Search: For - terrorists

84 results found

Terrorists? yes, but Al Qaeda? no
Mar 07, 2005

Terrorists? yes, but Al Qaeda? no

That is the latest position of the Government of Begum Khaleda Zia, the Bangladesh Prime Minister, in the face of growing international pressure spearheaded by the member-countries of the European Union (EU) to act against terrorist groups operating from Bangladeshi territory.

All this to Nab Terrorists
Dec 21, 2004

All this to Nab Terrorists

There are only two ways to look at the recent decision of the US administration to arm Pakistan with new weapons. First, as the Bush administration officials have been trying, rather hard, to convince the international community, particularly India, that the weapons they are selling to President Pervez Musharraf¿s Pakistan are meant to fight terrorism.

By striking terrorists in Pakistan, India has changed the ground rules in South Asia
Mar 06, 2019

By striking terrorists in Pakistan, India has changed the ground rules in South Asia

India’s February 26 attack can be seen as more of a signalling of intent than a counter-terror operation

India learned valuable lessons from 26/11. But so have terrorists across the border
Nov 27, 2018

India learned valuable lessons from 26/11. But so have terrorists across the border

Worse, by attacking the social fabric of the country, the Hindutva groups are laying the ground for greater insecurity in the future.

Mini Submarine-A Vessel of Choice with Drug Cartels and Terrorists
Apr 01, 2005

Mini Submarine-A Vessel of Choice with Drug Cartels and Terrorists

Following a tip off, the Colombian Police have chanced upon an indigenously built mini submarine in the port of Tumaco, near the Colombian border with Ecuador. Reportedly, the vessel can carry up to 10 tonnes of cocaine valued at about $US200 million in the international market. According to Eduardo Fernandez, head of the Administrative Security Department (DAS), a detective force, ¿They started building the submarine about six months ago, using

Pakistan’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists
Mar 08, 2018

Pakistan’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists

Pakistan is aware that its promises sound hollow, when those whom the UN designates as global terrorists, roam freely, give speeches and raise funds t

Sleeping with terrorists
Oct 30, 2004

Sleeping with terrorists

A collusive relationship between politicians and Naxalites or the People's War (PW) and Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI), which have merged on September 21, 2004, to form the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), is clearly visible in Bihar, as in several other parts of the country.

US Afghan success lies in forcing Pak to act against terrorists
Dec 01, 2017

US Afghan success lies in forcing Pak to act against terrorists

The US knows that the Pakistan government has little to no control over the support to terror groups as it is done by the deep state, comprising the a

After a hot summer, the Valley is on the boil in winter too
Jan 14, 2019

After a hot summer, the Valley is on the boil in winter too

The operational success of the security forces is commendable, but their real test would be against the hard-core and well-trained JeM and LeT terrori

Al Qaeda: Casablanca & Madrid
Mar 16, 2004

Al Qaeda: Casablanca & Madrid

Sections of the Spanish media, quoting the authorities investigating the Madrid blasts of March 11,2004, have reported that the terrorists, who orchestrated the blasts, had used the mobile telephones as timers for the improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along with copper detonators, different from the aluminium detonators used in the past by the ETA, the Basque terrorist organisation. According to one report, the IEDs had the alarms set for 7-39

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan
Oct 18, 2004

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan

The kidnapping of two Chinese engineers working in an irrigation project in South Waziristan in the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan by a group of pro-Osama bin Laden jihadi terrorists last week and the death of one of them on October 13,2004,

Baloch's silent war
Mar 19, 2015

Baloch's silent war

Several thousand Baloch men and women nationalists are known to have gone missing, and, as usual, the authorities have unleashed sectarian terrorists in Balochistan to discredit the nationalists by injecting their reliable hit men from the ASWJ, the successors to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. They have repeatedly killed Hazara Shias in Balochistan.

Building the resilience of India’s internal security apparatus
Nov 26, 2018

Building the resilience of India’s internal security apparatus

26 November 2018 marked a decade since 10 Pakistan-based terrorists killed over 160 people in India’s financial capital of Mumbai. The city remained under siege for days, and security forces disjointedly struggled to improvise a response. The Mumbai tragedy was not the last terrorist attack India faced; there would be many others since. After every attack, the government makes lukewarm attempts to fit episodic responses into coherent frameworks

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it
Sep 20, 2023

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it

Giving support to Khalistani terrorists against India hyphenates Canada with Pakistan. This has security and strategic implications for the world.

Changing dynamics of counterterrorism in Kashmir
Oct 17, 2023

Changing dynamics of counterterrorism in Kashmir

To counter Islamabad’s determined push to stir up trouble in the Kashmir Valley, India will have to formulate a new counter-terrorism strategy that

China's Terror List and its Implications
Jan 03, 2004

China's Terror List and its Implications

Since 9/11, both China and the US have one concern in common - the threat of 'Islamic' terrorism. On December 15 2003, China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) issued a list of four terrorist organisations and eleven terrorists that pose a threat to China's security.

