Search: For - victory

138 results found

Europe: Consumer society collides with spectre of austerity
May 11, 2012

Europe: Consumer society collides with spectre of austerity

The return of a socialist President in France since Mitterand's victory in 1981 confirms a trend in Europe which, instead of lifting the mist, is adding to the fog. The other day, David Cameron, who has never quite found his feet, had egg all over his face.

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy
May 23, 2024

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy

As China pursues its expansionist ambitions in the greater South China Sea, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is working to enhance his country’s ability to exercise its sovereignty and sovereign rights. Towards this end, Manila is expanding its strategic options through robust external partnerships and national policy recalibrations to secure its lawful waters in what it calls the West Philippine Sea. There are concerns, however, abou

Greek crisis: The geopolitical twist to Eurozone's troubles
Feb 23, 2015

Greek crisis: The geopolitical twist to Eurozone's troubles

Did Russia's quick response of offering the new Greek prime minister with financial aid to sail through the financial crisis help him bargain the new time line for debt rescheduling? Yes or not, the victory of the 'Left' PM in the Greek general elections has given a geo-political twist to Eurozone's troubles.

Guarantee Afghanistan's neutrality
Jan 22, 2010

Guarantee Afghanistan's neutrality

Discussions between the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) also saw a general agreement that the Taliban victory in Afghanistan will lead to a civil war with disastrous consequences for Pakistan

How 'Delhi model' facilitated AAP's historic Punjab sweep
Mar 16, 2022

How 'Delhi model' facilitated AAP's historic Punjab sweep

The AAP’s historic victory in a state with no reliable voting base and a weak and invisible party organisation is a fairy tale story almost similar to what the newbie party achieved in the Delhi elections in 2015.

How the 1971 war was fought and won
Feb 21, 2019

How the 1971 war was fought and won

The 1971 victory was significant on many counts.

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia
Sep 25, 2021

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia

The Taliban story has only just resumed and could see a return of the US and other powers to this theatre in the future as global jihadist movements v

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times
Mar 25, 2014

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times

As in the world's many democracies, parliamentary polls in Maldives too have underlined the coalition reality of the times. The polls have also proved the add-ons do count, as former President Nasheed had proved in his second-round victory in 2008.

India-China power play gets new life in Maldives
Oct 07, 2023

India-China power play gets new life in Maldives

The victory of a pro-China government in the Maldives offers Beijing an opportunity to restore its influence in the Indian Ocean region

India: Countdown begins for next Lok Sabha polls
Dec 21, 2012

India: Countdown begins for next Lok Sabha polls

A victory by almost retaining its 2007 tally of 117 seats in Gujarat and a defeat in Himachal Pradesh for the BJP has not only set the tone for the next Lok Sabha elections but has also created a new set of problems and challenges for the two national parties in particular and for the entire political class otherwise.

Israel Swerves Right
Apr 07, 2015

Israel Swerves Right

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu created history, defying pre-poll predictions, by leading his right-wing Likud Party to victory in the recently concluded national elections in Israel. The stunning result gave Netanyahu's Likud party 30 seats in the 120 seat Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.

It will be foolish to ignore messages the voter sends during elections
Nov 10, 2016

It will be foolish to ignore messages the voter sends during elections

Donald Trump's victory has shown that it would be foolish to ignore voter’s messages during elections.

It's Rajapaksa all the way
Jan 27, 2010

It's Rajapaksa all the way

The victory confirms earlier predictions that the fulcrum of national politics has moved away from the urban centres and their elite

Joining the dots: Tracking mainstreaming of Syrian regime from the skies
Apr 20, 2019

Joining the dots: Tracking mainstreaming of Syrian regime from the skies

A 30-day observation (February – March 2019) of the Syrian airspace showed that despite being suspended from the Arab League, Damascus is slowly bei

Karnataka electoral battle to decide national politics
May 02, 2018

Karnataka electoral battle to decide national politics

A Karnataka victory would go into the account of Rahul Gandhi whose credentials as a leader would get strengthened and accepted by his friends and foe

Merkel and media
Sep 29, 2017

Merkel and media

When Germany headed to the polls on 24 September, there was little doubt that Merkel was poised for a comeback. As the election results began to pour

Mobilising to a Victorious Insurgency: Locating Identity, Grievance, and Greed in the Taliban’s Strategy
Aug 11, 2023

Mobilising to a Victorious Insurgency: Locating Identity, Grievance, and Greed in the Taliban’s Strategy

Analysts attribute the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021 to various factors. These include geopolitical shifts, and the Taliban’s tactics of warfare. However, fewer attempts have been made to understand the Taliban’s victory through internal mobilisation. This brief attempts to fill the gap, and examines the role of identity, grievance, and greed in the Taliban’s mobilisation and its contribution to a successful insurgency. It out

Myanmar's wheel of change
Nov 18, 2015

Myanmar's wheel of change

The landslide victory of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) in the November 8 elections is a harbinger of changing times in Myanmar. Winning clear majority, bagging more than 2/3rds of seats, the NLD has been placed in a position to steer reforms in the country.

