Search: For - proliferation

88 results found

Proliferation of IS produced weapons: How it made its own military industrial complex
Apr 10, 2019

Proliferation of IS produced weapons: How it made its own military industrial complex

Particularly important to weapons’ innovations are individual factors; to successfully innovate a group must have access to individuals with the kno

A new nuclear non-proliferation initiative? The American Hypocrisy and Pakistan
Mar 17, 2004

A new nuclear non-proliferation initiative? The American Hypocrisy and Pakistan

In February 2004, President George Bush outlined his new nuclear non-proliferation approach, in his ¿seven points¿ speech at the National Defense University. It include the setting up of proliferation security initiative which will control and monitor not only shipments and nuclear transfer of material/technology but also will be empowered to take direct action against the violators of the law.

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes

NPT is the cornerstone of the global non-proliferation regime but its internal inconsistencies are becoming increasingly visible. In terms of its non-

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime
Jun 13, 2019

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime

The lack of consensus amongst key stakeholders in the nuclear non-proliferation regime has been an underlying factor in the discord that surrounds san

How a US Non-proliferation failure became a global cyber security threat
May 22, 2017

How a US Non-proliferation failure became a global cyber security threat

Though the devastating WannaCry ransomware attack was a failure on the NSA’s part, current UN cyber norms are far too weak to hold any international actor – let alone the US – responsible.

Is India ready to be a part of the Non Proliferation Regimes?
May 20, 2011

Is India ready to be a part of the Non Proliferation Regimes?

With the ongoing multi-polarisation of global politics, new powers would emerge which would in turn increase global insecurity and lead to a greater demand for nuclear weapons even by the countries that as of now do not possess them, cautioned Prof. Rajesh Rajagopalan during an ORF roundtable on nuclear non proliferation.

Locating India within the Global Non-Proliferation Architecture: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities
Aug 19, 2016

Locating India within the Global Non-Proliferation Architecture: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities

This monograph makes an assessment of the prospects of India’s inclusion to the export control regimes. It begins by analysing the technical parameters for membership and whether or not India meets them. This includes an examination of India’s domestic export control system — both control list and legal framework. The next chapter delves into the political debates on India’s membership to the four export control regimes. This takes i

Pakistan and Nuclear Proliferation
Feb 07, 2004

Pakistan and Nuclear Proliferation

Once again General Musharraf seems to be caught in a Catch 22 situation with the international community accusing his country of being a nuclear proliferator.

Preventing proliferation: Tracking Uranium on the blockchain
Aug 20, 2023

Preventing proliferation: Tracking Uranium on the blockchain

Advances in technology, the shifting sands of the global nuclear energy market, and the extant standards and practices surrounding the monitoring of radioactive materials raise important questions about the future of nuclear security. Technological advancements have enabled the retrieval of radioactive materials from unconventional sources and made fuel fabrication easier. The emergence of new players in the nuclear energy market also flags conce

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 1
Mar 23, 2004

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 1

Once the US successfully built and used nuclear weapons to devastating effect to end the Second World War, other great powers of the time realized that the acquisition of nuclear weapons was essential to maintain their status. In 1970, after three decades of hectic developments,

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 2
Mar 24, 2004

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 2

The first part of this effort documented the various acts of omission and commission by the non-proliferation ayatollahs that led to the 1998 nuclear weapons testing of India, followed by Pakistan. However, the stark reality of the consequences of the dubious policies adopted by the NPAs towards Pakistani and Chinese proliferation came to light recently in the exposé of the Pakistan¿s ¿nuclear father¿ Dr.A.Q.Khan and his nuclear smuggling rin

10 yrs of Indo-US civil nuclear deal: Transformation of bilateral relationship is the real big deal
Jul 20, 2015

10 yrs of Indo-US civil nuclear deal: Transformation of bilateral relationship is the real big deal

The real objective of the historic Indo-US civil nuclear initiative was to end decades of alienation between the world's largest democracies and build a genuine strategic partnership. Delhi and Washington knew that there could be no real partnership without resolving differences on non-proliferation that had so severely poisoned the bilateral relations from the early 1970s.

