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#MiddleEast: डांवाडोल परमाणु समझौते के बीच ईरान को खाड़ी देशों का संदेश
Aug 29, 2022

#MiddleEast: डांवाडोल परमाणु समझौते के बीच ईरान को खाड़ी देशों का संदेश

खाड़ी देशों के द्वारा ईरान के साथ संबंधों को नया रूप देने

A new China military base in Pakistan?
Feb 09, 2018

A new China military base in Pakistan?

It will be its second foreign military base, after Djibouti, which was set up in August 2017. China clearly is looking at the longer term.

At the Mecca of capitalism, its prophets gather to deliver a eulogy
Nov 15, 2016

At the Mecca of capitalism, its prophets gather to deliver a eulogy

At the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, lawyers, economists and entrepreneurs gathered not only to praise, but also bury capitalism.

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs
May 16, 2023

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs

The perfect storm that has engulfed Pakistan is unlikely to weaken anytime soon.

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends
Apr 11, 2023

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has undergone many changes since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2013. Efforts at modernising the PLA have been conducted in earnest for the past 10 years through the overhaul of the organisation and the introduction of latest technologies to make it battle-ready. This paper describes these capability-related and institutional changes in China’s military, wh

Chinese N-subs in the Indian Ocean and Indian naval concerns
Apr 14, 2015

Chinese N-subs in the Indian Ocean and Indian naval concerns

The deployment of a Chinese nuclear submarine - presumably a Type 093 Shang-class - as part of the anti-piracy patrol of two ships and a supply vessel operating off the Gulf of Aden has set alarm bells ringing loudly in the Indian Navy. The implications of such a strategically significant move are simply enormous.

Decoding India’s latest diplomatic push in the West Asian theatre
Dec 09, 2020

Decoding India’s latest diplomatic push in the West Asian theatre

While successfully balancing relations between Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia power blocks, New Delhi’s affinity for this Gulf outreach is rooted in geopolitical and geo-economic realities

Delhi-Paris tango offers a third way in diplomacy
Feb 01, 2024

Delhi-Paris tango offers a third way in diplomacy

As dependable allies, the India-France partnership is a force for global good in a volatile world engulfed in multiple crises

End in Sight to Political Crisis in Maldives?
Aug 13, 2010

End in Sight to Political Crisis in Maldives?

With the Opposition-dominated Parliament passing the Judges Bill and the Government coming up with a consensus list of seven Supreme Court Judges that too was passed, there is now hope about an early end to the constitutional deadlock that had engulfed Maldives over the past weeks.

Exploring India’s ties with Yemen
Sep 17, 2021

Exploring India’s ties with Yemen

India’s ties with Yemen date back two millennia, with the Middle Eastern nation playing a strategic role in India-Middle East relations

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power
May 22, 2023

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power

Most leading air forces around the world were quick to learn from the experiences of the US Air Force between the Vietnam War in the 1960s and the Gulf War three decades later. This resulted in the widespread adoption by these forces of Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) beginning in the mid-1990s. Only a few of these air arms, however, have matched the overall effectiveness of US air power, which combines aircraft survivability with weapon range,

G20 सम्मेलन में दिखी खाड़ी देशों की बढ़ती सामरिक हैसियत
Sep 28, 2023

G20 सम्मेलन में दिखी खाड़ी देशों की बढ़ती सामरिक हैसियत

भारत और मध्य पूर्व से लेकर यूरोप के बीच आर्थिक गलियारे (IMEEC)

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?
Nov 04, 2017

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?

Not only are the important regional players getting into a huddle to discuss the implications of President Trump’s actions, but are also re-calibrat

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia
Sep 25, 2021

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia

The Taliban story has only just resumed and could see a return of the US and other powers to this theatre in the future as global jihadist movements v

How the war in Ukraine is stress testing West Asia’s geopolitics
Nov 21, 2022

How the war in Ukraine is stress testing West Asia’s geopolitics

Gulf capitals are attracted towards the concept of ‘strategic autonomy’, one that is attractive on paper but challenging in practice

In West Asia, don’t confuse tactical de-escalation with strategic alignment
Mar 31, 2023

In West Asia, don’t confuse tactical de-escalation with strategic alignment

The structural pretext that drove West Asia’s cycle of competition and proxy conflict is still in place without a clear solution in sight

India supports Palestine with key interests in mind
Dec 26, 2017

India supports Palestine with key interests in mind

Indian interests in the Persian Gulf region are paramount. That is from where India gets 70% of its oil, and where seven million of Indian citizens labour and send back remittances of around USD 35 billion per annum.

