Search: For - ceasefire

69 results found

India declares unilateral ceasefire on Indo-Bangladesh borders
Mar 19, 2010

India declares unilateral ceasefire on Indo-Bangladesh borders

The visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had put relations on a higher plane and the overall situation in Bangladesh had turned for the better in 2006

Is the India-Pakistan ceasefire a googly?
Mar 06, 2021

Is the India-Pakistan ceasefire a googly?

Imran has announced that the onus is on India now to take further steps and create an enabling environment for peace.

Kashmir's Ramzan ceasefire is total foolishness, which will only hurt our security forces
May 17, 2018

Kashmir's Ramzan ceasefire is total foolishness, which will only hurt our security forces

The move shows no knowledge of ground realities in J&K — it will simply escalate militant violence.

Myanmar: Hope of a ceasefire agreement?
Apr 24, 2015

Myanmar: Hope of a ceasefire agreement?

The draft National Ceasefire Agreement was signed between the National Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) and Union Peace Working Committee (UPWC) on March 31. The draft was agreed upon by the two entities in President Thein Sein's presence.

Pakistan: Ceasefire violations could undo peace moves
Jul 18, 2014

Pakistan: Ceasefire violations could undo peace moves

The continuing ceasefire violations on the India-Pakistan border could become a stumbling block in the renewed attempts by the leadership of the two neighbours to improve their relationship.

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire
Jun 05, 2018

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire

The timing of the recent India-Pakistan agreement can’t be a coincidence, and the Modi government needs to watch its back.

Syrian ceasefire and the Russia-Turkey chimera
Jan 07, 2017

Syrian ceasefire and the Russia-Turkey chimera

Over the past many months, a tectonic shift has taken place as the traditional foreign hegemonic presence in the region, the United States, increasing

Three years of India-Pakistan border ceasefire: Stable and unsteady
Mar 19, 2024

Three years of India-Pakistan border ceasefire: Stable and unsteady

New Delhi is aware that Pakistan’s military establishment will continue its proxy war, nonetheless, it favours a ceasefire for as long as possible w

Towards a ceasefire in Libya
Jun 08, 2020

Towards a ceasefire in Libya

European powers should seize this break to bring Libya’s almost decade-long tryst with unprecedented violence to an end.

Why the last thing Kashmir needs is a ceasefire now
May 11, 2018

Why the last thing Kashmir needs is a ceasefire now

Calling for a pause only shows the political duplicity that fuels J&K's militancy fire.

Will the ceasefire on India Pakistan border sustain?
Sep 29, 2021

Will the ceasefire on India Pakistan border sustain?

As tensions increase across the border, there is very little keeping the peace together  

Afghanistan: Biden’s first problem
Feb 22, 2021

Afghanistan: Biden’s first problem

The Taliban haven’t held up their side of the bargain — the intra-Afghan dialogue is stuck and a ceasefire is nowhere in sight.

Back to square one?
Jan 19, 2013

Back to square one?

Since 2010, Pakistan has already violated the ceasefire more than 222 times. In 2012 alone, there were 117 instances, mostly concentrated in the Uri and Krishna Ghati areas.

Biden overcomes a logjam
May 02, 2024

Biden overcomes a logjam

US Congress passes 4 crucial bills; govt keenly aware of geopolitics in Indo-Pacific.

Can China deliver in West Asia?
Apr 12, 2023

Can China deliver in West Asia?

Despite the diplomatic normalisation, fundamental issues that divide Saudi Arabia and Iran will remain. Can China deliver as a peacemaker in West Asia

China’s long game in West Asia
Oct 17, 2023

China’s long game in West Asia

The West is straining to maintain control over the Gaza war while simultaneously dealing with the conflict in Ukraine; will China be able to make the

Gaza's healthcare collapse: A global failure to uphold the International Humanitarian Law
May 20, 2024

Gaza's healthcare collapse: A global failure to uphold the International Humanitarian Law

The Gaza crisis serves as a glaring testament to the shortcomings of international mechanisms tasked with upholding human rights and dignity

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert

Peaceful relations with Pakistan is a prerequisite to India’s domestic stability and its quest for great power status.

