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246 results found

Waiting in the wings — Will this be the decade for middle powers? 
Dec 28, 2020

Waiting in the wings — Will this be the decade for middle powers? 

In fluid strategic situations, middle powers tend to thrive more provided they are able to play their cards well.

Xi’s Congress rhetoric powers the PLA’s march ahead
Nov 28, 2022

Xi’s Congress rhetoric powers the PLA’s march ahead

China’s military overhaul is also connected to its ambition to elbow out the United States as a global power

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Life Insurance, 1956
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Life Insurance, 1956

While the ostensible reason for nationalisation and the obliteration of all competition was unfair practices of the companies and the protection of po

A moment for Asian solidarity
Oct 09, 2013

A moment for Asian solidarity

A strong alignment between India and Indonesia holds the key to Delhi's much-vaunted "strategic autonomy" and Jakarta's quest for a "dynamic equilibrium" in Asia. It will also set the template for India's security cooperation with other regional powers in Asia.

A New Partnership for the Digital 21st Century: Japan, India and France
Mar 31, 2021

A New Partnership for the Digital 21st Century: Japan, India and France

Global powers like the United States and China have spared little effort in attempting to shape the digital age in their image. At the same time, other powers like Japan and France, and emerging ones like India aim to play a part in building the global digital ecosystem. These latter three share similar values: democracy, freedom of speech, open access to digital resources, and sovereignty. They all desire to keep the digital commons intact and n

Act of last resort
Sep 01, 2004

Act of last resort

Why does Manipur continue to be on fire? Civil and human rights activists, social scientists and even the media would have you believe that the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) is primarily responsible for this. Is that so? Why is this act necessary? What does it imply?

Afghanistan: A fragile arrangement
Oct 08, 2014

Afghanistan: A fragile arrangement

In Afghanistan, there are concerns among Abdullah Abdullah's supporters that he may be reduced to a mere figurehead or that Ashraf Ghani, as President, could still seek to extend his powers.

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia
Nov 23, 2023

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics (CARs) have, in recent years, implemented multifaceted foreign policies to achieve strategic autonomy and limit China’s influence and Russia's traditional sway. But domestic uprisings in the CARs, the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict have given China new opportunities to strengthen its presence in Central Asia. This brief investigates China's increased engagement with the CARs

An end to arms control consensus
Aug 26, 2019

An end to arms control consensus

An end to the New START in 2021 will leave the arsenals of the two major nuclear powers unencumbered by any pact

As India and China Compete, Smaller States Are Cashing In
Jan 25, 2022

As India and China Compete, Smaller States Are Cashing In

The Maldives and Sri Lanka show how they can bargain with bigger powers to their advantage.

Asia and a Space Code
Jan 06, 2012

Asia and a Space Code

Asian concerns regarding a Space Code are important because future challenges to space cooperation may well come from Asia, not least because so many of the new space powers are emerging from this region. The EU was late in bringing India into the process.

Asian Century: Will it be stable and peaceful?
Mar 13, 2012

Asian Century: Will it be stable and peaceful?

While the simultaneous rise of powers need not always result in a clash, the four major powers in Asia - established powers Russia and Japan, and newly rising China and India - have had troubled historical relations.

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation
Feb 27, 2024

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation

The European Union’s (EU) and India’s paths towards becoming “cyber powers” could hardly be more different. The EU has a long tradition of protecting personal privacy rights and patents, while urging to enhance multilateral norms on cyberspace. India’s thinking on cybersecurity has continuously been boosted by the cyber threats emerging from China and Pakistan. It has further been shaped by India’s domestic Information Technology indu

Bending the arc of history
May 02, 2019

Bending the arc of history

What is important in the UNSC decision is the symbolism of the move – a symbolism that exemplifies India’s coming of age as a global political act

Bhutan buffer
Jun 28, 2012

Bhutan buffer

Bhutan's reported decision to establish diplomatic relations with China marks an end to the system of buffer states that the British Raj had created in the 19th century to secure the subcontinent against encroachments from external powers.

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming
Mar 22, 2013

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming

The small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, surrounded by two giant regional superpowers, India and China, is showing the world that simple resolve and strong political will can pave way for a huge change.

Can the Arctic Council’s success be replicated in South Asia?
Feb 11, 2019

Can the Arctic Council’s success be replicated in South Asia?

