रीलंकेबद्दल काय वाटते?
Mar 18, 2024

'यंग इंडिया' ला श्रीलंकेबद्दल काय वाटते?

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी आणि श्रीलंकेचे अध्यक्ष विक्रमसिंघे यांनी UPI सेवांचे उद्घाटन केले.

2014 Australia-India Roundtable: OUTCOMES STATEMENT
Feb 03, 2014

2014 Australia-India Roundtable: OUTCOMES STATEMENT

Relations between India and Australia have reached a new maturity, based on deepening connections between their societies, economies, education sectors and policy establishments. This positions these two democracies well to work together to advance their interests in a shared Indo-Pacific region.

2018 — A testing year for Pakistan
Jan 04, 2018

2018 — A testing year for Pakistan

In 2018, Pakistan would move deeper into internal chaos, its relations with its neighbours would only worsen adding to tensions on both its borders.

21वीं सदी में भारत-दक्षिण अफ्रीका के सम्बन्धों का नया अध्याय
Feb 20, 2019

21वीं सदी में भारत-दक्षिण अफ्रीका के सम्बन्धों का नया अध्याय

भारत और दक्षिण अफ्रीका को चाहिए कि वो आधुनिक वैश्वीकृत य�

A battle for Pakistan
May 19, 2023

A battle for Pakistan

The tragedy of Pakistan is that there is no neutral arbiter left in the State apparatus—not the judiciary, not the Presidency, not even the Pakistan

A change in the Maldives
Sep 26, 2018

A change in the Maldives

India must seize the moment and rebuild the bilateral relationship

A Contemporary Analysis of India–EU Cooperation in Counterterrorism
Aug 11, 2023

A Contemporary Analysis of India–EU Cooperation in Counterterrorism

India and the European Union (EU) share a deep political and strategic relationship that pivots around democracy, global rule of law, security, and trade. While the depth is obvious on paper, however, the partnership has delivered short on dividends expected by both sides. Yet diplomatic engagement remains robust, and in recent times is moving towards greater mutual understanding of the challenges of terrorism and the potential counterterrorism s

A convenient handmaiden called freedom
Dec 18, 2012

A convenient handmaiden called freedom

The ruckus at WCIT is all about the cosy relationship between governments, big businesses and commerce and not about Internet freedom.

A French Five-Course Meal
Feb 14, 2013

A French Five-Course Meal

India and France must start looking together at the region and the world. A Franco-Indian vision document could be a vital first step towards developing a cooperative framework for stability and security in the region. And the relationship must be purposeful, nimble and creative.

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’
Jul 24, 2023

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’

Since his assumption to power in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been slowly stretching the arm of the country’s foreign policy into Pacific waters in furtherance of the ‘Act East’ policy. While India’s relationship with the Pacific island states (read, not Australia and New Zealand) is quite unestablished, Modi is attempting to set the foundations for prosperous future cooperation. In the form of a guidebook for India on Pa

A Kautilyan View of India’s Non-Zero-Sum Game in the Neighbourhood
Aug 11, 2023

A Kautilyan View of India’s Non-Zero-Sum Game in the Neighbourhood

This brief seeks to apply ancient Indian strategic thought to the country’s approach towards its immediate neighbourhood. Employing a Kautilyan perspective on India’s allies within the broader framework of foreign policy end goals, it proposes a non-zero-sum view towards four of its neighbours: Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The brief classifies these neighbours based on the attitudes they exhibit and presents a nuanced approach tow

A lot of scope to improve ties between India and Myanmar
Feb 27, 2014

A lot of scope to improve ties between India and Myanmar

A three-day conference on India-Myanmar relations generated a lively dialogue over questions surrounding the possible challenges and opportunities that India would face while redesigning her Myanmar relations and the Look East policies.

A moderate Modi and stable Sharif can mend Indo-Pakistan ties
Jul 13, 2015

A moderate Modi and stable Sharif can mend Indo-Pakistan ties

It can be very tempting to not be overly optimistic following the recent meeting between Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif in Ufa, Russia. There is a sense of familiarity to the manner in which India-Pakistan relations unfold.

A new chapter in defence and tech
Feb 22, 2023

A new chapter in defence and tech

The India-U.S. initiative on critical and emerging technologies could have a transformative impact on bilateral relations

A New Economic Diplomacy where India Matters
Jan 26, 2022

A New Economic Diplomacy where India Matters

The positions taken by India on new areas of economic diplomacy will be followed closely, not only by India’s competitors but also by its allies in

A New Social Contract for the Digital Age
Dec 19, 2018

A New Social Contract for the Digital Age

A new social contract between citizens, consumers, employees, the state, and enterprise is needed to delineate a new understanding around rights, responsibilities and entitlements. Digital  transformations  are  rapidly  altering  the  nature  of  work,  models  of employment,    contracts,    regulations    and    protections.    Increasingly,    the responsibilities  of the state are becoming the obligations  of,�

A new US-India trade deal soon?
Dec 17, 2019

A new US-India trade deal soon?

The India-US trade relations have been gaining momentum over the years, especially in merchandise trade. India has a trade surplus of $31 billion with

A passage through Europe
Jun 06, 2017

A passage through Europe

Prime Minister Modi’s outreach to Europe has injected pragmatism in a relationship which was adrift for some time. Now the proverbial ball is in Europe’s court.

