Search: For - US-India

151 results found

Space Code: A potential area for US-India cooperation
Jan 19, 2012

Space Code: A potential area for US-India cooperation

Space debris, traffic management and orbital frequency being issues that concern both India and the US, this ideally should be on the agenda in future US-India endeavours. It might be good for both the countries if they can engage in shaping this debate that would give them ownership of the issue.

Stars, stripes and chakras: The future of US-India defence ties
Dec 27, 2012

Stars, stripes and chakras: The future of US-India defence ties

The ongoing challenge for the Indian and US governments is to define what exactly the "strategic relationship" is in form and function, in which context a defence relationship will mature.

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives
Jul 20, 2010

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives

Because of the tacit and overt alliance between the constituents of policymaking institutions and the violent non-state actors in Pakistan, it is imperative to review the current strategies and policies to evolve a more comprehensive set of actions.

The hidden failure of US-India counterterrorism cooperation
Aug 22, 2018

The hidden failure of US-India counterterrorism cooperation

While New Delhi is getting more diplomatic support for its position, it is doing little to change the threat Pakistan poses.

The impact of Trump’s impeachment on US-India ties
Jan 13, 2020

The impact of Trump’s impeachment on US-India ties

As the case for Trump’s impeachment heads to the US Senate for trial, the most probable outcome may only exacerbate challenges for US-India ties

Tiger triumph: US-India military relations get more complex
Nov 16, 2019

Tiger triumph: US-India military relations get more complex

A new exercise has reinforced the trend of deepening defense collaboration between the two sides.

Trump’s political arithmetic on Indian Americans may ease US-India trade tensions
Sep 18, 2019

Trump’s political arithmetic on Indian Americans may ease US-India trade tensions

As Trump gears up for re-election, his instruction to the Office of the US Trade Representative to draft text for a partial trade deal with India refl

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties
May 31, 2024

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties

The TSAT-1A launch opens opportunities to expand US-India defence space ties. However, other technological collaborations, like those in quantum techn

Understanding the US-India contention over ICT imports duty & concerns over China’s increasing market share
Dec 13, 2019

Understanding the US-India contention over ICT imports duty & concerns over China’s increasing market share

With its emphasis on decreasing India’s ICT import duties across the board, the US is in a way batting with China against India, not realising that

US FONOP in India’s EEZ is indicative of Biden’s agenda for US-India defence ties
Apr 13, 2021

US FONOP in India’s EEZ is indicative of Biden’s agenda for US-India defence ties

The US Navy’s recent Freedom of Navigation Operation in India’s Exclusive Economic Zone underscores Biden’s shift in priorities for US-India def

What does Trump’s Kashmir storm mean for US-India relations?
Jul 29, 2019

What does Trump’s Kashmir storm mean for US-India relations?

While the controversy risked being added to the list of issues both sides are having, thus far the fallout has been managed relatively well.

Why the 2018 US-India air force exercises matter
Dec 11, 2018

Why the 2018 US-India air force exercises matter

The ‘Cope India’ military exercise holds broader significance for the bilateral relationship.

With Trump’s India visit, US-India ties go one step forward and two steps back
Feb 27, 2020

With Trump’s India visit, US-India ties go one step forward and two steps back

Despite some gains on the policy level, Trump’s visit to India symbolised heightened partisanship and a return to chemistry between leaders defining

‘Tiger Triumph’ tri-service exercise to consolidate US-India defence ties
Sep 24, 2019

‘Tiger Triumph’ tri-service exercise to consolidate US-India defence ties

Trump’s announcement of the first-ever tri-service US-India military exercise demonstrates his will to insulate US-India defence ties from bilateral

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward
Oct 27, 2021

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward

It is pivotal for Belarus and the world to raise awareness of how to do successful business with India

A new, fractured global order is upon us. India’s response must evolve accordingly
Jan 25, 2020

A new, fractured global order is upon us. India’s response must evolve accordingly

As political ideologies fail to provide purpose and meaning to individuals, they are increasingly finding refuge in identity and religion. The thin li

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode
Feb 20, 2020

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode

With a trade deal unlikely, New Delhi must calibrate the costs and benefits of the U.S. President’s political tour

After Male's defence pact with US, India needs to check over-crowding of Indian Ocean strategic space
Sep 22, 2020

After Male's defence pact with US, India needs to check over-crowding of Indian Ocean strategic space

There is a real possibility of the neighbourhood Indian Ocean waters getting over-crowded sooner or later with defence pacts and multiple navies criss

Agenda 2+2: US and India to hold second foreign and defence ministerial dialogue
Dec 12, 2019

Agenda 2+2: US and India to hold second foreign and defence ministerial dialogue

Beyond the personal chemistry between political leaders forecasting bilateral ties, consultative platforms on the ministerial level like the US-India

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India
Apr 13, 2012

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India

India has been proactive in the Arms Trade Treaty debate and has submitted its views on the issue. Currently, the debate is shifting towards the content of the treaty. Differences continue to exist, but India feels the final treaty should emerge by consensus.

