Search: For - Constitution

180 results found

Change-of-guard in Maldives: Implications for India
Feb 07, 2012

Change-of-guard in Maldives: Implications for India

Under the 2008 Constitution, President Nasheed is to be succeeded by Vice-President Mohammed Waheed Hassan, who would complete the remaining two-and-half years of the presidency, until elections in October 2013.

Chile’s ‘peaceful revolution’
Sep 19, 2022

Chile’s ‘peaceful revolution’

The overwhelming rejection of the utopian draft constitution indicates the growing discontent amongst the Chilean population.

China and the New Leadership in Myanmar
May 25, 2011

China and the New Leadership in Myanmar

As part of its political transition from military to "civilian" rule, Myanmar adopted a new constitution through a national referendum in 2008 and conducted its first national elections in two decades in November 2010.

City heritage and flawed strategies
Mar 01, 2022

City heritage and flawed strategies

The heritage list needs to be curated keeping in mind the financial and administrative aspect of safeguarding such sites

COVID-19: Yogi Adityanath attempts reforms, delivers regulatory chaos in Uttar Pradesh
May 09, 2020

COVID-19: Yogi Adityanath attempts reforms, delivers regulatory chaos in Uttar Pradesh

Across India, reducing regulatory cholesterol is one thing. But suspending all laws, rules and regulations are like throwing the baby with the bathwat

Early Childhood Care and Education: ‘The Elephant in the Room’ No More
Oct 03, 2022

Early Childhood Care and Education: ‘The Elephant in the Room’ No More

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India is enshrined in the Constitution and mandated under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009. Yet, its implementation remains tentative for many reasons, primary of which is the absence of a clear government guideline regarding which Ministry is tasked with policymaking and implementation. This brief attempts to offer an answer for the government. It examines the conc

Elected Women Representatives in Local Rural Governments in India: Assessing the Impact and Challenges
Jan 31, 2024

Elected Women Representatives in Local Rural Governments in India: Assessing the Impact and Challenges

India’s 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, which empowered local self-governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions) and reserved one-third of electoral seats in these bodies for women, has elevated women’s participation in rural governance. India is among the foremost countries for women’s participation in local governments, with over 1.45 million women shaping local decision-making. Women leaders are a critical link between local governance, s

Elections 2019: Democracy in the face of majoritarianism
May 13, 2019

Elections 2019: Democracy in the face of majoritarianism

India is at a precarious juncture. Our democratic structures might be strong, but can the same be said for our democratic values?

Emergency in Maldives: Options before President Yameen and India
Feb 06, 2018

Emergency in Maldives: Options before President Yameen and India

As long as Yameen claims to be working within the four walls of the Constitution, there is nothing much that third nations could do on the ground.

Empowering women through supportive policy
Mar 07, 2024

Empowering women through supportive policy

Although strides have been made in women's empowerment, unpaid care work still tends to be undervalued and overlooked in mainstream economics

End in Sight to Political Crisis in Maldives?
Aug 13, 2010

End in Sight to Political Crisis in Maldives?

With the Opposition-dominated Parliament passing the Judges Bill and the Government coming up with a consensus list of seven Supreme Court Judges that too was passed, there is now hope about an early end to the constitutional deadlock that had engulfed Maldives over the past weeks.

Even after 20 years, Decentralisation still remains a challenge
May 04, 2013

Even after 20 years, Decentralisation still remains a challenge

Mere constitutional creation of new political space would not become the answer to the growing demands for inclusion and participation in the countryside. For substantive democracy to become a reality, Centre and States need to show willingness to share powers (3Fs).

Exploring net neutrality
Aug 12, 2014

Exploring net neutrality

With India seeking to connect the next billion, and becoming a key player in the global Internet debate, it is important to have clearly formed domestic policies. The combination of regulatory interest, corporate opposition and constitutional rights suggest that the time is right for a nuanced debate on net neutrality in India.

Fate of plural, democratic India
Mar 03, 2020

Fate of plural, democratic India

In a diverse polity like India, discriminatory policies based on identity and citizenship are evoking diverse forms of resistance.

Federalism and Interstate River Water Governance in India
Jan 04, 2021

Federalism and Interstate River Water Governance in India

Interstate (River) Water Disputes (ISWDs) are a continuing challenge to federal water governance in India. Rooted in constitutional, historico-geographical, and institutional ambiguities, they tend to become prolonged conflicts between the states that share river basins. This paper examines the constitutional complexities, contentious political federalism, and identity-based electoral political dynamics that fuel ISWDs. It discusses the River

Germany’s conviction of Syrian secret police officer sets a precedence
Mar 06, 2021

Germany’s conviction of Syrian secret police officer sets a precedence

Human rights lawyers and legal activists hope that the testimonies and evidence presented to the court in the Al-Khatib trial can be used in other pro

Getting judicial appointments right
Jul 28, 2014

Getting judicial appointments right

An autonomous Judicial Commission can effectively nudge the judicial system towards its intended Constitutional mandate; apolitical, enlightened and efficient application of the rule of law and protection of the fundamental rights of private entities, against encroachment by the executive or the legislature.