India-Pak peace process in a shambles
Jan 19, 2013

India-Pak peace process in a shambles

Ceasefire along LoC has not really solved any of India's problems.There exists a dire need to look beyond the existing CBMs of providing advance warnings for military exercises and ballistic missile tests which are relatively "high level" issues.

Is a thaw between India and Pakistan possible?
Feb 27, 2021

Is a thaw between India and Pakistan possible?

It is not the first time that the militaries of the two countries have agreed to maintain calm at the border.

Kashmir gambit
Mar 04, 2015

Kashmir gambit

If the Modi government can restore the ceasefire as part of the resumption of talks with Pakistan, strengthen the existing CBMs across the LoC and unveil new ones, the external dimension to J&K could change for the better and create a conducive environment for the ambitious internal agenda for development articulated by the BJP and PDP.

Kashmir Quake: Army can't lower guard
Oct 26, 2005

Kashmir Quake: Army can't lower guard

On October 8, seismic fault-lines made a mockery of the ceasefire line that was drawn 56 years ago between the Indian and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). This map delineation, which was renamed as the Line of Control after the 1971 Indo-Pak war, appears to have gone out of control, at least temporarily, by the fury of the massive earthquake that struck J and Northern Areas on that Black Saturday. Thousands have perished on either side, including

LTTE: Karuna puts the clock back in more ways than one
Mar 10, 2004

LTTE: Karuna puts the clock back in more ways than one

By rebelling against supremo Prabhakaran in an unprecedented way, ¿Col¿ Karuna, LTTE¿s sacked commander for Sri Lanka¿s Eastern Province, has put the clock back in more ways than one. In a way, it has also put the LTTE at the crossroad all over again as never before, coming as it does after the historic Ceasefire Agreement with the Sri Lankan Government, but how far is too early to determine.

Neither Russia nor Turkey delivered on the Syria deal 
Jun 20, 2019

Neither Russia nor Turkey delivered on the Syria deal 

Neither Turkey nor Russia is abiding by the ceasefire deal in Idlib.

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks
Sep 30, 2020

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks

Calls for immediate ceasefire for a comprehensive political solution have fallen flat. Seemingly because Pakistan has used the Taliban as a lever to k

Reactions to Rafah: Preventing humanitarian supply chain breakdown
Jun 06, 2024

Reactions to Rafah: Preventing humanitarian supply chain breakdown

The near breakdown of humanitarian supply chains and services in Gaza merits new measures from the ICJ against Israel.

Risk Assessment and Escalation Management in India-Pakistan Conflicts
Dec 15, 2021

Risk Assessment and Escalation Management in India-Pakistan Conflicts

Since August 2021 when the US withdrew from Afghanistan, ceasefire violations at the India-Pakistan Line of Control (LoC) and killings of minorities in J&K have been reported. Indeed, the fall of Kabul to the Taliban has bolstered the anti-India establishment and the terrorist groups in Pakistan—putting the February 2021 ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan under stress. India's conventional military response of the type of the 'S

South Asia South Asia Weekly 15
Apr 20, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 15

Though belatedly, Norway, which brokered a Ceasefire Agreement between Colombo and LTTE in 2002, clarified that it never supported the creation of a separate Tamil Eelam contrary to popular belief. Majority of Sri Lankans, including President Rajapaksa, accused Norway of being pro-LTTE.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 60
Feb 23, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 60

Sri Lankan authorities considered 'hilarious' the ceasefire demand put forward by the LTTE, especially when it has only the few fighters left in an area which is less then 60 sq km. This week, LTTE requested the international community to bring

South Asia Weekly Report 67
Apr 13, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 67

To mark the beginning of the Tamil and Sinhala New Year celebrations in the country, the Sri Lankan President, Mahinda Rajapaksa announced a two-day unilateral ceasefire in the Northern Province. The truce declaration was also aimed at providing safe passage to civilians trapped in the "no-fire zone".

