83 results found

#China: 20वीं पार्टी कांग्रेस और चीन की कूटनीति के भविष्य का सफ़र
Jan 05, 2023

#China: 20वीं पार्टी कांग्रेस और चीन की कूटनीति के भविष्य का सफ़र

जहां तक चीन की कूटनीति की आगे की योजना की बात है, तो पिछली ब

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!
Jul 29, 2023

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!

लोकतंत्र के एक मॉडल के रूप में "चीनी लोकतंत्र" को हाल ही मे�

#IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष की मदद से संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का कितना भला हो पाता?
Jul 13, 2022

#IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष की मदद से संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का कितना भला हो पाता?

इस क्राइसिस से जो संदेश मिला, वो यह कि जब एक अच्छी अर्थव्यवस्था का कुप्रबंधन किया जाता है, जब राजनेता सिर्फ अपनी जेब भरते हैं और लोगों की परेशानिया हल नहीं कर पाते तो उसका नत�

An Assessment of President Hu’s visit to India
Jul 24, 2023

An Assessment of President Hu’s visit to India

In the backdrop of Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to India, a roundtable discussion was organized by Observer Research Foundation on December 1, 2006 to assess the outcome of the visit and its impact on relations between the two countries. The discussion focused on how the India-China relationship would evolve in the wake of the visit.

CCP की पार्टी कांग्रेस से पहले चौतरफ़ा चुनौतियों से घिरा चीन!
Sep 14, 2022

CCP की पार्टी कांग्रेस से पहले चौतरफ़ा चुनौतियों से घिरा चीन!

चीन इस वक़्त एक साथ कई मोर्चों पर संकटों का सामना कर रहा ह�

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

China in Africa: The Role of Trade, Investments, and Loans Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Ambitions
Aug 14, 2021

China in Africa: The Role of Trade, Investments, and Loans Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Ambitions

Chinese influence in Africa is high on the global agenda, as China within just a few decades has become a key political and economic power in the continent. Indeed, its emergence as a dominant economic and political actor might be the most important development in Africa since the end of the Cold War. This paper analyses China's economic and political relations with Africa beginning in the 1990s. It argues that the concern is not that China has e

China in Latin America: A rising power’s forays into US backyard
Jan 12, 2018

China in Latin America: A rising power’s forays into US backyard

China, a late entrant in Latin America, has now emerged as the region’s major economic partner. Bilateral trade between the two stands today at more than USD 200 billion. By augmenting investments and trade in Latin America, Beijing has managed to project itself as an alternative to the United States, which had previously enjoyed overarching influence in the region. The US’ inability to lead Latin America into a path of sustainable econ

China-Japan-Korea:Tangled Relationships
Aug 11, 2023

China-Japan-Korea:Tangled Relationships

Territorial disputes between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea and between Japan and South Korea over the Takeshima/Dokdo islands in the Sea of Japan have,particularly in the second half of 2012, given rise to concerns about peace and security in North East Asia. Territorial disputes between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea and between Japan and South Korea over the Takes

China’s Great Tech Wall: ‘विशाल तकनीकी दीवार’ के पीछे चीन का नया इकोसिस्टम!
Jul 27, 2023

China’s Great Tech Wall: ‘विशाल तकनीकी दीवार’ के पीछे चीन का नया इकोसिस्टम!

आत्मनिर्भरता हासिल करने की उम्मीद और अमेरिका के द्वारा स

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India
Jul 21, 2023

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India

Military modernisation was the fourth and last of Deng Xiaoping’s ‘Four Modernisations’. Even before the third modernisation got underway—that of science and technology—China began using commercial technologies to advance its military capabilities. This strategy has gained salience since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 and made it the state’s key goal to transform the PLA into a “world-class military”. Military-Civil Fusi

China’s sharp power: दुनिया की धार को करेगी कुंद या होगा ये वैश्विक जागरण का पल?
Jul 27, 2023

China’s sharp power: दुनिया की धार को करेगी कुंद या होगा ये वैश्विक जागरण का पल?

