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374 results found

Strengthening India’s Global Influence through a Sound Public Diplomacy Policy
Oct 23, 2023

Strengthening India’s Global Influence through a Sound Public Diplomacy Policy

This brief tackles the crucial role of public diplomacy in enhancing India's global influence. It argues that India should exert effort to communicate its rich cultural heritage and economic growth story to foreign audiences, and recommends a roadmap that involves linking public diplomacy to national security, the establishment of a specialised public diplomacy agency, and creating the position of a chief public diplomat. A well-structured public

Tech becomes CCP’s new frontier for spreading its influence
Dec 27, 2021

Tech becomes CCP’s new frontier for spreading its influence

CCP’s control over social media continues to expand as it aims to control the global narrative and present a favourable image to the world.

The India-Pakistan war that influences South Asian politics to this day
Dec 05, 2013

The India-Pakistan war that influences South Asian politics to this day

In the 1971 war against Pakistan, had Indian forces managed to push beyond Turtok and capture Thang, the subsequent Pakistani adventure in Kargil in 1999 or the threat to Siachen would have been infructuous.

The Sun rises in the East: Asia’s increasing influence in Africa
May 30, 2018

The Sun rises in the East: Asia’s increasing influence in Africa

As Africa begins to re-emerge as a chessboard for global powers, it is in the mutual interests of Africa and Asia to forge stronger alliances.

Transition to a low carbon economy: China’s influence on outcomes
Sep 27, 2017

Transition to a low carbon economy: China’s influence on outcomes

Transition to a low carbon economy is path dependent as initial conditions such as resource availability and other geographic, climatic, economic, soc

Will governance issues influence poll outcomes in J&K?
Apr 16, 2019

Will governance issues influence poll outcomes in J&K?

Economic development is held to be synonymous with the provision of infrastructure, especially roads, hospitals and educational institutions. Job crea

Will the new US strategy weaken China’s influence in Africa?
Aug 13, 2022

Will the new US strategy weaken China’s influence in Africa?

There are multiple reasons for African countries to be cautiously optimistic about the new US policy.

¡Hola Beijing! : An ambitious Spain aims for global influence
Apr 17, 2023

¡Hola Beijing! : An ambitious Spain aims for global influence

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s visit to Beijing showcased Spain’s increasing global influence in the run-up to national elections schedule

'यंग इंडिया' ला श्रीलंकेबद्दल काय वाटते?
Mar 18, 2024

'यंग इंडिया' ला श्रीलंकेबद्दल काय वाटते?

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी आणि श्रीलंकेचे अध्यक्ष विक्रमसिंघे यांनी UPI सेवांचे उद्घाटन केले.

70 Policies: A treatise on the evolution of India’s political economy
Aug 24, 2018

70 Policies: A treatise on the evolution of India’s political economy

Focused primarily on the Indian economy, Gautam Chikermane's new book, 70 Policies, also explores the impact of external influences — legal, politic

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union
Oct 03, 2023

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union

The Visegrad Four (V4) countries—Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary—are examples of communist states that have transitioned to liberal and democratic governance systems. In recent years, their visibility in the European Union (EU) has surged due to their contrarian positions on certain critical issues facing the Union, such as mass migration and, since 2022, the conflict in Ukraine. This paper analyses the impact of these trend

A House Divided: The SCO’s Afghanistan Conundrum
Aug 13, 2023

A House Divided: The SCO’s Afghanistan Conundrum

Separatism, extremism, and terrorism originating in Afghanistan compelled the neighbouring countries to form the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in 2001. However, instead of presenting a united front, the SCO is rife with disagreements. Increased divergences and mistrust among the members have helped the Taliban regain power in Afghanistan and strengthen its influence in the heart of Eurasia. The Taliban have taken advantage of the trust

A new geopolitical battlefield is emerging in the Pacific
May 22, 2023

A new geopolitical battlefield is emerging in the Pacific

The US and India no longer seem diffident about joining hands to counter the rising influence of China

A new US policy on Africa: Genuine reset or same old rhetoric?
Nov 26, 2021

A new US policy on Africa: Genuine reset or same old rhetoric?

