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203 results found

West Asia protests: India must have contingency plans ready
Feb 08, 2011

West Asia protests: India must have contingency plans ready

Prolonged turmoil in the West Asia region could result in rising oil prices and interruption in India's trade with the region valued at $120 billion a year. India should have contingency plans in place to deal with unforeseeable consequences of a spreading conflagration.

What do Sri Lanka’s protests mean for India?
Jul 12, 2022

What do Sri Lanka’s protests mean for India?

New Delhi is concerned about the political scenario panning out in Sri Lanka but has chosen to not interfere in their domestic issue.

Who benefits from the protests in Iran?
Jan 11, 2018

Who benefits from the protests in Iran?

If Rouhani is the middle, it is not wise to celebrate an attack against him. Not until, organically most if not all of Iran and not just Tehran like i

Why the protests over Tipu Sultan are so misplaced
Nov 13, 2015

Why the protests over Tipu Sultan are so misplaced

The best way to understand what the Tipu Sultan controversy is all about is to see who is at the forefront of the protests against the observance of his birth anniversary ? the Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!
Jul 29, 2023

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!

लोकतंत्र के एक मॉडल के रूप में "चीनी लोकतंत्र" को हाल ही मे�

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?
Jul 30, 2023

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?

किसानों की तादाद सबसे कम होने के बावजूद किसानों का विरोध �

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?
Mar 22, 2022

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?

किसानों की तादाद सबसे कम होने के बावजूद किसानों का विरोध �

Allergies From The Arab Spring In India
Aug 24, 2011

Allergies From The Arab Spring In India

The tremors from the convulsions wracking the Arab world are being felt in India too, in the amplitude that the Hazare drama is acquiring. This may not be grasped immediately as independent India has an autonomous record of organising non-violent political and social protests

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia
Nov 23, 2023

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics (CARs) have, in recent years, implemented multifaceted foreign policies to achieve strategic autonomy and limit China’s influence and Russia's traditional sway. But domestic uprisings in the CARs, the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict have given China new opportunities to strengthen its presence in Central Asia. This brief investigates China's increased engagement with the CARs

Azadi March in Pakistan - Nawaz Sharif vs Army?
Aug 22, 2014

Azadi March in Pakistan - Nawaz Sharif vs Army?

The synchronised protest marches undertaken by Imran Khan, the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and cleric Tahir-ul Qadri, chairman of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), culminated in a combined sit-in outside the Parliament building in Islamabad.

Bangladesh: Is political violence reviving instability?
Dec 14, 2012

Bangladesh: Is political violence reviving instability?

Bangladesh witnessed the worst kind of political violence in the past few weeks following a series of protests called by the Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its ally Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs
May 16, 2023

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs

The perfect storm that has engulfed Pakistan is unlikely to weaken anytime soon.

Bracing for a Manic Monday
May 16, 2023

Bracing for a Manic Monday

The crisis of the state in Pakistan is only getting worse.

C+C5 Summit: Beijing’s increasing shadow over Central Asia
May 29, 2023

C+C5 Summit: Beijing’s increasing shadow over Central Asia

Amidst rising anti-China protests in Central Asian countries, Xi attempts to project Beijing as a partner and not a hegemon during the recent China-Ce

Chicken feed for the soul
Mar 16, 2006

Chicken feed for the soul

The George Bush visit was a giant step forward for Indo-US relations and India was elated to be part of the Big League. Now that he has gone, the Left protests turned out to be only that much bushfire and the euphoria of the visit has evaporated somewhat, it is time to evaluate just what this winwin situation might mean.

Chile’s ‘peaceful revolution’
Sep 19, 2022

Chile’s ‘peaceful revolution’

The overwhelming rejection of the utopian draft constitution indicates the growing discontent amongst the Chilean population.

China: क्या चीन में विरोध प्रदर्शनों से शी जिनपिंग की सत्ता को ख़तरा है?
Dec 10, 2022

China: क्या चीन में विरोध प्रदर्शनों से शी जिनपिंग की सत्ता को ख़तरा है?

चीन में बढ़ते विरोध प्रदर्शनों के बीच शी जिनपिंग के नये क�

CJ becomes now Govt Head in Nepal: But will he be able to hold polls in June?
Mar 14, 2013

CJ becomes now Govt Head in Nepal: But will he be able to hold polls in June?