South Asia Weekly Report 68
Apr 20, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 68

The two-day ceasefire call given by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa failed to produce any tangible results after it was rejected by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The 24-hour ultimatum issued to the LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran,

Sri Lanka & the LTTE: Quo Vadis
Sep 27, 2004

Sri Lanka & the LTTE: Quo Vadis

More than two years after the Government of Sri Lanka and the leadership of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) reached an agreement on a ceasefire in their military and para-military operations against each other, with Norway playing the role of a facilitator, and embarked on a process of negotiations in order to find a political solution to the demands of the LTTE for an independent

Sri Lanka situation requires new approach
Jul 10, 2006

Sri Lanka situation requires new approach

Sri Lanka¿s worsening security situation under an undeclared war is most likely to persist. Both the LTTE and President Rajpakshe¿s government are violating the four-year-old ceasefire agreement, which, in fact, seldom was honoured seriously, but neither of them is in a position to formally break it and declare an open, all-out war. Both of them are under intense international pressure to desist from doing so.

The centrality of Qatar in the Israel–Hamas war
Dec 08, 2023

The centrality of Qatar in the Israel–Hamas war

Qatar aims to be a political power broker in the Middle East as witnessed by its efforts in brokering the temporary Israel-Hamas truce. However, with

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity
Oct 15, 2005

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity

Fifty-six years after the ceasefire line was drawn between the Indian and Pakistan occupied Kashmir, the underlying seismic fault lines have made a mockery of this line. This map delineation, which was renamed as Line of Control after the 1971 Indo Pak war, has gone out of control, at least temporarily, by the fury of the nature when the earthquake struck this area on 8 October.

The rollercoaster saga of Israel-Hamas relations
Oct 14, 2023

The rollercoaster saga of Israel-Hamas relations

It has become fashionable to forget the support that Hamas received from Israel during its formative years in the 1980s.

The Ukraine crisis: How it ends matters
Jun 27, 2023

The Ukraine crisis: How it ends matters

Ukraine and Russia have entered the defining stage of military confrontation, which should become decisive for the further proceeding of the war.

The Way Ahead in Sri Lanka
Sep 02, 2006

The Way Ahead in Sri Lanka

If the stalemated war produced a truce, the stalemated peace ever since the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tigers Tamil Elam signed a ceasefire agreement (CFA) in February 2002 has contributed to the revival of violence in the island-nation. The deteriorating ground situation has been accompanied by repeated calls from the Sri Lankan parties for greater Indian involvement in the peace-making efforts. This report is a summary of an inter

The World's First Terrorist Air Force
Jun 03, 2005

The World's First Terrorist Air Force

Speaking at a meeting of the Foreign Correspondents' Association of Sri Lanka at Colombo on May 26,2005, Hagrup Haukland, the chief of the Norwegian-led military mission, which monitors the three-year-old ceasefire between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), confirmed the allegation of the Sri Lankan Government that the LTTE had constructed an airstrip near Iranamadu in the Wanni area under its control in

Ukraine’s faltering military campaign: Causes and consequences
Mar 02, 2024

Ukraine’s faltering military campaign: Causes and consequences

Almost 24 months after the Russian invasion, Kyiv and its NATO allies are nowhere near defining what victory would constitute

Unquiet on the front
Aug 12, 2013

Unquiet on the front

After the Ladakh intrusion, Delhi has sensibly stepped up the conversation on LAC management with Beijing. The recent violence on the LoC demands the same with Islamabad. When he meets Nawaz Sharif in New York next month, Manmohan Singh must seek Pakistan's renewed political support for the LoC ceasefire and an agreement to translate that commitment into a military reality.