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693 results found

The realignment of geopolitics after the Taliban takeover and what it means for India
Aug 18, 2021

The realignment of geopolitics after the Taliban takeover and what it means for India

The burial of another superpower in the graveyard of empires resets the regional security balance in South Asia with New Delhi being left to make some

The Role of Agriculture in Modern China
Jun 19, 2024

The Role of Agriculture in Modern China

China is often viewed through the lenses of commerce, geopolitics, and political economy. At the fringes of these lies Chinese agriculture—and its domestic and global impact. This brief analyses the evolution of Chinese agriculture, from the revolutionary Maoist period to the present. It describes the Chinese government’s strategy to ensure food self-sufficiency for an increasingly voracious consumer base. In particular, it examines the produ

The Role of Lithium-Based Energy Storage in India’s Climate Goals
May 12, 2023

The Role of Lithium-Based Energy Storage in India’s Climate Goals

Energy storage is key to both effective integration of renewable energy systems with the electricity grid, and accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). This brief discusses the technological trends in lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries, and assesses the energy storage needs of the Indian power and transportation sectors. It looks at the geographic distribution of lithium and cobalt in onshore and offshore locations across

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
Jan 07, 2021

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has had widespread global economic impacts, and countries are gearing up for recovery. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be crucial. Given that the SDGs incorporate the four pillars of capital — human, social, natural and physical — these targets will be useful in the post-pandemic economic recovery process. This brief utilises econometric analysis to illustrate how the implementation of the SDGs is a stat

The Russia-China congruence at the UNSC
Aug 01, 2023

The Russia-China congruence at the UNSC

Russia-China’s voting congruence at the UNSC on issues relating to Syria and North Korea sets a vexing precedent for cooperative multilateralism

The Sustainable Development Agenda: Evaluating the G20 as a Stage for National and Collective Goals
May 10, 2023

The Sustainable Development Agenda: Evaluating the G20 as a Stage for National and Collective Goals

This brief examines the contribution of the G20 in facilitating the implementation of its member countries’ sustainable development goals. It reviews the G20 priorities over the years, its informal governance mechanisms, and the progress made so far by the member countries in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The brief finds that even as the G20 has aligned its priorities and initiatives with the SDGs, the responsibility fo

The Three Farmers’ Bills: A wasted opportunity or a transformed reality?
Nov 25, 2020

The Three Farmers’ Bills: A wasted opportunity or a transformed reality?

The government cannot launch measures which tackle different dimensions of the agrarian crisis in isolation from each other.

The tussle for the Iranian Presidency
May 13, 2005

The tussle for the Iranian Presidency

Iranians take their soccer seriously. Iran's victory over Bahrain last week in the World Cup qualifier resulted in an outburst of rejoicing rarely seen in Teheran. Men and women (some without head scarves) danced on the streets and tore up posters of candidates in the June 17 presidential elections. The police did not interfere. Credible foreign observers have not confirmed reports of police brutality carried by some opposition news channels in t

The U.S. Escalates Chips War With China
Apr 03, 2023

The U.S. Escalates Chips War With China

Global geopolitics is in a state of intense flux. China’s rise has led to greater competition in the international system, with the United States and the post-War global order coming under increasing challenge. China’s high economic growth rate in the past several decades has meant bigger military budgets. In turn, its military rise threatens security in the Indo-Pacific region where China seeks to dominate, from the Himalayas to South China

The value of water
Feb 01, 2024

The value of water

Efficient water demand management relies on market prices signalling the availability or future scarcity. India should consider such markets for effec

Thriving toilet economy of India’s financial capital
Oct 29, 2018

Thriving toilet economy of India’s financial capital

Figures speak for themselves in India’s most populous city. Census 2011 data revealed that nearly 42% of Mumbai’s total population of nearly 1.3 c

Thrust on making borders irrelevant
Jul 05, 2010

Thrust on making borders irrelevant

Terrorism, water and Afghanistan form facets of the wide range of issues which allow possible collaboration between India and Pakistan. These include trade and commerce, energy sharing, increased transport, communication links and simplified visa procedures.

