Search: For - 2014

121 results found

2014 Australia-India Roundtable: OUTCOMES STATEMENT
Feb 03, 2014

2014 Australia-India Roundtable: OUTCOMES STATEMENT

Relations between India and Australia have reached a new maturity, based on deepening connections between their societies, economies, education sectors and policy establishments. This positions these two democracies well to work together to advance their interests in a shared Indo-Pacific region.

2014 Union Budget addresses IT needs
Aug 11, 2014

2014 Union Budget addresses IT needs

The focus on broadband expansion in the Union Budget is timely to take the IT revolution to the next level: social inclusion, e-commerce, media, and distance education for India?s small towns and rural pockets.

2014 से 2019 के बीच चुनाव सुधार: एक मौका था, जिसे हमने गंवा दिया!
Sep 06, 2019

2014 से 2019 के बीच चुनाव सुधार: एक मौका था, जिसे हमने गंवा दिया!

2017 के केंद्रीय बजट में इलेक्टोरल फंडिंग रिफ़ॉर्म पर एक पू�

2014-15 Budget: A look through graphs
Jul 10, 2014

2014-15 Budget: A look through graphs

Here is a look at the 2014-15 Budget, presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitely, through a series of graphs on allocations to various key sectors from the time of the previous NDA government.

2014: The year of the Lokpal?
Jan 07, 2014

2014: The year of the Lokpal?

What India needs to understand is that legislation or institutions by themselves do not bring about social change. Countries of Europe or the United States, too, had a history of political corruption. But over the years they have cleaned up their act considerably because of popular sentiment, as well as institutions and laws.

Bangladesh: Election-2014, an assessment
Jan 24, 2014

Bangladesh: Election-2014, an assessment

On 5 January, parliamentary elections were held in Bangladesh. They were boycotted by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)-led 18 party alliance, allowing the Awami League to win the election with two thirds majority and with very little opposition.

Defexpo 2014: Driver for India's defence industry
Feb 25, 2014

Defexpo 2014: Driver for India's defence industry

An all inclusive Defexpo would not only add greater character but also help the Indian companies explore the markets through a comparative framework and in turn enhance their manufacturing capabilities in the long term.

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014
May 09, 2014

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014

Observer Research Foundation, with support from the Ministry of External Affairs, hosted the Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014. The event witnessed participation of delegates from the far corners of the Indian Ocean and beyond, capturing the vastness and diversity of the region.

Panchsheel 2014
Jul 04, 2014

Panchsheel 2014

As an increasingly powerful China seeks to reorder Asia, Delhi must firmly locate China's Panchsheel campaign in a clinical assessment of Asia's rapidly evolving geopolitics and its consequences for Indian security. China is doing what rising powers, including the US, have done before. But Delhi appears a long way from developing an appropriate strategy to cope with Asia's new power play.

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change
Aug 20, 2020

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change

This paper outlines the development of Russia’s relations with the countries of Southeast Asia, focusing on the years after 2014. As relations with the West reached a new post-Cold War low, Moscow has intensified its efforts at building stronger ties with the East. The paper deals with the impact of these developments on the state of its political, economic and defense engagement in Southeast Asia, both bilaterally and multilaterally. It will s

The 2014 elections could mark the start of 21st century politics in India
Mar 05, 2014

The 2014 elections could mark the start of 21st century politics in India

General elections of 2014 could well be the most interesting election they will witness in their lifetime. Several developments suggest that the elections could mark a big shift of the political paradigm and, in that sense, they could well mark the true beginning of 21st century politics in the country.

What India needs to do in 2014
Dec 31, 2013

What India needs to do in 2014

The agenda for change is a large one. This list or any other can be multiplied several times and still come up short. But the compulsions of reform are urgent. With a bulging profile of young people, India is said to be on the cusp of a demographic dividend. But that dividend could well become a nightmare unless we are able to fix our politics, our governance system, economy, national security machinery.

साल 2014–19 के बीच कामकाज के पैमाने पर खरी नहीं उतरी संसद
Sep 10, 2019

साल 2014–19 के बीच कामकाज के पैमाने पर खरी नहीं उतरी संसद

संसद को जनता के प्रति जवाबदेह होना चाहिए और इसे सुनिश्चि�

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’
Jul 24, 2023

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’

Since his assumption to power in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been slowly stretching the arm of the country’s foreign policy into Pacific waters in furtherance of the ‘Act East’ policy. While India’s relationship with the Pacific island states (read, not Australia and New Zealand) is quite unestablished, Modi is attempting to set the foundations for prosperous future cooperation. In the form of a guidebook for India on Pa

A New Silk Road Strategy for Afghanistan
Feb 08, 2013

A New Silk Road Strategy for Afghanistan

After the scheduled western forces drawdown from Afghanistan in 2014, one viable option that would assist Afghan economic development is the US-driven New Silk Road Strategy. But, China, Russia, and Iran have specific visions of a viable NSRS, and these do not necessarily sit well with the US strategy.