Nepal's Chief Justice Khil Raj Regmi has been appointed the Head of the interim government. His main mandate is to hold elections for the CA. But 22 opposition political parties have begun their protest programmes against the new government, raising doubts whether polls can be held in June this year.

Clashes in Beirut remind the Lebanese of the bloody civil war
Nov 13, 2021

Clashes in Beirut remind the Lebanese of the bloody civil war

The Beirut port blast protest turns bloody as gunfire erupts between Hezbollah and alleged Lebanese Forces.

Continuity and Change in Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Deliberating Post-Election Scenarios
Jan 04, 2024

Continuity and Change in Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Deliberating Post-Election Scenarios

Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook, released in April 2023, is a projection of its interests in the region, and a testament to its political nonalignment and commitment to economic development. Its focus on upholding the rule of law and maintaining regional stability makes it a conducive partner for neighbouring countries and major powers in the Indo-Pacific. Bangladesh enjoys close ties with China, Japan, and the US, and a special relationship

COVID-19 further tightens Lebanon’s fiscal and political quagmire
May 19, 2020

COVID-19 further tightens Lebanon’s fiscal and political quagmire

The COVID-19 pandemic is acting as a catalyst for deepening anti-Shia prejudice whose geopolitical dimensions are rooted in regional Sunni-Shia rivalr

Disillusionment with democracy in Nepal
Dec 22, 2023

Disillusionment with democracy in Nepal

Nepal is witnessing a clear disillusionment with the federal political system as protests demanding the restoration of monarchy are on the rise

Elections in Bangladesh: A kaleidoscopic overview
Dec 06, 2023

Elections in Bangladesh: A kaleidoscopic overview

Bangladesh’s domestic political climate remains highly charged as it heads for election in 2024 despite nationwide protests

Examining economic boycotts: The case of the Israel-Palestine conflict
May 14, 2024

Examining economic boycotts: The case of the Israel-Palestine conflict

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has gained momentum as more people protest against Israel’s actions in Gaza by boycotting Isra

Executive Presidency: A flawed 'inheritance' that is not?
Nov 16, 2012

Executive Presidency: A flawed 'inheritance' that is not?

As anticipated, the much-touted and ill-prepared protest by the Bhiku movement and Sarath Fonseka's Democratic National Alliance (DNA), seeking to replace the Executive Presidency, has Sri Lanka ended in a whimper.

From Rio to Paris: India in global climate politics
Dec 24, 2017

From Rio to Paris: India in global climate politics

This paper analyses India’s participation in more than two decades of global climate politics. India has transitioned from a protest voice on the fringes of global climate policy to one that is actively shaping international efforts to combat climate change. Analysis of the drivers behind India’s negotiating positions on climate change thus far has focused on the competing motives of equity and co-benefits, which has however been insufficient

Georgian Dream Party has blown up Tbilisi’s track to Europe
May 29, 2024

Georgian Dream Party has blown up Tbilisi’s track to Europe

The Foreign Agents Law has to be looked at beyond the Russia factor; understanding the political dynamics and the role of NGOs in modern-day Georgia r

Greece poll: A wake-up call to established parties
Mar 16, 2015

Greece poll: A wake-up call to established parties

The coming to power of a Left-leaning Syriza government in Greece is not because people supported their ideology but they wanted to protest against the economic stagnation caused by austerity programme, says Ramon Perez-Maura, Assistant Editor of leading Spanish daily, ABC.

Have youth started deserting BJP?
Oct 06, 2017

Have youth started deserting BJP?

When the BJP-led NDA government had come to power in 2014, it enjoyed the support of the young voters.

Hizbut Tehrir Behind Afghan Violence?
May 13, 2005

Hizbut Tehrir Behind Afghan Violence?

This is the biggest protest campaign in Afghanistan since the ouster of the Taliban regime. This is bloody, widespread and countrywide.This also shows that they are fed up with the United States and they just needed a spark to vent their feelings.