A path to NSG: India’s rise in the global nuclear order
Dec 24, 2017

A path to NSG: India’s rise in the global nuclear order

This research provides an empirical analysis of India’s limited, but transformative position in the global nuclear order. By examining India’s bid for a Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership, this paper makes three major arguments. First, India’s attempt to acquire veto power status through the NSG challenges classical revisionism in international relations theory. Second, India’s rise through the NSG is based on selective coalition-bu

A renewal of Chinese provocations in the West Philippine Sea
Oct 04, 2023

A renewal of Chinese provocations in the West Philippine Sea

The Philippines needs to strengthen defence and economic ties with like-minded countries to halt Beijing’s growing ambition in the South China Sea

A singular challenge to American hegemony
Jun 06, 2024

A singular challenge to American hegemony

The contest between US and China-Russia alliance is heating up as the battlelines are being redrawn. However, the latter realises that in the renewed

A year of lassitude
Dec 28, 2012

A year of lassitude

India, today, has the heft to influence the geopolitical dynamic around it. In pushing for improved relations with one, India's ability to enhance ties with the other two will significantly improve. Masterly inactivity, on the other hand, would surely make India lose ground with all the three.

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!
Nov 14, 2022

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!

लंबे समय तक अमेरिका और पाकिस्तान (US and Pakistan) के लिए एक-दूसरे क�

Afghanistan: Iran, the Taliban and the US drawdown
May 08, 2015

Afghanistan: Iran, the Taliban and the US drawdown

Much has already been written about both the drawdown of US troops from the region, and the recent Iranian nuclear deal and the possible impact it could have on Iran-US relations.

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute
Jun 13, 2024

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute

The ongoing skirmishes in the South China Sea between China and regional states represent another severe threat to the world economy, directly affecti

After presidential poll, Maldives hard hit by economic realities
Oct 16, 2023

After presidential poll, Maldives hard hit by economic realities

How Maldives controls its spiralling economic issues under the new leadership remains to be seen

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?
Jun 18, 2019

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?

China would have a seat in the high table when the South Asian neighbours discuss and decide upon the ‘K-issue’.

Agenda for economic reform: Joint statement by P.N. Dhar, M. Narasimham, I.G. Patel and R.N. Malhotra
Jul 24, 2021

Agenda for economic reform: Joint statement by P.N. Dhar, M. Narasimham, I.G. Patel and R.N. Malhotra

As India commemorates the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Reforms, ORF looks back at its very first publication.

Agra 2003
Dec 04, 2003

Agra 2003

From Agra to air-link, it has been one long U-turn for the Pakistani leadership of President Pervez Musharaff. Today, he readily agrees to address peripheral issues affecting relations with India, and has even ¿unilaterally¿ announced the restoration of over-flights for Indian craft. Going a step further, he has mooted the conferment of Nishan-e-Pakistan, the nation¿s highest civilian title on Prime Minister Vajpayee, if and when the latter ma

Ambassadors to Pakistan
Nov 12, 2012

Ambassadors to Pakistan

Delhi must bite the bullet and make the political case for moving forward boldly with Islamabad and Dhaka. Nothing will demonstrate India's commitment to transforming its relations with its neighbours more than an early visit to Pakistan by the Prime Minister.

Ambiguities galore: Verify before placing trust
Jul 27, 2005

Ambiguities galore: Verify before placing trust

At first glance, the July 18 India-US joint statement promises a giant leap forward in bilateral relations and a paradigm shift in the US policy towards India. The agreement undoubtedly is a testimony to the growing trust and meaningful strategic partnership between New Delhi and Washington.

An Assessment of President Hu’s visit to India
Jul 24, 2023

An Assessment of President Hu’s visit to India

In the backdrop of Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to India, a roundtable discussion was organized by Observer Research Foundation on December 1, 2006 to assess the outcome of the visit and its impact on relations between the two countries. The discussion focused on how the India-China relationship would evolve in the wake of the visit.

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus
Jul 02, 2024

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus

While Sri Lanka is pushing for domestic reforms and defence capacities to counter the emerging threats in the IOR, its strategic location subjects it

An interaction with Obama's former Campaign Chief
Jan 11, 2010

An interaction with Obama's former Campaign Chief

India should work more closely with the members of the US Congress in order to strengthen the strategic relationship between the two largest democracies in the world.

Angola’s honeymoon with China ends but will that end its woes?
Jul 26, 2022

Angola’s honeymoon with China ends but will that end its woes?

Will Angola be able to develop its economy by improving governance, rooting out corruption, and rebalancing its relationship with China and the West?

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil
Jun 10, 2024

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil

China’s primary chase in West Asia remains economic and it will continue to push for economic integration despite the region’s challenges.

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?
Jun 26, 2024

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?

Although Western sanctions have impacted Russia but not in the way expected.

Artificial Intelligence: A cure for loneliness?
Jan 31, 2024

Artificial Intelligence: A cure for loneliness?

As generative AI becomes commercially accessible, it is being used to exacerbate loneliness as well as replace human care and relationships with artif