Search: For - challenge

1635 results found

Afghanistan: Challenges for the National Unity Govt
Aug 30, 2014

Afghanistan: Challenges for the National Unity Govt

Amidst claims by the Afghan Independent Election Commission (IEC) that the auditing process is in its final stages, there was hope that the presidential elections will be concluded sooner rather than later.

Afghanistan: Intra-Afghan talks and the challenges ahead
Oct 07, 2020

Afghanistan: Intra-Afghan talks and the challenges ahead

The American endgame in Afghanistan is driven by the need to save face after suffering a military defeat at the hands of insurgents, with or without a

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery
Sep 28, 2020

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery

The COVID-19 outbreak poses immense challenges to Africa’s resilience. The pandemic’s economic fallout, caused by disruptions in global and regional value chains and a slump in commodity prices, can derail the progress which the continent has recorded in recent years. Despite the bleak forecasts, however, African countries have managed to mount a concerted response to the pandemic. This paper examines the extent of the economic and health imp

Aid and assistance in Afghanistan: Challenges and look ahead
Apr 01, 2023

Aid and assistance in Afghanistan: Challenges and look ahead

Figuring out how to support the Afghan people without strengthening the Taliban has been the challenge that is confronting the global community

Al-Qaeda, ISIS and India's challenges
Jul 10, 2015

Al-Qaeda, ISIS and India's challenges

There are two epicentres of terrorism today. One is in the AfPak region, a byproduct of the Cold War. Another epicentre which has risen in the recent times is in West Asia, which in some ways represents the first post-Cold War conflict between various competing forces.

Appropriateness or consequence: Challenges to regulating facial regulation technology
Jun 01, 2022

Appropriateness or consequence: Challenges to regulating facial regulation technology

Privacy concerns are being raised as surveillance using Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) slowly expands in India.

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation
Feb 27, 2024

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation

The European Union’s (EU) and India’s paths towards becoming “cyber powers” could hardly be more different. The EU has a long tradition of protecting personal privacy rights and patents, while urging to enhance multilateral norms on cyberspace. India’s thinking on cybersecurity has continuously been boosted by the cyber threats emerging from China and Pakistan. It has further been shaped by India’s domestic Information Technology indu

Assessing the challenges to London’s Indo-Pacific tilt
Apr 19, 2021

Assessing the challenges to London’s Indo-Pacific tilt

The UK’s Integrated Review outlines a comprehensive Indo-Pacific framework, but overlooks some challenges facing London’s ‘Indo-Pacific tilt.’

Australia’s new strategy in navigating the ‘India economic challenge’
Aug 31, 2018

Australia’s new strategy in navigating the ‘India economic challenge’

India and Australia are at different levels of development. For the two countries, it provides both opportunity and challenge.

Balancing ties with India and China, new PM Deuba's big challenge
Jun 22, 2017

Balancing ties with India and China, new PM Deuba's big challenge

When the political situation in Nepal is fluid, it is necessary to balance relations with China and India to maintain peace and stability.

BBIN: Opportunities and challenges
Aug 10, 2018

BBIN: Opportunities and challenges

The intensity with which India is trying to focus on the aspect of subregional affinity — in the geopolitical and geostrategic realms — finds expression in the BBIN interaction.

Beyond Challenge - The balance of power has ceased to operate for the first time
Oct 07, 2004

Beyond Challenge - The balance of power has ceased to operate for the first time

The distribution of military and economic power in the world today resembles an irregular pyramid. The face of the pyramid depicting the military dimension of power rests on a narrow base, while that representing its economic dimension is much wider. Economic power is more broadly diffused among the major states than is the case with military power.

Beyond Current Nuclear Doctrine Debates: Addressing India’s Two-Front Challenge
May 10, 2023

Beyond Current Nuclear Doctrine Debates: Addressing India’s Two-Front Challenge

There are two streams of debate on India’s current nuclear doctrine: one on its current interpretation and deducing its form and what such form means for India’s overall nuclear strategy; and another, more internal to India, on what should be the Indian nuclear doctrine with respect to the evolving nature of threats. The two debates are not mutually exclusive. However, neither of them have contended with all conventional contingencies, in par

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India
Jul 11, 2013

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India

Noted author of a book on Bhutan, Omair Ahmad, argued that the way forward for India was to acknowledge that it could no longer insulate Bhutan. In the past, India engaged the monarchy and the elite, and the time has come to broaden the relationship, he said.

Biden-Harris will bring continuity for Delhi but some challenges too
Nov 09, 2020

Biden-Harris will bring continuity for Delhi but some challenges too

As far as India’s domestic affairs go, the Modi government will not get the free ride it has got so far even if the Biden administration will not allow its activist impulses to override US strategic interests.

Biden’s East Asia challenge
Jan 31, 2021

Biden’s East Asia challenge

Biden will find that America remains a trusted and popular ally in the region.

Biden’s promised expansion of H1B visas will be rife with challenges
Nov 24, 2020

Biden’s promised expansion of H1B visas will be rife with challenges

In gradually restoring the pre-Trump status quo on H1B visas, Biden will first seek to gauge the political viability of increasing temporary work visa

Booming Sino-Brazil trade and increasing policy challenges
Jun 20, 2011

Booming Sino-Brazil trade and increasing policy challenges

Having already replaced the United States as Brazil's largest trading partner, China-Brazil trade is set for further boost, with benefits to both the economies. However, the increase in trade, and also the huge trade gap between the countries, is becoming a major challenge for Brazil's policy-makers.