Community policing as a tool for internal security Management - Part 1
Jun 02, 2022

Community policing as a tool for internal security Management - Part 1

This two-part series examines the importance of community policing and how it can be useful in dealing with India’s internal security challenges.

Crackdown on PTI, Dismantling ‘Project Imran’
May 17, 2023

Crackdown on PTI, Dismantling ‘Project Imran’

The process of dismantling PTI and ending “Project Imran” appears to be getting underway.

Educational reforms need of the hour to counter Taliban challenge in Pakistan
Mar 02, 2015

Educational reforms need of the hour to counter Taliban challenge in Pakistan

Saying that there is a proven link between the two types of terrorists - sectarian and Taliban -- Maj. Gen. Mahmud Durrani stresses the need for carrying out educational reforms and popularising a counter-narrative to Taliban's interpretation of Islam.

Enough is enough
Jul 13, 2006

Enough is enough

There she was, a wisp of a girl in her teens, out in Mahim at 11.30 in the night, feeding strangers stranded after the bomb blast. This was her answer, and those of countless citizens of Mumbai, to the terrorists who thought they could break the city¿s indomitable spirit. Salaam, Mumbai.

Flawed education system in Kashmir
Mar 20, 2023

Flawed education system in Kashmir

The declining education system needs to be tackled with targeted measures to economically and ideologically transform the Valley

For keeping terror alive
Mar 02, 2005

For keeping terror alive

Since September 11, 2001, Pakistan has been widely, and publicly, acclaimed as an ally in the Global War on Terrorism by the United States. Early this year, the Bush Administration presented a Bill titled Targeting Terrorists More Effectively Act of 2005 to the Congress for budgetary approval.

Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: The Indian Position
Aug 14, 2023

Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: The Indian Position

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to a full-fledged international armed conflict, and the Ukrainian president has issued a call to people across the world to join the country’s battle through the International Legion of Territorial Defence (ILTD). At the time of writing, 500 Indians have submitted applications to join the ILTD, and one is already in the force. This brief contextualises the rise of Indians fighting ‘foreign’ war

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh

Tantalising tit-bits of information relating to the links between jihadi terrorists in Pakistan and Egypt and in Egypt and the UK have been given in an editorial on the Sharm el-Sheikh blasts carried by the "Daily Times", the prestigious daily of Lahore, on July 25,2005. The editorial titled "Terrorist Link Between Egypt and Pakistan " makes the following salient points:

How many wake up calls do we need?
Jul 14, 2006

How many wake up calls do we need?

150 innocent lives have been lost in the serial blasts set-off by terrorists in Mumbai on July 11, 2006; the death toll is likely to mount. The blasts, sadly, are a chilling reminder that terrorist can strike with impunity and at will, secure in the comfort that they cannot be touched. If the 1993 Bomb blasts in Mumbai had a fig leaf of an excuse (the demolition of the Babri mosque), the current blasts have none.

How much surveillance does a country need?
Jul 20, 2013

How much surveillance does a country need?

Terrorists have taken to the use of social media networks in a big way. This brings us back to the old dilemma of how much data is information and how much information is adequate intelligence. The other dilemma is how much surveillance is enough for security. The third dilemma is how much liberty is to be sacrificed for security.

India should patiently deal with Pakistan
Sep 17, 2013

India should patiently deal with Pakistan

India has to deal with Pakistani jihadis as it would deal with any other terrorists and send them to the court of law to whatever dispensation the court might decide. The lesson for India is that it has to live with troubles from Pakistan and deal with them as the situation arises.

India’s SCO presidency: Leading global action against drug trafficking
Apr 03, 2023

India’s SCO presidency: Leading global action against drug trafficking

New Delhi must leverage its SCO presidency to ensure greater cooperation amongst the member countries against drug trafficking

Jihad in London & Thailand: The Link
Jul 19, 2005

Jihad in London & Thailand: The Link

Is there a link between the jihad in London and Southern Thailand? Yes, there is. Some of the terrorists involved in the London blasts as well as in the recent upsurge of terrorism in Southern Thailand were trained in the madrasas of Pakistan.

Jihadi Terrorism: From Iraq to Kuwait
Feb 21, 2005

Jihadi Terrorism: From Iraq to Kuwait

Iraq continues to be the main hub of jihadi terrorism, with a very high level of suicide terrorism indicating that there has been no weakening in the morale and motivation of the terrorists and resistance fighters. Nor has there been any noticeable improvement in the intelligence-collection capability of the US-led coalition despite periodic claims of capture of terrorists of various hues. In an insurgency-cum-terrorism affected situation,

Kashmir: Is this the new normal?
May 03, 2022

Kashmir: Is this the new normal?

