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14452 results found

Children in Latin America and the Carribean during the pandemic—setbacks and outcomes
Sep 14, 2021

Children in Latin America and the Carribean during the pandemic—setbacks and outcomes

COVID-19 has undone much of the progress made by the LAC countries in its education sector

Children Left Behind: Challenges in Providing Education to the Rohingya Children in Bangladesh
May 17, 2021

Children Left Behind: Challenges in Providing Education to the Rohingya Children in Bangladesh

Since the mass exodus of the Muslim Rohingya people from Myanmar’s Rakhine state in 2017, close to a million of them have been residing in Bangladesh. While the country has offered them sanctuary, there are massive gaps in seeing to their welfare, including the lack of formal, basic education for the children. In 2020, the Bangladesh government announced the launch of the Myanmar Curriculum Pilot (MCP) to provide the displaced Rohingya

Children’s psychosocial health in a post-pandemic India
Feb 15, 2023

Children’s psychosocial health in a post-pandemic India

Adequate policy interventions need to be put in place to undo the inimical impact of the pandemic on children’s psychosocial development

Chile’s ‘peaceful revolution’
Sep 19, 2022

Chile’s ‘peaceful revolution’

The overwhelming rejection of the utopian draft constitution indicates the growing discontent amongst the Chilean population.

China and the UN: Investigating multilateral bureaucracy
May 04, 2024

China and the UN: Investigating multilateral bureaucracy

A focus on UN 2.0 and bureaucratic cushioning from state influence need to be high on the agenda of the Summit of the Future as allegations of countri

China building Tibet-Nepal railway is not quite a setback for India
Jun 27, 2018

China building Tibet-Nepal railway is not quite a setback for India

While Nepal has signed up for a rail link with Tibet, it stands to gain more from projects with the Indian Railways.

China builds new coast guard ships
Apr 20, 2017

China builds new coast guard ships

Although converting coast guard ships to warships may not be effective, they can be used to ferry troops.

China cloud over Taiwan: President Lai Ching-te starts term in the face of Beijing’s war drills
Jun 05, 2024

China cloud over Taiwan: President Lai Ching-te starts term in the face of Beijing’s war drills

Taiwan’s civil society has hit the streets to register their displeasure against what they perceive as Beijing’s moves to get a backdoor entry into Taiwan’s democratic process.

China eyes opportunity amidst Thailand protests
Nov 02, 2020

China eyes opportunity amidst Thailand protests

For decades since 1932, after the Chakri dynasty gave up absolute power, Thailand has lived under the shadow of military coups.

China has no reason to be angry about India’s naval exercise MILAN, Beijing still controls the region
Mar 12, 2018

China has no reason to be angry about India’s naval exercise MILAN, Beijing still controls the region

Chinese reports in the ‘Global Times’ have portrayed MILAN as an inflammatory tactic, aimed at ‘spreading tensions from the land to the sea’, a blatant Indian attempt to undermine Chinese influence in South Asia.

China in the post-COVID-19 era — How will the CCP tackle its image problem? 
Dec 28, 2020

China in the post-COVID-19 era — How will the CCP tackle its image problem? 

Ultimately, the power of example counts, and the Chinese has matched this with an extremely sophisticated, worldwide propaganda and misinformation cam

China is building a new ecosystem behind the ‘Great Tech Wall’
Nov 22, 2022

China is building a new ecosystem behind the ‘Great Tech Wall’

In the hope to achieve autarky and counter the US semiconductor-control curbs, China is luring Chinese tech talent back home

China isn’t hearing Asia’s fears about its military buildup
Mar 12, 2019

China isn’t hearing Asia’s fears about its military buildup

The response to the country’s new defense budget suggests that Beijing continues to be tone deaf to regional anxieties.

China seeks to create military icons to win future wars
May 30, 2022

China seeks to create military icons to win future wars

Amidst student discontent, a plan to create influencers for Gen X is being undertaken

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 32 | State Council pledges allegiance to the constitution
Sep 20, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 32 | State Council pledges allegiance to the constitution

In 2015, China decided that officials at all levels, courts and procuratorates should take a public oath of allegiance to the constitution.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 35 | One-child policy to haunt families caring for elderly
Oct 21, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 35 | One-child policy to haunt families caring for elderly

The demographic effects of China's one-child policy is more pronounced, a survey has found.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 38 | China, Nepal, India can forge trilateral partnership focusing on growth:  Nepali  ...
Nov 07, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 38 | China, Nepal, India can forge trilateral partnership focusing on growth: Nepali PM

Nepali PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal opined that China, Nepal and India can forge a successful trilateral partnership and other roundups

China will have to hyphenate itself with the rule of law
Nov 29, 2017

China will have to hyphenate itself with the rule of law

The absence of the rule of law in China has been a constant refrain. Beijing benefits from free global markets without making the necessary changes wi

China's favourability highest  in Pakistan, Bangladesh
Jul 17, 2014

China's favourability highest in Pakistan, Bangladesh

A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely. A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely.

