Search: For - refugee

112 results found

Refugee resettlement and futuristic planning: Lessons from Saltlake township
Jan 06, 2024

Refugee resettlement and futuristic planning: Lessons from Saltlake township

Given that some of India’s recent urban expansion projects have attracted criticism for poor planning, Saltlake can serve as an Indian model of urba

Afghan refugee crisis and its impact on Sustainable Development Goals
Nov 25, 2021

Afghan refugee crisis and its impact on Sustainable Development Goals

The global community needs to address the Afghanistan refugee crisis if it aims to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Afghanistan: Tensions over Iran's refugee policy
Mar 15, 2013

Afghanistan: Tensions over Iran's refugee policy

Afghan refugees in Iran are experiencing increasing hostility as State policies become explicitly discriminatory. The recent persecution of these displaced persons has brought this fact to light.

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation
Apr 17, 2021

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation

Even though Syrian refugees have been integrated relatively faster in Germany, social integration continues to be a challenge in the labour market.

Bangladesh looks to India to take the lead on the Rohingya refugees issue
Oct 27, 2017

Bangladesh looks to India to take the lead on the Rohingya refugees issue

Since August, there has been a continuous flow of Rohingya refugees into Bangladesh from Myanmar. The number has now crossed half a million.

Bhutan: Refugees from the 'Dragon Kingdom'
Sep 14, 2012

Bhutan: Refugees from the 'Dragon Kingdom'

Since time immemorial, the land that is now Bhutan has been a nation that has limited its interaction with the outside world and discouraged immigrants. This to some extend could be attributed to the nation's tie and linkages with Tibet.

COVID19 pandemic and Rohingya refugees
Apr 13, 2020

COVID19 pandemic and Rohingya refugees

Keeping the refugees and IDPs confined in the camps uninformed may be detrimental to effective enforcement of the authorities’ efforts and measures

Drug trafficking and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Mar 15, 2019

Drug trafficking and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Statelessness, restricted refugee camps and lack of accessibility to basic services have acted as strong push factors for Rohingyas to take up ‘Yaba

From Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char: An Assessment of Bangladesh’s Relocation Plan for Rohingya Refugees
May 24, 2023

From Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char: An Assessment of Bangladesh’s Relocation Plan for Rohingya Refugees

The Rohingyas are among the world’s most persecuted communities, who, until a mass exodus in 2017, mainly resided in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. In 2017, about 712,179 Rohingyas made their way to Bangladesh, taking the total number of Rohingya refugees in that country to 855,000.[1]The overcrowding caused by this influx at the Cox’s Bazar refugee camps has led the Bangladesh government to consider temporarily relocating the Rohingya refugees t

India much advanced in refugee protection:  UNHCR CoM
Mar 12, 2013

India much advanced in refugee protection: UNHCR CoM

India is quite advanced in refugee protection as compared to many signatories of the 1951 Refugee Convention, according to chief of mission of the UNHCR, India. Even when refugee protection comes into odds with national security, India has managed to provide social security, education and medical security.

India's Rohingya refugee strategy
Sep 08, 2017

India's Rohingya refugee strategy

India’s decision to break with the non-refoulement principle regarding Rohingya refugees is a shortsighted strategy with wide-reaching implications.

Lebanon, Turkey act against Syrian refugees
Aug 03, 2019

Lebanon, Turkey act against Syrian refugees

Lebanon and Turkey have begun to crack down on undocumented Syrian refugees, detaining thousands and deporting hundreds to Syria.

Millions of refugees terrified of COVID19 invasion in West Asia
Apr 02, 2020

Millions of refugees terrified of COVID19 invasion in West Asia

In the conflict-ridden countries of West Asia, while everyone is hoping for the storm to pass before it destroys their already fragile economies, thos

Nepal: Mounting pressure on Tibetan refugees
Jul 08, 2011

Nepal: Mounting pressure on Tibetan refugees

As China exerts greater pressure on the Communists-led Government in Nepal to curb all anti-Chinese activities emanating from its soil, those Tibetan refugees wanting to transit Nepal or seeking refugee status are having rough days ahead.

No end likely soon to European refugee crisis
Sep 29, 2015

No end likely soon to European refugee crisis

The current refugee crisis in Europe is unlikely to end soon as one third of Syria's 20 million population are potential migrants, if the situation in the country itself will not change, says Jakob von Weizsaecker, Member of the European Parliament.

Outrage against fake Bhutanese refugee scam in Nepal
May 30, 2023

Outrage against fake Bhutanese refugee scam in Nepal

Even though the Nepal government is determined to bring the culprits of the fake Bhutanese refugee scam to justice, a grain of suspicion remains since

Rising far-right, declining centre-left, and the future of refugees in Europe
Mar 16, 2021

Rising far-right, declining centre-left, and the future of refugees in Europe

To keep the far-right in check over immigration-related rhetoric and policies, Europe requires alternative leadership, deeply committed to liberal ide

Shunning Rohingya refugees is a bad geopolitical strategy for India
Oct 16, 2017

Shunning Rohingya refugees is a bad geopolitical strategy for India

India’s relationships with Bangladesh, Myanmar and China hang in the balance.