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America
Aug 03, 2015

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America

The US constitution builds a wall of separation between the church and the state, interpreted as prohibiting the state from meddling into the affairs of the church and vice versa. However, this constitutional provision cannot negate the church's influence in impacting who gets elected as President.

Governance issues to blame for alienation in J&K, says expert
Oct 13, 2016

Governance issues to blame for alienation in J&K, says expert

J&K is a fractured state estranged from the rest of the nation constitutionally, Article 370 elevates the state in the scheme of Indian federalism,

Governance, Citizens and New Civil Society in Contemporary Urban India: Lessons from Mumbai
Jun 20, 2013

Governance, Citizens and New Civil Society in Contemporary Urban India: Lessons from Mumbai

The 2011 anti-corruption movement in India—characterised by a huge trust deficit in the political class—was the culmination of several such localised movements that marked the birth of a new civil society in contemporary urban India. This paper studies the profusion of middle-class-led associations in Mumbai fighting for good governance, and their increased political mobilisation in the city. It argues that a new civil society bypasses electe

Health as a welfare good in India: Towards a more substantive social protection imperative
Apr 05, 2024

Health as a welfare good in India: Towards a more substantive social protection imperative

Although the government has initiated schemes to extend proper healthcare, many sections of people are still excluded from its coverage or are unable

Health federalism in India: Changing trends
Apr 05, 2024

Health federalism in India: Changing trends

Given the rapid internationalisation of many dimensions of health and disruptive technologies reshaping health strategy, India needs an inter-governme

In the land of Hammurabi
Sep 01, 2005

In the land of Hammurabi

We the people of Iraq, who in all our forms and groupings undertake to establish our union freely and by choice, to learn yesterday's lessons for tomorrow, and to write down this permanent constitution...

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy
Jan 04, 2023

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy

India needs to engage in a critical study of international law and utilise it to effectively conduct its foreign policy and engage in lawfare

India-Pakistan tensions: When reality bites
Apr 27, 2023

India-Pakistan tensions: When reality bites

In light of the new realities and geostrategic shifts, Pakistan is considering peace calls with India

India: Challenges before Budget session
Feb 22, 2013

India: Challenges before Budget session

The three-month-long budget session of the Indian Parliament, which began with the constitutionally mandatory address of President Pranab Mukherjee to a joint sitting of the two Houses on February 21, is both crucial and critical.

Indian Federalism @75: The foundation of a strong democracy
Aug 15, 2022

Indian Federalism @75: The foundation of a strong democracy

A robust federal structure needs to be in place to deliver effective governance and development in a country as diverse as India.

Inter-governmental Institutions: A key instrument for strengthening India’s federal dialogue
Jan 26, 2023

Inter-governmental Institutions: A key instrument for strengthening India’s federal dialogue

A robust federal institutional dialogue between various actors can further enhance the existing Indian model of federalism

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense
Oct 15, 2020

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense

It is critical to understand the context that facilitated the genesis and prolonged lingering of water conflicts in India — in order to declutter th

Iran at the Crossroads
Oct 28, 2004

Iran at the Crossroads

Iranians are political creatures, love to politic, enjoy its uncertainties, and delight in manipulating it. These traits are in evidence as the stage is being set for a presidential election in May 2005 when Mohammad Khatami's second term of office comes to an end. The Iranian Constitution prohibits more than two successive terms.

Is it time for a fresh look at Federalism?
Jan 16, 2012

Is it time for a fresh look at Federalism?

Though the Constitution framers were themselves divided on the issue of federalism, yet a healthy compromise was arrived at which ensured a balance of power between the Centre and states.

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks
Jan 15, 2021

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks

It is too easy to imagine that formalising a group of countries into a multilateral organisation with a constitution and a secretariat will give it su

Japan's new security legislation: Need for domestic consensus
Sep 28, 2015

Japan's new security legislation: Need for domestic consensus

The passing of the security legislation recently has fulfilled at least partly PM Abe's long-drawn quest towards making Japan a normal country. He has always believed that Article 9 of the US authored Japanese constitution, which put severe restrictions on Japan's right to collective self-defence, should be amended.

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period
Oct 09, 2010

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period

Despite domestic political changes, the alliance with the US continues to be the cornerstone of Japan's security policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Although Japan has taken some siginificant steps in the direction of normal statehood, the domestic constituency in favour of full strategic autonomy is still very weak. Japan's dilemma between its growing security concerns and the limitations laid by its Constitution will continue to be a major chall

Jayalalithaa's chief minister template followed by Nitish, Modi
Dec 07, 2016

Jayalalithaa's chief minister template followed by Nitish, Modi

The four characteristics of the "strong Chief Minister" today - authoritarianism, constitutional subregionalism, a "business-friendly" approach, and political welfarism - were first combined into a coherent whole by Jayalalithaa

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: The Plight of Indian Poor
May 13, 2005

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: The Plight of Indian Poor

Securing justice - social, economic and political to all citizens is one of the key mandates of the Indian Constitution. This has been explicitly made so in the Article 39-A of the Constitution that directs the State 'to secure equal justice and free legal aid for the citizens'.