The role of the ‘small’ actors as leaders has been critical in lowering confrontations between the great powers in the Arctic. This has allowed th

Can the World Breathe Easy Now?
Jan 30, 2004

Can the World Breathe Easy Now?

2004 is a significant year for Europe. In May of this year, the European Union (EU) will induct ten new members, eight of which were part of the former Communist regime of the Soviet Union. While four of these East European states (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia) are struggling with mounting budget deficits and contemplating awkward spending cuts, France and Germany (the dominant European powers) are immersed in a deep economic

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka
Jan 25, 2021

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka could explore and benefit more from close ties with the middle powers than equating most foreign policy decisions on binaries.

Chance to resolve China-India border dispute
Sep 16, 2014

Chance to resolve China-India border dispute

Any border settlement between India and China will be unsettling for important constituencies in both countries. If Modi has to get an agreement through Parliament and, before that, the Sangh Parivar, Xi needs to take his Politburo, if not his Central Committee with him. Both know that they can only do it now when they are at the height of their powers.

China in Africa: Developmental partnership or imperial dominance?
Dec 27, 2019

China in Africa: Developmental partnership or imperial dominance?

Like the western powers, China has had no qualms in serving its interest in Africa by supporting autocratic rulers.

China's South China Sea claims: Strategic implications
Jul 05, 2012

China's South China Sea claims: Strategic implications

Though South China Sea has remained contested for several decades, the recent tensions surrounding these waters have heightened the potential for it to emerge as a major flashpoint. China's recent steps have made the involvement of external powers very likely.

China’s growing counter-space capabilities
May 16, 2020

China’s growing counter-space capabilities

The risks posed by China’s military space programme is primarily to other more capable powers such as the US using space as a force multiplier.

China’s military rise and the Indian challenge
Apr 19, 2018

China’s military rise and the Indian challenge

Unlike other great powers of the past New Delhi has encountered, China impinges directly on India’s geopolitical landscape in multiple ways. The ris

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders
May 30, 2020

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders

Make no mistake — China under Xi’s leadership is one of the most assertive and aggressive powers the world has encountered in a long time.

China’s Tianwen-1 Lands Rover on Mars
May 21, 2021

China’s Tianwen-1 Lands Rover on Mars

A significant technological feat for China, Beijing’s accomplishment is also a reminder of the revved-up space competition among the major space powers.

Choosing the middle path for ‘middle power’
Jul 31, 2020

Choosing the middle path for ‘middle power’

As Jaishankar has pointed out, global shifts like the changing American role and increasing Chinese assertiveness have created more space for nations like India and Japan

Circa 2018: Digital dragon and lessons for Digital India
Jan 06, 2018

Circa 2018: Digital dragon and lessons for Digital India

To ride the next wave of innovation, India needs its own strategy. Its agenda for 2018 should be to leverage the hundreds of millions it brought onlin

Conflict in Syria and the possibility of peace
Dec 01, 2014

Conflict in Syria and the possibility of peace

THE United Nations Security Council (UNSC) achieved the almost impossible recently by adopting a unanimous resolution on providing access to humanitarian aid to Syria, breaking a deadlock that pitted Russia and China against the Western powers.

Connectivity and Commerce Imperatives in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 27, 2022

Connectivity and Commerce Imperatives in the Indo-Pacific

In recent times, the centre of gravity for global trade and economic activities has shifted to the Indo-Pacific and, consequently, there is heightened competition between global powers that have stakes in the region. The importance of connectivity has therefore come to the forefront, covering domains like digitisation with interoperable regimes comprising data protection and cyber security, along with cross-border infrastructures that need attent

Continuity and Change in Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Deliberating Post-Election Scenarios
Jan 04, 2024

Continuity and Change in Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Deliberating Post-Election Scenarios

Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook, released in April 2023, is a projection of its interests in the region, and a testament to its political nonalignment and commitment to economic development. Its focus on upholding the rule of law and maintaining regional stability makes it a conducive partner for neighbouring countries and major powers in the Indo-Pacific. Bangladesh enjoys close ties with China, Japan, and the US, and a special relationship

Contradictions grow amid another BRICS summit
Nov 20, 2020

Contradictions grow amid another BRICS summit

India’s aim in engaging with BRICS may be an effort to demonstrate that it retains strategic autonomy and that it engages with all major powers irrespective of incongruences.