India, stability, and ‘new world order’ - Global security from New Delhi’s vantage
Mar 19, 2024

India, stability, and ‘new world order’ - Global security from New Delhi’s vantage

India has embarked on a large-scale infrastructure development program, ranging from highways to airports, a critical government-led push to provide the economy a strong base to build upon.

India-Iran and the Easing of Sanctions
May 14, 2015

India-Iran and the Easing of Sanctions

India's deepening engagement with the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as Israel could also moderate New Delhi's diplomatic ties with Tehran. India-Iran relations were at their peak during then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's visit to Tehran in 2001 and then Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's visit to India in 2003.

India’s defence outreach towards a fast-changing West Asia
May 02, 2023

India’s defence outreach towards a fast-changing West Asia

To protect its strategic interests in the Gulf region, India is expanding its defence outreach

Iran successfully launches military satellite
Apr 24, 2020

Iran successfully launches military satellite

Tehran is using the opportunity to send a strategic message to other powers in the region and beyond.

Iraq after the pullout
Dec 26, 2011

Iraq after the pullout

Last week the curtains came down on the 21st century's first unjust war - the US involvement in Iraq. But worse may follow after the American pullout. The implications for India of further turmoil in the Persian Gulf, particularly Iraq are enormous.

Iraq and After
Jun 30, 2004

Iraq and After

It may not be the story that Paul Bremer or Iyyad Allawi would want to muse over for their grandchildren: ¿I was among the handful there...¿ Yet, that¿s truth about power-transfer in Iraq, America¿s testing-ground for western democracy in the feudalistic Gulf Arab region living in a decadent past.

Is now a good time for India to recalibrate ties with Türkiye?
Jul 12, 2022

Is now a good time for India to recalibrate ties with Türkiye?

With Türkiye adopting a more pragmatic approach to its foreign policy, can India and Türkiye hope to repair frayed ties?

Israel and a changing Middle East
Feb 22, 2022

Israel and a changing Middle East

The Gulf region witnesses a shift as Israel is being accepted within the folds of regional politics.

Keeping 'civilisational clash' alive?
Oct 06, 2004

Keeping 'civilisational clash' alive?

The abduction of two French journalists in Iraq citing the new French law against head-scarves in public places as the reason marks a new chapter in the ongoing US-led 'global war on terrorism'. Considering that France, along with Germany, was more sympathetic to Iraq under Saddam Hussein when US launched the 'Second Gulf War', it also marks a new phase in the 'international jihad' after 9/11.

Learning from the 'new American'
Jun 21, 2004

Learning from the 'new American'

The successive torture and slaying of individual Americans in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Gulf region has a new message for the civilized world. Whatever be the rationale behind the decision-making at the governmental-level, the average American is ready for a long engagement with terrorism and terrorists.

Lebanon’s economy is in free fall 
May 26, 2020

Lebanon’s economy is in free fall 

While the coronavirus lockdown has certainly exacerbated the economic collapse and the protests that engulfed the country in October caused panic —

Mapping Skills: A Roadmap for India and the UAE
Jul 06, 2020

Mapping Skills: A Roadmap for India and the UAE

The presence of almost nine million Indian nationals in the Gulf region makes India a key source of human capital for the six GCC nations. The majority of these Indians are blue-collar workers engaged in low-paying jobs. As countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) move up the technology ladder, they are increasingly seeking workers with specific, certified skills. This report outlines a pilot project for the mapping, harmonisation and accred

Maritime menace: Resurgence of Somali piracy
Apr 10, 2024

Maritime menace: Resurgence of Somali piracy

The weakened hold of Mogadishu over the federation is fuelling the emergence of Somali piracy

Middle East energy challenges and India
Jul 23, 2020

Middle East energy challenges and India

India can be much bolder in its engagement with the Middle East, and particularly the Gulf.