King Charles’ Jamaican farewell
May 11, 2023

King Charles’ Jamaican farewell

The growing numbers of former colonies transitioning to republicanism serve as a stark reminder of the waning strategic influence of the monarchy and

Kuwait elections: Will the National Assembly last full term this time?
Jul 30, 2013

Kuwait elections: Will the National Assembly last full term this time?

In the recent Kuwait elections, for the sixth time the National Assembly was re-elected in last seven years. Though the Assembly is supposed to be in term for four years, t it is usually dissolved by the Constitutional Court before the completion of its term.

Legitimising a two-party system?
Oct 31, 2011

Legitimising a two-party system?

The Election Commission's proposal for fixing eight per cent vote-share in Lok Sabha polls as the lower-limit for conferring the status of 'National Parties' is fraught with consequences that go beyond the constitutional mandate.

Lies between the lines
Jul 10, 2006

Lies between the lines

A few weeks ago the media were running out of print space and airtime covering the Rahul Mahajan story. Rahul¿s sole claim to fame is that he is the son of a slain ex-minister; his own activities made no difference to most of us then or now. Yet in the midst of innumerable health and other bulletins about this ¿celebrity¿, one of the channels had a constitutional expert voicing his opinion on the episode.

Life in Kashmir After Article 370
Jan 28, 2020

Life in Kashmir After Article 370

This special report analyses insights gathered by the author from different sections of the Kashmir public regarding the impact of the abrogation of Article 370 on their lives. The interviews were supplemented by secondary sources, primarily news reports in the national and international media after 5 August 2019, when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government of India abrogated the enforcement of Article 370 of the Constitution, which sinc

Maldives crisis: Need for statesmen-like behaviour
Jul 22, 2010

Maldives crisis: Need for statesmen-like behaviour

Three weeks well into the constitutional deadlock that has stalled governmental functioning an parliamentary proceedings alike, there is no end in sight still to the political crisis overwhelming the Maldivian archipelago. The infant democracy, which otherwise used to be inward-looking until the politico-constitutional changes of 2008, cannot allow to fail itself - and its political leaders cannot try to have it both ways, either.

Maldives:  Polls getting trickier after the first-round
Sep 13, 2013

Maldives: Polls getting trickier after the first-round

If the legal proceedings mid-way through the Maldivian presidential polls, now before the High Court, run its course, with the possibilities of appeals before the Supreme Court at different stages, the constitutional scheme could end up threatening its own base and basis, one way or the other.

Maldives: 'Currency float' cause for political concern
May 20, 2011

Maldives: 'Currency float' cause for political concern

A legislative deadlock involving the Executive and Parliament on the one hand, and the Executive and the Judiciary on the other, both leading to a serious and a series of constitutional crisis kept Maldivian politics and politicians on their toes for most of 2010.

Maldives: After convicting MDP MP, will court now turn to Nasheed?
Feb 28, 2014

Maldives: After convicting MDP MP, will court now turn to Nasheed?

In Maldives, all the four present and former presidents need to talk to each other, not talk at each other, as has been the case over the past five years if they are serious about constitutional and administrative reforms, in whatever way each one of them visualise.

Maldives: C'wealth ultimatum causes call for pull-out
May 01, 2012

Maldives: C'wealth ultimatum causes call for pull-out

The People's Majlis, or Parliament's confirmation of the nomination of Vice-President Mohammed Waheed Deen have taken the punch out of the MDP's argument against the need for a constitutional amendment for facilitating early elections.

Maldives: Of democracy and 'mobocracy'
Nov 23, 2012

Maldives: Of democracy and 'mobocracy'

If one thing is becoming increasingly clear in 'democratised' Maldives, it is that street-protests can change Governments and constitutions, policies and national priorities. It is thus that the nation found street-protests heralding 'multi-party' democracy,

Maldives: Presidential poll poised for 'photo-finish'?
Sep 18, 2013

Maldives: Presidential poll poised for 'photo-finish'?

It is anybody's guess why Maldives' Election Commission did not choose to move the Supreme Court, particularly when legal cases of the current nature has the potential to reset the poll-clock, for which there is no provision in the Constitution.

Maldives: Trivialising the Presidency
Jan 03, 2015

Maldives: Trivialising the Presidency

In Maldives, a ruling coalition member's decision to move an amendment to the 2008 Constitution, to fix an upper age-limit of 65 years for contesting presidential election, has landed President Abdulla Yameen in an unnecessary controversy.

Media Freedom and Article 19
Apr 09, 2013

Media Freedom and Article 19

The media in India enjoys a great deal of freedom and when it is threatened, the response is vociferous. Nevertheless, there is the need to maintain a balance between free expression and other community and individual rights; this responsibility should not be borne by the judiciary alone, but by all those who enjoy these rights.