Search: For - electricity

254 results found

Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right
Aug 22, 2022

Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right

The primary focus of this bill is to open the supply side in distribution to competition in the market.

Electricity Distribution in India: Sequencing of Reform Measures
Sep 08, 2022

Electricity Distribution in India: Sequencing of Reform Measures

Discoms continue to be instruments to meet political ends, and their inefficiency justifies the privatisation of the distribution segment.

Chinese cyberattacks against Ladakh electricity grid:  A déjà vu  
Apr 15, 2022

Chinese cyberattacks against Ladakh electricity grid:  A déjà vu  

India should expand its offensive capabilities in the cyber domain to counter the cyber attacks from China and Pakistan

Chinese cyber escalation against India’s electricity grid amidst the boundary crisis 
Mar 10, 2021

Chinese cyber escalation against India’s electricity grid amidst the boundary crisis 

Beyond defensive measures, New Delhi needs to step up efforts for a potent cyber offensive capability that can enable retaliatory strikes against Chin

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?
Mar 11, 2024

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?

The Indian electricity market's future might incline towards renewable energy suppliers, possibly featuring specialised green providers.

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice
Feb 12, 2024

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice

Behavioural changes expected in electricity use by the consumer may not play out as anticipated without the intervention of technological inputs

Gender neutral ways of ensuring universal electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jun 11, 2019

Gender neutral ways of ensuring universal electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa

Incorporating gender focus in electrification programmes is important as women and men have different energy needs.

GoI’s conflicting goals — electricity for all, renewable energy targets and a ₹100 trillion infrastructure pipeline
Feb 04, 2020

GoI’s conflicting goals — electricity for all, renewable energy targets and a ₹100 trillion infrastructure pipeline

Lopsided allocation of funds could easily lead to the government missing its target for renewable energy capacity, with huge costs to the environment.

Increase in peak load: Implications for electricity tariff in India
Jun 01, 2024

Increase in peak load: Implications for electricity tariff in India

Despite the necessity of time-based pricing for peak electricity demand, it's not standard in India amid declining load and rising diversity factors

Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on electricity access  
Jan 04, 2022

Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on electricity access  

To meet the SDG target of universal access to electricity and regain the lost momentum, off-grid solutions must be embraced in the short term    

Is it time to recognise electricity as a basic human right?
Jun 19, 2024

Is it time to recognise electricity as a basic human right?

Access to electricity is more than a connection. Considering the growing importance of electricity in accessing other necessities, stronger measures a

Parallel licencing in electricity distribution in Mumbai: Muddle or model?
May 14, 2024

Parallel licencing in electricity distribution in Mumbai: Muddle or model?

Balancing competition and monopolies in network industries, Mumbai's inadvertent parallel licensing in electricity retail serves as a focal point for

100% electrification of rural households — What next?
Oct 19, 2020

100% electrification of rural households — What next?

Affordability is a much trickier factor to deal with to help consumers from economically poor sections to retain their electricity supply.

A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies
Jul 13, 2023

A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies

India’s decarbonisation plans rest on its ability to generate green energy. Until then, the energy transition path till 2070 will remain at best, a

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition
Jan 16, 2024

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition

To achieve both its development goals and energy transition goals, India needs consistently higher levels of growth in national income to enhance the

Big scope for EU countries to set up new tech power plants
Apr 30, 2012

Big scope for EU countries to set up new tech power plants

During a roundtable with a delegation of EU Members of Parliament, the ORF Director pointed out the great chance the international community has today in setting up electricity generating plants in India with green technology.

Blackouts in South Asia: Revisiting Power Policy Debates in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Nov 09, 2022

Blackouts in South Asia: Revisiting Power Policy Debates in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

The growing power crisis in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka compels these nations to rethink their future energy landscape and policies

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC
Aug 09, 2021

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims “to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030. Such quest for energy security is echoed in subregional strategies as well; in the BIMSTEC region, it is a key priority. As the gap in electricity supply and demand increases in the countries of BIMSTEC, trans-border cooperation can help diversify energy sources, reduce the average cos

Building Resilience in India’s Power Sector
Jul 21, 2023

Building Resilience in India’s Power Sector

India’s power sector requires sustained efforts to achieve the power generating capacity target of approximately 1.2 terawatts by 2047. It needs such capacity to meet the demands of economic growth and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 7 of providing universal electricity access. At the same time, the country also needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to meet commitments to global climate action agreements. This paper revi