Hong Kong twilight
May 23, 2020

Hong Kong twilight

The protests In Hong Kong on Sunday will really tell us how the future will unfold. If millions participate, then it means Beijing is not going to fin

How mainstream political parties enable separatist politics in Kashmir
Jan 30, 2019

How mainstream political parties enable separatist politics in Kashmir

Evolution of the electoral space has somehow not been able to take place at the cost of “all retentionist” separatist sentiment and politics.

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India
Dec 26, 2023

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India

With pan-Islamic and Pakistan-based terrorist organisations weaponising the deluge of footage from the Gaza Strip, their propaganda will impact terror

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far
Jun 09, 2023

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far

The Canadian government, instead of robustly standing up to extremism, has found it easier to pander to some of the most violent and aggressive groups. This is partly because of how these extremist groups have increased their influence over state institutions

Iran: Ambiguity around disbanding the morality police
Dec 16, 2022

Iran: Ambiguity around disbanding the morality police

Iran’s next steps in the midst of the protests will be very telling of its position and will shape the future of the movement

Is banning cycle traffic in Kolkata sensible?
Oct 30, 2013

Is banning cycle traffic in Kolkata sensible?

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like . This 35-year old rock hymn from "Queen" might evolve to the protest song of those cyclists in Kolkata who were recently banned to use their own means of transport in any of the city's 174 busiest streets.

Is politics of hartal returning to Bangladesh?
Nov 26, 2010

Is politics of hartal returning to Bangladesh?

The people of Bangladesh are slowly becoming sceptical that they might soon be trapped into an era of unending street protests and violent political clashes. The root to this fear has been the long absence of the Opposition from Parliament and its efforts to settle political issues on the streets.

Is there genuine change in Algeria?
Apr 03, 2019

Is there genuine change in Algeria?

The Algerian protesters appear to have learnt the lessons of the Arab Spring

Is youth with civil society a serious challenge to government?
Dec 23, 2019

Is youth with civil society a serious challenge to government?

The large turnout of youth and the civil society despite the central and state government’s determined efforts like large scale arrests of political

Kashmir: The situation is abnormally ‘normal’
Sep 17, 2019

Kashmir: The situation is abnormally ‘normal’

The death of yet another expectation will only increase the hurt and anger.

Kazakhstan and the CSTO have been tested by the crisis
Jan 12, 2022

Kazakhstan and the CSTO have been tested by the crisis

The recent protests in Kazakhstan shook the government to its very core, leading to a reshuffling of political power in the centre and the arrival of

Kazakhstan on the brink
Jan 08, 2022

Kazakhstan on the brink

Kazakhstan President’s call to use foreign troops to quell the recent protest could further alienate people who are already dissatisfied by the regi

Key trends from the European Parliament Elections 2024
Jun 17, 2024

Key trends from the European Parliament Elections 2024

Despite the war in Europe, economic challenges, global trade tensions, and farmer protests, the 2024 election saw the centre retain control in the Eur

Kidnapping of Chinese in Iraq
Feb 24, 2004

Kidnapping of Chinese in Iraq

Eight Chinese workers from Fujian, who were travelling to Jordan from Najaf in Iraq by a car after having worked in a Chinese-aided power project there for catching a flight to China, were detained by an Iraqi resistance group on January 18,2005, to protest against the Chinese involvement in the project.

Lebanon’s economy is in free fall 
May 26, 2020

Lebanon’s economy is in free fall 

While the coronavirus lockdown has certainly exacerbated the economic collapse and the protests that engulfed the country in October caused panic —

Lokpal logjam: Is there a meeting ground?
Dec 14, 2011

Lokpal logjam: Is there a meeting ground?

With the Parliament Standing Committee omitting a number of key demands of Team Anna, the Lokpal Bill is likely to plunge the nation into yet another round of agitations and street protests. But is there a possible wayforward?

Maldives: Of democracy and 'mobocracy'
Nov 23, 2012

Maldives: Of democracy and 'mobocracy'

If one thing is becoming increasingly clear in 'democratised' Maldives, it is that street-protests can change Governments and constitutions, policies and national priorities. It is thus that the nation found street-protests heralding 'multi-party' democracy,

Mauritius deepens India’s naval reach
Mar 08, 2024

Mauritius deepens India’s naval reach

With Maldives veering towards China, Mauritius is emerging as a decisive factor in ensuring India’s dominance in the Indian Ocean Region