Boston bombings: The challenges ahead for the US counter-terrorism policy
Apr 25, 2013

Boston bombings: The challenges ahead for the US counter-terrorism policy

Given the US's counter-terrorism experience and security threat, it is in its interest to come out of its earlier bureaucratic deadlock and view the threat of terrorism more objectively and work to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation with countries such as India.

Breathing new life into BIMSTEC: Challenges and imperatives
Apr 27, 2020

Breathing new life into BIMSTEC: Challenges and imperatives

This paper explores the various opportunities and challenges of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation or BIMSTEC, a unique inter-regional grouping composed of aspiring member countries from South Asia and Southeast Asia. While the grouping has massive potential to contribute to regional cooperation, this paper explores the capabilities of the organisation in terms of meeting the expectations of renewed

Brexit: A challenge for UK, an opportunity for India
Nov 24, 2018

Brexit: A challenge for UK, an opportunity for India

British officials have been signalling that Brexit could augur well for trade ties between India and the EU as the two nations would find it easier to conclude a free trade pact without the involvement of the entire panoply of EU member states.

BRI in the ‘Af-Pak’ region: Security challenges and China’s response
Oct 12, 2020

BRI in the ‘Af-Pak’ region: Security challenges and China’s response

Beijing's approach to Af-Pak can be attributed to its growing geostrategic interest in South Asia and the Indo-Pakistani rivalry.

BRICS and its future: The challenges of multilateralism
May 13, 2020

BRICS and its future: The challenges of multilateralism

The nature of the world order that eventually emerges will determine the future of BRICS and not the other way round.

BRICS Plus: Navigating global challenges and broadening influence
Feb 28, 2024

BRICS Plus: Navigating global challenges and broadening influence

The recent expansion of BRICS places it as a potential voice for the Global South in economic, trade, and investment matters

CAATSA, Russia’s S-400s, and the challenge for India’s defence indigenisation
Dec 29, 2021

CAATSA, Russia’s S-400s, and the challenge for India’s defence indigenisation

India would have to come up with a long-term plan to indigenise to avoid conflicts with United States and Russia over purchase of military hardware.

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges
Feb 13, 2013

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges

The essence of any democratic system is the healthy functioning of political parties and consequently free and fair elections. Free and fair elections imply not only a legal institutional framework for the conduct of elections and a transparent electoral process.

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic
May 09, 2020

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Cancer patients must learn to treat the post-COVID-19 world as a ‘new normal,’ and remain focused on what they need to do to manage their illness

Celebrating a unique 50-year relationship: India and Bangladesh are development partners with worrying challenges
Dec 22, 2021

Celebrating a unique 50-year relationship: India and Bangladesh are development partners with worrying challenges

The foremost geostrategic challenge for India vis-à-vis Bangladesh is to counter the machinations of the China-Pakistan axis.

Certainty of Uncertainty in Oil Prices: India’s Challenges
Mar 25, 2022

Certainty of Uncertainty in Oil Prices: India’s Challenges

The western sanctions imposed on Russia has affected the oil imports made by India and has therefore adversely impacted the economy.

Chabahar’s opportunities and challenges
May 28, 2024

Chabahar’s opportunities and challenges

The geopolitics around India’s play in Chabahar and Iran’s leverages are interesting

Changed Pakistan policy a challenge to Modi Govt
Oct 06, 2016

Changed Pakistan policy a challenge to Modi Govt

The September 29 strike was different in a significant way that not only did the Narendra Modi government own it, but also publicised it.

Changing mindsets big challenge before both Obama and Rouhani
Sep 30, 2013

Changing mindsets big challenge before both Obama and Rouhani

It is not only President Obama who feels boxed in by the Lindsay Grahams and John McCains of his country but Rouhani too has formidable set of foes to fight, before either can climb down from his stated position. Not everyone in Iran wants his President to negotiate the country out of its present misery.

Children Left Behind: Challenges in Providing Education to the Rohingya Children in Bangladesh
May 17, 2021

Children Left Behind: Challenges in Providing Education to the Rohingya Children in Bangladesh

Since the mass exodus of the Muslim Rohingya people from Myanmar’s Rakhine state in 2017, close to a million of them have been residing in Bangladesh. While the country has offered them sanctuary, there are massive gaps in seeing to their welfare, including the lack of formal, basic education for the children. In 2020, the Bangladesh government announced the launch of the Myanmar Curriculum Pilot (MCP) to provide the displaced Rohingya

China challenges the US position in human space exploration
Sep 06, 2017

China challenges the US position in human space exploration

China has decided to construct its own space station. It has even approached the United Nations declaring this space station open for international co

China is a challenge, and not a threat, to India
Sep 02, 2004

China is a challenge, and not a threat, to India

New Delhi has made it clear that it does not see China as a "threat" to India. The official position reflects a correct assessment of our security environment. China poses a challenge, not a threat, to India.