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923 results found

Myanmar: The importance of Suu Kyi's India visit
Oct 26, 2012

Myanmar: The importance of Suu Kyi's India visit

Nobel Peace laureate and pro-democratic champion of Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is expected to visit India in mid November. The dates are yet to be finalised. This would be Suu Kyi's first visit to India since her political carrier took a downward turn after the elections of 1990.

Nagaland has poorest maternal and child healthcare indicators in Northeast India
Feb 27, 2018

Nagaland has poorest maternal and child healthcare indicators in Northeast India

Nagaland needs a sociopolitical vision on health governance.

Narendra Modi and his soaring popularity
May 28, 2019

Narendra Modi and his soaring popularity

Prime Minister Modi contested the recent parliamentary election with at least half-a-dozen prime ministerial aspirants representing the opposition vyi

National security is about politics
Apr 29, 2019

National security is about politics

National security has always been a part of national politics. What has changed is only the way this issue is now playing out in the public domain.

NATO’s wins and woes: The organisation faces challenges across political, financial, and security domains
Apr 12, 2024

NATO’s wins and woes: The organisation faces challenges across political, financial, and security domains

When comparing the current geopolitical landscape of Europe to the circumstances in the years following NATO’s establishment, it becomes apparent that very little has changed.

NDA and the winner’s curse: Tough times ahead
May 21, 2019

NDA and the winner’s curse: Tough times ahead

The happy news must have reached — like Maneka (of Vishwamitra fame) — to interrupt a meditating Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Kedarnath cave.

Need for reforming poll-management
Apr 23, 2014

Need for reforming poll-management

Once the general elections are over in India, it may be time to look inward at the existing processes and revise certain provisions to make them more meaningful and sustainable. If timely cure is not injected, it could damage the firmament of our democratic scheme.

Need to define the role of Election Commission
May 27, 2011

Need to define the role of Election Commission

Elections-2011 was noted for the way the Election Commission attempted to check the use, misuse and abuse of money-power and political power. It may not have succeeded fully, but there was no denying the presence of the Commission in every nook and corner of the poll-bound States.

Nepal at a critical juncture
May 16, 2008

Nepal at a critical juncture

Several immediate challenges confront Nepal after the recent Constitutional Assembly elections and yet there are positive signs of Nepal emerging as a vibrant republic. This was the general consensus at a round-table discussion on "Emerging Political Situation in Nepal and Policy Options for India" organised by Observer Research Foundation on May 16, 2008.

Nepal election: नेपाल में संपन्न हुए चुनावों से मिले संकेत?
Jul 28, 2023

Nepal election: नेपाल में संपन्न हुए चुनावों से मिले संकेत?

नेपाल में चुनाव के दौरान ज़्यादातर लोगों ने ये उम्मीद जत�

Nepal: An uncertain future
Sep 19, 2014

Nepal: An uncertain future

It is almost a year since fresh elections to the Constituent Assembly in Nepal took place for the formation of a new government and the writing of a new constitution that would, as was expected then, be a breath of fresh air for a country long engulfed in political and social unrest -- and political and constitutional instability afterward.

Nepal: With CA polls on Nov 19, it is time for all political actors to unite for large cause
Jun 17, 2013

Nepal: With CA polls on Nov 19, it is time for all political actors to unite for large cause

With the elections date to the Nepal Constituent Assembly now being announced, it is time for all political actors to unite for the larger cause. The poll announcement should be the beginning of a new rapprochement between the parties.

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?
Apr 12, 2024

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?

