Search: For - Change

1604 results found

Creating a 'new normal' in the South China Sea
Jun 12, 2015

Creating a 'new normal' in the South China Sea

If one looks at China's actions in the South China Sea over the past five years, the picture that emerges is of a rising China attempting to change the ground realities and destabilise the status quo. If the international community wait to see the end game of the Chinese strategy, it may be too late to de-escalate a military confrontation.

Creating climate resilient food systems
Jun 04, 2024

Creating climate resilient food systems

Although making our food systems climate resilient is complex, it is an imperative task in the face of climate change

Creating Pathways for Disaster Risk Financing Post-COVID-19
Mar 25, 2021

Creating Pathways for Disaster Risk Financing Post-COVID-19

As South Asia faces an increasingly complex and expanding disaster risk landscape, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the systemic gaps in risk management. There is a need for a paradigm shift in disaster risk reduction—from a single-hazard, single-sector perspective to a multi-hazard, multi-sectoral, and systemic risk perspective supported by parallel risk financing measures. This brief examines the current gaps in the efficient operatio

Credible emerging market central banks could embrace quantitative easing to fight COVID19
Jul 09, 2020

Credible emerging market central banks could embrace quantitative easing to fight COVID19

Emerging economies are fighting COVID-19 and the economic sudden stop imposed by the containment and lockdown policies, in the same way as advanced ec

Crop Shifting for Improved Water Use and Nutritional Productivity in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plains of West Bengal
Jul 20, 2023

Crop Shifting for Improved Water Use and Nutritional Productivity in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plains of West Bengal

The challenge for agriculture is to meet rising demand for food while dealing with climate change and natural resource constraints. This paper takes the case of cereal production in the lower Indo-Gangetic plains in the state of West Bengal, India, and examines the implications of various crop-shifting scenarios on consumptive water demand and nutrient production. The analysis finds that by replacing summer crop (Boro rice) in each district with

Dalit politics at crossroads?
Jul 11, 2017

Dalit politics at crossroads?

Results of the 2014 general election and the subsequent Assembly elections clearly established that Dalit politics is undergoing a change.

Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift
May 04, 2023

Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift

Deeper professionalisation of the decision-making apparatus, with assured continuity of leadership, will prove helpful in mitigating climate change in

Decoding Romney's worldview
Aug 17, 2012

Decoding Romney's worldview

At this juncture of the US Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney's worldview seems to be defined, more than anything else, by the desire to sound different from President Obama. But foreign policy is still very much President Obama's turf, and Romney's recent foreign trip did nothing to change that.

Decoding the Atlantic Declaration
Jun 22, 2023

Decoding the Atlantic Declaration

The Atlantic Declaration is a symbolic representation of the political will in UK and US to work together on critical areas and make this alliance rea

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?
Aug 17, 2016

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?

A Donald Trump presidency could change the status quo of American participation in the NATO if his campaign statements are to be believed.

Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries
Mar 18, 2024

Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries

The international aid system is in need of reform. Despite rhetoric about localisation, a meagre 1.2 percent of international humanitarian aid directly reaches local actors. Overall, there is a lack of transparency and awareness in international policy circles on how funds flow from the donor level to the field. This brief argues that the issue is not just about a lack of capacity on the part of local actors—a sweeping statement often used by W

Decolonising heritage sites in post-colonial–cum–apartheid cities: Experiences and suggestions from the Global South
Nov 20, 2021

Decolonising heritage sites in post-colonial–cum–apartheid cities: Experiences and suggestions from the Global South

The continuation of oppressive colonial ideology through the preservation of heritage sites is stifling social change.

Defence diplomacy and environmental security: Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and beyond
May 17, 2021

Defence diplomacy and environmental security: Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and beyond

Security risks associated with the consequences of climate change will have a direct impact on the way the armed forces anticipate, prepare, operate a

Delegation from Chinese think tank visits ORF
Oct 22, 2009

Delegation from Chinese think tank visits ORF

A five-member delegation from the Beijing-based China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) exchanged views with the ORF faculty on bilateral relations, media reportage, regional issues, international terrorism, and possible areas of research cooperation

Delhi-Dhaka-Tokyo cooperation: Charting developmental pathways in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 17, 2023

Delhi-Dhaka-Tokyo cooperation: Charting developmental pathways in the Indo-Pacific

All three countries have unique strengths which they can leverage by working trilaterally and together they can play a major role in shaping the futur

Delhi: A vote for PM's vision of development
Apr 27, 2017

Delhi: A vote for PM's vision of development

Can things change even before 2020, if Arvind Kejriwal resigns, admitting he has lost the mandate to rule?

Democrats bracing for bad times in Midterm Polls
Nov 01, 2022

Democrats bracing for bad times in Midterm Polls

Inflation, gas prices, and lacklustre messaging are working against the Democratic party 

Despite Shifts, Japan’s Defence and Security Policy Remains on Pacifist Ground
Aug 14, 2023

Despite Shifts, Japan’s Defence and Security Policy Remains on Pacifist Ground

In the past decade, Japan made certain critical changes in its defence and security policy. These include enhancing the country’s defence capabilities, introducing the right to collective self-defence, abandoning the ban on arms exports, strengthening its alliance with the United States, and promoting its vision of a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’. Japan has introduced these changes incrementally, as a response to changing strategic circumsta

Developing countries shouldn’t waste this crisis
Apr 25, 2020

Developing countries shouldn’t waste this crisis

If one thing needs to change after the coronavirus, it’s the relationship between the state and migrant workers.

