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324 results found

A Game of Shadows: Growth, Distribution, and Systemic Shocks in the Bangladesh Economy
Jul 18, 2023

A Game of Shadows: Growth, Distribution, and Systemic Shocks in the Bangladesh Economy

Bangladesh was one of the few countries in the world to sustain a positive economic growth rate during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, however, it is experiencing symptoms that could stall such impressive record: rising divergences in the government’s fiscal balance; the precarious Balance of Payments situation; rapidly declining foreign exchange reserves; demand-supply gaps in the energy markets; and inflationary tendencies. The exogenous shocks

A pause in the post-Soviet space
Oct 10, 2005

A pause in the post-Soviet space

It can happen in the hurly-burly of politics that a flood of images abruptly wells up to the naked eye and demands attention so that we do not miss out on an entire slice of politics breaking away to get transmuted as current history.

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery
Aug 17, 2020

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery

As countries continue to battle the insidious virus, a chorus of voices is rising up to demand fundamental changes in the way governments and industri

Access to Yuan loans:  A wise decision
Sep 24, 2011

Access to Yuan loans: A wise decision

India's decision to allow corporates to borrow yuan denominated loans is guided by many factors. There is a big demand for Yuan loans from companies who are importing equipment and machinery from China for infrastructure development.

Addressing the blood access and availability crisis
May 15, 2024

Addressing the blood access and availability crisis

The technological solution implemented by Chhattisgarh to improve blood availability and accessibility can serve as a template for other states to dea

Africa’s ascent on the global stage — Can the continent become a cohesive foreign policy actor?
Dec 28, 2020

Africa’s ascent on the global stage — Can the continent become a cohesive foreign policy actor?

African leaders are no longer mincing their words. They are bluntly articulating and asserting their demands from bilateral partners and multilateral

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system
May 19, 2014

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system

Across Asia, there is a great demand for India to play a more active role, one befitting its size and interests. But, whenever push comes to shove, we run up against two problems-first, our economy that lacks heft and second, our military which unable to play a role outside our borders.

Alarming job problem: Time for investment in skills training
Dec 07, 2010

Alarming job problem: Time for investment in skills training

Today the two biggest countries in the world - the US and China - are playing in the world arena on their own terms. Jobs are, indeed, something to be worried about because not only is there a threat of a deflationary spiral in the US but there is also a huge fiscal deficit. This means austerity (decline in demand) and job losses.

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US
Aug 14, 2023

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US

Left-wing activism amongst young people in the United States is on the rise, in no small part aided by the internet and social media. The generation which demographic researchers refer to as ‘Gen-Z’—or those born between the mid- to late 1990s to the early 2010s—is becoming more politically engaged. This brief offers an intellectual history of modern-day leftist politics in the US, and argues that it is primarily driven by the pur

Analyzing global response to the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act
Dec 26, 2019

Analyzing global response to the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act

International concern over the Citizenship Amendment Act and abrogation of Article 370 demands realignment of India’s domestic and international age

Andaman and Nicobar can lift India’s maritime capacity
Jan 14, 2023

Andaman and Nicobar can lift India’s maritime capacity

The strategic location of these islands demands New Delhi’s full attention as it can open new vistas for India’s maritime strategy

Applying the Gujarat Model: What  Modi's budget will offer
Jun 05, 2014

Applying the Gujarat Model: What Modi's budget will offer

Some economists argue there is an overlap between the demands of the stock market and the emerging aspirational classes. The new FM has said, sacrifices will have to be made to correct the fiscal path. The question is who will make the sacrifices -- big capital or ordinary people?

Arresting India’s Water Crisis: The Economic Case for Wastewater Use
Mar 22, 2021

Arresting India’s Water Crisis: The Economic Case for Wastewater Use

In India, 600 million people face acute water shortages, and the demand for domestic water has risen by some 20 percent since COVID-19, as awareness about hygiene increased. The use of treated wastewater is among the strategies that can be employed to address the shortage. This brief makes an economic case for using treated water to plug the increasing demand-supply gap by comparing key learnings from successful global models and highlighting how

As diplomacy falls short, will Russia retaliate militarily?
Jan 27, 2022

As diplomacy falls short, will Russia retaliate militarily?

As the dialogue between the US and Russia is witnessing no major breakthroughs and Russia is “running out of patience”, the West could reconsider

Assessing Bhutan’s migration trends and policies
Mar 31, 2023

Assessing Bhutan’s migration trends and policies

The Bhutanese government has brought about reforms to upskill the youth, bridge the demand-supply mismatch in the job market and prevent further brain

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry
Apr 28, 2020

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry

The future of Bangladesh’s RMG sector is intertwined with the resumption of economic activities in Europe and the US, and a surge in demand.

Bangladesh: Hefazat and the rise of bigotry
Feb 21, 2019

Bangladesh: Hefazat and the rise of bigotry

The demand for banishing Ahmadiyyas from Islam carries ugly echoes of the past, originating primarily in Pakistan.