Diverging US and Indian Approaches to Europe: The Problem of Ukraine
Aug 14, 2023

Diverging US and Indian Approaches to Europe: The Problem of Ukraine

The US-India strategic partnership is rooted in the Indo-Pacific region. Nonetheless, developments in Europe, such as the war in Ukraine, have implications for US-India cooperation. The Ukraine conflict could distract the US, diverting its attention to Europe, and impeding its efforts to build Indian strategic capacity. Differing responses to the war can also create tensions between the two countries, as the US seeks to punish Russia, and

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators
Nov 06, 2015

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators

The Indian diaspora in the US has been instrumental in deepening and strengthening India-US relations and will continue to do so in the future, says State Senator Ellen Roberts from Colorado Legislature and Minnesota State Representative Paul Thissen.

Has Modi learnt to play Trump better? A look at possible deliverables beyond Motera
Feb 24, 2020

Has Modi learnt to play Trump better? A look at possible deliverables beyond Motera

The Indo-US agenda is vast – there are issues to be clinched, points to be clarified and misunderstandings to be cleared.

Imagining 2024: Digital Public Infrastructure’s global footprint
Dec 19, 2023

Imagining 2024: Digital Public Infrastructure’s global footprint

2024 will see a consolidation of global efforts to leverage the DPI model, and there are indications that the enthusiasm surrounding DPIs could infect

India and the U.S. Make a Strategic Case for Health Cooperation
Aug 17, 2023

India and the U.S. Make a Strategic Case for Health Cooperation

India and the United States (US) have been cooperating in the health sector since the late 1960s. The cooperation has intensified in the past decade, riding on institutional structures established following the launch of the US-India Health Initiative in 2010. It has seen further expansion since the COVID-19 pandemic, and today covers a wide range of areas including disease prevention and combating infectious diseases, maternal and child

India as the regional leader in maintaining security in the Indo-Pacific
Nov 13, 2017

India as the regional leader in maintaining security in the Indo-Pacific

There is mounting interest in reviving the US-India-Australia-Japan Quad strategic dialogue.

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US
Feb 20, 2020

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US

In exploring a limited deal to dampen trade tensions, India must refrain from handing Trump a political endorsement ahead of the 2020 presidential ele

India-US cooperation in SA: Beyond what meets the eye
May 06, 2024

India-US cooperation in SA: Beyond what meets the eye

India, the world’s largest democracy, and the United States (US), the world’s oldest democracy, are heading to elections this year. The elections come when both democracies are increasing their cooperation in South Asia (SA) to maintain a ‘free and open’ Indo-Pacific and push back against an assertive and aggressive China.

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump
May 12, 2023

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump

This brief explores the factors informing the Donald Trump administration’s continuity on the US’s defence trade with India. The administration’s impetus to maintain US-India defence trade stems from factors like the ‘reverse revolving door’ policy that has increased the influence of US defence contractors, its ‘Buy American’ policy to boost US arms exports, and defence trade being construed as an incremental means to correct the bi

India-US diplomacy in health amidst 2024 elections
May 29, 2024

India-US diplomacy in health amidst 2024 elections

While the results of the elections are difficult to predict, the strong commitment and cooperation in the health sector between India-US should be enh

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet
Jun 26, 2024

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet

Aspiring to become a US$30-trillion economy by 2047, surrounded by hostile nations, and leading the idea of multipolarity in a bipolar world, India needs to articulate a grand strategy that has been missing in its statecraft. With the necessary conditions for such an endeavour in place, it is time for Bharat, under Narendra Modi’s third term as prime minister, to thread the three core aspects of executing such a grand strategy: articulating the

Indo-US defence cooperation: Challenges ahead
Apr 03, 2015

Indo-US defence cooperation: Challenges ahead

Though domestic politics have not always promoted closer US-India defence cooperation, changed geopolitical context, regional and global advances now pull India and America together, says the US co-chair of the DTTI, Frank Kendall. Even perceptions of security challenges of both the countries are increasingly converging.

Lessons from India's past for its semiconductor future
Jun 22, 2023

Lessons from India's past for its semiconductor future

The compounded incentives offered by the Indian government along with smooth approvals and licenses, would be critical in moving India up the global s

Making strategy out of sense: The US, India and the Dialogue
Jun 21, 2013

Making strategy out of sense: The US, India and the Dialogue

At the top, communication between the senior leadership on both sides is very good. But, once you get past that, the real engine of any bilateral relationship -- the mid-levels of the bureaucracies -- do not communicate consistently well yet. A large part of this lack of communication is a paucity of 'strategic messaging' from the US in India.

No, Justin Trudeau's India visit was not a failure
Feb 26, 2018

No, Justin Trudeau's India visit was not a failure

Canada went out of its way to reassure India on the issue of terrorism and both sides agreed to respect each other's 'sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity'.

Opportunity to actualise counterterrorism cooperation between India and the US
Feb 04, 2020

Opportunity to actualise counterterrorism cooperation between India and the US

As Republicans dampen Democrats’ criticism on Kashmir by citing India’s counterterrorism imperatives, an opportunity to actualise US-India counter

President Moon’s visit can provide a new impetus to India-Korea relations
Jul 06, 2018

President Moon’s visit can provide a new impetus to India-Korea relations

The potential of the India-Korea partnership has not been fully tapped. The present visit will provide a great opportunity for President Moon and Prim

Ride the storm
Jun 05, 2024

Ride the storm

The multilateral order, built on the debris of the Second World War, is no longer fit to address this situation. Global institutions are missing in action just when they are needed the most