Till US debt do us part
May 23, 2023

Till US debt do us part

The impact of a US debt default could cascade across the globe, extending far beyond economic consequences

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations
Jul 28, 2023

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations

Among India's neighbours, Bangladesh occupies a special position not only because of India's role in its liberation but because geographically, too, it surrounds Bangladesh from three sides. The beginning of close economic relations between the two countries can be traced back to 1971. After its independence, Bangladesh's requirements of consumer goods, especially food, came from India. Over the years, the country has sought easier access to Indi

Time to reassess what is good, what is bad, and what is ugly about India's tech regulations
Mar 14, 2022

Time to reassess what is good, what is bad, and what is ugly about India's tech regulations

Three sets of issues emerge here - understanding the nature of technology-linked risks, assessing the challenges to governance, and being imaginative in embracing new modes of regulation.

TN passive, or positive?
Nov 22, 2004

TN passive, or positive?

If the rest of India was ¿shocked¿ over the Tamil Nadu police arresting the Kanchi Sankaracharya in a murder case, it was equally surprised over the passivity of the people in the State, whom they expected would have taken to the streets in protest.

To Price or not to Price? Making a Case for a Carbon Pricing Mechanism for India
Sep 26, 2022

To Price or not to Price? Making a Case for a Carbon Pricing Mechanism for India

The 2021 Conference of Parties 26 (COP26) propelled nations to ramp up their climate targets and the concomitant Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. However, the updated NDCs and the announced pledges for 2030 remain insufficient and poorly aligned with the targets of the Paris Agreement. The reduction in projected 2030 emissions is estimated to be 7.5 percent—far lower than the 30 percent requi

Towards a Deliberative BIMSTEC
Aug 06, 2020

Towards a Deliberative BIMSTEC

The Bay of Bengal region links South Asia and Southeast Asia, with the BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) serving as a platform of trans-border cooperation. The BIMSTEC’s prime assets are the historical and cultural links between the nations, and their spirit of community. However, the lack of both a robust decision-making mechanism and a set of common rules have slowed down the growth of th

Traditional aid has no future
Nov 18, 2013

Traditional aid has no future

By using the markets, developed countries still have a lot to offer the international community, particularly the developing world. However, this would involve a fundamental recast of traditional aid into a wider framework.

Treading a Pragmatic Path: Russia in Afghanistan After August 2021
Nov 09, 2023

Treading a Pragmatic Path: Russia in Afghanistan After August 2021

After the United States and its allies left Afghanistan in 2021, analysts expected Russia to fill the vacuum caused by the withdrawal. As far as Moscow itself is concerned, it would like to establish full diplomatic ties with the Taliban regime while it urges Western countries to take accountability and fulfil their responsibilities towards the Afghan people. Indeed, Russia’s desire for security and regional hegemony compels it to selectively e

Turkey, Syria, and the Islamic State
Mar 18, 2016

Turkey, Syria, and the Islamic State

The Syrian crisis has become a test case for Turkey's foreign and domestic policy. Determined to find a balance between its global expectations and regional objectives, Turkey aimed towards the downfall of the Assad regime, relying on its strength in the Arab streets and support to rebels to ensure a rapid outcome. This tolerance for the radical opposition in Syria, along with the failure in finding a resolution to the Kurdish issue, has contribu

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage
Oct 20, 2015

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage

The centre of gravity of India's foreign policy seems to rest in Pakistan. India has not been able to overcome this psychological vulnerability, despite the growing strategic separation between India and Pakistan. It gets a lot worse when it comes to Pakistan's relations with America.