China's Growing Cyber Warfare Capabilities
Jun 20, 2011

China's Growing Cyber Warfare Capabilities

It appears that China would continue to augment its growing cyber warfare capabilities. And when complimented with an "Informationised" military and technologies like the ASAT weapons, it becomes a great concern not only for the U.S but also for India.

China's military base in Djibouti strategic implications for India
Aug 22, 2017

China's military base in Djibouti strategic implications for India

A military base in Djibouti is a useful asset for China, as it denotes both geopolitical heft and economic stakeholdership in the Indian Ocean.

China's military modernisation and its implications
Mar 01, 2017

China's military modernisation and its implications

The China Dream of a strong military "with Chinese characteristics" will give it a great power status by 2049.

China's Military Strategy: Implications for India
Jul 15, 2015

China's Military Strategy: Implications for India

In the Chinese defence paper, though nothing is directly indicative of India, the implications are quite clear with the focus on open seas protection and unbending approach to territorial disputes. Urgency and imagination will be key in tackling Chinese ambitions in what is considered New Delhi's backyard.

China's military: The shape of things to come
Jan 22, 2019

China's military: The shape of things to come

With China aiming to develop a "world-class" military by 2050 that can fight and win wars across all theatres, Indian conventional and nuclear thinking will also have to evolve

China's protectionist tendencies will continue
Mar 22, 2017

China's protectionist tendencies will continue

Trade and investment promotion policy of China was largely driven by mercantilism — promoting exports more than imports by adopting protectionist po

China's Quest for Closer Military Ties
Apr 05, 2004

China's Quest for Closer Military Ties

Chinese Defence Minister Cao Gangchuan's tri-nation goodwill tour started with Pakistan on March 22, 2004 and ended with Thailand, with an in-between five-day visit to India from March 26 to 30.

China-Nepal military relations: Risks and opportunities for India
Apr 20, 2024

China-Nepal military relations: Risks and opportunities for India

The recent visits by Chinese military delegations to Nepal suggest a deepening of China's engagement in the region, which could have implications for

China-Pak air drill in Tibet: Lessons for India?
Oct 16, 2015

China-Pak air drill in Tibet: Lessons for India?

China's relation with Pakistan has become one of the most comprehensive one that Beijing has with any country. The strategic imperatives of developing Pakistan as a bulwark against India has been among Beijing's overriding objectives in influencing the balance of power in South Asia.

China-Pakistan naval drills: More than just symbolism
Jan 11, 2020

China-Pakistan naval drills: More than just symbolism

Beyond symbolism, the substance behind the latest iteration of exercises between the two countries also deserves emphasis.

China-Philippines relations: Will joint military exercises improve ties?
Aug 18, 2023

China-Philippines relations: Will joint military exercises improve ties?

The hope that these drills will result in the deepening of strategic ties between the two nations remains highly unlikely, given Beijing’s unwilling

China-Philippines ties: Towards more escalations in the West Philippine Sea?
Oct 25, 2023

China-Philippines ties: Towards more escalations in the West Philippine Sea?

The speed at which China has escalated its assertive manoeuvres in the West Philippine Sea aligns with the broader context of contemporary internation

China: From trade to security in Asia, catching the dragon by its tail
Nov 02, 2020

China: From trade to security in Asia, catching the dragon by its tail

The ‘great divide’ between Washington and Beijing that had simmered for many years before Trump came to office, has crystallised into open hostili

China’s 2018 Military Budget: New numbers, old worries
Mar 12, 2018

China’s 2018 Military Budget: New numbers, old worries

This year’s defence budget marks an increase of 8.1 percent from last year. China has justified its defence budget by arguing that its defence spending is less than 1.5 percent of its GDP, but that argument is not going to go down well with its neighbours.

China’s BRI in doldrums: Multilateralism to the rescue?
Oct 10, 2018

China’s BRI in doldrums: Multilateralism to the rescue?

As the challenges facing China’s BRI multiply, the initiative’s links to international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the AIIB

China’s Burmese dilemma: Dual implications of Operation 1027
Jan 26, 2024

China’s Burmese dilemma: Dual implications of Operation 1027

The recent military drills along the Myanmar border reflect China's growing concern regarding the intensification of conflict in the Shan state in Mya

China’s civil-military forays in India’s neighbourhood
Apr 29, 2023

China’s civil-military forays in India’s neighbourhood

China’s growing presence in India’s immediate neighbourhood is concerning