Search: For - Syria

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Syria not falling soon, notwithstanding Indian vote at UN
Feb 13, 2012

Syria not falling soon, notwithstanding Indian vote at UN

Like road repair gangs working on different stretches of a highway, the same gang of Arabs and their western minders are proceeding from Libya to Syria to.....sorry, hang on. Syria is proving to be a much tougher project than earlier imagined.

Syria to shake Obama-Putin handshake in New York
Sep 28, 2015

Syria to shake Obama-Putin handshake in New York

The issue of radical Islamism remains Russia's fundamental concern in Syria. Having fought two Chechen wars, it would not want another conflict to erupt on its territory. If either the ISIS or the rebels succeed in overthrowing Assad, there is a huge likelihood of expansion of jihadist activity to the Caucasus and southern Russia.

Syria will drag down Turkey
Jun 29, 2012

Syria will drag down Turkey

Turkey needs is to revert to a policy of peace with all its neighbour. CIA Special Forces operating from Turkey will harm Turkey more than they will Syria.

Syria: At the threshold
Oct 27, 2011

Syria: At the threshold

Everywhere in Syria the grand conspiracy of the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to overthrow the Assad regime is feverishly discussed. Turkey reportedly tried to mediate in this crisis by suggesting that Muslim Brotherhood should be included in the negotiations, but Damascus refused since the Brotherhood is a religious grouping.

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States
Sep 09, 2013

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States

Though realism suggests India cannot directly influence the evolution of the Syrian situation, India must more actively partake in the international debate on Syria and step up its political engagement with all major states in the region, said experts at a brainstorming on Syria.

Syrian ceasefire and the Russia-Turkey chimera
Jan 07, 2017

Syrian ceasefire and the Russia-Turkey chimera

Over the past many months, a tectonic shift has taken place as the traditional foreign hegemonic presence in the region, the United States, increasing

Syrian Chemical Weapons:The Danger Within
May 11, 2023

Syrian Chemical Weapons:The Danger Within

The Syrian case is a unique one. A country with a WMD-armed country has never witnessed civil strife before. The active involvement of terror groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda in Iraq coupled with the weakening hold of the Assad regime over large swathes of the country makes the situation grim.

A New Year gift to Syria: A possible agreement?
Dec 28, 2012

A New Year gift to Syria: A possible agreement?

The US is entering its trickiest phase in the Af-Pak region, where elections are due in both, Pakistan and Afghanistan just around the time Washington has set for its troops to depart. Can troops depart without an overt or covert understanding with Iran which has a long border with Afghanistan?

America’s sectoral sanctions are against the Syrians
Feb 15, 2021

America’s sectoral sanctions are against the Syrians

Since America passed the Caesar Act which threatens sanctions on any third country that invests in Syria, countries have placed their plans to rebuild

An explanation for Russia's interest in Syria
Aug 09, 2012

An explanation for Russia's interest in Syria

While Kremlin may be playing to a Russian audience by blocking the West, broader interests, namely, geopolitics, multilateralism, regional stability, and doubts about the feasibility of UNSC resolutions drive its actions in Syria.

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation
Apr 17, 2021

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation

Even though Syrian refugees have been integrated relatively faster in Germany, social integration continues to be a challenge in the labour market.

Behind India’s renewed outreach to an embattled Syria
Jul 25, 2023

Behind India’s renewed outreach to an embattled Syria

The Arab League’s green flag to Syria opened a clearer path for more diplomacy by others such as India but it remains anchored in regional geopoliti

Can Russia roll back the caliphate in Iraq and Syria?
Nov 13, 2015

Can Russia roll back the caliphate in Iraq and Syria?

Russia's military intervention in Syria in September, 2015, is a new gambit by its president, Vladimir Putin. It could change the course of history, and even geography, in that region or bog down Russia in a West Asian quagmire.

Conflict in Syria and the possibility of peace
Dec 01, 2014

Conflict in Syria and the possibility of peace

THE United Nations Security Council (UNSC) achieved the almost impossible recently by adopting a unanimous resolution on providing access to humanitarian aid to Syria, breaking a deadlock that pitted Russia and China against the Western powers.

Cool Syria to focus on Afghanistan in Chicago
Apr 16, 2012

Cool Syria to focus on Afghanistan in Chicago

It is President Barak Obama's political requirement to have a calm Middle East so that he can keep a steady gaze on Afghanistan, the country on which the NATO Summit in Chicago must focus in May in ways that it is useful for his re election in November.

For Love of Democracy, West Prefers Islamisation In Syria
Oct 15, 2011

For Love of Democracy, West Prefers Islamisation In Syria

The luxury bus leaves downtown Cam hotel to Qassion mountains for a panoramic view of the world's oldest, continuously inhabited city, Damascus. The picture has to be sketched because outside Syria everyone is counting on the level of chaos we did not see.

French officials in Syrian custody could rock Sarkozy's electoral boat
Mar 03, 2012

French officials in Syrian custody could rock Sarkozy's electoral boat

Should the story of the French in Syrian custody become public in France, the voters will ask: did the government sanction illegal entry of our soldiers into foreign countries? Is the Syrian rebellion an imported rebellion?