Corrective justice: Can China be held responsible for COVID-19?
May 13, 2020

Corrective justice: Can China be held responsible for COVID-19?

It may be more useful to discern the outstanding issues with global health governance, and revamp WHO’s powers to improve surveillance and complianc

Countering insurgency in Kashmir: The cyber dimension
Jan 10, 2017

Countering insurgency in Kashmir: The cyber dimension

Countering the militancy in Kashmir has become a highly challenging task due to the exploitation of new information and communication technology by insurgent groups. The battlefield is now a multidimensional one, encompassing both physical territory and cyberspace. The overall capabilities of insurgents have been enhanced by tools in cyberspace that are inexpensive, ever more sophisticated, rapidly proliferating, and easy to use. Militants are sy

Defence diplomacy
Feb 21, 2015

Defence diplomacy

China has discarded the traditional emphasis on criticising the arms control agreements promoted by the Western powers and focuses instead on securing Beijing's national interests by actively participating in international and regional military negotiations and shaping the international military norms.

Doka La standoff: The death knell of the Asian Century?
Jul 21, 2017

Doka La standoff: The death knell of the Asian Century?

The 21st century can emerge as the Asian century, only if there is peace and there are supportive and mutually beneficial relations between the major

Drawing the boundaries: Ideal ingredients of a Space Code
Jan 04, 2013

Drawing the boundaries: Ideal ingredients of a Space Code

Given the enormity of challenges, there is a need for all the space-faring powers to unite in this exercise. It is important for India and others to debate and decide on what it thinks the norms should be and what sort of future it wants to achieve in space.

End of a free trade chimera
Aug 22, 2019

End of a free trade chimera

Even as trade talks between the US and China seem set to resume, geopolitical tensions between the two powers show no sign of abating.

Even after 20 years, Decentralisation still remains a challenge
May 04, 2013

Even after 20 years, Decentralisation still remains a challenge

Mere constitutional creation of new political space would not become the answer to the growing demands for inclusion and participation in the countryside. For substantive democracy to become a reality, Centre and States need to show willingness to share powers (3Fs).

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance
Jun 05, 2013

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

Vietnam's self-assured pursuit of a complex balance of power strategy could be a model for other medium powers in Asia who are deeply concerned about the rise of China, want Washington to balance Beijing, but are reluctant to become formal military allies of the United States.

Finally, Modi goes to Russia
Jul 07, 2015

Finally, Modi goes to Russia

Indian PM Narendra Modi this week makes his maiden visit as Prime Minister to Russia, one of India's closest strategic partners. This seeming delay in travelling to Russia may surprise some, given that the Prime Minister has travelled to almost all the major powers as well as most of India's immediate neighbourhood.

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia
Jan 08, 2013

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia

India's smaller neighbours are not as concerned about the reach, if any, of outside powers in the region. In this sense, the neighbourhood?s concerns about India are distinct from India's own concerns.

Global challenges too big for G20 Buenos Aires Summit to address
Nov 29, 2018

Global challenges too big for G20 Buenos Aires Summit to address

It will, however, be an important platform to underscore the commitment of major powers for global economic stability

Having tested its ASAT capability, India should help shape global space norms
Mar 29, 2019

Having tested its ASAT capability, India should help shape global space norms

Having crossed the rubicon, it can join the conversations along with other established space powers to ensure that space remains weapons-free.

Houthi attacks on shipping highlight a drone dilemma
Dec 29, 2023

Houthi attacks on shipping highlight a drone dilemma

The only realistic option for India and other Indian Ocean powers might well be to work alongside more able and willing partners

How China is expanding its military capabilities across the globe
Jun 26, 2017

How China is expanding its military capabilities across the globe

The country is merely following in the footsteps of other major global powers that have established military bases abroad to secure their interests.

How Delhi and Paris became friends
Aug 27, 2019

How Delhi and Paris became friends

India and France have a shared interest in developing a coalition of middle powers committed to multipolarity

Implications of the INF pullout
Mar 08, 2019

Implications of the INF pullout

Although the INF treaty may seem outdated in essence, it was crucial in making the two powers — the US and Russia — accountable. The demise of the