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246 results found

Powershift in Colombo is Delhi's opportunity
Jan 12, 2015

Powershift in Colombo is Delhi's opportunity

As a new government led by Maithripala Sirisena takes charge in Colombo, New Delhi has a valuable opportunity to arrest the drift in bilateral relations over the last few years. The Modi government, less constrained internally than the UPA government, is in a good position to rebuild the partnership with Sri Lanka that occupies a vital position on India's maritime frontiers to the south.

Active in conflict, disinterested in peace: Foreign powers delay truce in Libya
Jan 18, 2020

Active in conflict, disinterested in peace: Foreign powers delay truce in Libya

While intervening powers, except Turkey, eschewed sending combat troops to Libya till now, they have nevertheless used proxies, i.e., militias and mer

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XX | World's largest powerships are helping to electrify Asia, Africa
Oct 13, 2016

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XX | World's largest powerships are helping to electrify Asia, Africa

World's largest power-ships are helping to electrify Africa and other roundups from the dark continent

Anchored in Bharat, Budget 2022 exudes confidence, powers India’s growth
Feb 01, 2022

Anchored in Bharat, Budget 2022 exudes confidence, powers India’s growth

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman budget remains unassuming in grand announcements, matter of fact in its outlook, and deglamorised in form—just t

Asian powers should be united, not divided, by ocean ambitions
Aug 27, 2013

Asian powers should be united, not divided, by ocean ambitions

India and China should focus on maritime commonalities and challenges rather than incongruence. After all, the sea unites while the land divides.

At China’s upcoming party Congress, will Xi Jinping further consolidate his powers?
Sep 26, 2017

At China’s upcoming party Congress, will Xi Jinping further consolidate his powers?

Xi Jinping has a keen understanding of the importance of reform. This is likely to serve him well.

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers
Dec 21, 2018

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers

Even as Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) promise to revolutionise the battlefield, very little analysis moves beyond the great powers to examine the interests that middle powers may have in these systems. Shaped by their own geostrategic contexts, demographic issues and geography challenges, countries like India, South Korea, Indonesia or the Philippines may find utility in LAWS for improving the efficiency of their forces, reducing both

Biden and the Indo-Pacific – Will regional powers shape America’s approach?
Jan 10, 2021

Biden and the Indo-Pacific – Will regional powers shape America’s approach?

As Biden’s commitment to the Indo-Pacific remains under question, Trump’s legacy of bolstering regional powers could force US policy continuity

BRICS Bank: Shifting powers from West to developing nations
Jul 22, 2014

BRICS Bank: Shifting powers from West to developing nations

The major achievement of the recent BRICS Summit was the decision to create the long-awaited (BRICS) New Development Bank. The bank can be seen as a growing influence of the BRICS which together represents 18% of the World trade and accounts for 40% of the global population with a combined GDP of $ 24 trillion.

Can Great Powers now do an Iran on North Korea?
Apr 06, 2015

Can Great Powers now do an Iran on North Korea?

The deal with Iran should boost efforts to do an Iran with North Korea's nuclear programme as well. This would be more difficult given the authoritarian nature of the regime in North Korea but is still an idea worth pursuing. The major powers should carry forward the momentum and energy to solve other issues in the Middle East.

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia
Jul 23, 2007

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia

The May 2007 summit at Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan between Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan has once again brought the Central Asian Republics (CARs), especially Turkmenistan, in the limelight of international energy politics.

Great powers and small islands: An update from the Pacific and its engagement with Australia
Dec 19, 2022

Great powers and small islands: An update from the Pacific and its engagement with Australia

In the first of a two-part series, an assessment is made about whether Australia’s place in the Pacific is as assured as once assumed

Great powers and small islands: The democratic powers need to “lean in”
Dec 19, 2022

Great powers and small islands: The democratic powers need to “lean in”

In the second of a two-part series, as the Indo-Pacific takes central focus in geopolitics, democratic nations must work to keep the region’s strate

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia
Sep 25, 2021

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia

The Taliban story has only just resumed and could see a return of the US and other powers to this theatre in the future as global jihadist movements v

Libya in Turmoil: Khalifa Haftar and foreign powers
Jul 09, 2019

Libya in Turmoil: Khalifa Haftar and foreign powers

The threat of Islamist groups has apparently bolstered Haftar’s push against the UN recognised Government of National Accord.

Major powers in Asia Pacific strengthening militaries
Jun 30, 2014

Major powers in Asia Pacific strengthening militaries

All the major powers in the Asia Pacific region are ramping up their defence budgets and modernising their militaries. They are also building coalitions with each other through defence partnerships agreements and ports calls.