8th NPT Review Conference: A damp squib
Jun 02, 2010

8th NPT Review Conference: A damp squib

The Eighth Review Conference( Revcon) of the Non Proliferation Treaty ( NPT) at New York narrowly eked out a victory from the jaws of defeat before its close on May 28, 2010.

Are Nuclear Weapons Gaining New Salience in National Security Strategies?
Jun 18, 2021

Are Nuclear Weapons Gaining New Salience in National Security Strategies?

Nuclear states are clearly planning for the long-term future of their nuclear capabilities.

Are we at the precipice of a new global nuclear arms race?
Oct 18, 2019

Are we at the precipice of a new global nuclear arms race?

The onus to defend the nuclear non-proliferation regime and avoid a spiraling arms race lies in Washington’s ability to lead a unilateral effort in

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on
May 01, 2020

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on

Although the global efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation have been strengthened by treaties like the NPT, it is important to assess and evaluate

At Hiroshima, Japan’s moment to reinforce partnerships
May 29, 2023

At Hiroshima, Japan’s moment to reinforce partnerships

For Tokyo, the G-7 Summit was driven by the need to define and devise the means of navigating the complex geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal
Dec 20, 2013

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal

There is the possibility, albeit remote, of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. Riyadh has always been unambiguous in its stance of acquiring a nuclear weapon if Iran does and the Kingdom's longstanding support for Pakistan's nuclear program alludes to this possibility.

Can India counter emerging Chinese capabilities like stealth aircraft?
Oct 11, 2017

Can India counter emerging Chinese capabilities like stealth aircraft?

Defending Indian airspace from any potential Chinese aerial challenge or intrusions in the future with the proliferation of stealth aircraft in the re

China's reactor sale to Pakistan: A nuclear mistake?
Dec 16, 2013

China's reactor sale to Pakistan: A nuclear mistake?

China's existing stand of moving ahead with its aggressive stance on nuclear policy clearly stems from Indo-US nuclear deal, which according to China, seriously damages the integrity and effectiveness of non-proliferation thereby setting dangerous precedence for other countries.

China-US Nuclear Arms Control Talks: A Much-Needed First Step
Nov 17, 2023

China-US Nuclear Arms Control Talks: A Much-Needed First Step

Ahead of the anticipated Biden-Xi meeting, officials from both sides met in Washington for arms control and nonproliferation talks.

Custodians as proliferators
Aug 13, 2004

Custodians as proliferators

One of the questions that neither the Bush administration nor the Musharraf government has so far investigated is the involvement of Pakistan's military in the proliferation activities of nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Deciphering North Korea’s nuclear strategy: A deceptive pursuit
Oct 13, 2023

Deciphering North Korea’s nuclear strategy: A deceptive pursuit

Pyongyang’s nuclear strategy operates within a complex global context and carries broader implications for global security

DIFFERING STANDARDS - The US must not wink at a Sino-Pak nuclear deal
Aug 11, 2010

DIFFERING STANDARDS - The US must not wink at a Sino-Pak nuclear deal

China's decision to sell two additional nuclear power reactors to Pakistan has dimensions that need to be better understood. China is persisting with its internationally destabilizing proliferation activity.

Donald Trump’s foreign policy hara-kiri
May 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s foreign policy hara-kiri

The US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal makes it an untrustworthy partner in any subsequent negotiations. The era of American leadership in the non-proliferation order is over

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India
Apr 13, 2020

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India

The relationship between China and Pakistan has been a major hurdle in India’s membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Drones and India: Exploring Policy and Regulatory Challenges Posed by Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Feb 06, 2015

Drones and India: Exploring Policy and Regulatory Challenges Posed by Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

This paper explores the ways in which UAVs are increasingly integrating themselves in civilian life, outlines the policy implications of this rapid proliferation, and identifies specific policy blind spots India must address.

Establishing WMD Free Zones in the Middle East: If not now, then when?
May 27, 2024

Establishing WMD Free Zones in the Middle East: If not now, then when?

Establishing Middle East WMD-free zones (MEWMDFZ) is an urgent requirement, not only for the region's stability but also for global security.