Being optimistic about India
Apr 29, 2022

Being optimistic about India

The Ukrainian crisis has negatively impacted the Indian economy, but the rising global demand and domestic fiscal management could help cushion the bl

Between a rock and a hard place: African position on the Russia–Ukraine conflict
Mar 11, 2022

Between a rock and a hard place: African position on the Russia–Ukraine conflict

Equivocal sentiments emanate from African countries on their stance on voting for the UN resolution demanding withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrai

Beyond Gas: A case for Future Power
Sep 29, 2003

Beyond Gas: A case for Future Power

This paper is an outline of existing energy systems - the demand and supply factors and trends seen within the framework of demographic pressures, environmental concerns and eventual possibility of fossil fuels running out.

Beyond the Hype: Developing Interoperability Standards for Digital Currency at the G20
Feb 06, 2023

Beyond the Hype: Developing Interoperability Standards for Digital Currency at the G20

The legacy cross-border payment infrastructure is replete with issues of high costs, limited access, low speed, and opaque structures, which have limited the potential of cross-border payments to enhance international trade and foster economic growth in emerging economies. The increased demand for transparent, accessible, faster and cheaper solutions in the financial sector has pushed the private and public sectors to accelerate investments in in

BIMSTEC and climate change: Setting a common agenda
Oct 18, 2017

BIMSTEC and climate change: Setting a common agenda

The BIMSTEC region is among the most vulnerable in the world from increased threat due to climate change. In the foreseeable future, climate change is projected to affect each BIMSTEC member country with greater severity and frequency, thereby impeding their response capacity significantly. This brief explores the vulnerability of the region from climate change and the BIMSTEC-level initiatives that have taken place to address the issue. Although

Bin Laden: The Nemesis Ahead
Oct 19, 2004

Bin Laden: The Nemesis Ahead

There was a massacre of hundreds of Shias of Gilgit in the Northern Areas (NA) of Pakistan (before 1947 called the Northern Areas of Jammu & Kashmir) in 1988 following a demand raised by them for the creation of an autonomous Shia state to be called the Karakoram State, consisting of the Shia majority areas of the NA, Punjab and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

BRICS 2017 summit: Agenda for action
Sep 01, 2017

BRICS 2017 summit: Agenda for action

BRICS started out with a lot of promise when it came into existence in 2009 and all the members were the world’s top emerging economies. There was h

Budget 2023: Inside infrastructure spending
Feb 10, 2023

Budget 2023: Inside infrastructure spending

Increased spending on infrastructure boost is expected to boost employment generation and increase aggregate demand, thereby, accelerating growth

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC
Aug 09, 2021

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims “to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030. Such quest for energy security is echoed in subregional strategies as well; in the BIMSTEC region, it is a key priority. As the gap in electricity supply and demand increases in the countries of BIMSTEC, trans-border cooperation can help diversify energy sources, reduce the average cos

Building Resilience in India’s Power Sector
Jul 21, 2023

Building Resilience in India’s Power Sector

India’s power sector requires sustained efforts to achieve the power generating capacity target of approximately 1.2 terawatts by 2047. It needs such capacity to meet the demands of economic growth and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 7 of providing universal electricity access. At the same time, the country also needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to meet commitments to global climate action agreements. This paper revi

Can a corporate tax cut alone revive growth?
Oct 04, 2019

Can a corporate tax cut alone revive growth?

Investment and demand are interlinked, thus a lack of investment creates a lack of demand as it impacts income and employment levels, which in turn im

Case for an all-India Election Service
May 18, 2005

Case for an all-India Election Service

By not backing the political demand of the RJD ally for the exit of then Election Commissioners, B B Tandon and N Gopalswamy, the Centre and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have silenced avoidable criticism of the constitutional body entrusted with the task of ensuring common man¿s continued faith in parliamentary democracy.

Cementing the BRICS
Apr 05, 2014

Cementing the BRICS

There is a need to fix the BRICS, by altering growth strategies, reducing external dependence, securing domestic demand and investments, providing jobs to the unemployed, and aiming at lowering untenable inequality.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and its economic implications
Jan 19, 2021

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and its economic implications

To defend their turf — and prevent extreme decoupling — central banks are keen on designing their own network of digital payments by officially is

Chasing an ‘inclusive government’ in Taliban’s Afghanistan
Jul 14, 2023

Chasing an ‘inclusive government’ in Taliban’s Afghanistan

The rush towards demanding political inclusivity from the Taliban has been downgraded to a mere talking point while realpolitik takes charge

China and India postpone peak coal
Oct 15, 2021

China and India postpone peak coal

Coal consumption sees a resurgence as countries attempt to balance between increasing demands for energy and slow supply of renewables. A new challeng

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream
Sep 21, 2011

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream

If China wins the race in developing Space Based Solar Power as a feasible source of energy, which would meet the world's growing energy demand, it will result in huge economic and strategic gains for China.