The question on refugees
Jul 17, 2018

The question on refugees

While we can all agree that harking back to a fascist past is decidedly a cure that is worse than the disease, is there not a case for contending that

Why do Syrian refugees find it tough to return even though the military conflict has subsided? 
Apr 05, 2021

Why do Syrian refugees find it tough to return even though the military conflict has subsided? 

Syrians may not be able to return home for a variety of reasons, but in conversations, many of them express a deep longing for their country.

‘Europeanness’ in the Ukrainian Refugee crisis
Mar 07, 2022

‘Europeanness’ in the Ukrainian Refugee crisis

The Ukrainian crisis reveals the double standards of the Global North in terms of the intake of refugees.

A state of statelessness: The fate of Tamil peoples from Sri Lanka in India
Apr 03, 2024

A state of statelessness: The fate of Tamil peoples from Sri Lanka in India

India has reservations about opening up Indian citizenship for Sri Lankan Tamils, as it fears that Sinhala-Buddhist hardliners will create intolerable

Aid and assistance in Afghanistan: Challenges and look ahead
Apr 01, 2023

Aid and assistance in Afghanistan: Challenges and look ahead

Figuring out how to support the Afghan people without strengthening the Taliban has been the challenge that is confronting the global community

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US
Aug 14, 2023

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US

Left-wing activism amongst young people in the United States is on the rise, in no small part aided by the internet and social media. The generation which demographic researchers refer to as ‘Gen-Z’—or those born between the mid- to late 1990s to the early 2010s—is becoming more politically engaged. This brief offers an intellectual history of modern-day leftist politics in the US, and argues that it is primarily driven by the pur

As Myanmar spirals out of control, India must use its clout
Aug 09, 2023

As Myanmar spirals out of control, India must use its clout

Despite being on the backfoot as the country’s civil war intensifies, the military regime is showing no interest in a democratic transition that may be the country’s only hope. India must explore various options for a peaceful resolution to the crisis and provide humanitarian assistance to displaced people

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System
Mar 22, 2023

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System

This brief employs text analytics to assess the extent to which speeches at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on matters of peace and security find resonance in resolutions passed by the UN Security Council (UNSC). These two are among the six main organs of the UN system: the UNGA is the main deliberative and representative body; and the UNSC is tasked with maintaining global peace and security. This brief studies four contemporary issue

Beyond JCPOA — Europe
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Europe

The volatile security situation in the region, a nuclear arms race and a possible war against Iran would directly affect Europe, if only by causing a

Chasing an ‘inclusive government’ in Taliban’s Afghanistan
Jul 14, 2023

Chasing an ‘inclusive government’ in Taliban’s Afghanistan

The rush towards demanding political inclusivity from the Taliban has been downgraded to a mere talking point while realpolitik takes charge

China’s global police stations: Surveillance of Uyghur exiles
Feb 08, 2023

China’s global police stations: Surveillance of Uyghur exiles

There is little hope for self-exiled vulnerable Uyghurs if China’s extrajudicial policing is allowed to mushroom to other parts of the world

Curtains on the Qaddafi Pantomime
Feb 28, 2011

Curtains on the Qaddafi Pantomime

The mass arrival of refugees could well cause the international community to contemplate a model where European troops take care of different sectors to keep the peace in the Mediterranean. But since European intervention will smack of re-colonisation, the ball will be tossed upto the UN Secretary General to devise a muscular UN Force.

Disquiet in the neighbourhood
Dec 01, 2023

Disquiet in the neighbourhood

As Pakistan struggles to prod the Taliban to act on militant groups, its dual policy of supporting extremist groups has come back to haunt it

Examining India’s stance on the Rohingya crisis
Aug 21, 2023

Examining India’s stance on the Rohingya crisis

The current debate on Delhi’s approach towards the Rohingya crisis focuses principally on the implications. While this aspect, without doubt, deserves careful examination, there is a need for a more holistic understanding. This brief fills the gap by shifting the focus on the role that India is playing in finding a solution to the crisis. It looks beyond what the approach means for India and explores ways for Delhi to further deepen and expand

Fallout of Afghan crisis in Nepal
Nov 15, 2021

Fallout of Afghan crisis in Nepal

The growing unstable political scenario in Afghanistan has created a refugee problem for Nepal despite having no common borders

Fencing frontiers with Myanmar: The benefits and challenges of FMR along India-Myanmar border
Jan 08, 2024

Fencing frontiers with Myanmar: The benefits and challenges of FMR along India-Myanmar border

Initiated in 1970, the FMR experienced a resurgence in 2016, finding a place within the broader Act East Policy of New Delhi.