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162 results found

Annual Outlook 2021: Silver Linings
Feb 11, 2021

Annual Outlook 2021: Silver Linings

One year after the first deaths due to COVID-19 were announced, the world is still grappling with the twinned health and economic crises resulting from the pandemic. At the start of 2021, it is evident that an uneven economic recovery has taken shape across the globe, with some countries — such as Taiwan and Vietnam — having experienced remarkably few cases, whilst others — namely, the US, India, Brazil, and parts of Europe — are still co

Anti-incumbency, political outsiders, and millennial presidents in Latin America
Sep 01, 2023

Anti-incumbency, political outsiders, and millennial presidents in Latin America

Latin America is increasingly proving that the old notions of ‘left’ and ‘right’ are no longer the principal themes in electoral democracy.

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation
Feb 27, 2024

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation

The European Union’s (EU) and India’s paths towards becoming “cyber powers” could hardly be more different. The EU has a long tradition of protecting personal privacy rights and patents, while urging to enhance multilateral norms on cyberspace. India’s thinking on cybersecurity has continuously been boosted by the cyber threats emerging from China and Pakistan. It has further been shaped by India’s domestic Information Technology indu

Best time for Modi to take tough decisions
Jul 28, 2014

Best time for Modi to take tough decisions

Experience would suggest the best time for Modi to take tough decisions is now when his popularity is at an all time high and his adversaries, both within his party and without, are still shell-shocked. If he can stake out the key elements of the long-awaited second generation reforms, he can spend the balance of his tenure working to implement them.

BIMSTEC into the mainstream: The role of the media
May 12, 2023

BIMSTEC into the mainstream: The role of the media

This brief is an experienced journalist’s view of how the media should regard the relevance of BIMSTEC, or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation; and, in turn, how BIMSTEC can utilise the media in making its issues known to the public and the policymakers, in its immediate region and beyond. The brief argues that if BIMSTEC is to become an effective forum for regional cooperation, it should be more o

Boston bombings: The challenges ahead for the US counter-terrorism policy
Apr 25, 2013

Boston bombings: The challenges ahead for the US counter-terrorism policy

Given the US's counter-terrorism experience and security threat, it is in its interest to come out of its earlier bureaucratic deadlock and view the threat of terrorism more objectively and work to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation with countries such as India.

Building an equitable ‘data for development’ space for the G20
Jun 28, 2023

Building an equitable ‘data for development’ space for the G20

The data landscape across the G20 remains highly uneven, with some countries being able to effectively harness D4D while others experience significant

Building Trust: Lessons from Canada’s Approach to Digital Identity
May 24, 2023

Building Trust: Lessons from Canada’s Approach to Digital Identity

Both during times of normalcy and crises, governments depend on increasingly digitised identity systems. Such systems, however, have been considered controversial since the use of IBM machines to facilitate the Holocaust. Since then, more contemporary identity systems have tried to ensure that they do not violate citizens’ essential rights. This requires multi-stakeholder coordination, a network paradigm, a focus on open standards rather than s

Can India edify Myanmar to keep the peace?
Jan 04, 2018

Can India edify Myanmar to keep the peace?

Engaging the Myanmar Army in exercises such as those with India provides an opportunity for Myanmar Army officers to learn from the experiences of other armed forces in international military operations.

Catalysing Cultural Entrepreneurship in India
Aug 14, 2023

Catalysing Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

Cultural entrepreneurship promotes a country’s heritage, resources and creative talents through products, services, and experiences. It shapes the country’s cultural economy; enables economic growth, innovation, and sociocultural development; and, when exported, contributes towards building soft power. India, with a millennia-old heritage, indigenous knowledge systems, and practices, has the potential to become a leading cultural and

Challenges Galore for the New CDS
Oct 09, 2022

Challenges Galore for the New CDS

Chauhan has served many commands and staff postings in the North and Northeast. As major general, he commanded the Baramulla-based 19th Infantry Division in the Northern Command. So, he has invaluable experience in countering cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan. His biggest strength, however, is his stint in the China-facing Eastern Command, from where he retired as commander in May 2021.