A stable government at the Centre after long!
May 17, 2014

A stable government at the Centre after long!

For the first time in 30 years, Elections-2014 has thrown up a decisive Parliament. The Treasury Bench does not have to do number-crunching all the time, to push policy initiatives, legislative initiatives and even budgets - which have more often than not been passed in the midst of din and dust.

AAP's arrival signals urban discourse in politics
Dec 10, 2013

AAP's arrival signals urban discourse in politics

There has clearly been a Modi effect in the assembly polls, but but whether or not there is a Modi wave in 2014 will depend on just how the BJP uses the momentum it has now gathered. And the stunning performance of AAP in Delhi signals the arrival of the urban discourse into national politics and the breakdown of identity politics of yore.

Afghanistan's Uncertain Future
Mar 04, 2011

Afghanistan's Uncertain Future

Nearly ten years in Afghanistan and not a solution is sight makes for sad commentary for the ability of the US to solve its security problems or to force a solution on other regions. The year of reckoning may have been postponed from 2011 to 2014.

Afghanistan, the US and the Taliban
Apr 07, 2015

Afghanistan, the US and the Taliban

The change in leadership in Kabul has provided a new opportunity for the US and Afghanistan to work together. Media reports suggesting a larger role for the United States post-2014 than originally envisaged have been doing the rounds for the better part of the past six months.

Afghanistan: Can the private sector be a driver for growth?
Jun 27, 2014

Afghanistan: Can the private sector be a driver for growth?

The year 2014 is, in many ways, the year of reckoning for Afghanistan which is undergoing three simultaneous transitions - security, political and economic. Unlike the first two, the economic transition has not had the advantage of clear deadlines and roadmaps and has suffered from lack of long term planning.

Afghanistan: Karzai's regional initiative
Dec 20, 2013

Afghanistan: Karzai's regional initiative

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is desperately seeking external support in order to secure the nation's future. The impending December 2014 deadline for the drawdown of foreign troops from Afghanistan and the consequent reduction of western military and developmental

Afghanistan: Prospects for increased engagement with China
Jul 10, 2015

Afghanistan: Prospects for increased engagement with China

As the US pulls out its troops from Afghanistan, all eyes are set on the potential role China can play in the region. China has shown signs of stepping up its engagement with Afghanistan since the formation of the new government in Kabul in September 2014.

Afghanistan: The zero option
Jul 19, 2013

Afghanistan: The zero option

The possibility of, and debate about, a 'zero option' for American troop presence, or absence, in Afghanistan post-2014 has surfaced once again. According to The New York Times, the US administration has not ruled out the possibility of a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan come 2014.

Are we losing Afghanistan?
Oct 01, 2013

Are we losing Afghanistan?

Baiting Pakistan into increasing its duplicity in its dealings with Nato, India has effectively provided the West with a convenient scapegoat. Come 2014, the historical narrative will more likely focus on betrayal rather than the reality of the West's bad homework and flawed assumptions.

Assessing Modi government’s decisions
Sep 10, 2019

Assessing Modi government’s decisions

Prime Minister Narendra Modi must be assessed by the success or failure of his major decisions that have been taken since he assumed power in May 2014

Australia-India relationship has reached new maturity: Report
Feb 03, 2014

Australia-India relationship has reached new maturity: Report

The relationship between Australia and India has reached a new maturity: that was key theme of a major bilateral dialogue convened from Sydney to Canberra to Melbourne, in early 2014.

Bangladesh: Politics of hartal is back
Feb 06, 2015

Bangladesh: Politics of hartal is back

After a year of comparative stability in 2014, politics of hartal (street agitation) is back in Bangladesh. The country is almost paralysed for almost a month following strings of hartal staged by opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for its campaign to oust Sheikh Hasina led Awami League government.

BCIM: Can India Be a Driving Force?
Jan 02, 2015

BCIM: Can India Be a Driving Force?

The current Indian government has given clear indicators that it is likely to place regional integration high on its economic diplomacy agenda, be it SAARC, ASEAN or BCIM. The last two are especially important to India's Act East Policy.

Broadcasting standards and TV channels
Feb 25, 2014

Broadcasting standards and TV channels

The NBSA process needs to keep pace with the fists of fury that politicians are unleashing on each other. Particularly so as the level of unsubtantiated allegations is getting worse as we're getting closer to the General Elections 2014.

Central Asia: Modi trying to catch up with Xi?
Jul 08, 2015

Central Asia: Modi trying to catch up with Xi?

In two sets of visits to the Central Asian region in 2013 and 2014, Xi Jinping set a scorching pace for Modi to follow. Unfortunately for India, even a super-star Prime Minister cannot do the impossible. He lacks the vast investible resources that China has already deployed and is deploying in the region.

China's favourability highest  in Pakistan, Bangladesh
Jul 17, 2014

China's favourability highest in Pakistan, Bangladesh

A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely. A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely.

