
Establishing WMD Free Zones in the Middle East: If not now, then when?
International Affairs | Nuclear Security May 27, 2024

Establishing WMD Free Zones in the Middle East: If not now, then when?

Establishing Middle East WMD-free zones (MEWMDFZ) is an urgent requirement, not only for the region's stability but also for global security. ...

Vying for investments: Nepal’s quest to become a ‘zone of investment’
Economics and Finance | International Trade and Investment May 27, 2024

Vying for investments: Nepal’s quest to become a ‘zone of investment’

Despite Nepal's aspirations to become a ‘zone of investment,’ structural and political obstacles prevent the country from achieving this goal. ...

Squad and the rise of minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific
International Affairs May 24, 2024

Squad and the rise of minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific

The rise in Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific has prompted the emergence of Squad—a minilateral grouping between the US, Japan, Australia and the Philippines ...

India-Africa education partnership holds the key to a prosperous future
International Affairs | Education May 24, 2024

India-Africa education partnership holds the key to a prosperous future

As Africa strives to educate and upskill its youth population while struggling with several challenges, India can prove to be a good partner ...

Addressing stunting: A critical concern in Africa
Healthcare May 24, 2024

Addressing stunting: A critical concern in Africa

Stunting remains a significant public health challenge in Africa, with far-reaching implications for child health, development, and future prospects ...

Australia's Defence Strategy boosts western Pacific alliances
International Affairs | Defence and Security May 23, 2024

Australia's Defence Strategy boosts western Pacific alliances

Australia’s NDS 24 seeks to adapt to the new and dangerous security environment, discard ‘strategic ambivalence’ and complacency, and move decisively to strengthen its defence and security ...

ASEAN's response to the Gaza crisis
International Affairs May 23, 2024

ASEAN's response to the Gaza crisis

Although ASEAN has issued a statement that seeks to end hostilities in Gaza, it has failed to arrive at a unified ASEAN consensus ...

Rohingya crisis: Exploitation, recruitment, and challenges
Neighbourhood May 23, 2024

Rohingya crisis: Exploitation, recruitment, and challenges

The military junta and ethnic armed groups exploit Rohingya's vulnerability for their agendas. Without a regional framework to address the refugee crisis, this exploitation persists. ...

Fighting to farming: Pakistan military’s relentless quest for relevance
Neighbourhood | Defence and Security May 22, 2024

Fighting to farming: Pakistan military’s relentless quest for relevance

The Army seeks to maximise its fortunes and further consolidate its business empire by venturing into agriculture, but this financial obsession could prove to be costly ...

Tracking China’s moves on information warfare
International Affairs May 22, 2024

Tracking China’s moves on information warfare

Having realised that narrative flow is key to winning modern wars, China is improving its strategic capabilities in information warfare ...


Shravishtha Ajaykumar

Shravishtha Ajaykumar

Shravishtha Ajaykumar is Associate Fellow at the Centre for Security, Strategy and Technology. Her fields of research include geospatial technology, data privacy, cybersecurity, and strategic studies. Prior to joining ORF, she co-headed Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty and worked to create research-based ...

Read More + Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy

Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy

Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy is an Associate Fellow with ORFs Strategic Studies Programme. He focuses on broader strategic and security related-developments throughout the South Asian region with a specific interest in Sri Lanka The Maldives and Bhutan. Aditya graduated with a MSc ...

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