Former PM Envoy launches "Nuclear Security in India" report
Jun 01, 2015

Former PM Envoy launches "Nuclear Security in India" report

'Nuclear Security in India' Report, launched recently by former PM Envoy on Non-Proliferation Rakesh Sood, sets out a list of policy recommendations which essentially seeks to address the gaps that still remain in the overall architecture of nuclear security in the country.

How India was forced to conduct the nuclear tests of 1998
May 09, 2023

How India was forced to conduct the nuclear tests of 1998

The Pokhran II tests took place when India was undergoing major domestic crises, but there was bipartisan consensus to enable India’s nuclear aspira

ICoC for Outer Space: Need to involve all major players
May 07, 2014

ICoC for Outer Space: Need to involve all major players

The EU's proposed International Code of Conduct (ICoC) for space activities would not be successful if major space actors stay out of the ICoC, according to Indian PM's Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Amb. Rakesh Sood. He says the ICoC was welcomed simply due to the lack of alternate initiatives.

India and China’s nuclear equation: Why Chinese scholars are wrong
Dec 12, 2018

India and China’s nuclear equation: Why Chinese scholars are wrong

India’s nuclear weapons programme has been developed in response to the diabolic Sino-Pak nuclear axis. Yet, India has advanced its nuclear programm

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period
Mar 06, 2010

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period

Indo-Japanese relations have witnessed a paradigm shift since 2000 when both countries launched a global partnership in order to address a range of issues affecting regional and global peace and prosperity. Systematic efforts made by the leaders of both countries since then have strengthened their partnership. Until very recently, their interactions were mainly limited to economic issues, but today they cover a wide spectrum of subjects including

India's NSG membership questions NSG-NPT relationship
Oct 04, 2014

India's NSG membership questions NSG-NPT relationship

The talk on India's participation at the Nuclear Suppliers Group has initiated a discourse on the future of the Group, with particular reference to the Group's relationship with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group
May 17, 2016

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group

India seeks to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group with the objective of playing a more proactive role in the nuclear non-proliferation realm. Political issues remain, however, particularly with regard to its status outside the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This brings to fore questions on the relationship between the Treaty and the Group with regard to their scope, mandate and membership. An assessment of prospective benefits

India’s nuclear dilemma
Sep 28, 2018

India’s nuclear dilemma

India’s challenge in asserting its stance on global nuclear disarmament requires a precise articulation of its goals and plans.

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls
Jun 11, 2024

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls

The 50th anniversary of PNE highlights India's role as a responsible nuclear power, committed to full compliance and advancing global non-proliferatio

Iran nuclear deal: Mountain of uncertainties
Jul 17, 2015

Iran nuclear deal: Mountain of uncertainties

From a non-proliferation perspective, the Iran nuclear deal is a good one provided it is complied with. A lot will depend on Iran?s adherence to the commitments under the deal but it is difficult to have much faith in Iranian commitments because of its repeated failures in the past. And, from a regional security perspective, the deal is disastrous.

Knowing India's nuclear credentials
Jul 24, 2014

Knowing India's nuclear credentials

Through concerted attack on India from the usual suspects in recent days, India is first being made the whipping boy for the failure of the American non-proliferation lobby in their own country. Then it has to accept blame for the complex relations the U.S. shares with Pakistan and China that is driving these Asian allies to increase their arsenals. Can we get real, please?

Major Sop for a Non-ally
Mar 31, 2004

Major Sop for a Non-ally

After a groundbreaking visit to India, which focused on strengthening the Indo-US ¿strategic partnership¿, US Secretary of State Colin Powell was supposed to take a tough message to Pakistan¿s Gen. Musharraf. Nuclear proliferation and Pakkistan¿s reluctance to clean up its tribal areas were slated to be on the cards in

Modi and the Middle East: Towards a Link West Policy
Oct 07, 2014

Modi and the Middle East: Towards a Link West Policy

In the past, India avoided talking to major powers like the US and Europe on the Middle East. Modi has hinted at a change in this approach by taking forthright positions on terrorism, nuclear proliferation and other controversial issues during his visit to the US.

Next steps in the Indo-US deal
Mar 06, 2006

Next steps in the Indo-US deal

The Indo-US nuclear deal has been signed. The next step is to get it passed through the US Congress and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). This also entails amending the laws, so that India can receive the same benefits as those states that are a party to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT).