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Subsidies to fossil fuels in India: Too much?
Energy | Energy Access Jun 29, 2024

Subsidies to fossil fuels in India: Too much?

In India, fossil fuel subsidies dominate over support for renewable energy, creating complexities despite varying subsidy definitions ...

Climate dimension of disease prevention
Climate, Food and Environment Jun 24, 2024

Climate dimension of disease prevention

It is time we consider the health threats of climate anomalies such as droughts and floods and adopt a multi-sectoral approach towards building India’s climate resilience. ...

Improvement in coal quality: Theory and practice in India
Energy Jun 24, 2024

Improvement in coal quality: Theory and practice in India

Improving coal quality theoretically enhances combustion efficiency and reduces pollution. However, in reality, navigating technical trade-offs, economic factors, and political pressures often undermines environmental objectives. ...

Social cost of carbon as a policy tool: Challenges in the Indian context
Energy Jun 24, 2024

Social cost of carbon as a policy tool: Challenges in the Indian context

Some of the parameters used in the estimation of the SCC depend on ethical values, which could be subjective. This raises questions about the use of the SCC for policymaking in India. ...

The electric vehicle value chain: China reinvents the wheel
Energy Jun 24, 2024

The electric vehicle value chain: China reinvents the wheel

Countries across the globe are struggling to respond to the quality and affordability of Chinese EVs, and China’s dominance over EV production and EV adoption. ...

City gas distribution: The challenge of geography
Energy Jun 20, 2024

City gas distribution: The challenge of geography

The claim of CGD network coverage for 98% of the population doesn't guarantee PNG access. It only indicates potential access and is entirely dependent on infrastructure completion and CGD economics. ...

Private bus operators: Drivers of India’s E-bus adoption
Climate, Food and Environment Jun 18, 2024

Private bus operators: Drivers of India’s E-bus adoption

Electrification of private buses is imperative for effective sector-wide decarbonisation. ...

Peak emissions in India and China: Promises, progress and prognosis
Energy Jun 18, 2024

Peak emissions in India and China: Promises, progress and prognosis

Ambitious decarbonisation goals challenge the economic growth trajectory of developing countries like India and China. ...

Greening India’s transport sector
Energy | Energy Security | Urbanisation in India | Transportation | Climate Change Jun 15, 2024

Greening India’s transport sector

India’s net-zero commitment depends on robust policies and strong institutional frameworks for decarbonising its transport sector. ...

Renewables: Can they renew Indian power utilities?
Energy | Oil, Gas and Renewables Jun 13, 2024

Renewables: Can they renew Indian power utilities?

Renewable energy played a significant role in India's power sector in 2022-23, but economic and market challenges hinder its full potential ...

Investigating the ecological decline in the Sundarbans
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 11, 2024

Investigating the ecological decline in the Sundarbans

Despite efforts by New Delhi and Dhaka to conserve the Sundarbans, institutional safeguards do not effectively translate into on-the-ground protection. ...

The fate of the European Green Deal
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 08, 2024

The fate of the European Green Deal

With the 2024 European Parliament elections taking place from 6-9 June, the fate of the European Green Deal hangs in the balance. ...

Securing our future through NourishNet
Sustainable Development Jun 07, 2024

Securing our future through NourishNet

By incorporating prevention, protection, participation, and policy, NourishNet tackles the interconnected challenges of food safety, security, and sustainability. ...

New urban climate policy: Making our cities “Tall, Green and Walkable
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 06, 2024

New urban climate policy: Making our cities “Tall, Green and Walkable

Over the next two decades, as most Indian cities will urbanise, we have a window of opportunity of making the cities “Tall, Green and Walkable”. ...

Why India needs an intergovernmental institution for climate change
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 05, 2024

Why India needs an intergovernmental institution for climate change

Cooperative federalism is the need of the hour to take on decarbonisation and adaptation efforts to mitigate climate change. ...

The value of nature
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

The value of nature

Undervaluing natural capital in conventional economics causes unsustainable resource use and environmental harm, thus threatening economic sustainability and public health. ...

Accountable governance for fighting climate change challenges
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Accountable governance for fighting climate change challenges

As the challenges of climate change and its impact become a major part of public discourse, they are gaining increased momentum in institutional politics. ...

Droughts and deficits: Robust partnerships for resilience
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Droughts and deficits: Robust partnerships for resilience

Although stopping droughts completely remains a challenge, technological innovations and bolstering institutional and community-level capacities can substantially help reduce their impacts. ...

Land degradation neutrality and restoration: Does gender matter?
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Land degradation neutrality and restoration: Does gender matter?

Given the gendered impact of land degradation, integrating a gender-inclusive cost-benefit analysis framework to address these adverse impacts on women is imperative. ...

Leveraging emerging technologies to combat desertification and land degradation
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Leveraging emerging technologies to combat desertification and land degradation

Although India has made a commendable effort to meet its Bonn Challenge commitments, adopting technology solutions would help substantiate it. ...

High and dry? AI and the fight against desertification
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change | Artificial Intelligence Jun 04, 2024

High and dry? AI and the fight against desertification

AI is a valuable ally in the fight against desertification, but we must stay mindful of the challenges new AI solutions will have to address for them to be effective. ...

World Environment Day 2024: Restoring land, building resilience, and protecting public health
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

World Environment Day 2024: Restoring land, building resilience, and protecting public health

This World Environment Day, stakeholders must urgently act to accelerate land restoration, improve drought resilience, and combat desertification. ...

Forests for Future: Achieving India’s net-zero goals
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Forests for Future: Achieving India’s net-zero goals

Adopting effective forest management strategies will provide a sustainable and cost-effective solution, significantly advancing India's net-zero emissions goal and mitigating the impacts of climate change. ...

Creating climate resilient food systems
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Creating climate resilient food systems

Although making our food systems climate resilient is complex, it is an imperative task in the face of climate change ...

Climate conservation: Small steps for communities, giant steps for climate action
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 04, 2024

Climate conservation: Small steps for communities, giant steps for climate action

Although the scale of the environmental problems seems overwhelming, nature conservation works. ...

Reframing climate finance to amplify voices of SIDS
Climate, Food and Environment | Climate Change Jun 01, 2024

Reframing climate finance to amplify voices of SIDS

Immediate action is needed to rethink frameworks to prioritise vulnerability indices, increase resilience funding, and align climate finance with SIDS' needs. ...


Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna is a Research Intern at the Observer Research Foundation ...

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Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna is a Research Intern at the Observer Research Foundation ...

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