Search: For - Modi

1321 results found

With fruitful Israel visit, Modi capitalises on shifting narrative in West Asia
Jul 07, 2017

With fruitful Israel visit, Modi capitalises on shifting narrative in West Asia

Amid changing narratives in West Asia, PM Modi has successfully de-hyphenated India's Israel and Palestine policy.

Xi and Modi — joined at the hip
Oct 23, 2017

Xi and Modi — joined at the hip

Regions which are seamlessly connected for commerce tend to remain together. Like Xi, Modi views infrastructure as a “glue”. For Xi, it is a glue to foster Chinese hegemony over its near abroad. For Modi, it is a “glue” to bind the nation.

नौ आर्थिक नीतियां जो Modi@4 को करती हैं परिभाषित
May 23, 2018

नौ आर्थिक नीतियां जो Modi@4 को करती हैं परिभाषित

यदि मोदी वर्ष 2019 के चुनाव में फि‍र से देश की सत्ता पर काबिज

‘Sabka Vikas’ within BJP too: Modi has recognised and prioritised long-term aspirations of the party
May 08, 2017

‘Sabka Vikas’ within BJP too: Modi has recognised and prioritised long-term aspirations of the party

Prime Minister Modi has recognised and prioritised the long-term aspirations of the party.

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward
Oct 27, 2021

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward

It is pivotal for Belarus and the world to raise awareness of how to do successful business with India

#Budget2017 and #demonetisation — The PM's 2019 pitch
Feb 27, 2017

#Budget2017 and #demonetisation — The PM's 2019 pitch

In 2019, when the question is posed as to what his government did to tackle corruption, PM Modi can point towards demonetisation.

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?
Jun 28, 2022

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?

G7 और NATO की बैठक के बीच कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि क्या इस युद्ध को रोकने के लिए कोई कूटनीतिक पहल हो सकती है. एक और सवाल कि क्या इसकी आंच भारत तक आ सकती है. इन तमाम सवालों पर क्या कहते �

#Kashmir: PM lacks political aide with sufficient heft
Aug 29, 2016

#Kashmir: PM lacks political aide with sufficient heft

PM Modi’s only problem is that he lacks a political aide with sufficient heft to take the conversation on Kashmir forward.

'Lighting up homes in villages': Will BharatNet live up to its promise?
Nov 18, 2021

'Lighting up homes in villages': Will BharatNet live up to its promise?

The world’s largest rural broadband project, BharatNet, has had multiple setbacks, but strategic partnerships with the private sector could help it

'Make in India' by hand
Nov 29, 2016

'Make in India' by hand

As PM Modi is interested in making India great & is championing ‘Make in India’ slogan, he should perhaps give more incentives to Indian village i

'पीएम मोदी की बांग्लादेश यात्रा से, दोनों देशों के दौरे में आई नई यात्रा'
Apr 03, 2021

'पीएम मोदी की बांग्लादेश यात्रा से, दोनों देशों के दौरे में आई नई यात्रा'

1971 के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के 50 साल बाद शेख़ हसीना और नरेंद्�

'पॅक्स इंडिका'ची वेळ?
Jun 28, 2024

'पॅक्स इंडिका'ची वेळ?

त्यांच्या तिसऱ्या कार्यकाळात, त्यांनी नॉर्वे आणि स्वित्झर्लंड यांच्यासारख्या देशांप्रमाणेच, शांतता प्रस्थापनेसाठी आक्रमक दृष्टीकोन स्वीकारावा. यामुळे भारताला त्या�

14th BRICS Summit: ब्रिक्स में भारत को क्या हासिल हुआ?
Jun 29, 2022

14th BRICS Summit: ब्रिक्स में भारत को क्या हासिल हुआ?

ब्रिक्स सम्मेलन को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने भी संबोधित किया, लेकिन, उन्होंने अपने संबोधन में चीन और रूस पर उठआए मसलों पर बयान न देकर सिर्फ महामारी के संदर्भ में वैश्वि�

2+2 Curtain Raiser:  A look back at past India-US 2+2 dialogues
Apr 11, 2022

2+2 Curtain Raiser: A look back at past India-US 2+2 dialogues

Analysing the past India-US 2+2 dialogues as the fourth edition of the same in underway.

2+2 Dialogue will further cement India-Japan strategic relations
Nov 30, 2019

2+2 Dialogue will further cement India-Japan strategic relations

The dialogue has wider strategic implications beyond the bilateral relationship itself.

2019 का फ़ैसला: मोदी जी अब भारत के मोदी Xi हैं
May 27, 2019

2019 का फ़ैसला: मोदी जी अब भारत के मोदी Xi हैं

चीनी राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग का विस्तृत संदेश जिस रफ़्तार

50 days of lockdown: Measuring India’s success in arresting COVID-19
May 19, 2020

50 days of lockdown: Measuring India’s success in arresting COVID-19

As India completes 50 days of lockdown, this report presents the findings of a data-driven enquiry into the extent to which the lockdown has achieved its health objectives and arrested the spread of COVID-19. The success is measured on four parameters: flattening the curve, reducing the growth rate of new cases, containing the spread, and improving healthcare capacity. The findings show that while the lockdown has flattened the curve to an extent

A balance of forces: The very meaning of ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ in a war has changed. Ask the Americans
Feb 01, 2020

A balance of forces: The very meaning of ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ in a war has changed. Ask the Americans

Even short of nuclear war, it is open to debate if India, the preponderant South Asian military power, has the capacity to beat Pakistan at this juncture.