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India
Jul 21, 2023

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India

Military modernisation was the fourth and last of Deng Xiaoping’s ‘Four Modernisations’. Even before the third modernisation got underway—that of science and technology—China began using commercial technologies to advance its military capabilities. This strategy has gained salience since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 and made it the state’s key goal to transform the PLA into a “world-class military”. Military-Civil Fusi

Chinese perceptions of Modi's foreign policy
Nov 14, 2014

Chinese perceptions of Modi's foreign policy

Tibet and the Dalai Lama's status continue to worry the Chinese. India's stated policy that Tibet is part of China notwithstanding, Chinese feel that India has a hidden agenda. The fact that Lobsang Sangay was invited to Modi's swearing-in has made the Chinese nervous.

Community-based approaches to tackle open defecation in rural India: Theory, evidence and policies
Dec 03, 2018

Community-based approaches to tackle open defecation in rural India: Theory, evidence and policies

Open defecation (OD), an age-old practice in India, impacts the health of individuals as well as their communities. To tackle the problem, the Government of India launched the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in 2014, aimed at making the country open-defecation free (ODF) by October 2019 by giving more attention to community-based approaches. However, while such approaches have helped solve the sanitation riddle in many countries, curbing OD in India

Covid-19: Breathing new life into ‘Make in India’
Aug 19, 2020

Covid-19: Breathing new life into ‘Make in India’

The ‘Make in India’ scheme launched in 2014 could be the starting point in galvanising the economic resurgence in post-pandemic India.

Dalit politics at crossroads?
Jul 11, 2017

Dalit politics at crossroads?

Results of the 2014 general election and the subsequent Assembly elections clearly established that Dalit politics is undergoing a change.

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote
Aug 10, 2015

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote

In what is being touted as a major shift in Indian policy towards Israel, New Delhi abstained from a vote against Israel at the UN Human Rights Commission. The UN human rights body called for Israel's accountability in alleged war crimes committed by its officials during the conflict in Gaza in July 2014.

Defence: Not really an ideal Budget
Jul 11, 2014

Defence: Not really an ideal Budget

Modi Govt's defence budget will only sharpen the divide between an increasingly assertive China and the Indian security establishment trying hard to cope up with the Chinese military modernisation programme. China's 2014 military budget is of $132 billion while Indian budget is of approximately US $ 37 bn only.

Delhi to host India-Africa Forum Summit next year
Oct 31, 2013

Delhi to host India-Africa Forum Summit next year

India will be hosting the next India-Africa Forum Summit in 2014 and it is trying to implement as many decisions of the earlier two Summits as possible, according to a senior official at the MEA.

Diplomacy and Image-Building: India Rides on its Soft Power
May 24, 2023

Diplomacy and Image-Building: India Rides on its Soft Power

India has projected its soft power for centuries, long before the concept was even defined by political analysts. In the past decade, the country wielded its soft power in a more systematic way in the practice of diplomacy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in power since 2014, is becoming known for his passionate use of India’s soft-power assets through both an effective media management strategy and an intelligent use of social media. This Brief

Enter the ‘DragonBear’: The Russia-China Partnership and What it Means for Geopolitics
Aug 14, 2023

Enter the ‘DragonBear’: The Russia-China Partnership and What it Means for Geopolitics

Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine follows its annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its continued direct support for separatist activities in eastern Ukraine, marking a new chapter in Moscow's geopolitical approach. China's response and its overt diplomatic, financial, and economic support for Russia was also noteworthy. This brief assesses the contours of the new geopolitical formation (the ‘DragonBear’, a term coined by this author)

Examining the limitations of India’s online visa regime
May 30, 2017

Examining the limitations of India’s online visa regime

In November 2014, India introduced a visa facility allowing foreign travellers wanting to come to India for recreational purposes, casual visits with friends or relatives, short-duration medical treatment or business visits, to apply for their visa online. Since then, the government has taken specific initiatives to improve the process, with the more recent ones including the introduction of three e-visa categories (e-medical, e-business, and e-t

Fast-Tracking the Flight of India’s Drone Industry
Aug 16, 2023

Fast-Tracking the Flight of India’s Drone Industry

India is keen to leverage its nascent civilian drone (or unmanned aerial vehicle) industry to become a global hub. Since 2021, it has built a conducive policy ecosystem to support the domestic drone industry. In what this brief collectively calls the ‘Drone Regulations 3.0’, it includes the liberalised Drone Rules 2021, a production linked incentive scheme, the unmanned aerial vehicle traffic management policy, the certification scheme for un

Finding Solutions to Fishermen Transgressions in the India-Bangladesh Maritime Space
Sep 10, 2021

Finding Solutions to Fishermen Transgressions in the India-Bangladesh Maritime Space

Aiming to secure their marine resources in the Bay of Bengal, India and Bangladesh settled their maritime boundary in 2014. Despite the delimitation, however, fishers from both countries continue to commit unlawful forays into each other's sovereign waters, leading to the enforcement of punitive measures against those accused or convicted. Such incidents not only jeopardise the fishers’ livelihoods, but repeated occurrences also nettle relation