China’s dominance of the solar photovoltaic value chain
Nov 23, 2022

China’s dominance of the solar photovoltaic value chain

Though the diversification of the solar PV supply chain could end dependency on China, it will increase the cost of decarbonisation of the energy sect

Cities with extreme deficits of quality of life
Oct 17, 2019

Cities with extreme deficits of quality of life

A city’s inability to offer infrastructures that enable life, such as drinking water, conditions of hygiene, electricity and other such life-enablin

Citizens paying for private sector inefficiency
Jun 17, 2013

Citizens paying for private sector inefficiency

Privatised electricity distribution in Delhi completed ten years last June. Now an important question which we have to ask time and again is, why should the citizens pay for the inefficiency of the distribution companies? This is yet another public service that has become a score point for political parties, giving no relief to the ordinary citizen.

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots
Jul 15, 2022

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots

With the increase in demand for coal, the only viable option left for the government is to go against its policy of self-reliance with coal beneficiat

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?
Apr 27, 2023

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?

In India, heat waves in 2021 and 2022 increased the demand for coal-based power. This trend is likely to continue in 2023.

Coal production by the private sector in India: The perils of promise
Jan 09, 2024

Coal production by the private sector in India: The perils of promise

The fundamental crisis in the coal sector is not only the lack of transparency but rather the need for efficient markets for fuel that can keep up wit

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand
May 01, 2022

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand

India is facing a sudden shortage in power generation in power plants amidst the scorching summer heat.

Coal stock shocks in India
Nov 06, 2021

Coal stock shocks in India

While the Indian coal sector is undergoing a crisis, it is also worth analysing the issues surrounding solar and other renewable energy sources.

Delhi poll: Major parties playing around "competitive populism"?
Feb 05, 2015

Delhi poll: Major parties playing around "competitive populism"?

Campaign trends in Delhi elections indicate that parties are playing around the issues having popular appeal rather than the hard core issues of governance, statehood or even air pollution. In varying degrees, populist ideas such as free houses, free water and free electricity remain the core poll promises for all political parties.

Digital twin: Making India’s clean energy architecture versatile
Mar 26, 2024

Digital twin: Making India’s clean energy architecture versatile

The use of digital twin technologies in renewable energy ecosystems will benefit producers, consumers, and governments alike

Discom reform: The pendulum swings back 
Feb 20, 2023

Discom reform: The pendulum swings back 

The privatisation of electricity distribution seems imminent as legislations aim to expand the role of the private sector in this domain

Drivers of green energy adoption by discoms
Jan 09, 2024

Drivers of green energy adoption by discoms

The key drivers of RE adoption by discoms are resource endowment and government policy push. In other words “nature” and “nurture” are key to

Economic Survey 2021-22: Directions for energy
Feb 17, 2022

Economic Survey 2021-22: Directions for energy

Though the Economic Survey shifted its approach, it doesn’t provide a roadmap to guide the energy sector.

Electrifying Mobility in India: The Challenge of Petroleum Tax Revenue
Oct 11, 2022

Electrifying Mobility in India: The Challenge of Petroleum Tax Revenue

Alternate options for replacing petroleum revenue have not received the same level of attention that the promotion of electric mobility has received.

Energy Conservation Amendment Act: Less is More for India?
Sep 06, 2022

Energy Conservation Amendment Act: Less is More for India?

While the recent Energy Conservation Amendment Act 2022 sought to reduce India’s carbon intensity and increase energy conservation, it might not be

Energy cooperation under BIMSTEC: Are techno-economic rationales sufficient?
Nov 02, 2017

Energy cooperation under BIMSTEC: Are techno-economic rationales sufficient?

Despite a compelling techno-economic rationale for BIMSTEC nations, regional cooperation in the field of energy has not moved beyond the drawing board. This brief argues that inadequate investment in regional infrastructure, and the lack of political will to invest in shared infrastructure, are the consequence of inadequate cooperation between countries in the region, and not its cause. The electricity industries of BIMSTEC countries are being gr

Energy News Monitor I Volume XX, Issue 25
Feb 12, 2024

Energy News Monitor I Volume XX, Issue 25

Distributed production and consumption of RE by households and industries, primarily using solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, is projected as a potential driver of RE generation and consumption but challenges remain