शार्प पॉवर (sharp power) - एक देश की सांस्कृतिक, शैक्षणिक व्यवस्था और मीडिया बर्ताव में तिकड़म का उपयोग करते हुए परिवर्तन की कोशिश करते हुए दूसरे देश को प्रभावित करने का प्रयास - चीन

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव
Jul 26, 2023

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव

मध्य एशिया पर बढ़ते नियंत्रण के साथ-साथ दुनिया में चीन का

CMC appointments in China: 20वें केंद्रीय सैन्य आयोग की नियुक्तियों से मिलता संदेश?
Jul 26, 2023

CMC appointments in China: 20वें केंद्रीय सैन्य आयोग की नियुक्तियों से मिलता संदेश?

नव नियुक्त सीएमसी नेतृत्व की लाइन-अप इस ओर इशारा करती है क

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India
Oct 08, 2020

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India

China has enacted a National Security Law for the special administrative region of Hong Kong. The provisions of the law can be used to curb peaceful dissent and enhance Beijing’s control over the region. It has the potential to not only change Hong Kong’s legal and political autonomy, but also alter its status as a global financial centre. This paper offers an overview of the national security law and its implications for the ‘one country,

India-Taiwan  के गहराते रिश्ते और चीन की बढ़ती चिंता!
Jul 27, 2023

India-Taiwan के गहराते रिश्ते और चीन की बढ़ती चिंता!

भारत और ताइवान (India and Taiwan) के बीच उभरते हुए रिश्ते चीन (China) के ल�

India’s hedging strategy is bound to fail
Jun 21, 2018

India’s hedging strategy is bound to fail

India is asking China to trust its words, not its actions. Beijing knows better.

Invest, Indebt, Incapacitate: Is China Replicating Its ‘Xinjiang Model’ In BRI Countries?
Aug 21, 2020

Invest, Indebt, Incapacitate: Is China Replicating Its ‘Xinjiang Model’ In BRI Countries?

China has been aggressively promoting its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) through massive investments in participating countries, as a means to further its strategic, economic and political goals. Such a strategy bears striking similarities to its policies in the Xinjiang province. This paper attempts a comparative study between Xinjiang and BRI countries in South and Central Asia to highlight the issues these states will likely face in the coming

Light Tanks: A Missing Priority for the Indian Army
Jul 16, 2021

Light Tanks: A Missing Priority for the Indian Army

The Indian Army’s (IA) difficulties with regard to the acquisition of light tanks are as much self-inflicted as they are a product of fiscal constraints. The Army has exerted only half-hearted efforts in developing its light-armoured capabilities—inconsistent with current Army doctrine and in disregard of history. Indeed, the IA has used light armour in high-altitude operations in the past. This paper argues that the IA is hobbled by an infan

PLA joint exercises in Tibet: Implications for India
Feb 26, 2020

PLA joint exercises in Tibet: Implications for India

Since 2015, China has been undertaking a thorough restructuring of its military, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping. This has involved significant changes in the operational structure of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), with the modernisation and optimisation of the military to bring about better jointness and overall efficiency. This paper examines the PLA reforms as they pertain to training and jointness in the Tibet Autonomous R

Preserving National Security, the Xi Jinping Way
Aug 11, 2023

Preserving National Security, the Xi Jinping Way

China's assessment of its threat environment has evolved under President Xi Jinping, who underscores the imperative of bolstering traditional and non-traditional security. The Chinese Communist Party believes that inimical forces will attempt to overthrow it by penetrating the ideological sphere. Additionally, following the tumultuous presidential succession in the US in 2021, China has sought to cast doubts on the virtues of democracy, and is le

Resolving the India-China Boundary Dispute: Incentivising Cooperation, Enlarging Bargaining Space and Promoting Constructive Strategies
May 25, 2012

Resolving the India-China Boundary Dispute: Incentivising Cooperation, Enlarging Bargaining Space and Promoting Constructive Strategies

Pessimism towards a foreseeable settlement of the India-China border dispute is not unfounded. At the political level, there is a "trust deficit" which impedes cooperation. Despite the existence of multi-tiered mechanisms to facilitate resolution, there has hardly been any progress on the issue in recent years. This paper identifies the obstacles and explores how a peaceful settlement of the India-China border dispute could be arrived at in the f

