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Fostering market demand for green industries
Climate Change Jun 09, 2021

Fostering market demand for green industries

It is important to not only bridge the demand gap for an optimal transition to green growth, but also create appropriate legal frameworks to actualise their potential.

Pricing carbon: Trade-offs and opportunities for India
Energy | Climate Change | Energy Efficiency Jun 05, 2021

Pricing carbon: Trade-offs and opportunities for India

A clear, robust regulatory framework for pricing carbon can play a key role in increasing the uptake of carbon pricing by businesses in India.

Developing clean energy alternatives for industries
Energy | Energy Access | Energy Efficiency Jun 02, 2021

Developing clean energy alternatives for industries

There is possibility of active policy interventions. What is needed is international collaboration with an aim to achieve development goals.

The material needs of the green transition
Energy | Energy Efficiency May 29, 2021

The material needs of the green transition

As India’s industrial sector grows, creating a regular and stable supply of clean energy will be essential for meeting the country’s climate targets.

Is hydrogen the answer to global electromobility woes?
Energy | Transportation | Climate Change | Energy Efficiency May 20, 2021

Is hydrogen the answer to global electromobility woes?

Hydrogen is not just a fuel, but more a universal carrier and a way to store energy.

Security implications of climate change: The case of permafrost thaw
Climate Change May 12, 2021

Security implications of climate change: The case of permafrost thaw

In addition to environmental consequences, permafrost thaw carries significant and multi-faceted security implications — direct and indirect, ongoing and potential, local and global.

Strengthening climate diplomacy: An imperative for Indian climate in the new decade
Economic Diplomacy | Climate Change Apr 26, 2021

Strengthening climate diplomacy: An imperative for Indian climate in the new decade

Championing a climate and development agenda in India’s bilateral, regional and multilateral collaborations can help boost trade, drive investments to inclusive solutions, and foster progress towards sustainable and resilient transition.

Putting women front and centre of India’s green recovery process
Gender | Climate Change Apr 23, 2021

Putting women front and centre of India’s green recovery process

While gender has been increasingly factored into international climate policy, progress in India has been slow.

Unlocking capital for climate response in the emerging world
Economics and Finance | Energy | Climate Change | Energy Efficiency Apr 23, 2021

Unlocking capital for climate response in the emerging world

The policy decision to decarbonise capital flows are important in driving the necessary shift towards a more sustainable and resilient global order, but the shift must be nuanced and responsive to on-ground political realities, and target economies and sectors that have the most work to ...

How finance can deliver real environmental and climate impact
Economics and Finance | Climate Change Apr 22, 2021

How finance can deliver real environmental and climate impact

The next few years will be critical to ensure the financial system is fit for purpose to deliver the financing needed to achieve environmental and other SDGs.

Sustainable consumption: A big gap between consumer attitude and intent?
Climate, Food and Environment | Sustainable Development | Agriculture Apr 02, 2021

Sustainable consumption: A big gap between consumer attitude and intent?

Improving the way food is produced — and also consumed — will go a long way towards addressing global warming.

Indoor air pollution isn’t getting the attention it deserves
Climate, Food and Environment Mar 17, 2021

Indoor air pollution isn’t getting the attention it deserves

A growing body of research suggests that indoor air pollution can be much more concentrated than pollution outside.

Double marginalisation: What the Decade of Action holds for India’s Northeastern women
Gender | Climate Change Mar 08, 2021

Double marginalisation: What the Decade of Action holds for India’s Northeastern women

Tackling gender-based discriminations require transformative solutions, possible only if women are considered equal participants in the development process rather than passive beneficiaries.

Correcting conceptual issues with carbon storage benefits in ecosystem service valuation
Climate, Food and Environment Mar 03, 2021

Correcting conceptual issues with carbon storage benefits in ecosystem service valuation

This problem has been continuing for quite some time and is highly prevalent in the existing literature on valuation of ecosystem services — in general — and values of carbon stock and sequestration in particular.

Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives
Climate Change Feb 12, 2021

Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives

There are growing calls amongst a section of political and industry leaders for a “great reset” of capitalism.


Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna is a Research Intern at the Observer Research Foundation ...

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Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna is a Research Intern at the Observer Research Foundation ...

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