Change Management in Societal Transformation: The Case of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’
Jul 25, 2022

Change Management in Societal Transformation: The Case of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’

A transformation is sweeping Saudi Arabia, and certain elements of it can be attributed to ‘Vision 2030’, a strategic plan launched in 2016. The vision—framed by a paradigm shift in the country’s economic, social, and cultural landscape—will have implications beyond Saudi Arabia itself, given the country’s position as leader of the Arab and Islamic world. The biggest challenge to such a metamorphosis is adoption among citizens, who wi

Chasing new horizons: Sunset clauses in India’s revamped BIT regime
Mar 28, 2024

Chasing new horizons: Sunset clauses in India’s revamped BIT regime

India must articulate its vision of the sunset clause in future BITS as it seeks to renegotiate these treaties with states

China’s new defence white paper
Sep 27, 2019

China’s new defence white paper

The white paper is an amalgamation of past experiences as well as the role that China will play in the global order in the coming years.

Climate change and food security in the Global South
Nov 17, 2022

Climate change and food security in the Global South

The Global South experiences a disproportionate impact of climate change which in turn leads to food insecurity

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships
Mar 30, 2023

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed most economies into recession and heightened inequalities within and across countries. Mitigating current challenges requires greater solidarity, innovative thinking, and more effective international development cooperation. This paper makes a case for triangular cooperation as an instrument of development cooperation in current times. It outlines its advantages, examines the challenges involved in such partnerships,

Confronting Cascading Disasters, Building Resilience: Lessons from the Indian Sundarbans
Jan 29, 2021

Confronting Cascading Disasters, Building Resilience: Lessons from the Indian Sundarbans

The intersecting impacts of COVID-19 and climate change are compounding the vulnerabilities of coastal communities.  This paper examines the disastrous effects of cyclone Amphan in the Bengal delta region of the Indian Sundarbans amidst a countrywide lockdown triggered by the pandemic, and their cascading consequences for a rural community inhabiting this climate hotspot. It highlights the livelihood crisis experienced by internal rural-urban mi

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws
Aug 23, 2023

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws

This Issue Brief seeks to outline the history of corporate funding in India, legislation governing corporate funding, institutional innovations in corporate funding like electoral trusts, and international experiences and their relevance in the Indian context. Given the increasing clamour for transparent and accountable corporate funding of political parties, the Brief also explores the perils of over-reliance on corporate funding.

Could China string out pullback process? What this means for India
Nov 17, 2020

Could China string out pullback process? What this means for India

Various options are on the table, but given the bad experience in the pullback in June, there is need for caution.

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World
May 02, 2022

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World

The Covid-19 vaccination rollout has been slow in many parts of the world, and it might not be inaccurate to say that the newer, more transmissible variants have done a better job at immunising populations than the vaccine. More than 16 months since the global vaccination drive was started, wealthier countries have inoculated vastly higher proportions of their populations compared to the poorer ones. For example, as of late April 2022, the United

COVID-19, Blue Economy, and the Climate Change Agenda: The case of Seychelles
May 18, 2020

COVID-19, Blue Economy, and the Climate Change Agenda: The case of Seychelles

The human toll of the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating. At the same time, measures to tackle the crisis have affected national economies and grounded global trade to a halt. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as the Seychelles are amongst the countries that have suffered some of the worst economic impacts of the outbreak. The current situation illustrates the global state of unpreparedness for a pandemic and points to similar inadeq

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate
May 01, 2020

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate

Even as the coronavirus pandemic strains European solidarity, its ideas on social protection experience a fillip — but this time on the other side o

Democracy and electoral challenges in South Asia
Oct 30, 2015

Democracy and electoral challenges in South Asia

The South Asian region is witnessing some kind of democratic upsurge. For the first time, all the countries in the region have embraced democracy. Yet, democratic transitions in the region are filled with uncertainties and fragility. South Asian countries need to learn from each other's democratic experiences and support each other.

Democratisation, the Indian Example
Jun 09, 2004

Democratisation, the Indian Example

With Iraq back on the chess-board of international diplomacy, there is Once again the talk of democratizing individual West Asian nations, if not West Asia as a region. Going by the neighbourhood experience in recent times, it has also raised the question if West Asia is ready to be democratized, if it is not through the barrel of the American gun.

Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4
Jan 21, 2022

Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4

Across the globe, more than 730 million women report ever having experienced some form of gender-based violence; those in low- and lower-middle-income countries are disproportionately affected. In the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the incidence of violence suffered by women in the hands of their intimate partners, owing to heightened stresses of loss of livelihood, disruption of social and protective networks, a

Edtech in India: Boom, bust, or bubble?
Jan 24, 2024

Edtech in India: Boom, bust, or bubble?

The experience of Indian edtech between 2020 and 2023 appears to be a textbook case of a bubble burst. But there is hope yet, and there are new opport

Estonian Case – The development and promotion of Digital Public Infrastructures
Oct 26, 2022

Estonian Case – The development and promotion of Digital Public Infrastructures

The Estonian experience has showed us that DPI and DPG are both viable and valuable tools for the process of administrative and political modernisatio

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations in the Collection and Use of Biometric Data
Oct 10, 2023

Ethical and Regulatory Considerations in the Collection and Use of Biometric Data

Surveillance as a tool of governance holds more relevance today than ever before, as information technology grows by the day and collects more biometric data. Biometric data—either first-generation (static biological data) or second-generation (dynamic socio-spatial biological data)—is extracted from the biological and social aspects of individuals and used in surveillance for purposes of national security, civic responsibility, and business

Exploring New Trends in Development Finance through Private Capital
Jul 27, 2021

Exploring New Trends in Development Finance through Private Capital

This brief examines the efficacy of the inclusion of private capital in development finance, using the cases of certain countries that have met with success in utilising such a strategy. It underlines the experiences of institutions like the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the United States International Development Finance Corporation (US-IDFC) that use innovative financial tools to support international financial institution

Exploring Ways to Fill Delhi’s Unmet Water Needs
Apr 18, 2024

Exploring Ways to Fill Delhi’s Unmet Water Needs

Delhi—a city and union territory of India containing the country’s capital, New Delhi—continues to grow in population, posing challenges to civic agencies in the provision of citizens’ essential needs. This brief examines the experience of Delhi’s water agency in obtaining raw water, amid the growing gap in supply and demand that is only being exacerbated by climate change. The brief finds multiple reasons for the inadequacy of raw wate

Extreme Heat Events in India’s Cities: A Framework for Adaptive Action Plans
Jan 22, 2021

Extreme Heat Events in India’s Cities: A Framework for Adaptive Action Plans

Among the most severe consequences of climate change is the global rise in average temperatures, and the resultant increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves. Cities are particularly vulnerable to heatwaves as their high built density absorbs and retains heat, leading to higher temperatures than the surrounding areas and causing the ‘heat island’ effect. India’s northwest region routinely experiences abnormally hot days during the

Fencing frontiers with Myanmar: The benefits and challenges of FMR along India-Myanmar border
Jan 08, 2024

Fencing frontiers with Myanmar: The benefits and challenges of FMR along India-Myanmar border

Initiated in 1970, the FMR experienced a resurgence in 2016, finding a place within the broader Act East Policy of New Delhi.

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power
May 22, 2023

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power

Most leading air forces around the world were quick to learn from the experiences of the US Air Force between the Vietnam War in the 1960s and the Gulf War three decades later. This resulted in the widespread adoption by these forces of Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) beginning in the mid-1990s. Only a few of these air arms, however, have matched the overall effectiveness of US air power, which combines aircraft survivability with weapon range,

Gender Gap in Agriculture and the ‘South Asian Enigma’
Oct 11, 2021

Gender Gap in Agriculture and the ‘South Asian Enigma’

Current data suggests that the global community is far from achieving the 2030 agenda of ending hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. By the end of 2019, 650 million people suffered from chronic hunger and 135 million experienced acute food-insecurity. Not all regions are equal: the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2020 found that some are experiencing less severe incidence of hunger on the GHI scale, compared to others. The most serious levels of

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup
Jan 05, 2022

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup

Intelligence agencies are prone to exaggerate an adversary’s capabilities. Indian intelligence in the mid-1970s, meanwhile, severely underestimated Pakistan’s nuclear cunning. For a crucial part of those years, India could not identify AQ Khan’s clandestine nuclear activities to acquire Uranium enrichment technology. This brief names three reasons: hubris, biases, and overlearning from one’s experiences. For New Delhi, this is as much a p