China’s Monetary Dilemma: The Case for Revaluation of the Renminbi
Aug 23, 2023

China’s Monetary Dilemma: The Case for Revaluation of the Renminbi

Increasingly, the Chinese are realising that keeping their currency undervalued is not a viable option. The end game as far as the exchange rate management in China is concerned should look towards establishing a less controlled and more market oriented exchange rate-one that is determined by actual demand and supply factors.

Chinese strategy behind high-level exchanges with India
May 19, 2023

Chinese strategy behind high-level exchanges with India

China is using direct communications with India while also reaching out to India’s neighbours to push for stability at the border without conceding

Clash of visions: Biden vs. Trump in high-stakes debate
Jun 28, 2024

Clash of visions: Biden vs. Trump in high-stakes debate

The first direct showdown between Biden and Trump in 2024 demands attention as it will set the tone for the presidential campaign.

Climate Smart Agriculture for sustainability and food security
Nov 24, 2022

Climate Smart Agriculture for sustainability and food security

To meet the challenges of growing demand and food insecurity, we need to improve productivity through sustainable agriculture

Cloud of doubt shadows EC
Oct 27, 2017

Cloud of doubt shadows EC

The Gujarat poll date controversy demands urgent reforms to the Model Code of Conduct

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots
Jul 15, 2022

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots

With the increase in demand for coal, the only viable option left for the government is to go against its policy of self-reliance with coal beneficiat

Community-based approaches to tackle open defecation in rural India: Theory, evidence and policies
Dec 03, 2018

Community-based approaches to tackle open defecation in rural India: Theory, evidence and policies

Open defecation (OD), an age-old practice in India, impacts the health of individuals as well as their communities. To tackle the problem, the Government of India launched the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in 2014, aimed at making the country open-defecation free (ODF) by October 2019 by giving more attention to community-based approaches. However, while such approaches have helped solve the sanitation riddle in many countries, curbing OD in India

Constitution-making and Catalonia referendum
Oct 30, 2017

Constitution-making and Catalonia referendum

Catalonia and ‘Kurdistan’ demands have only fuelled fresh flames in the likes of TGTE in converting their ‘virtual government in a virtual world’ into a ‘real state in a real world.’

Constitution: Power-sharing needs a fresh look
Aug 06, 2011

Constitution: Power-sharing needs a fresh look

In the backdrop of the ever-evolving global situations and demands of sustainable development, there is now an increasing need to widen the scope of the discourse on the Centre-State relations, expanding to include new areas of concerns and the various arms of the State.

Contours of crisis consumption
May 12, 2020

Contours of crisis consumption

Internet usage across the world and networks has risen up to 80%. Will the internet be able to handle the growing pressures, growing traffic and expe

Could we have saved him?
May 03, 2006

Could we have saved him?

Young Suryanarayana is a life that has been cut in its prime. He was the vic- tim of a bigoted doctrine taught in Pakistan for nearly three decades; for the Taliban are only another manifestation of the Islamist drive of General Zia-ul-Haq. The Indian died in a terrorist act after his abduc- tors demanded that all 2,500 Indians in Afghanistan vacate immediately. It was an absurd demand and no government would ever have agreed to it.

Crop Shifting for Improved Water Use and Nutritional Productivity in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plains of West Bengal
Jul 20, 2023

Crop Shifting for Improved Water Use and Nutritional Productivity in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plains of West Bengal

The challenge for agriculture is to meet rising demand for food while dealing with climate change and natural resource constraints. This paper takes the case of cereal production in the lower Indo-Gangetic plains in the state of West Bengal, India, and examines the implications of various crop-shifting scenarios on consumptive water demand and nutrient production. The analysis finds that by replacing summer crop (Boro rice) in each district with

Cyber Mercenaries: The Failures of Current Responses and the Imperative of International Collaboration
Dec 11, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: The Failures of Current Responses and the Imperative of International Collaboration

Digital adoption, hastened globally by the COVID-19 epidemic, brought along with it both benefits and threats, including concerns of safety and security of the cyberspace. Current geopolitical dynamics, ongoing strategic and economic disputes, as well as attempts by authoritarian regimes to preserve power have allowed companies with malicious intent—known as ‘cyber mercenaries’—to develop and deploy offensive cyber capabilities. The tools

Dangers of Pak-TTP talks success
Feb 20, 2014

Dangers of Pak-TTP talks success

If the Pakistan-TTP talks succeed Pakistan may actually metamorphose from a hybrid theocracy to a complete theocracy, as Ayesha Siddiqa argues, because the Taliban, good or bad, want implementation of the Sharia. Thus all would depend on how far Pakistan's military and civilian leadership want to go to accommodate Taliban demands or prefer to wage war against TTP.