In an attempt to move beyond great power competition for influence in Africa, the United States is revamping its policy by ensuring a mutually benefic

A post-nuclear deal Iran prepares for elections
May 06, 2017

A post-nuclear deal Iran prepares for elections

The Iranian political landscape is multilayered, with a juxtaposition of conservatives, moderates, liberals, the military, intelligence and others fig

A singular challenge to American hegemony
Jun 06, 2024

A singular challenge to American hegemony

The contest between US and China-Russia alliance is heating up as the battlelines are being redrawn. However, the latter realises that in the renewed

A Sufi message from a Pakistani President
Apr 10, 2012

A Sufi message from a Pakistani President

At a time when Rahul Gandhi and his team are wondering how to win friends and influence people, the Sufis offer an excellent model. For the model to gain traction, the first requirement is a message which can be simply put across.

A year of lassitude
Dec 28, 2012

A year of lassitude

India, today, has the heft to influence the geopolitical dynamic around it. In pushing for improved relations with one, India's ability to enhance ties with the other two will significantly improve. Masterly inactivity, on the other hand, would surely make India lose ground with all the three.

Abe's African Safari: Will it pay off?
Feb 10, 2014

Abe's African Safari: Will it pay off?

At the beginning of the year, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a trip to Africa. His renewed engagement in Africa is seen as a part of his broader effort to put an assertive stamp on Japan's foreign policy. Will his African Safari pay off? Can Japan have the same amount of influence in the continent as its arch rival China?

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and the rise of the ISIS
Jul 07, 2014

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and the rise of the ISIS

Baghdadi, who has led the ISIS since 2010, has acquired significant financial and military power and influence among Sunni foreign fighters. But the ISIS's violent and extremist methods have alienated Sunni militias and Baghdadi's unwillingness to share power is likely to limit the group's territorial expansion.

Addressing Africa’s food insecurity during India’s G20 presidency
May 25, 2023

Addressing Africa’s food insecurity during India’s G20 presidency

Given the influence that the G20 has on global governance issues, India can help initiate a global response to address Africa’s food insecurity

Afghan President's Taliban predicament
Apr 20, 2015

Afghan President's Taliban predicament

More than six months into his tenure, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is possibly as far from achieving a breakthrough with the Taliban. There is no unanimity in the Taliban for peace talks. And Pakistan's failure to bring the Taliban to the table could possibly be a reflection of its limited influence over the group and a bigger obstacle to the talks may be the Taliban itself.

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit
Sep 15, 2021

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit

Looking beyond the SCO’s inability to come to a consensus on Afghanistan to the normalising of Beijing’s influence in Eurasia

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan
Oct 12, 2021

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan

Cut this any which way you like, the US still holds all the aces and can influence different outcomes in AfPak region depending on how it defines its interests.

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape
Jan 30, 2024

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape

Given the rapid pace of change in AI systems, the development of AI standards and certification programmes has become more urgent

America First and the Pandemic: Trump’s grand strategy of blaming China
Jun 17, 2020

America First and the Pandemic: Trump’s grand strategy of blaming China

Any predictions about a coming struggle for global influence and regional supremacy have to be measured against enduring realities of global economic

American retrenchment and the Chinese advantage
Feb 06, 2019

American retrenchment and the Chinese advantage

While America firmly takes steps to retreat into its own sphere of influence, it leaves the world with a sizable vacuum to fill. China is one of the c

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia
Nov 23, 2023

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics (CARs) have, in recent years, implemented multifaceted foreign policies to achieve strategic autonomy and limit China’s influence and Russia's traditional sway. But domestic uprisings in the CARs, the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict have given China new opportunities to strengthen its presence in Central Asia. This brief investigates China's increased engagement with the CARs

Answering big questions about Türkiye in the Indian Ocean
Apr 18, 2024

Answering big questions about Türkiye in the Indian Ocean

Türkiye current outreach and aspirations in the Indian Ocean are largely opportunistic rather than part of a grand strategy

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil
Jun 10, 2024

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil

China’s primary chase in West Asia remains economic and it will continue to push for economic integration despite the region’s challenges.