Middle Powers are driving sustainable development in the Indo-Pacific
Sep 26, 2023

Middle Powers are driving sustainable development in the Indo-Pacific

In today’s world, the role of major and middle powers is more critical than ever in ensuring that wider developmental concerns are addressed

Middle Powers in the Gulf: Navigating the Return of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Feb 19, 2024

Middle Powers in the Gulf: Navigating the Return of the Taliban in Afghanistan

Amid the ongoing fundamental changes in the international order, such as the growing bipolar competition between the US and China and the promotion of multipolarity, middle powers may take more ownership of conflict points such as Afghanistan. To comprehend this possibility, it is important to trace the evolution of middle powers in the Persian Gulf. This paper looks at the complexities of the Gulf middle power states, with Afghanistan as the the

Modi and the middle powers
Apr 09, 2015

Modi and the middle powers

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to France, Germany and Canada beginning Thursday should help New Delhi consolidate three of India's very special relationships -with France, Germany and Canada. Modi's visit to Europe and Canada should help restore some balance to India's international engagement.

Myanmar: Can the Junta’s powers be curtailed in 2023?
Feb 01, 2023

Myanmar: Can the Junta’s powers be curtailed in 2023?

As Myanmar marks its second year under military rule, the burning question now is would 2023 be any different?

New balance of powers
Jul 17, 2015

New balance of powers

The Iran nuclear deal could mark a strategic realignment between the US and its traditional Sunni allies in the region. The Arab countries have been vocal in criticising Washington's policies in Egypt, Syria and Iraq, which they say have given an upper hand to "Iranian allies".

Regional powers can save Afghanistan: Hussain Haqqani
Jan 07, 2014

Regional powers can save Afghanistan: Hussain Haqqani

Former Pakistan Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Hussain Haqqani, has urged regional powers to begin dialogue to prevent Afghanistan from slipping into a civil war situation after the US pullout later this year.

Reshaping geopolitics: The middle powers’ response to the Ukraine crisis
Jan 16, 2023

Reshaping geopolitics: The middle powers’ response to the Ukraine crisis

With shifting poles of power, the near future will force states to be more innovative to push their interests

Rise of new powers in Asia challenging for US, allies
Sep 18, 2014

Rise of new powers in Asia challenging for US, allies

The rise of new powers in Asia and the changing power distribution in the region is equally challenging for both the United States and its allies in the Asia Pacific region, according to Mr. Abraham M. Denmark, Vice President for Political and Security Affairs at The National Bureau of Asian Research.

SC gives back Delhi's elected government its powers — but misses a historical chance
Jul 06, 2018

SC gives back Delhi's elected government its powers — but misses a historical chance

The Supreme Court did award NCR's elected government due authority. But, by leaving reserve subjects with the LG, it contradicted a global governance trend.

Shaping a new ethos: The role of emerging powers in the G20
Dec 18, 2018

Shaping a new ethos: The role of emerging powers in the G20

The G20 is a step in the right direction. It is only a step, however. Symbolic inclusion of the emerging and developing world through an arbitrary �

Sino Techno-Nationalism Powers Through With ‘China Manufacturing 2025’
Jun 09, 2021

Sino Techno-Nationalism Powers Through With ‘China Manufacturing 2025’

Despite being the ‘factory of the world,’ many of China’s industrial sectors are energy-intensive and have low value-add. At the same time, global firms are increasingly moving towards sophisticated low-cost manufacturing techniques for higher productivity gains. As a result, the Chinese Communist Party is keen to upgrade the country’s industrial base to compete in the more advanced segments, such as information technology, through the �

Small countries must together create structures that can defend against global powers
Aug 16, 2019

Small countries must together create structures that can defend against global powers

The talk by Boris Tadić focuses on African issues as they are becoming strategically important for the future of mankind and for the sustainability o

Special powers for special needs
Dec 02, 2014

Special powers for special needs

Instead of amending the AFSPA, putting the military in harm's way and then watching it unravel, the political class must have the willpower to send the military back to the barracks and let the civilian Government do its job.

Sri Lanka: The looming question of police powers under 13A
Feb 18, 2023

Sri Lanka: The looming question of police powers under 13A

Criticisms regarding police powers for the provinces have stalled the execution of 13A in Sri Lanka

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers
Sep 04, 2018

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers

The question of municipal leadership is of great significance in urban governance in India. There are various models of the position of chief executive of an urban local body (ULB), predominantly tilting towards the ‘strong mayor’ model either through ‘presidentialisation’ of the office or through a ‘mayor-in-council’[1] system. In India, it is the ‘state appointed municipal commissioner’ model that holds sway, sitting over a popu

Superpowers' great equalisers
Dec 08, 2021

Superpowers' great equalisers

For a stable and fair international relations system, strong relations between Russia and India are important in maintaining a balance in the changing

Understanding emerging contours of powers and hegemony
Sep 28, 2010

Understanding emerging contours of powers and hegemony

Dr. Sergey Kurginyan noted that the world at present faces the threat of descending into a vortex of chaos and whoever succeeds in managing this chaos effectively will be able to take control of the future of the international system as the new hegemon.