Sino-Indian Border Deadlock: Time to rewrite India playbook
Aug 31, 2020

Sino-Indian Border Deadlock: Time to rewrite India playbook

India’s border dispute with China, which goes back to the 1950s, primarily owes to the absence of an internationally accepted boundary between them, and of an agreement on where runs the Line of Actual Control. The border, as a result, is patrolled and managed by the military forces of both sides. After initial efforts to resolve the dispute failed, the two sides signed a set of agreements aimed at stabilising the LAC and normalising their rela

Sino-Indian Border Infrastructure: Issues and Challenges
Jul 31, 2023

Sino-Indian Border Infrastructure: Issues and Challenges

This paper looks at the recent Chinese infrastructural developments along the Sino-Indian border, including building of highways, road links and oil pipelines that have improved the country's force deployment and sustenance capabilities. The paper also assesses India?s infrastructure initiatives on the border front and argues that they are inadequate, especially in light of the Chinese developments.

Sri Lanka: चीन के नज़रिये से श्रीलंका के कर्ज़ संकट की व्याख्या!
Jul 30, 2023

Sri Lanka: चीन के नज़रिये से श्रीलंका के कर्ज़ संकट की व्याख्या!

जैसे ही कर्ज़ जाल सबंधी आलोचना तेज़ होती जा रही है, चीनी प�

The Dance of the Elephant and the Dragon: The Promise and Perils of Sino-Indian Relations
May 18, 2015

The Dance of the Elephant and the Dragon: The Promise and Perils of Sino-Indian Relations

Why is it that despite sharing significant commonalities, India and China remain trapped in a relationship that projects them as inevitable rivals? This paper examines the promise of these bilateral relations and attempts to sound the death knell to the old narrative.

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices
Dec 16, 2020

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices

Over the years, India has attempted to find political as well as legal solutions to its border dispute with China; these efforts have met with little success. This paper argues that the reason a resolution to the India–China border issue remains elusive is the inadequate understanding—and enforcement—of International Law. It examines the sustainability of China’s position, as well as its general approach to International Law, its interpre

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19
Jun 09, 2020

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19

Questions about the utility of globalisation are not new. Could the COVID-19 outbreak be the final nail on the coffin for an idea that drove the world economy in the past three decades?  In theory, countries would produce what they specialised in, leaving it to the market to ensure everyone got a better price for it. As 2020 began, the pandemic spread from one province of China and soon disrupted production across the world. Countries banned the

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era
Oct 28, 2020

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era

There is no dearth in analyses that sound the alarm on the current United States (US) administration’s policy in the Indo-Pacific. This paper conducts an evaluation of the US’ engagement in the region, and finds it to be contrary to alarmist predictions. President Donald Trump’s administration has reaffirmed commitments towards traditional allies, built on the predecessor president’s courtship of nascent partners, and encouraged partners

Xi’s China, China’s Xi: Current Political and Social Challenges
Dec 11, 2020

Xi’s China, China’s Xi: Current Political and Social Challenges

In recent years, China, under President Xi Jinping, has seen substantial growth and sought a greater leadership role in world affairs. New equations have emerged domestically as well. As Xi fortifies his hold over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the country, repressive policies in Tibet and Xinjiang and excessive curbs on academic freedom can pose potential political threats. At the same time, issues like ecological degradation and widening

अफ्रीका: सब-सहारा के इलाकों में चीन की राजनीतिक असर वाली गतिविधियां!
Sep 19, 2022

अफ्रीका: सब-सहारा के इलाकों में चीन की राजनीतिक असर वाली गतिविधियां!

‘वैक्सीन रंगभेद’ के बाद रूस के यूक्रेन पर आक्रमण के बाद स�

आने वाले तूफ़ान की आहट: ज़ीरो कोविड नीति, चीन में मंदी और बाधित सप्लाई चेन!
Dec 13, 2022

आने वाले तूफ़ान की आहट: ज़ीरो कोविड नीति, चीन में मंदी और बाधित सप्लाई चेन!

ये बात समझनी होगी कि आपूर्ति श्रृंखला में मज़बूती लाने क�

उइगर मुद्दा: चीन के बढ़ते दबदबे का आकलन
Sep 20, 2022

उइगर मुद्दा: चीन के बढ़ते दबदबे का आकलन

चीन अपनी आर्थिक शक्ति का इस्तेमाल कर अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठ