Search: For - conflicts

114 results found

Harnessing nutritional resilience for food security and gender equality
Mar 07, 2024

Harnessing nutritional resilience for food security and gender equality

Gender empowerment and food security are deeply interconnected, with profound implications for achieving sustainable development goals

Has Ukraine tested the Quad?
Mar 28, 2022

Has Ukraine tested the Quad?

Will conflicts outside the Indo-Pacific region, such as the Ukraine crisis, threaten the solidarity of the QUAD?

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis
Jan 03, 2024

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis

States are no longer insulated from distant geopolitical realities. As India has witnessed, trade and supply chain linkages can extend conflicts to uninvolved states

How 'urban' is India's urbanisation?
Oct 06, 2016

How 'urban' is India's urbanisation?

Urban India is mimicking the social and cultural structures of inequality thereby also creating fault lines for future conflicts

ICC warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders: Challenges ahead
Jun 20, 2024

ICC warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders: Challenges ahead

The ICC's consideration of arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders highlights the complexities of achieving accountability in protracted con

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?
Aug 14, 2008

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?

Is the United States in the process of creating a brand new Muslim bloc? If that be the case, it would know that the execution of the plan necessarily involves the cessation of Kosovo from Serbia in the name of "Self-Determination". This, Russia will not allow at any cost. Belgrade is Moscow's Slav ally. And, in a complex way, the Albanian-Serb and the Washington-Moscow stand-off links up with the global scramble for energy source

India Inc. in ASEAN: Reclaiming its receding footprint
May 23, 2023

India Inc. in ASEAN: Reclaiming its receding footprint

Has India’s free trade agreement with the 10-member Association of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) spurred India Inc.’s globalising drive eastwards? This region, after all, has recently emerged as a major destination for investments from Japan – which is widening its options due to its conflicts with China – and the US, with its so-called ‘pivot to Asia’. India’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with ASEAN, which kicked off in January 20

India’s Enduring War of Water Governance Paradigms
Feb 23, 2021

India’s Enduring War of Water Governance Paradigms

This brief examines the silent “water war” being waged in India in the form of conflicts over two opposing paradigms in water governance: the reductionist, colonial engineering paradigm, and the emerging, holistic paradigm of integrated water governance. The brief highlights the paradigm debate at the global scale, and outlines the canons of the integrated approach, contrasting it with the reductionist approach using examples in India. It mak

Inflection point for the West-led global order
Feb 26, 2022

Inflection point for the West-led global order

Its future will be defined by how it responds to the crisis in Ukraine, and in the shadow of growing Russia-China ties

Interaction on the North-East' the Problems and the Options
Nov 18, 2004

Interaction on the North-East' the Problems and the Options

India's North-East remains a challenge for the policy makers. Keeping together this diverse region, which is home to more than 250 tribes, speaking more than 190 languages and dialects, and addressing the long drawn conflicts to preserve ethnic identities and over land and other resources is an arduous task. Recent months have witnessed a lot of debate on the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) introduced by the Central Government to counter

Interpreting the ethnic strife in Manipur
May 17, 2023

Interpreting the ethnic strife in Manipur

The festering age-old ethnic divide amongst the tribes in Manipur has led to the ongoing crisis. All key stakeholders need to be active to ensure this

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense
Oct 15, 2020

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense

It is critical to understand the context that facilitated the genesis and prolonged lingering of water conflicts in India — in order to declutter th

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict

Both Iran and Pakistan have their hands full with regional conflicts. Neither would want to escalate it beyond a point as their resources are already

Iran, Pakistan, and the greater Baloch question
Jan 19, 2024

Iran, Pakistan, and the greater Baloch question

The Iran-Pakistan strikes are a prime example of how the absence of counterterrorism cooperation can escalate into a diplomatic and on-ground conflict

Israel and a changing Middle East
Feb 22, 2022

Israel and a changing Middle East

The Gulf region witnesses a shift as Israel is being accepted within the folds of regional politics.

Lessons from Russia for India
May 26, 2022

Lessons from Russia for India

No amount of advanced technology can compensate for low morale and training, weak command, poor tactics and strategy

Myanmar: Will another Panglong happen?
Feb 10, 2015

Myanmar: Will another Panglong happen?

In Myanmar, the present scenario presents the best opportunity to find resolution to its ethnic issue. Myanmar needs another Panglong agreement if the deep-seated wounds of the decades-long conflicts were to heal and so that the country can move on.