Unbundling the coal-climate equation
Oct 07, 2015

Unbundling the coal-climate equation

Ahead of the Paris climate summit, India announced on October 2 its INDCs for climate change mitigation and adaptation. While this commitment has drawn fulsome praise from many, the green ayatollahs have predictably ignored its herculean clean energy ambitions and focused on Indian dependence on coal. It is time to lay bare the 'coal hypocrisy' of these privileged 'western greens'.

Understanding the downturn in India’s exports
Feb 16, 2016

Understanding the downturn in India’s exports

India is currently facing a massive exports slowdown, one of its worst in recent years. Exports slumped for the 13th consecutive month in December 2015 by 15 percent and major exported goods from India have shown negative growth. Half the story relates to external forces: as global growth slows down, India's export markets contract, too. The other half, however, is a story of supply: for many reasons-lack of infrastructure, amongst them-India has

Understanding the significance of Community Conserved Areas in India vis-à-vis GBF
May 22, 2023

Understanding the significance of Community Conserved Areas in India vis-à-vis GBF

The recognition of Community Conserved Areas will enable a process-oriented approach towards achieving the targets under the Global Biodiversity Frame

Unlocking Sustainable Finance to Promote Green Transition: India’s Priorities for its G20 Presidency in 2023
Aug 04, 2022

Unlocking Sustainable Finance to Promote Green Transition: India’s Priorities for its G20 Presidency in 2023

Sustainable finance emerged as a key issue to tackle climate change at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference and is spurring a global transition to net zero. A peculiar feature of the race to net zero is that it cannot be achieved unless all countries can meet their targets, and any positive step towards it will benefit all countries. The drive to achieve carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions needs to be targeted through a range of

Unlocking the Potential of Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Energy in India
Jul 04, 2023

Unlocking the Potential of Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Energy in India

Natural gas is an efficient bridge fuel between high-emission fuels and renewable energy systems. Due to limited conventional natural gas reserves, India imports more than half of its natural gas requirements. Increased production of natural gas from domestically available resources could help India reduce gas imports, achieve national emission intensity targets, and honour international climate commitments. Marine gas hydrates ar

Unquiet on the front
Aug 12, 2013

Unquiet on the front

After the Ladakh intrusion, Delhi has sensibly stepped up the conversation on LAC management with Beijing. The recent violence on the LoC demands the same with Islamabad. When he meets Nawaz Sharif in New York next month, Manmohan Singh must seek Pakistan's renewed political support for the LoC ceasefire and an agreement to translate that commitment into a military reality.

US and India — Balancing the rebalance
Jun 19, 2017

US and India — Balancing the rebalance

Following the ascension of Trump, a swirling ocean of newsfeed has persistently threatened to overwhelm the US rebalance to Asia.

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge
Jan 22, 2024

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge

The US today is on the horns of a dilemma in the Middle East.

US withdrawal from Paris Agreement: India should withstand pulls and pushes
Jun 23, 2017

US withdrawal from Paris Agreement: India should withstand pulls and pushes

The Paris Agreement differs radically in as much that the commitment made by a Party in the Agreement is basically about the process.

USA - al Qaida- Pakistan: Conventional Wisdom or Faulty Assumptions?
Jan 31, 2006

USA - al Qaida- Pakistan: Conventional Wisdom or Faulty Assumptions?

Few nations have been thrust more dramatically into limelight since those tragic 9/11 events than Pakistan. Prior to that date, Pakistan was isolated: perceived as a Taliban and Al Qaeda supporter, a military regime, and a failing state. Events of 9/11 brought it closer to a danger where, in the words of General Musharraf, ¿It could lose its strategic assets.¿

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 14, 2022

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific

As many countries in the Indo-Pacific struggle to meet their vaccination targets, India could spearhead a vaccine initiative in close collaboration wi

Water futures market for the hydrological future of South Asia
Sep 29, 2020

Water futures market for the hydrological future of South Asia

The risk associated with water availability gets complicated with global warming and climate change. This affects the scarcity value of water, and eve

Wen Jiabao Visit: Expectations and Deliverables
Dec 16, 2010

Wen Jiabao Visit: Expectations and Deliverables

China, particularly after the global financial crisis, is on a look-out for markets in Asia, and India offers the largest market. Therefore, China's singular focus on economic issues is understandable, but India should not give into the Chinese demands without a quid pro quo.