As China expands, India contracts
Jan 19, 2019

As China expands, India contracts

China is expanding its sphere of influence, but India has always had a pacifist and non-confrontational approach.

ASEAN’s evolving dilemma in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 22, 2024

ASEAN’s evolving dilemma in the Indo-Pacific

While ASEAN is an essential player in Indo-Pacific affairs, its influence over the emerging security shifts in the region is being questioned due to i

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling
May 24, 2023

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling

Over the last three decades, Australia and China have established mutually beneficial economic ties. However, Australia’s decision to ask for an independent enquiry into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has led to a backlash from China. This brief examines the more important developments since 2015 that persuaded Australia to take measures aimed at protecting both its open economy and its democratic polity against China’s sys

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command
Jun 24, 2024

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command

The new operation Azm-e-Istehkaam is designed to curb Islamist terror networks and is clearly undertaken to allay the fears of China.

Bangladesh: Warring Begums
Jan 12, 2015

Bangladesh: Warring Begums

The political situation in Bangladesh is reverting to the bad old days of hartals and blockades. Major countries which could influence the Sheikh Hasina government, including India, seem reluctant to pressurise her. India has been clearly backing her for the time being, knowing that the alternative could be worse.

Barbie sails into rough seas
Jul 21, 2023

Barbie sails into rough seas

Repeated use of a particular cartographic version can be perceived as endorsing or legitimising a particular geopolitical stance. This is why Vietnam�

Beijing at sea
Apr 24, 2013

Beijing at sea

The Chinese navy is leading the dramatic shift in the political goals of China's armed forces. Besides territorial defence, the Chinese armed forces now also aim to protect Beijing's expanding interests beyond borders, influence regional security politics and contribute to international peace.

Blue economy: Beyond an economic proposition
Mar 03, 2017

Blue economy: Beyond an economic proposition

Blue economy’ is the integration of ocean economy development with values of social inclusion and environmental sustainability, along with dynamic and innovative business models. For India, however, blue economy extends beyond being merely an economic and environmental proposition. It presents India with an unprecedented opportunity to meet its national objectives, strengthen connectivity with neighbours, and exert influence in the surrounding

BRI in Nepal: An Appraisal
Jun 10, 2024

BRI in Nepal: An Appraisal

Nepal signed the framework agreement of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with China in May 2017. Of the initial 35 projects that Nepal had proposed, the final number eventually came down to nine. Seven years later, none of the BRI projects have been completed. In 2023, the tenth year of the BRI, controversies surrounding China’s attempt to co-opt even ‘non-BRI’ projects under the framework, and Nepal’s efforts to secure more grants inst

BRICS Bank: Shifting powers from West to developing nations
Jul 22, 2014

BRICS Bank: Shifting powers from West to developing nations

The major achievement of the recent BRICS Summit was the decision to create the long-awaited (BRICS) New Development Bank. The bank can be seen as a growing influence of the BRICS which together represents 18% of the World trade and accounts for 40% of the global population with a combined GDP of $ 24 trillion.

BRICS expansion is a desperate bid to maintain relevance
Sep 21, 2023

BRICS expansion is a desperate bid to maintain relevance

The BRICS expansion is a big win for China as it would be able to enhance its geopolitical influence by admitting Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Sa

BRICS rises
Aug 26, 2023

BRICS rises

Now with 11 members, BRICS’ decision-making by consensus will be that much more difficult

Brinkmanship in the South Pacific
Apr 01, 2022

Brinkmanship in the South Pacific

China's increasing economic and geopolitical influence in the Indo-Pacific islands has raised concerns the world over

Cause and Effect: The Factors that Make Pakistan's Military a Political Force
Feb 28, 2024

Cause and Effect: The Factors that Make Pakistan's Military a Political Force

This issue brief assesses the enduring political influence of the military in Pakistan. It delves into the historical, social, and geopolitical factors that have propelled the military's rise in the nation's governance structure. The brief also examines the military-bureaucratic nexus and its role in perpetuating military dominance, and the implications of a weak civil society and its constrained ability to counterbalance military power.