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NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?
Oct 03, 2022

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?

नाटो ने भी पुतिन को ललकारा है. NATO का कहना है कि वह एक इंच जमीन भी रूस के पास नहीं रहने देगा. इसके लिए चाहे जिस स्‍तर पर जाना पड़ा. ऐसे में सवाल है कि क्‍या इस युद्ध का रास्‍ता परमा

Nawaz Sharif and India
Jul 17, 2013

Nawaz Sharif and India

Nawaz Sharif's return as the Prime Minister of Pakistan in early June this year marks a signpost from where a more meaningful relationship between India and Pakistan could be forged. The bilateral relationship had of late been mired in mistrust and often meaningless rhetoric. The previous civilian government in Pakistan was paralysed by its own ineptitude. An equally incoherent position in New Delhi has allowed the crucial relationship to drift.

Nepal: Finding a way forward
Jan 25, 2016

Nepal: Finding a way forward

Nepal is no stranger to Constitution drafting, having gone through six such rounds since 1948, with the seventh culminating in September 2015. is recent exercise, however, was unique as it was conducted, for the rst time, without the oversight of the monarchy. Certain populations of Nepali society had specic stakes in a new Constitution. For many of Nepal's marginalised communities such as the Madhes is, for example, the new Constitution oe

Pakistan Elections 2007-2008: Key Players
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan Elections 2007-2008: Key Players

In November this year, the world will witness one of the most keenly awaited presidential elections in Pakistan with President Pervez Musharraf seeking a second term from the existing parliament without giving up his uniform. A few months later, in early 2008, will follow the general elections for the National Assembly. Contrary to perceptions, the road to re-election may not be smooth. There are chances that the situation in Balochistan and Wazi

Pakistan general elections 2018: Analysis of results and implications
Dec 18, 2018

Pakistan general elections 2018: Analysis of results and implications

n July 2018, Pakistanis voted in what was the third consecutive transfer of power from one civilian government to another in the country’s 71-year history. The elections may be called a success in that winners had been declared. However, the months leading up to the elections demonstrated the power of the military, and its ability to influence election outcomes and control sections of the media. As Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan see

Pakistan General Elections 2018: What’s at Stake?
Jul 17, 2018

Pakistan General Elections 2018: What’s at Stake?

In well-functioning democracies where those who lose elections live to fight another day, the forthcoming general elections in Pakistan is a battle for survival for many of the main political players in the country. To begin with, the brazen intervention by the military establishment in the political process has left the polls little credibility. In many ways, the elections will set the future trajectory of politics in Pakistan. While the deck se

Pakistan: New Generals on the Block
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan: New Generals on the Block

It is becoming clear even to President Pervez Musharraf, Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan, that he will have to step down sooner than later. This brief discusses three immediate reasons to make such an assumption.

Pakistan: नए आर्मी चीफ़ के सामने है देश में स्थिरता सुनिश्चित करने की कठिन ज़िम्मेदारी!
Dec 17, 2022

Pakistan: नए आर्मी चीफ़ के सामने है देश में स्थिरता सुनिश्चित करने की कठिन ज़िम्मेदारी!

पाकिस्तान के पूर्व सैन्य प्रमुख जनरल बाजवा द्वारा छोड़ी

Pakistan’s battered tribal regions set the stage for new Prime Minister
Sep 14, 2018

Pakistan’s battered tribal regions set the stage for new Prime Minister

Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Imran Khan, faces formidable challenges. For now, the most difficult one may yet be mollifying his restive fellow Pashtuns who have suffered grievously in the Army’s anti-terror operations in the country’s tribal regions.

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties
Jan 12, 2021

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted two features of the Nepal-India economic relationship: Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit, and unrestricted cross-border movement of people of both countries. Attributing the trade deficit entirely to supply-side constraints is neither accurate nor conducive to the overall health of the relationship. This brief suggests ways towards more sustainable trade relations between India and Nepal, among them, India r

PM Modi address in SCO: पीएम मोदी के संबोधन से अमेरिका प्रसन्न; चीन को भारत की दो टूक!
Sep 20, 2022

PM Modi address in SCO: पीएम मोदी के संबोधन से अमेरिका प्रसन्न; चीन को भारत की दो टूक!

रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच शंघाई सहयोग संगठन में आखिर पीएम मोदी ने समरकंद में क्‍या कहा. उनके इस भाषण पर रूस ने क्‍या प्रतिक्रिया दी. इसके क्‍या निहितार्थ हैं. मोदी के इस संबोध

Post-Election Challenges for the New Government in Kabul
Aug 23, 2023

Post-Election Challenges for the New Government in Kabul

This issue brief explores the prospects and problems for the new government in Afghanistan with respect to: the two new leaders and their respective positions; the Taliban; and the regional countries China, India, Iran and Pakistan.

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown
Jul 10, 2015

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown

An examination of the prospects for al-Qaeda following the US drawdown in Afghanistan and the likely threats which the region, and India in particular, might face in the future. A supplementary scrutiny of ISIS, and the group's possible expansion in the region, is also proffered.

Rohingya Crisis: रोहिंग्या शिविरों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत
Jul 30, 2023

Rohingya Crisis: रोहिंग्या शिविरों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत

डॉक्टर्स विदाउट बॉर्डर्स संस्था के मुताबिक, पांच साल से �

Russia-Ukraine War: यूक्रेन संकट के प्रति नेपाल की प्रतिक्रिया!
Jul 31, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: यूक्रेन संकट के प्रति नेपाल की प्रतिक्रिया!

क्या नेपाल अपनी गैर संरेखण नीति को छोड़ रहा है और वेस्टर्न

SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation
Aug 17, 2023

SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation

The failure of SAARC to nurture cooperation in South Asia has pushed regional players to search for an alternative.  BIMSTEC, grouping the nations in the Bay of Bengal region, is popularly favoured as the viable option. Two decades since its inception, however, BIMSTEC’s successes have been minimal. How workable is BIMSTEC as an option for pursuing regional cooperation in South Asia? Are SAARC and BIMSTEC competitors or do they complement each

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Aug 11, 2023

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Silenced histories, razed shrines: The difficult task of rediscovering India and Pakistan’s shared heritage
Aug 21, 2023

Silenced histories, razed shrines: The difficult task of rediscovering India and Pakistan’s shared heritage

The national identity of Pakistan is rooted in the ‘two-nation theory’—the very basis of the creation of the country—which says that the Hindus and Muslims of the subcontinent were two different nations and therefore, the Muslims were entitled to a separate homeland where Islam would be practiced as state religion. Does Pakistan’s quest for identity, however, mean neglecting the non-Islamic culture present in the country? This brief cal

Silent Game: China’s Engagement in Afghanistan
Aug 23, 2023

Silent Game: China’s Engagement in Afghanistan

China's engagement with Afghanistan has become crucial as the US gradually pulls out its troops from the country. It has increased its investment in infrastructure projects in Afghanistan to US$1 billion from negligible amounts within a period of one year. Though it is still to be seen whether China would assert itself after the withdrawal of coalition forces, one thing is certain: Beijing is well poised in the Afghan endgame.

Sri Lanka Crisis: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ श्रीलंका के बनते-बिगड़ते रिश्ते!
Jul 31, 2023

Sri Lanka Crisis: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ श्रीलंका के बनते-बिगड़ते रिश्ते!

ज्यों ज्यों श्रीलंका आर्थिक निराशा में डूबता जा रहा हैं, �

Subregional Security Cooperation: An Exploratory Study of India’s Approach
Sep 14, 2020

Subregional Security Cooperation: An Exploratory Study of India’s Approach

Subregional economic cooperation has become a prioritised agenda in India’s neighbourhood policy. Policymakers and scholars increasingly conceptualise subregions in the neighbourhood to promote economic and connectivity cooperation. However, the subregional notion is rarely discussed in the context of security cooperation. This raises an important question regarding the subregional approach, or its lack thereof, in building security cooperation

Taliban’s Afghanistan: An Emerging Security Challenge for India and Central Asia
Aug 16, 2023

Taliban’s Afghanistan: An Emerging Security Challenge for India and Central Asia

Relations between India and the Central Asia Republics (CARs) have matured over the past three decades, primarily in the areas of military technology, defence, counterterrorism, and economy, and culture. Following the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan and the resultant security, geostrategic, and geoeconomic challenges, India and the CARs must aim to strengthen their ties. This brief assesses the evolving situation in Afghanistan

Taliban’s Return Threatens Past Gains for Aghanistan’s Women and Girls
Feb 22, 2022

Taliban’s Return Threatens Past Gains for Aghanistan’s Women and Girls

In the midst of the chaotic withdrawal of the US-led forces from Afghanistan, the Taliban swept back to power in Kabul on 15 August 2021. Since then, the Taliban have repeatedly attempted to project a more moderate brand of governance. However, the Taliban leaders have yet to enunciate clear policies on issues such as women’s and girls’ access to education, employment, and political participation. Early indications nonetheless suggest that th