A belligerent China can be just the catalyst India-Australia ties need
Jun 04, 2020

A belligerent China can be just the catalyst India-Australia ties need

There is an ambitious bilateral agenda that will add substance to the India-Australia summit.

A brief history of India’s Interim Budgets
Jan 29, 2024

A brief history of India’s Interim Budgets

On 1 February, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will make her most important political economy speech

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener
Jun 05, 2023

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener

This Environment Day, India can focus on adopting an actionable framework that will ensure the creation of an agile, green, and resilient medical supp

A competent but not breakout Budget
Jul 10, 2014

A competent but not breakout Budget

This was not to be yet another budget speech. It came in the wake of a regime change where the electorate signaled its unhappiness with the direction of the country. Still, the FM came up with a modest Budget. But that is not the promise of the Modi government. The good days promised look far away.

A confident India is taking on the world
Jun 01, 2023

A confident India is taking on the world

New Delhi today is articulating a new voice on the global stage and is confidently able to steer through some of the evident contradictions in its approach.

A foreign tour with  slightly different goals
Apr 09, 2015

A foreign tour with slightly different goals

Modi's visit to Germany and France will give him an opportunity to discuss key political issues relating to Ukraine and the Middle-East. India is feeling the indirect impact of the Russian estrangement from Europe as this has led to closer strategic ties between Moscow and Beijing.

A glimmer of hope in Indo-Pak relations
May 30, 2014

A glimmer of hope in Indo-Pak relations

Narendra Modi is a post-Partition Prime Minister who has no family history linking him directly to the event. This could work to his advantage if he chooses to take a less emotional and more logical approach to the Indo-Pak relationship.

A Guarantee Of Continuity
Jun 24, 2024

A Guarantee Of Continuity

Modi’s re-election assures India’s allies that Delhi will play a leading role in shaping the new world order

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’
Jul 24, 2023

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’

Since his assumption to power in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been slowly stretching the arm of the country’s foreign policy into Pacific waters in furtherance of the ‘Act East’ policy. While India’s relationship with the Pacific island states (read, not Australia and New Zealand) is quite unestablished, Modi is attempting to set the foundations for prosperous future cooperation. In the form of a guidebook for India on Pa

A lot of pomp and show, but little strategic content
Nov 17, 2015

A lot of pomp and show, but little strategic content

PM Modi's official visit to the UK is unexceptional. This is despite the hype and hoopla that accompany any Modi tour. However, what was different was that for the first time Modi had to respond to issues like Gujarat 2002 riots and the climate of intolerance back home.

A milestone in the journey to universal health care
Dec 08, 2023

A milestone in the journey to universal health care

Expanding investments, collaboration between departments, fostering public-private partnerships, and engaging the community are crucial for health care in India

A new geopolitical battlefield is emerging in the Pacific
May 22, 2023

A new geopolitical battlefield is emerging in the Pacific

The US and India no longer seem diffident about joining hands to counter the rising influence of China

A New India-France alliance?
Sep 05, 2019

A New India-France alliance?

While talk of an alliance may be premature, there is clearly an increasing convergence of interests between the two strategic partners.

A new normal has now been set for India-US relations
Feb 27, 2020

A new normal has now been set for India-US relations

That Trump travelled to India without any substantive deliverable is the real story here

A passage through Europe
Jun 06, 2017

A passage through Europe

Prime Minister Modi’s outreach to Europe has injected pragmatism in a relationship which was adrift for some time. Now the proverbial ball is in Europe’s court.

A passage to inner Asia
Jul 06, 2015

A passage to inner Asia

The Central Asian states are looking for a larger and more independent Indian role in the region. In responding to Central Asia's quest to diversify its strategic partnerships, Modi must signal an important departure from the UPA government's approach to the region. He needs to have a long term strategy and plan.

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences
Aug 06, 2019

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences

If Kashmiri parties boycott polls, they’ll be marginalised; if they participate, it will mean accepting new realities

A Rs 6 trillion National Monetisation Pipeline – Is it for real?
Aug 30, 2021

A Rs 6 trillion National Monetisation Pipeline – Is it for real?

Weighing the pros and cons of the recently announced National Monetisation Pipeline

A sign of growing maturity
Feb 19, 2022

A sign of growing maturity

Is India stepping into global and regional leadership mode?

A strategic compass guides the India-Australia trade deal
Apr 08, 2022

A strategic compass guides the India-Australia trade deal

The two countries’ geopolitical compulsions, especially regarding containing china in the indo-pacific, have translated into closer trade ties

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode
Feb 20, 2020

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode

With a trade deal unlikely, New Delhi must calibrate the costs and benefits of the U.S. President’s political tour

A ‘pilgrimage’ to Nepal
May 17, 2018

A ‘pilgrimage’ to Nepal

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit was high on symbolism but India must do more to deliver on the bilateral agenda