With the formation of a new coalition in Nepal, political matters will most likely overshadow economic and social issues

New challenges, flexible partnerships—election season commences in South Asia
Sep 05, 2023

New challenges, flexible partnerships—election season commences in South Asia

As the Maldives, Bhutan, and Bangladesh head toward elections, they continue to commit to democracy

New contours in Nepali politics
May 18, 2023

New contours in Nepali politics

The arrival of the new party RSP represents a distinct shift in the Nepali polity, one that is ringing the death knell of traditional parties

New formulas to win battle 2019
Jan 04, 2019

New formulas to win battle 2019

In a recent interview, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to equip party cadres and leaders with a set of arguments and answers to defend his governme

New political developments in Maldives
Jun 12, 2023

New political developments in Maldives

Maldives’ political front seems to have been upturned as new political parties emerge in the face of the upcoming presidential elections

New socio-political churn reshaping India?
May 22, 2019

New socio-political churn reshaping India?

Four major churns are discernible with long-term impact on the future trajectory of India.

Nexus with politicians helping the PWG
Oct 13, 2003

Nexus with politicians helping the PWG

THE politician's lust for power is a significant factor that has allowed the People's War Group (PWG) Naxalites to grow and gain in strength. Routinely, several political leaders at various levels have sought the rebels' support to win elections. In April 2003, a local legislator in Warangal district went to pay "homage" to a PWG leader killed in a police encounter, Polam Sudarshan Reddy "Ramakrishna",

Nine economic policies that define Modi@4
May 21, 2018

Nine economic policies that define Modi@4

Should Prime Minister Narendra Modi return to power in 2019, we know the foundations upon which new policies would be built. Should he lose the 2019 e

No country for servicemen
Jun 11, 2018

No country for servicemen

For some, winning elections is more important than sovereignty or defending India’s territorial integrity. But if the decline of the military continues, who will be held responsible for another debacle?

No end in sight for the Afghan conflict
Sep 09, 2018

No end in sight for the Afghan conflict

As the Afghan government struggles to govern effectively — the country gets ready to hold parliamentary elections on 20 October.

No leader of the free world
Nov 17, 2016

No leader of the free world

Shock waves sent out by election of the new leader must have also shaken some otherwise clear minds.

No war, no peace: The aftermath of the 'surgical strikes' raises concerns
Nov 11, 2016

No war, no peace: The aftermath of the 'surgical strikes' raises concerns

There is disquiet among India’s policy making circles that are being done to address a domestic constituency in aftermath of surgical strikes in PoK.

North Korea's artillery fire and regional implications
Jan 09, 2024

North Korea's artillery fire and regional implications

Pyongyang’s recent live-fire drills could set in motion a series of events with far-reaching consequences for regional stability, diplomacy, and the

Now taking forward Brexit deal won’t be  a challenge
Jan 09, 2020

Now taking forward Brexit deal won’t be  a challenge

The elections reflected the public discontent with the political deadlock on Brexit, and Boris Johnson’s strategy of reinforcing simple and clear slogans worked in his favour, bolstering the Conservative Party’s victory.

Obama must win even if America loses
Dec 31, 2009

Obama must win even if America loses

The inadequacy of Barack Obama's Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy stems from the exigencies of the calendar of the next presidential elections in America,

Obama Vs Romney: Bitter Politics over the Economy
Aug 01, 2012

Obama Vs Romney: Bitter Politics over the Economy

By now, even reluctant observers of American politics would have easily discerned that economy will largely decide who will win the November presidential elections.

Obstacles ahead of Afghan presidential polls
Nov 09, 2012

Obstacles ahead of Afghan presidential polls

The Afghan Election Commission has set the next presidential elections for April 5, 2014. This move has been welcomed in the country as well as by the international community as a positive development.

One Nation, One Poll: Points and counterpoints
Jun 24, 2019

One Nation, One Poll: Points and counterpoints

In a first past the post electoral system, holding of simultaneous elections is full of contradictions. Many constitutional changes are imperative to

Pakistan Army: The unyielding guardian
Feb 07, 2024

Pakistan Army: The unyielding guardian

In the upcoming elections, the likelihood of a new political leadership emerging in Pakistan which has a new approach and narrative remains slim

Pakistan facing many crises
Feb 07, 2013

Pakistan facing many crises

Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari is due to complete his term in office after the elections later this year. The role of General Kayani, the Army Chief who is due to complete his extended term this year, remains to be seen. It is to be noted that the ISI is also under the Army.