Germany’s conviction of Syrian secret police officer sets a precedence
Mar 06, 2021

Germany’s conviction of Syrian secret police officer sets a precedence

Human rights lawyers and legal activists hope that the testimonies and evidence presented to the court in the Al-Khatib trial can be used in other pro

How American reticence to intervene militarily in Syria proved to be a gift for Moscow
Mar 20, 2021

How American reticence to intervene militarily in Syria proved to be a gift for Moscow

Ten years later, it is clear that the Syrian people on all sides lost the war — but Russia won on all fronts.

How northern Syria became a cage for the Islamic State’s core
May 04, 2023

How northern Syria became a cage for the Islamic State’s core

Is ISIS a mere shadow of what it was or is it still a potent force?

In Syria, the Big Boys are playing
Oct 01, 2015

In Syria, the Big Boys are playing

Syria and Iraq are no longer just a do-and-kill struggle being enacted by extreme radical Islamists in their brutal search for a Caliphate. The Big Boys - US and Russia -- are now out in the open, the gloves are off and mind games are now being played.

India’s HADR diplomacy: Earthquake relief in Türkiye and Syria
Feb 17, 2023

India’s HADR diplomacy: Earthquake relief in Türkiye and Syria

Providing relief and aid to the extended neighbourhood of West Asia bodes well for the kind of diplomacy India is aiming to conduct in the future

Is Political Islam under threat in Egypt and Syria?
Dec 08, 2013

Is Political Islam under threat in Egypt and Syria?

'Post-Islamism' has become the new face of political Islam which incorporates the positive and accommodating attitudes of the West towards Islam and the pluralistic attitudes of Islam towards the West, according to Mr Talmiz Ahmad, former Indian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman.

Is Syria, the next Libya?
Aug 29, 2013

Is Syria, the next Libya?

Who used chemical weapons against whom? Is Assad regime guilty? We may never know. What is certain is that one more country in the Middle East will be reduced to an ungovernable territory. Welcome home Al-Qaeda!

Is there really any proof on Syria?
Sep 09, 2013

Is there really any proof on Syria?

Even George Bush, who had much less qualms about bombing any country, thought it fit to show some proof of Saddam Hussain's WMD to the UNSC, however fake it was. May be, Obama, precisely due to that qualm, is reluctant to show the proof to the world.

Joining the dots: Tracking mainstreaming of Syrian regime from the skies
Apr 20, 2019

Joining the dots: Tracking mainstreaming of Syrian regime from the skies

A 30-day observation (February – March 2019) of the Syrian airspace showed that despite being suspended from the Arab League, Damascus is slowly bei

Lebanon, Turkey act against Syrian refugees
Aug 03, 2019

Lebanon, Turkey act against Syrian refugees

Lebanon and Turkey have begun to crack down on undocumented Syrian refugees, detaining thousands and deporting hundreds to Syria.

Neither Russia nor Turkey delivered on the Syria deal 
Jun 20, 2019

Neither Russia nor Turkey delivered on the Syria deal 

Neither Turkey nor Russia is abiding by the ceasefire deal in Idlib.

Obama decides to launch limited military strike on Syria
Sep 03, 2013

Obama decides to launch limited military strike on Syria

Alleging the Assad regime's involvement in the last week's chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs, President Barrack Obama said that he has decided to take military action against Syria by launching limited military strike.

Passive on Syria
Sep 19, 2013

Passive on Syria

Although China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the second largest economy in the world and a rising power on the global stage, its approach to the current Syrian crisis has been nearly as passive as India's policy.

Potential Military Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Flare-up
Aug 31, 2013

Potential Military Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Flare-up

Military strikes on Syria are no longer about Syria alone but, more importantly, about the US and its declared objectives on issues of conflict globally. The possibility of the situation flaring up into a wider regional conflict also looks very plausible with serious implications for India.

Raqqa has fallen but the strife in Syria may not end very soon
Oct 23, 2017

Raqqa has fallen but the strife in Syria may not end very soon

The ISIS has suffered very heavy casualties while defending Raqqa and their military and financial assets stand heavily degraded.

Russia-US deal puts Syrian rebels back to "minus one"
Sep 21, 2013

Russia-US deal puts Syrian rebels back to "minus one"

The Syrian rebels are not back to square one, but to minus one. They have been outsmarted by the Assad regime, just as the Russians outsmarted the Americans.

Stop aggressive policies towards Syria: Al-Moallem
Oct 01, 2013

Stop aggressive policies towards Syria: Al-Moallem

Head of the Syrian delegation to the 68th United Nations General Assembly and Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, said that aggressive policies towards Syria must stop for any effective solution to the Syrian crisis to develop.

The Arab divide on Syria
Sep 02, 2013

The Arab divide on Syria

The Libyan case is vastly different from that of Syria. The maverick Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had few friends in the Arab League. Unlike Libya, Syria is a critical element of the regional balance of power in the Middle East.

The Arab League Summit: Saudi Arabia projects authority by hosting Syria and Ukraine
May 25, 2023

The Arab League Summit: Saudi Arabia projects authority by hosting Syria and Ukraine

The recent Arab League Summit showcased Saudi Arabia’s attempt to bring change in its foreign policy approach