Development partnerships for food security: India in the Indo-Pacific
Oct 04, 2023

Development partnerships for food security: India in the Indo-Pacific

By collaborating with neighbouring countries, India can serve as a catalyst for positive change and promote food security and sustainable development

Diesel displacement in humanitarian settings
Jun 10, 2019

Diesel displacement in humanitarian settings

It is clear that something can and should be done in humanitarian settings globally to change the way the UN and NGOs operate.

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022: Reservations and recommendations
Nov 29, 2022

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022: Reservations and recommendations

The recent iteration of Digital Personal Data Protection Bill has welcome changes, however, has lacunae that needs to be addressed

Dilemmas in disaster management: SAARC under scrutiny
Feb 29, 2024

Dilemmas in disaster management: SAARC under scrutiny

The lack of initiative and political will has led to the marginalisation of the SAARC sector of disaster management from mainstream efforts in South A

Diplomacy in a divided world
Apr 21, 2021

Diplomacy in a divided world

Diplomacy is not often revolutionary. This does not fit well in a time that wants rapid change and immediate solutions to problems.

Dire straits: The Horn of Africa faces deepening crises
Jan 23, 2023

Dire straits: The Horn of Africa faces deepening crises

The international community must ensure that measures are in place to deal with the food and health crises unfolding in the Horn region

Discom reforms in India: Why the inefficiency narrative is inadequate
Oct 09, 2021

Discom reforms in India: Why the inefficiency narrative is inadequate

Despite substantial policy changes, the discom sector has not improved. Could this be chalked up to inefficiency or should political interventions be

DISCOMs: The weak link in India’s energy transition
Mar 27, 2024

DISCOMs: The weak link in India’s energy transition

Unless the financial health of distribution utilities (DISCOMS) can be revived, progress on energy transition can flounder

Drastic reforms needed to bridge inequality
Apr 08, 2019

Drastic reforms needed to bridge inequality

The problems India is facing are hard to solve in the short term and only incremental changes can be undertaken in the five-year term of any government at the Centre. As per an Oxfam survey, India is a highly unequal country on all counts. There are inequalities in wealth, income and consumption as well as structural inequalities of opportunity, region and social groups.

Droughts and deficits: Robust partnerships for resilience
Jun 04, 2024

Droughts and deficits: Robust partnerships for resilience

Although stopping droughts completely remains a challenge, technological innovations and bolstering institutional and community-level capacities can s

Dynamics of US Force Transformation
Dec 25, 2006

Dynamics of US Force Transformation

In September 2002, the Bush administration officially introduced its national security strategy report. In response to the devastating attacks on the epicentre of America's financial and defence establishment, President Bush outlined the fundamental tenets of a strategy that was authored to contend with changes caused due to the "profound transformation" in the current security environment. President Bush proclaimed that, in order to protect Amer

East China Sea: Disputed islands to disputed airSpace
Nov 29, 2013

East China Sea: Disputed islands to disputed airSpace

The recent developments in East China Sea carry a high risk of confrontation and miscalculation in the already volatile region. Beijing's unilateral move to extend its authority and control in the region runs against its policy to change its image amongst its neighbours.

Economic Survey 2021-22: New data through new tools for new policymaking
Jan 31, 2022

Economic Survey 2021-22: New data through new tools for new policymaking

This year’s survey encompasses the massive changes that the country has had to go through over the decades in the long term as well as through the p

Effective IEC to combat gender-based violence
Aug 18, 2018

Effective IEC to combat gender-based violence

A holistic approach to combat gender-based violence will never be complete without sincere efforts to trigger behaviour change among the perpetrators.

Elections in Türkiye: Marking a reset in EU-Türkiye relations?
May 28, 2023

Elections in Türkiye: Marking a reset in EU-Türkiye relations?

Europe is closely observing the Turkish elections as a change in leadership could lead to a reset in Türkiye-EU relations

Embracing digital solutions for women entrepreneurs in India’s Northeast
Jun 25, 2024

Embracing digital solutions for women entrepreneurs in India’s Northeast

OCEN can potentially change the playing field for India’s MSME sector, especially in the northeastern region, with women being the biggest beneficia

Emerging technologies and India’s nuclear deterrent
Feb 05, 2019

Emerging technologies and India’s nuclear deterrent

Rapid transformation in disruptive technologies is going to change the nature of nuclear deterrence. Artificial intelligence, cyber weapons, hypersoni

Ending Africa's Chronic Food Insecurity: What the G20 Can Do
Aug 16, 2023

Ending Africa's Chronic Food Insecurity: What the G20 Can Do

After improving between 2000 and 2013, hunger levels have significantly worsened in Africa in the years since. While global food insecurity is currently at an all-time high, Africa's record in addressing undernutrition was not impressive even in the pre-pandemic era when growth rates were higher. There are several challenges to food security in Africa, including short-term external shocks such as the pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia war, and long-

Ending Africa’s Chronic Food Insecurity: What the G20 Can Do
Aug 16, 2023

Ending Africa’s Chronic Food Insecurity: What the G20 Can Do

After improving between 2000 and 2013, hunger levels have significantly worsened in Africa in the years since. While global food insecurity is current