Pakistan has a Herculean challenge ahead
May 13, 2013

Pakistan has a Herculean challenge ahead

The outcome of Pakistan's elections has not been particularly surprising. Nawaz Sharief's PML-N is likely to form government soon. Having a trusted hand like Sharif at the helm is a plus point, but he would have to undertake a herculean labour to transform Pakistan's condition. If he fails, there will only be despair.

Pakistan poll: Imran Khan down, but not out
May 22, 2013

Pakistan poll: Imran Khan down, but not out

All is not lost for Pakistan's Imran Khan. He may not have succeeded in "sweeping the elections" but his performance was a significant improvement from his previous outings. From having secured only one seat in 2002, his party emerged with a plurality in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Pakistan situation to get worse
Feb 16, 2008

Pakistan situation to get worse

The outcome of the February 18 elections was predetermined and the situation would only get worse as a consequence, said well-known media personality and commentator Saeed Naqvi at a talk organised by Observer Research Foundation on the Situation in Pakistan on the eve of elections on Saturday (Feb. 16).

Pakistan will have a stable government, but not stability
Aug 01, 2018

Pakistan will have a stable government, but not stability

Pakistan is likely to see a stable but fragile government, and the opposition will try its best to render it dysfunctional.

Pakistan: Aftermath of a destabilising verdict
Jul 23, 2022

Pakistan: Aftermath of a destabilising verdict

Pakistan further descends into chaos as the recent bye-elections send shockwaves throughout the political and economic domains.

Pakistan: Internal politics and harassment of Indian diplomats
Mar 19, 2018

Pakistan: Internal politics and harassment of Indian diplomats

Pakistan has alleged harassment of their mission's staff. Its reaction may have something to do with the internal domestic scene and the forthcoming elections.

Pakistan: People’s protests unnerves deep state
Jan 17, 2024

Pakistan: People’s protests unnerves deep state

With protests breaking out across Pakistan, it has become clear that the Pakistan Army’s power over the people is eroding

Pakistan: Persisting instability
Dec 19, 2023

Pakistan: Persisting instability

Going into 2024, Pakistan remains in the throes of a polycrisis, without a clear roadmap on how to navigate it

Pakistan: Post-poll challenges before the nation
Mar 08, 2013

Pakistan: Post-poll challenges before the nation

The rapidly-approaching March 16 deadline for the dissolution of the Government led by Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, ahead of scheduled May elections, is an occasion worthy of note and reflection for Pakistan.

Pakistan: The cost of poll violence
May 10, 2013

Pakistan: The cost of poll violence

Pakistan's first democratic transfer of power should have been a moment of hope and triumph. But, as it stands, widespread violence has marred the historic elections and all but halted the public campaigning by several prominent parties outside of Punjab.

Pakistan: The street vs the state
Jan 09, 2024

Pakistan: The street vs the state

Serious questions are being raised about the integrity and fairness of the upcoming elections as many believe that the results have already been decid

Peace process in Nepal put on backburner
Oct 30, 2007

Peace process in Nepal put on backburner

The peace process in Nepal has been pushed to a corner and it has reached a very critical stage, after the postponement of the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections.

PM Modi symbolises an aspirational India
Mar 16, 2015

PM Modi symbolises an aspirational India

Prime Minister Modi has come to symbolise an aspirational India who has been chosen as "an agent of change rather than continuity." Experts think it is unfair to judge him in such a short time. His success depends on whether the rhetoric of the elections would translate into governance.

PM's Masood Azhar ‘coup’ with China’s help: A political bargain?
May 03, 2019

PM's Masood Azhar ‘coup’ with China’s help: A political bargain?

The most important question that comes to mind after China has lifted its hold on Masood Azhar’s designation as a terrorist under UN rules is: Why now? Why plumb in the middle of the general elections?