Modi 3.0 and the likely trajectory of India-West Asia ties
Jun 29, 2024

Modi 3.0 and the likely trajectory of India-West Asia ties

Given the strong convergence of economic and security interests, it is certain that India-West Asia ties are going to flourish further.

Modi’s middle east deals snub Iran
Mar 27, 2019

Modi’s middle east deals snub Iran

India's newly aggressive strategy puts Gulf money and Israeli weapons first.

Navigating India's strategic seas: The evolving role of the Navy
Jun 13, 2024

Navigating India's strategic seas: The evolving role of the Navy

The changing geopolitical realities of the 21st century have warranted the Navy’s rising profile in India’s strategic landscape.

Nepal: An uncertain future
Sep 19, 2014

Nepal: An uncertain future

It is almost a year since fresh elections to the Constituent Assembly in Nepal took place for the formation of a new government and the writing of a new constitution that would, as was expected then, be a breath of fresh air for a country long engulfed in political and social unrest -- and political and constitutional instability afterward.

New energy in India-Saudi Arabia ties
Oct 31, 2019

New energy in India-Saudi Arabia ties

India and Saudi Arabia are re-defining their foreign policy priorities: For New Delhi, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states are becoming key interlocutors in the Middle East. For Riyadh, India is one of the eight major powers with which it wants to forge strategic partnerships as part of its Vision 2030.

Pakistan in the eye of the storm
Apr 15, 2015

Pakistan in the eye of the storm

The 12-point resolution approved by Pakistan's Parliament said that Islamabad must maintain "neutrality" in the Yemen conflict. Pakistan has good reasons to have rejected what could have become a quagmire for its forces. But, it has angered Pakistan's friends, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates.

Pakistan in Yemen
Mar 31, 2015

Pakistan in Yemen

With Saudi Arabia now so fearful of a rising Iran, it is quite clearly Pakistan's payback time. And Yemen could mark the beginning of a new and more significant phase in Pakistan's involvement in the security politics of the Gulf.

Perils for a post-conflict Gaza: UNRWA defunding
Jan 31, 2024

Perils for a post-conflict Gaza: UNRWA defunding

The possibility of UNRWA's demise looms large amidst defunding announcements by major donors

Piracy is back to infest West African waters, but what’s driving it?
Jun 25, 2019

Piracy is back to infest West African waters, but what’s driving it?

What makes the waters of the Gulf of Guinea vulnerable to piracy?

Political reform in Qatar: Misplaced optimism?
Nov 10, 2021

Political reform in Qatar: Misplaced optimism?

Qatar has taken a step towards a more inclusive political system. Is this a revolutionary shift or more of an image building exercise?

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Abu Dhabi: Signs of close ties with the UAE
Jun 28, 2022

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Abu Dhabi: Signs of close ties with the UAE

PM Modi’s visit to the UAE indicates his belief that a stronger alliance could be established between the two countries.

Saudi Arabia and UAE: Are they strategically distancing themselves from the Afghanistan crisis?
Jul 20, 2021

Saudi Arabia and UAE: Are they strategically distancing themselves from the Afghanistan crisis?

In 2021, things are very different in the Gulf. The missing narratives from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and others in the region on Afghanistan come from c

Saudi succession
Jan 07, 2015

Saudi succession

The NDA government has not devoted sufficient attention to the Middle East in 2014. As New Delhi turns to the Gulf in 2015 and tends to its high stakes in the region, an intensive engagement with Saudi Arabia must be at the top of PM Narendra Modi's diplomatic priorities.

South Asia: Towards dividend or disaster?
Dec 27, 2011

South Asia: Towards dividend or disaster?

Confronted with unemployment rather than gainful employment, rising aspirations and growing expectation, impatient youth could turn into a destructive force, giving rise to criminality and terrorism. Thus resultant social unrest may engulf South Asia.