Search: For - China Hegemony

89 results found

Cooperation between Japan and India from the perspective of geoeconomics in the intensifying US-China hegemony competition
Mar 20, 2021

Cooperation between Japan and India from the perspective of geoeconomics in the intensifying US-China hegemony competition

Japan wants to assist India to improve the investment climate to attract more FDI so that New Delhi can be linked more closely with Japan–ASEAN-based supply chains.

An inconsistent United States, an assertive China and Asia’s hobbesian order
Nov 14, 2017

An inconsistent United States, an assertive China and Asia’s hobbesian order

China is luring the region and the world with its ambitions and the US is offering incoherence. This mismatch is at the heart of the present turmoil in the region

As China’s leverage increases, New Delhi has to reimagine its terms of engagement with neighbours
Apr 18, 2018

As China’s leverage increases, New Delhi has to reimagine its terms of engagement with neighbours

As China’s leverage increases, New Delhi has to reimagine its terms of engagement with neighbours

China changes its tone and tenor on India—for now
Jan 03, 2019

China changes its tone and tenor on India—for now

The challenge will be how India and other countries use this opportunity to restore strategic balance in the region.

China eyes opportunity amidst Thailand protests
Nov 02, 2020

China eyes opportunity amidst Thailand protests

For decades since 1932, after the Chakri dynasty gave up absolute power, Thailand has lived under the shadow of military coups.

China in Afghanistan: Security, regional standing, and status
Oct 24, 2017

China in Afghanistan: Security, regional standing, and status

With the traditional liberal order appearing agile, new questions on international security and peacemaking have come to the fore. In the current context, global players are according Afghanistan greater strategic importance. As NATO troops continue to make headway in that region into the safe havens of ISIS, and with US posturing purportedly getting more robust, China’s role in Afghanistan merits scrutiny. Even though China’s involvement, mi

China isn’t hearing Asia’s fears about its military buildup
Mar 12, 2019

China isn’t hearing Asia’s fears about its military buildup

The response to the country’s new defense budget suggests that Beijing continues to be tone deaf to regional anxieties.

China pulls itself together
Mar 19, 2020

China pulls itself together

But Covid is likely to accelerate technological decoupling with the US

China won’t be able to control the pandemic narrative
Apr 01, 2020

China won’t be able to control the pandemic narrative

While there certainly can be questions about how other countries have handled this pandemic, China’s culpability and its mendacity is now beyond que

China's coming of age as a maritime power
Apr 17, 2018

China's coming of age as a maritime power

For the biggest maritime parade held in China since 1949, the People's Liberation Army Navy deployed 48 warships, 76 aircraft and 10,000 sailors and marines.

China's conduct and the logic of power
Jul 24, 2017

China's conduct and the logic of power

China’s growing economic footprint around the world is being followed by its military footprint — a reality of great power politics.

China's military: The shape of things to come
Jan 22, 2019

China's military: The shape of things to come

With China aiming to develop a "world-class" military by 2050 that can fight and win wars across all theatres, Indian conventional and nuclear thinking will also have to evolve

China: A threat to the liberal democratic order  
Jan 31, 2018

China: A threat to the liberal democratic order  

While there is no need to panic, the liberal democracies cannot simply wish away the growing threats emerging from the illiberal behemoth

China’s core leadership: How deep is it?
Jul 07, 2017

China’s core leadership: How deep is it?

An indication of a possible power tussle would be found in November when the 19th CPC Congress is scheduled to be held.

China’s increasing interference abroad
Jan 29, 2018

China’s increasing interference abroad

Liberal democracies remain vulnerable to Chinese machinations as the country’s capacity to launch influence operations abroad attains new heights

China’s space endeavours
Mar 14, 2018

China’s space endeavours

As usual, China intends to be the number one nation in space

China’s strategic ambitions seen in the Hambantota port in Sri Lanka
Jul 27, 2018

China’s strategic ambitions seen in the Hambantota port in Sri Lanka

New Delhi’s Indian Ocean woes aren’t confined to Sri Lanka. Across the Indian Ocean’s littorals, the Chinese navy has been preparing to establish a stronger security presence. On Pakistan’s Makran coast, the PLAN has deployed regularly, including at Gwadar, also constructed by CMPorts. Earlier this year, the PLA is said to have initiated talks with the Pakistan military for another outpost at Jiwani.

China’s worrying military exercises near Taiwan
Apr 18, 2020

China’s worrying military exercises near Taiwan

China’s moves in the region, despite the pandemic, are only likely to generate fear and inspire greater cooperation with Washington.

From a good start, China ended up with a difficult year
Dec 26, 2018

From a good start, China ended up with a difficult year

China remains a superpower in the making but its journey has now become profoundly more difficult

How an India-Japan alliance can help counter Chinese dominance
Feb 12, 2018

How an India-Japan alliance can help counter Chinese dominance

Japan is now being pushed to a leadership role in Asia following the election of Donald Trump as US President

How Xi Jinping, whose father was expelled from Communist Party, became China’s ‘Dada’ Xi
Nov 13, 2019

How Xi Jinping, whose father was expelled from Communist Party, became China’s ‘Dada’ Xi

When Xi took over as general secretary of Communist Party in 2012, western media portrayed him as a ‘compromise candidate’ with little qualification to run China.

Leveraging Canada's global energy diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and beyond
Dec 02, 2020

Leveraging Canada's global energy diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and beyond

Canada’s world-class energy resources and national interests in global energy diplomacy must be articulated coherently and to the fullest