Myanmar: Deadlock over the oath
Apr 27, 2012

Myanmar: Deadlock over the oath

Even before the Opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) could celebrate its victory in the recently-concluded by-elections, Myanmar is facing its first test as a nascent and evolving democracy.

Need bravery, not bravado
Jul 30, 2020

Need bravery, not bravado

Victory in war requires not just sacrifice but also courage on our part and more importantly on the part of those occupying the highest levels of our political establishment

New Prime Minister, New Challenges
Aug 21, 2004

New Prime Minister, New Challenges

Pakistan's Prime Minister-designate Shaukat Aziz has been elected to the National Assembly with a thumping majority. His victory is being projected as a peaceful transition of power¿from Jamali to Shujaat to Aziz-- and as a sign of democracy maturing in Pakistan.

Now taking forward Brexit deal won’t be  a challenge
Jan 09, 2020

Now taking forward Brexit deal won’t be  a challenge

The elections reflected the public discontent with the political deadlock on Brexit, and Boris Johnson’s strategy of reinforcing simple and clear slogans worked in his favour, bolstering the Conservative Party’s victory.

Politics of Russia’s elections
Mar 18, 2024

Politics of Russia’s elections

Despite Putin’s overwhelming victory in the recent Russian presidential elections, a growing shift in the social attitudes of the citizenry was witn

President Donald Trump and future of the Iran deal
Dec 07, 2016

President Donald Trump and future of the Iran deal

One of the foremost questions around Trump's victory has been in relation to the future of the Iran nuclear deal, one that the President-elect has cri

President in Russia
May 05, 2015

President in Russia

The Indian President's presence at the 70th anniversary of the Allied victory in World War II in Russia on May 9 is in part about extending New Delhi's solidarity with Moscow at a time when many Western leaders have decided not to show up in protest against Russian President Vladimir Putin's policy in Ukraine.

Putin’s moves are hardly ‘chess thumping’
Feb 26, 2022

Putin’s moves are hardly ‘chess thumping’

The Russian President’s actions this week may yield tactical gains but hardly pass the test for strategic victory

Reading between the lines of President Kovind’s visit to Bangladesh
Dec 28, 2021

Reading between the lines of President Kovind’s visit to Bangladesh

The recent presidential visit to Bangladesh showcases the robust India-Bangladesh relations despite minor hiccups over the last couple of months.

Reconciling with the Taliban: The Good, the Bad and the Difficult
May 23, 2023

Reconciling with the Taliban: The Good, the Bad and the Difficult

Efforts toward a peaceful reconciliation with the Taliban have failed and Afghanistan and the United States remain engaged in a bitter war against the insurgent group. The US has shown willingness and capability to go after Taliban leaders on Pakistani soil, upsetting its relations with Islamabad and ending Pakistan's game of plausible deniability. Under its new leader, Haibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban continue their onslaught against the

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?
Apr 23, 2024

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?

Peter Pellegrini’s recent presidential victory could mean Slovakia mirroring Hungary's stance on Ukraine, potentially troubling the EU

South Asia South Asia Weekly 35
Sep 01, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 35

Asif Ali Zardari, who led Pakistan People's Party (PPP) to victory in the February elections, became the 14th President of Pakistan by securing a majority in Senate, the National Assembly and three of the four Provincial Assemblies on Saturday (Sept.6).