Nationalism in Pakistan: Dimensions of Failure
Jul 22, 2023

Nationalism in Pakistan: Dimensions of Failure

Pakistan has for long been grappling with several fundamental problems without any visible signs of overcoming them. Its economic, social and political indicators are amongst the lowest in the world. In its conflicts with India, which it perceives as its sworn enemy, all its tactics have proven to be of insignificant success, as has its intrusive attempts to control Kabul so as to gain strategic depth in Afghanistan. The successive governments' m

Nations make choices based on self-interest, this is true for India and Bangladesh as well
Mar 20, 2019

Nations make choices based on self-interest, this is true for India and Bangladesh as well

Samir Saran, President of ORF, spoke to Dhaka Tribune's Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan about different aspects of the India-Bangladesh bilateral relationship,

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?
Sep 02, 2022

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?

The Russo-Ukrainian War could have been avoided if Russian security concerns that were spelt out by previous conflicts were addressed.

Networking the Northeast through the 'rail route'
Jan 22, 2014

Networking the Northeast through the 'rail route'

The rail connectivity schemes in the Northeast, if implemented in a timely manner, would possibly achieve what decades of politico-administrative soft power and military hard power struggled to - bring about peace and economic development in a region embroiled in protracted ethnic conflicts.

Obama's 'reset' button with Russia jammed beyond repair?
Mar 18, 2014

Obama's 'reset' button with Russia jammed beyond repair?

In the end, every great power will have to accept the spheres of influence or "special interest zones" of other powers so that there are no clashes in interests. The world will have to adjust to polycentricism and to big powers occasionally rubbing against each other, even if there are no hot conflicts.

Operational and tactical shifts: How modern wars are reshaping the battlefield
Jun 15, 2024

Operational and tactical shifts: How modern wars are reshaping the battlefield

The coupling of conventional and new, high-tech warfighting elements, as witnessed in recent conflicts, highlights the importance of a balanced approa

RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy
Dec 07, 2018

RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy

Conflicts between central banks and governments are embedded in the evolving discourse of every democracy. The recent discord between the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is neither the first nor likely to be the last. Institutionally, once a disagreement between the RBI and the MoF crosses the Rubicon, the government has the power to overrule the central bank’s decisions. Moreover, such a structure is not restricte

Redeliberating IWRM at the scale of a river basin
Mar 21, 2024

Redeliberating IWRM at the scale of a river basin

While it is clear that traditional reductionism present in water governance has led to water conflicts, ‘Water for Peace’ can be achieved by recal

Revamping Water Governance in India: The Pathway to a New National Water Policy
Feb 12, 2024

Revamping Water Governance in India: The Pathway to a New National Water Policy

Despite the call for a global paradigm shift in water governance—from the traditional reductionist engineering approach to the more holistic integrated river basin governance framework—a change is not yet perceptible in India’s water governance architecture. The hesitation to change has led to ecological problems and conflicts at various levels. This paper identifies the knowledge gaps that inhibit the paradigm shift and explores the lacuna

Russia-Ukraine war: Is multipolarity the cause of crisis?
Apr 16, 2022

Russia-Ukraine war: Is multipolarity the cause of crisis?

Does multipolarity create more scope for conflicts and act as an impediment to global action or does it aid in conflict resolution and act as a harbin

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China
Aug 02, 2017

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China

Several emerging trends like increasing congestion of global commons, especially in the maritime domain and the rapid development of disruptive techno

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024
Dec 26, 2023

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024

The year 2024 is poised to be a period of significant transformation, characterised by extensive changes on both domestic and international fronts

Silent battles, audible woes: The human cost of cyberattacks against critical infrastructure
Feb 21, 2024

Silent battles, audible woes: The human cost of cyberattacks against critical infrastructure

Ensuring the safety of the most vulnerable is the most pressing concern on our path towards a more secure cyberspace

Strategies for a Two-Front Dilemma: Lessons from History
Feb 18, 2021

Strategies for a Two-Front Dilemma: Lessons from History

This paper examines India’s ‘two-front’ dilemma in view of its conflicts with China and Pakistan, and the possibility that these two adversaries could join forces. The author studies historical events that could help outline the strategies that have been undertaken by certain countries to combat the combined power of multiple adversaries, usually exceeding their own. These include the Napoleonic strategy and the Israeli experience. In analy

Terror Threatens Economy
Jul 20, 2011

Terror Threatens Economy

If India becomes a hotbed of conflicts - many think this may happen in the future - attracting FDIs will be a major problem. Even, our domestic investors are looking for investment opportunities abroad.