The Bangladesh Army: Documenting its Corporate Interests
Nov 24, 2010

The Bangladesh Army: Documenting its Corporate Interests

Little is known and even less understood about the 2,00,000-strong Bangladesh Army's corporate interests. The importance of the subject owes itself to the fact that the army has been a veritable power of stability in a country that has been dogged by decades of unending political turmoil. The fact that the Army had to step in to keep the country from slipping into a political abyss in 2006 underlines the criticality of its role in providing stabi

The Dynamics of LTTE’S Commercial Maritime Infrastructure
Jun 04, 2005

The Dynamics of LTTE’S Commercial Maritime Infrastructure

This paper examines the maritime infrastructure of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)--tracing the history of the development of its maritime organisation, infrastructure and strategy. The paper focuses on the salience of sea power as perceived by a violent non-state actor and provides a perspective on how non-state actors employ sea power in asymmetric conflicts

The road to Mekong: the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway project
Feb 07, 2017

The road to Mekong: the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway project

As India places the Mekong sub-region among its priorities under the country’s ‘Act East’ policy, the ongoing India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway project––currently the only land connectivity project between India and the Mekong countries and the wider Southeast Asian region––could prove to be a game changer. It is imperative to explore ways to ensure early completion of this strategic communication link. This paper focuses on

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations
Jul 28, 2023

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations

Among India's neighbours, Bangladesh occupies a special position not only because of India's role in its liberation but because geographically, too, it surrounds Bangladesh from three sides. The beginning of close economic relations between the two countries can be traced back to 1971. After its independence, Bangladesh's requirements of consumer goods, especially food, came from India. Over the years, the country has sought easier access to Indi

Towards a Deliberative BIMSTEC
Aug 06, 2020

Towards a Deliberative BIMSTEC

The Bay of Bengal region links South Asia and Southeast Asia, with the BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) serving as a platform of trans-border cooperation. The BIMSTEC’s prime assets are the historical and cultural links between the nations, and their spirit of community. However, the lack of both a robust decision-making mechanism and a set of common rules have slowed down the growth of th

Understanding Jihadism in Pakistan
Jul 23, 2023

Understanding Jihadism in Pakistan

Pakistan is often accused of being a state sponsor of terrorism. This article bases itself in the belief that though the problem of ?Jihadism? may well have originated from some of Pakistan?s security paranoias, it is now assuming proportions far larger than Pakistan itself. At this stage, Jihadism will be a problem for Pakistan itself as much as for the rest of the world. At the same time, the ability of the Pakistani state to counter this pheno

UNGA में शांति के पक्ष में भारत: कूटनीति और वार्ता ही रूस-यूक्रेन विवाद का हल
Sep 26, 2022

UNGA में शांति के पक्ष में भारत: कूटनीति और वार्ता ही रूस-यूक्रेन विवाद का हल

संयुक्‍त राष्‍ट्र महासभा में भारतीय विदेश मंत्री ने अपने भाषण में दुनिया के समक्ष भारत का समग्रता का दृष्टिकोण रखा. उन्‍होंने भारतीय विदेश नीति की बुनियादी सिंद्धांतों �

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में भारत की ‘अनाज’ कूटनीति!
Jul 30, 2023

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में भारत की ‘अनाज’ कूटनीति!

वैसे तो भारत ने तालिबान सरकार को मान्यता नहीं दी है लेकिन

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान संबंध और डूरंड लाइन की अहमियत?
Jul 30, 2023

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान संबंध और डूरंड लाइन की अहमियत?

ऐतिहासिक डूरंड लाइन अब भी एक चुभते हुए कांटे की तरह है क्य

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान: तालिबान शासन के अधीन काबुल; वैश्विक अपयश की पहली बरसी!
Aug 23, 2022

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान: तालिबान शासन के अधीन काबुल; वैश्विक अपयश की पहली बरसी!

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान पर तालिबान द्वारा क़ब्ज़ा किये जाने की पह�

अमेरिका और रूस की बातचीत में कूटनीति बनाम जंग: पूरा होता मक़सद
Jul 29, 2023

अमेरिका और रूस की बातचीत में कूटनीति बनाम जंग: पूरा होता मक़सद

दोनों देशों के बीच यूक्रेन और पूरे क्षेत्र की सुरक्षा को �