IMF के राहत पैकेज कितने असरदार: क्या रहा है पाकिस्तान का तजुर्बा
Aug 10, 2023

IMF के राहत पैकेज कितने असरदार: क्या रहा है पाकिस्तान का तजुर्बा

क्या वित्तीय परेशानियों से जूझ रहे पाकिस्तान के लिए IMF का �

IMF के राहत पैकेज कितने असरदार: क्या रहा है पाकिस्तान का तजुर्बा
May 27, 2022

IMF के राहत पैकेज कितने असरदार: क्या रहा है पाकिस्तान का तजुर्बा

क्या वित्तीय परेशानियों से जूझ रहे पाकिस्तान के लिए IMF का �

India and China in Africa: Difference lies in scale
Apr 07, 2017

India and China in Africa: Difference lies in scale

Africa has emerged as a favoured investment destination on account of the high rate of growth experienced by many African countries and discovery of oil.

India and Latin America: Where ignorance is not bliss
Sep 12, 2017

India and Latin America: Where ignorance is not bliss

India and South America have barely managed to maintain minimal bilateral ties for the last several decades. Absent strong ties in geography, what India and South America have instead is a shared post-colonial history. Colonised by European powers for several centuries, both began their journey as independent countries under conditions of underdevelopment and having inexperienced polities with a limited foreign policy agenda. Today, it is not onl

India needs to fight recession the way China is doing
Apr 19, 2020

India needs to fight recession the way China is doing

While China may escape recession or experience it in a mild form — India is likely to experience it more harshly.

India needs to increase public spending
Feb 04, 2014

India needs to increase public spending

India, which has experienced a 4.6 per cent growth rate in 2013-14, requires higher public spending on infrastructure. More public services and goods are needed to bring relief to the lower income groups, especially health services, otherwise they are likely to slip into poverty.

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction
Jul 23, 2023

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction

The strong reactions to the non-inclusion of American firms in a major Indian military procurement tender, in the backdrop of proposed aggressive weapons sales by the Americans, paint a contrasting picture that could influence India-US defence relations in the near future. This Paper looks at the entire gambit of Indo-US Defence relations and, based on past experiences and ongoing deliberations, the challenges ahead.

India’s engagements with Central Europe: Historical links, shared values and global objectives
Dec 09, 2018

India’s engagements with Central Europe: Historical links, shared values and global objectives

Modern-day India deals with the independent Czech and Slovak republics, where bilateral relations are friendly, genuine and positive. The leaders buil

India’s Liberalised (Yet Restrictive) Visa Policy
Jul 04, 2016

India’s Liberalised (Yet Restrictive) Visa Policy

India introduced its e-tourist visa (eTV) policy in November 2014. Despite initially impressive results in terms of increased arrivals, there is no indication that such modest success will create a significant impact on tourism, or prove to be sustainable in the long run. This paper finds that the policy’s very design-and the various weaknesses in its modalities-make it less attractive to travelers, compared to the ‘traditional’ tourist

Indo-Israeli relations set to improve
Jun 20, 2014

Indo-Israeli relations set to improve

It is likely that Indo-Israel ties will expand in the political, economic and strategic realms. Israel's Ambassador to India, Alon Ushpiz, stressed that the bilateral relationship has surpassed a "buyer-seller relationship," and Israel's long experience of working jointly with Narendra Modi has yielded tangible results.

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh
Aug 21, 2023

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh

The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) is one of several infrastructure megaprojects underway in India, intended to boost industrial modernisation and generate manufacturing employment for India’s young, largely unskilled workforce. Field research in DMIC investment sites in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh shows that its implementation is highly uneven across States and regions. The research, along with the literature, suggests that regional ind

Japan shows how to respect all labours
Jun 05, 2015

Japan shows how to respect all labours

To enjoy its demographic dividend, India must stop looking down upon low-skilled workers and treat them with dignity. Examples and experiences from other countries are there to learn from - Japan is one.

Keeping peace in a war zone
Jun 26, 2015

Keeping peace in a war zone

It is important to examine how female peacekeepers themselves experience gender and other relations while on duty where the power differential in relation to locals is in their favour, but remains different in relation to their male colleagues.