The centrality of Qatar in the Israel–Hamas war
Dec 08, 2023

The centrality of Qatar in the Israel–Hamas war

Qatar aims to be a political power broker in the Middle East as witnessed by its efforts in brokering the temporary Israel-Hamas truce. However, with

The Dynamics of LTTE’S Commercial Maritime Infrastructure
Jun 04, 2005

The Dynamics of LTTE’S Commercial Maritime Infrastructure

This paper examines the maritime infrastructure of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)--tracing the history of the development of its maritime organisation, infrastructure and strategy. The paper focuses on the salience of sea power as perceived by a violent non-state actor and provides a perspective on how non-state actors employ sea power in asymmetric conflicts

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century
Oct 14, 2021

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century

The economic consequences of the ongoing pandemic have pushed millions of people into hunger and poverty. Yet, in some parts of the world, critical levels of widespread hunger, or famine, had already made a resurgence long before the outbreak of COVID-19. This brief studies the famine-like situation in four countries in two continents—Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and North Korea—to demonstrate the direct link between conflicts and modern fam

The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh and its impact
Mar 29, 2024

The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh and its impact

The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh could lead to the rise of a new geopolitical order in the Caucasus and beyond

The Growing Gaps in Global Humanitarian Challenges
Apr 01, 2024

The Growing Gaps in Global Humanitarian Challenges

Emergency humanitarian aid, which aims to save lives and reduce people’s suffering in times of crises, has grown considerably over the last century to become a central feature of international relations and of the multilateral system. It is estimated that over 400 million people depend on such aid today. The future of these people and of the humanitarian aid they depend on are fraught with risks, in light of five palpable trends: exponentially

The highs and lows of India–US convergence
Jun 06, 2024

The highs and lows of India–US convergence

The strategic convergence between India and the US might be weakening as the US increasingly focuses on the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and E

The Long Road to Finding an End to Afghanistan’s Humanitarian Crisis
Dec 02, 2021

The Long Road to Finding an End to Afghanistan’s Humanitarian Crisis

Afghanistan is facing its most complex humanitarian crisis yet, resulting from the cascading impacts of four decades of conflicts and endemic poverty, and in more recent years, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and chronic foreign aid dependency. Today, 97 percent of all Afghans live below poverty line, and one in every three Afghans (or 14 million) face severe hunger. This report seeks to understand the complexities of Afghanistan’s human

The mirage of US-China detente
May 28, 2024

The mirage of US-China detente

Blinken’s visit may be another way of signalling to China that it shouldn’t exploit any crisis to escalate new ones, at least until the US elections are over

The Politics of Water Governance in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin
Sep 14, 2023

The Politics of Water Governance in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin

Transboundary water politics in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin areaffected not only by inter-government relations between India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh,but also by dynamics on different scales, including the hydropolitics between Indian stateswithin the basin. At the same time, the disputed issues, and the patterns of power dynamicsbetween actors, are similar in transboundary interactions in the basin as well as in inter-stateinteracti

Time for Pax Indica?
Jun 19, 2024

Time for Pax Indica?

In his third term, He should take a proactive approach to peacemaking, like Norway & Switzerland. This will help India better mangae its external environment.

Ukraine-Russia and Hamas-Israel wars: Adaptation is key
Oct 10, 2023

Ukraine-Russia and Hamas-Israel wars: Adaptation is key

Adaptation remains critical in wars as seen throughout history and the current conflicts between Moscow and Kyiv and between Hamas and Israel are no d

US's total power cannot be challenged by China, says Japanese expert
Oct 16, 2014

US's total power cannot be challenged by China, says Japanese expert

The increased interdependence between the various players in the East Asia region is a potential area that needs to be harnessed more effectively to foster the relations and avoid the territorial conflicts and animosity, according to Hitoshi Tanaka of the Japan Research Institute.

What to expect in 2024: Geopolitics
Dec 16, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Geopolitics

2024 will usher in a trickier and edgier world, where tensions will begin between states, but whose impact will be felt the strongest on companies, wo

अन्न सुरक्षा आणि लैंगिक समानतेसाठी निरोगी पौष्टिक स्थितीला प्रोत्साहन देणे
Mar 08, 2024

अन्न सुरक्षा आणि लैंगिक समानतेसाठी निरोगी पौष्टिक स्थितीला प्रोत्साहन देणे

शाश्वत विकास उद्दिष्टे साध्य करण्याकरता लैंगिक सबलीकरण

इराण, पाकिस्तान आणि बलुचिस्तानचा मोठा प्रश्न
Jan 30, 2024

इराण, पाकिस्तान आणि बलुचिस्तानचा मोठा प्रश्न

दहशतवादच्या विरोधात सहकार्याची भावना न ठेवता राजनैतिक �

इस्रायल-हमास युद्धात कतारची भूमिका
Jan 05, 2024

इस्रायल-हमास युद्धात कतारची भूमिका

इस्रायल आणि हमास युद्धात मध्यस्थ्याची भूमिका निभावणं आ�

गाझा संकटाबद्दल आसियान देशांच्या भूमिकेत इतका गोंधळ का आहे?
Jun 12, 2024

गाझा संकटाबद्दल आसियान देशांच्या भूमिकेत इतका गोंधळ का आहे?

आसियान देशांनी पॅलेस्टाईन आणि इस्रायलला गाझामधील शत्रु