Search: For - Hope

192 results found

Hope on Abe and Modi to take relations to a new height
Jul 16, 2014

Hope on Abe and Modi to take relations to a new height

There is a strong sense in Japan today that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi would take India-Japan relations to a new height, say senior officials and scholars in japan.

A glimmer of hope in Indo-Pak relations
May 30, 2014

A glimmer of hope in Indo-Pak relations

Narendra Modi is a post-Partition Prime Minister who has no family history linking him directly to the event. This could work to his advantage if he chooses to take a less emotional and more logical approach to the Indo-Pak relationship.

A ray of hope in 2018
Jan 02, 2018

A ray of hope in 2018

Efficiency of delivery by cutting red tape should be the top priority this year.

A ray of hope in US-Russia relations?
Apr 05, 2013

A ray of hope in US-Russia relations?

Russia's response to new missile defence plans of the US points to Moscow's continued distrust of Washington. However, Moscow and Washington have announced a meeting to discuss the new missile deployment plans in Moscow in late May this year. Perhaps, a breakthrough is still possible.

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope
Aug 20, 2023

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope

Even after the decolonisation of Africa, the continent was unable to formulate, let alone implement its own agenda because of its deep political and economic vulnerabilities. This situation has changed in the last two decades, and today, Africa is witnessing political and economic resurgence. Its leaders realise that the time has come for African development to be owned and driven by the African people themselves. There is a new enthusiasm for th

After Trump’s tweet, India hopes US will bring Pakistan to heel
Jan 03, 2018

After Trump’s tweet, India hopes US will bring Pakistan to heel

It would be unwise to expect that Trump’s tweet represents a major policy shift. That Pakistan has been playing the US on the issue of support to the Taliban is no secret. If anything, Trump’s remarks are a manifestation of American frustration in getting Pakistan to behave.

Bangla MPs hope Modi Govt will take bilateral relations to a different level
Nov 22, 2014

Bangla MPs hope Modi Govt will take bilateral relations to a different level

A delegation of visiting Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, taking part in an interaction with academics, media-persons and ORF faculty, hoped that the new government in India would take the relations between the two countries to a different level.

BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade
Sep 19, 2017

BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has gained more importance recently because of the many hurdles that have come in the way of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) since 2016, mainly due to issues between India and Pakistan. This brief explores the possibilities of stronger trade and investment ties between the BIMSTEC nations by expediting the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (F

Building up hope
Sep 29, 2010

Building up hope

Eventually, it has to be a mutual settlement with full understanding between the two parties. They need to come to a compromise, in the highest traditions of the country. There is ample land available land at the site which could accommodate both the construction of a new temple as well as a new masjid.

COP27: Dangling hope, detaining action
Nov 14, 2022

COP27: Dangling hope, detaining action

It is high time we move from words to action by officially institutionalising loss and damage finance in the COP agenda

Europe’s geopolitical shift: Its thaw with Russia holds out hope for a world not dominated by US and China
Sep 17, 2019

Europe’s geopolitical shift: Its thaw with Russia holds out hope for a world not dominated by US and China

The shift began with the election of Trump who refused to go by conventional thinking on Russia.

Extended state of emergency in Myanmar: No glimmer of hope
Aug 05, 2022

Extended state of emergency in Myanmar: No glimmer of hope

While the Junta has stated that no further executions will take place, one cannot assume anything for now.

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?
Mar 16, 2024

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?

Trends in consumption growth in the last two decades suggest that IEA’s expectation of a decline in demand for petrol in India on account of growth

French envoys hopeful of COP21 success
Aug 06, 2015

French envoys hopeful of COP21 success

The COP21 was at the heart of the conversation on July 28 at the French Embassy in India, where the fifth in a monthly series of talks leading up to the Paris conference was held in partnership with Observer Research Foundation.

GDP growth a ray of hope, but agriculture still a big worry
Dec 05, 2017

GDP growth a ray of hope, but agriculture still a big worry

Growth in agriculture has registered a slowdown at 1.7 per cent, which means there will be problems in the rural areas.

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis
Mar 01, 2022

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis

Those who want us to join the Western bandwagon and condemn Russia seem oblivious to their own stand when it comes to supporting India against China and Pakistan.

India, Pakistan and hope for the future
Oct 12, 2016

India, Pakistan and hope for the future

Recent developments along India-Pakistan border have grabbed attention of the world and caused a steady build up of fear with question marks for future

India: Hope for economic turnaround
Sep 16, 2014

India: Hope for economic turnaround

India may exceed the growth forecasts of the IMF and the World Bank but the task ahead is not easy, especially with 10 million jobs to be created, so much cleaning up to be done and so many disasters to be tackled.

Informal modern education the only hope in present Kashmir crises
Sep 21, 2019

Informal modern education the only hope in present Kashmir crises

As Kashmiris stare at an uncertain future, mohalla schools have kept the lamp of education burning for the Valley’s children.

Iranian voters' hope on Rouhani
Jul 01, 2013

Iranian voters' hope on Rouhani

In voting for a moderate President, Iranians have demonstrated their desire to overcome continued political isolation, marked by significant economic deterioration and disappearing democratic accountability. Can Mr. Rouhani overcome challenges and deliver?

Kashmir: New Hope?
Oct 23, 2003

Kashmir: New Hope?

The Cabinet Committee on Security¿s decision to have Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani as the new person to be heading the talks with separatist outfits raises several questions. What had prompted the Government to finally involve a separatist outfit at the level of talks that the latter have been demanding for so long? And then what would be the status of talk¿s vis-à-vis Pakistan especially after this peace initiative?