South Asia South Asia Weekly 43
Nov 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 43

The historic second round of the presidential elections ended in the Maldives on October 8 with the victory of the Maldivian Democratic Party Alliance leader Mohamed "Anni" Nasheed. Known for his progressive views, Anni defeated his rival, the longest serving ruler in Asia,

South Asia South Asia Weekly 52
Dec 29, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 52

The week saw the culmination of long-awaited and much anticipated victory of the armed forces over the separatist organization, the LTTE. The so-called capital and administrative hub of an elusive Tamil Eelam Kilinochchi was finally liberated after 11 years.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 8
Mar 02, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 8

In Sri Lanka, everybody is uncertain about the future. Nobody knows what happens next. Take for instance, the victory march of Sri Lankan Army (SLA) which was once again bogged down by the LTTE's resurgence. Though the week started with the forward march of the Sri Lanka defence forces after the killing of the three senior female LTTE leaders at sea including Lt. Colonel Kalai Arasi,

South Asia Weekly Report 73
May 25, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 73

Sri Lanka secured a major diplomatic victory when the United Nations (UN) passed a resolution backing its post-war plans for refugees. The UN resolution, which was passed 29 to 12 with six abstentions, urged support and assistance to Sri Lanka in its efforts to deal with large number of refugees.

South Asia Weekly Report 74
Jun 01, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 74

Sri Lanka celebrated Victory Day at Galle Face Green in capital Colombo on June 3 to mark its victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). President Mahinda Rajapakse, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, praised the soldiers for their sustained efforts in wiping out the Tigers.

Sri Lanka NPC polls: Messages for one and all
Sep 24, 2013

Sri Lanka NPC polls: Messages for one and all

The sweeping victory for the Tamil National Alliance in Saturday's first-ever Northern Provincial Council in Sri Lanka has a message for various stake-holders nearer home and afar.

Sri Lanka's new Govt, and India and China
Jan 09, 2015

Sri Lanka's new Govt, and India and China

Sri Lanka's poll results have shown that President-elect Sirisena's victory was made possible by the overwhelming vote of the minorities, particularly the Sri Lankan Tamils. However, the Indian concerns on ethnic issues will be addressed wholly only when the new government and its limited TNA underwriter arrive at a negotiated settlement.

Statehood for Delhi: Is it practical?
Mar 05, 2015

Statehood for Delhi: Is it practical?

The Aam Aadmi Party's unprecedented electoral victory in Delhi has revived the debate on full statehood to Delhi. But how practical is the statehood for the national capital? What are the issues? To discuss these issues, ORF organised a panel discussion with experienced bureaucrats, academics and experts.

The Afghan deal: A tale of colliding motivations, expectations and aims
Sep 16, 2019

The Afghan deal: A tale of colliding motivations, expectations and aims

Taliban, Rawalpindi declared victory too soon. The game now depends on Trump’s calculations

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?
Jun 24, 2022

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?

The victory of left-wing senator Gustvao Petro indicates that Colombia is ready for unprecedented changes.

The DPJ and the Parliamentary Stalemate in Japan
Feb 09, 2011

The DPJ and the Parliamentary Stalemate in Japan

The Democratic Party of Japan ( DPJ ) has been in power for about a year and a half. Despite scoring a landslide victory in the House of Representatives election in August 2009, the ruling party has failed to cash in on this great opportunity.

The foggy trend in Europe
May 19, 2012

The foggy trend in Europe

The return of a Socialist in France since Mitterand's victory in 1981 confirms a trend in Europe which, instead of lifting the mist, is adding to the fog. The other day in the UK, Labour had trounced the Conservatives in local bodies election across the country.

The Kulbhushan Jadhav verdict: A certain win, with uncertain outcomes
Jul 19, 2019

The Kulbhushan Jadhav verdict: A certain win, with uncertain outcomes

Jadhav’s case is a resounding victory for India and provides clarity to a country’s obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

The Middle East Initiative claptrap
Sep 30, 2004

The Middle East Initiative claptrap

In 1991, President George H.W. Bush proclaimed that the victory in the Gulf war presented an extraordinary opportunity to settle the Middle East conflict. This led to the Madrid conference, secret parleys between Israeli and PLO negotiators in Norway and then to signing of what came to be known as the Oslo accords in a grand ceremony at the White House in 1993.

The return of America — Has Trump forced Biden’s hand on continuing the ‘America First’ foreign policy?
Dec 28, 2020

The return of America — Has Trump forced Biden’s hand on continuing the ‘America First’ foreign policy?

In some ways, Joe Biden’s election victory will reverse many of the trends from the past four years, including on multilateralism, democracy promoti

The South Korean elections: Another round of political logjam?
Apr 18, 2024

The South Korean elections: Another round of political logjam?

The victory of the Opposition party in the recent South Korean elections will force the President to focus more on the domestic agenda than on foreign

The Sri Lankan crisis: Domestic and regional implications
Apr 29, 2022

The Sri Lankan crisis: Domestic and regional implications

The deteriorating economic crisis in Sri Lanka has grown into a political movement against the government who secured a landslide victory in the 2020