Were the Scorpene files hacked?
Aug 24, 2016

Were the Scorpene files hacked?

The Scorpene leak can be the first instance of information about India’s strategic assets being successfully extracted through digital networks.

West Asia's changing contours
Nov 26, 2013

West Asia's changing contours

The US interest in West Asia is declining as domestic economic and political uncertainties make it look more and more inwards. The shale oil and gas boom is transforming energy markets with the US likely to emerge as the world's biggest combined oil and gas producer this year. These trends are reshaping the regional order in West Asia and New Delhi will have to respond pro-actively to preserve and enhance its own interests in a strategically crit

What does India’s new Australia Group admission mean for its old NSG bid?
Feb 09, 2018

What does India’s new Australia Group admission mean for its old NSG bid?

If India is not celebrating too much, it is because India has not been able to get membership in the group that New Delhi covets most — the NSG.

What followed after Modi­-Trump hug was net win for India
Jun 27, 2017

What followed after Modi­-Trump hug was net win for India

It's time to ensure that India-­US ties stay course — reaffirmed at the meeting — without the whim of Modi and Trump coming in the way.

What lies ahead for Pakistan
Apr 03, 2013

What lies ahead for Pakistan

In the coming Pakistan elections, the PPP cannot be written off because it has substantial pockets of support across various provinces. But it deserves some sympathy. Asif Zardari has not had an easy time with the media which had deemed him corrupt from day one or the judiciary and the military which have foiled all his efforts to come up with bold policies.

What serving police officers think of Kashmir
Jul 11, 2017

What serving police officers think of Kashmir

The Kashmir issue has two facets — domestic, and Pakistan's role.

What the 2022 US National Defence Strategy reveals about the international security scenario
Nov 01, 2022

What the 2022 US National Defence Strategy reveals about the international security scenario

The US NDS has higher budgets, a focus on the threat from China, and the need for rapid development and deployment of advanced technologies

What to do with the potential debt crisis looming over the world?
Mar 04, 2023

What to do with the potential debt crisis looming over the world?

Policy makers in both the OECD and developing countries should use this opportunity to improve the current framework for debt restructuring and crisis

When the game stops
Feb 03, 2021

When the game stops

There is definitely a millennial-disruptor signature in the entire episode that is not exactly “carpe diem” in spirit.

Where the gig worker fits inside the firm
May 15, 2018

Where the gig worker fits inside the firm

Reports of young guns ‘crushing it’ in the gig economy are still hard to come by. It gets lonely and the so-called flexible companies make tough d

Why data protection should not be an antitrust concern
Apr 09, 2021

Why data protection should not be an antitrust concern

The Competition Commission of India has treated data protection as a non-price competition parameter and found a compromise on this parameter by the d

Why does TTP target Pakistani State?
Dec 24, 2014

Why does TTP target Pakistani State?

One of the key reasons for TTP's survival has been Pakistan's policy of using terrorist groups as instruments of state policy. Pakistan Army's protection of the Haqqani Network and the Afghan Taliban as ' strategic assets' helped TTP to retain its sanctuary and its attack capabilities.

Why have we failed to create institutes of excellence, like in West?
Dec 11, 2017

Why have we failed to create institutes of excellence, like in West?

There is reluctance in offering absolute autonomy to institutes in something as basic as issuing degrees. When it comes to financial autonomy, it is a

Why India cannot do away with indirect subsidy
Aug 05, 2014

Why India cannot do away with indirect subsidy

Giving huge amounts of cash subsidies in the developed countries also distorts market. Lowering the actual cost of production artificially, these countries have produced mountains and lakes of agricultural products which are then dumped in international markets which lower the prices.