Maldives: Reconciliation hopes remain despite cancellation of third-round talks
Jul 10, 2015

Maldives: Reconciliation hopes remain despite cancellation of third-round talks

In Maldives, despite a last-minute 'cancellation' of the third round of talks between the Government and the MDP leader of the combined Opposition, there is nothing to suggest that the current reconciliation process has derailed, irrecoverably.

Maldives’ new pro-China tilt is worrisome but India hopes for pragmatism
May 17, 2024

Maldives’ new pro-China tilt is worrisome but India hopes for pragmatism

India has been understanding of the Maldivian government’s new policy, but it expects the island nation to respect Indian sensitivities and equally uphold its commitment to bilateral ties

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks
Aug 14, 2012

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks

MDP's decision to call off the daily protest demonstrations, demanding early presidential polls, has revived the hopes of early resumption of the All-Party Roadmap Talks, initiated by President Mohammed Waheed Hassan at the instance of Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai in March.

Moderate voter turnout rekindles hope in Jammu and Kashmir
Dec 21, 2020

Moderate voter turnout rekindles hope in Jammu and Kashmir

That the turnout is despite the sweeping constitutional changes and the harshest lockdown that Kashmir has ever witnessed in its troubled history is s

Modi, Rajapaksa revive hopes on dead-locked fishers' talks
May 31, 2014

Modi, Rajapaksa revive hopes on dead-locked fishers' talks

New Indian Prime Minister and Sri Lankan President should attempt to take forward the fishers' talks, promised to be continued/revived by their respective Heads of Government at their Delhi meeting, and then have their officials create the structures and super-structures aimed at implementing those decisions.

Myanmar: A year of hope and despair for political prisoners
Jan 03, 2014

Myanmar: A year of hope and despair for political prisoners

The year 2013 started with a glimmer of hope for political prisoners languishing in jails across Myanmar when President Thein Sein announced a committee to scrutinise release of political prisoners in February.

Myanmar: Hope of a ceasefire agreement?
Apr 24, 2015

Myanmar: Hope of a ceasefire agreement?

The draft National Ceasefire Agreement was signed between the National Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) and Union Peace Working Committee (UPWC) on March 31. The draft was agreed upon by the two entities in President Thein Sein's presence.

Nepal's democratic hopes, and Indian and Chinese interests
Nov 07, 2013

Nepal's democratic hopes, and Indian and Chinese interests

While the Chinese have kept us embroiled with their visa tactics in Arunachal, intrusions in Ladakh as part of an unsettled boundary issue, and nuclear plants to Pakistan, they have long endeavoured to seek access and presence south of the Himalayas. They appear to be succeeding in Nepal.

Pinning hopes on the next PM
Mar 21, 2014

Pinning hopes on the next PM

Why has the UPA been so ineffective in pushing GDP growth in its second term? Why has it not been able to tame inflation? Looking back, it was the three stimulus packages that the UPA government gave that was responsible for much of what is wrong today.

Some Hope in Aceh
Sep 26, 2005

Some Hope in Aceh

Aceh is a little known Northwest province of Indonesia that shot into world fame on December 26, 2004. It was the closest point of land to the epicenter of the massive 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that triggered a tsunami. The western coastal areas of Aceh, including Banda Aceh, the capital, were among the areas hardest-hit by the tsunami. Approximately 230,000 people were killed and 400,000 left homeless out of its total population of 4.01 milli

Spring of hope in the winter of despair: Indian economy as the bright spot in the polycrisis
Aug 14, 2023

Spring of hope in the winter of despair: Indian economy as the bright spot in the polycrisis

India’s resilient economy has rebounded from pandemic-induced negative growth, making it a shining prospect in the gloomy global arena

Talking to the Taliban: Between hope and experience
Sep 09, 2013

Talking to the Taliban: Between hope and experience

The release of seven Afghan prisoners by Pakistan over the weekend has raised hopes, once again, for a formal dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban leaders under the protection of Pakistan.

The Girl Effect: A hope for gender empowerment in the Global South
Feb 18, 2023

The Girl Effect: A hope for gender empowerment in the Global South

Combining private sector initiatives and government policies synergistically can lead to gender empowerment

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties
Aug 29, 2011

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties

Indian and Pakistani governments have realised the necessity of better connecting provinces on both sides of the border as a possible means of improving broader relations between the two nations.

Trust Deficit and Currency of Hope
Jul 16, 2010

Trust Deficit and Currency of Hope

It is not clear what External Affairs Minister's visit to Pakistan in mid-July can realistically achieve in bridging the trust deficit between India and Pakistan. This distrust spans sixty three years.

Union Budget 15-16: Hopes for a market driven rebalance
Feb 28, 2015

Union Budget 15-16: Hopes for a market driven rebalance

The premise of this Budget seems to be a market oriented growth strategy - wholly fair given that the government will struggle to fund the growth needs of the country otherwise. One should hope this budget has set the controls for a larger shift in the government's approach towards administration and efficacy.

‘Hybrid’ export growth models: Hope for India
Nov 02, 2019

‘Hybrid’ export growth models: Hope for India

Government advisory committees come with implicit constraints to stay within the limits of what is politically doable.

#Indian Economy: भारत को लेकर उम्मीदें बनी हुई हैं!
May 16, 2022

#Indian Economy: भारत को लेकर उम्मीदें बनी हुई हैं!

यूक्रेन संकट ने भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था पर बुरा असर ज़रूर ड�

'Externalising' the national agenda ?
Oct 04, 2004

'Externalising' the national agenda ?

There is a lot to feel hopeful about the maiden meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Pervez Musharaff in distant New York. If the two nations needed to move ahead with the peace process, set in motion by predecessor Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh needed the personal chemistry working with Musharaff. At the end of the day, both said it did work.