Despite the official narrative of a peaceful Jammu and Kashmir, the ground realities depict a rather different story.

Learning from the 'new American'
Jun 21, 2004

Learning from the 'new American'

The successive torture and slaying of individual Americans in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Gulf region has a new message for the civilized world. Whatever be the rationale behind the decision-making at the governmental-level, the average American is ready for a long engagement with terrorism and terrorists.

Loose Nukes in Russia: A Catastrophe Waiting to Happen
Nov 23, 2003

Loose Nukes in Russia: A Catastrophe Waiting to Happen

A nightmare scenario facing the world today is that of nuclear weapons in the possession of terrorists. As US President George Bush remarked during his recent UK trip, ¿the greatest threat of our age is nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons in the hands of terrorists.¿ Terrorist groups, as they have proved time and again in the past with conventional weapons

Madrid summit against Terrorism
Mar 05, 2005

Madrid summit against Terrorism

To mark the first anniversary of the spectacular terrorist strikes in Madrid by jihadi terrorists with definite sympathy for Al Qaeda, even if not satisfactorily proved links to it, the city is hosting what has been projected as an International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security from March 8 to 10 to discuss, inter alia, the causes and the underlying factors of terrorism, methods of confronting it and the democratic responses available

Maldives: Increasing fundamentalism a threat
Apr 08, 2011

Maldives: Increasing fundamentalism a threat

The Maldivian authorities can now breathe easy. Now that the Cricket World Cup, played in venues across Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka, is completed without any security problems, the reported Interpol alert against Maldives-based religious terrorists targeting the match venues have receded for good.

Mehran attack exposes Pakistan's counter terror
Jun 03, 2011

Mehran attack exposes Pakistan's counter terror

On May 25, four terrorists (initial reports suggested almost a dozen armed men) scaled the perimeter walls of PNS Mehran, Pakistan's only naval air base, located in Karachi. Guided by their commander through hi-tech wireless systems,

Military-militant nexus in Pakistan and implications for peace with India
Apr 06, 2009

Military-militant nexus in Pakistan and implications for peace with India

On November 26, 2008, 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai undid in less than 60 hours what governments of two sovereign nations had been struggling for over four years to achieve-peace and stability in the region. These terrorists were from Pakistan, recruited, trained and armed by Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), a terrorist group with visible presence across the country.

Military-mullah nexus wins another round in Pakistan
Dec 07, 2017

Military-mullah nexus wins another round in Pakistan

The military-mullah alliance is fundamental to the pervasive role of the army in Pakistan’s polity. This trend has led to many Islamist and terrorist organisations seeking the status of political parties, a move dubbed as ‘mainstreaming of terrorists.’

Nepal: Terrorist arrests and cooperation with India
Sep 06, 2013

Nepal: Terrorist arrests and cooperation with India

The recent arrests of some of India's top terrorists along the Indo-Nepal border indicate the vulnerability of the porous border between the two neighbours. More importantly, it reflects on the bilateral cooperation in intelligence-sharing and joint-operations,

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections
Aug 24, 2022

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections

Many young people across the country might have registered to vote. However, the current security situation could spell trouble.

Nine Years After 9/11
Sep 18, 2010

Nine Years After 9/11

The top priority of any nation in the post-9/11 era is to defend its territorial integrity. This goal faces a real threat from terrorists originating or based in foreign countries, said Mr Andrew T. Simkin, the Consul-General of the US in Chennai.

On the wrong track
Jul 18, 2009

On the wrong track

In the aftermath of the serial train blasts in Mumbai on July 11, in which 179 people were killed and 772 wounded, the question uppermost in public mind is ¿why has India become the most affected target of terrorism?¿ Ever since June 1985, when Air India¿s ¿Kanishka¿ was blown up over the Ireland coast, India¿s share of terrorists¿ incidents and civilian casualties has risen to become the highest in the world.

Pak Army's Second Kargil
Apr 13, 2004

Pak Army's Second Kargil

Waziristan last month ostensibly to hunt down al Qaida and Talibanelements has been a visible failure which could dramatically alterthe already existing fault lines in the force divided betweenloyalty to Musharraf, nation and religion.South Waziristan is one of the seven areas -Khyber, Kurram,Orakzai, Mohmand, Bajaur, North and South Waziristan - which wereclubbed together as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)by the British who wanted

Pakistan and 9/11
Aug 07, 2003

Pakistan and 9/11

On July 31, 2003, Mr John S. Pistole, Deputy Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, testified before the Senate Committee on Government Affairs on ``Terrorism Financing: Origination, Organisation and Prevention``. One of the key findings he referred to was the link between the terrorists involved in the September 11 attack and Pakistan.