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Pathogen peril: Non-state access to bioweapons
Defence and Security Jul 02, 2024

Pathogen peril: Non-state access to bioweapons

Advancements in biotechnology and accessible dual-use technologies have raised concerns about non-state actors gaining unregulated access to biological weapons. ...

UAE's evolving role as a key actor in the Middle East and beyond
International Affairs Jul 02, 2024

UAE's evolving role as a key actor in the Middle East and beyond

From funding the restoration of Mosul’s cultural heritage to pledging aid for Gaza's reconstruction, the UAE's actions reflect a nuanced blend of humanitarianism and geopolitical strategy. ...

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus
International Affairs | Maritime Security Jul 02, 2024

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus

While Sri Lanka is pushing for domestic reforms and defence capacities to counter the emerging threats in the IOR, its strategic location subjects it to the competitive power politics of the region. ...

Indian-origin representation in UK politics:  A 2024 election perspective
International Affairs Jul 02, 2024

Indian-origin representation in UK politics: A 2024 election perspective

Amidst a potential political shift in the UK ahead of the polls, Indian-origin MPs remain instrumental in shaping the nation’s legislative landscape. ...

London’s 2024 mayoral poll: Factoring the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)
International Affairs Jul 01, 2024

London’s 2024 mayoral poll: Factoring the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)—a key environmental issue tied to energy transmission and transportation—has become a major focus point in the mayoral elections. ...

Macron’s risky gamble
International Affairs Jul 01, 2024

Macron’s risky gamble

As French voters head to the polls to choose between the far-right’s Eurosceptic nationalist agenda or Macron’s staunchly pro-European ambitions, France stands at an existential crossroads ...

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Nuclear Security Jun 29, 2024

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism. ...

Navigating the terror threat: Russia and India in Afghanistan
International Affairs | Terrorism Jun 29, 2024

Navigating the terror threat: Russia and India in Afghanistan

Taliban’s reluctance or inability to deal with Afghan-based terror outfits for public posturing has now led to closer India-Russia cooperation on counterterrorism. ...

Modi 3.0 and the likely trajectory of India-West Asia ties
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy Jun 29, 2024

Modi 3.0 and the likely trajectory of India-West Asia ties

Given the strong convergence of economic and security interests, it is certain that India-West Asia ties are going to flourish further. ...

Tibet in focus: Congressional Dharamshala visit signals new pressure points
International Affairs Jun 29, 2024

Tibet in focus: Congressional Dharamshala visit signals new pressure points

Washington's recent visit to Dharamshala is motivated by its commitment to democratic values and support for freedom, as well as China's increasing hostility towards Taiwan. ...

China, India, and the race to EVs
International Affairs Jun 28, 2024

China, India, and the race to EVs

In case of India, a long-term trend of relocation of industries (EVs as well as others) from China is seen as a foregone conclusion by a section of Chinese strategists. ...

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid
International Affairs Jun 28, 2024

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid

While the West is finally showing consistency in its aid to Ukraine, Trump’s return to power could potentially disrupt this trend. ...

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention
International Affairs Jun 28, 2024

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention

There is an urgent need to take measures to prevent the misuse of chemical substances in warfare and limit access to non-state actors. ...

Clash of visions: Biden vs. Trump in high-stakes debate
International Affairs Jun 28, 2024

Clash of visions: Biden vs. Trump in high-stakes debate

The first direct showdown between Biden and Trump in 2024 demands attention as it will set the tone for the presidential campaign. ...

Rags to riches: How the Houthis built capacity using the war in Gaza
International Affairs Jun 27, 2024

Rags to riches: How the Houthis built capacity using the war in Gaza

The Gaza war and alignment with Iran's “Axis of Resistance” have significantly benefited the Houthis, transforming them into a well-trained, funded, and experienced force. ...

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?
International Affairs Jun 26, 2024

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?

Although Western sanctions have impacted Russia but not in the way expected. ...

The Rose Revolution is over
International Affairs Jun 26, 2024

The Rose Revolution is over

The Rose Revolution, in Georgia, which aimed to bring peace, order and justice, is over. Outcomes are still significant but also questionable. ...

Food safety in China: Current issues and policy responses
Climate, Food and Environment Jun 26, 2024

Food safety in China: Current issues and policy responses

Despite the Chinese government's ongoing efforts to enhance food safety regulations, the growing occurrence of food safety scandals highlights the need for additional measures. ...

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options
International Affairs | Indian Defence Jun 25, 2024

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options

Pakistan’s TNWs could deter India's conventional military superiority, preventing territorial gains. The threat of tactical nuclear escalation might compel India to maintain a measured response in conflict. ...

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command
International Affairs Jun 24, 2024

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command

The new operation Azm-e-Istehkaam is designed to curb Islamist terror networks and is clearly undertaken to allay the fears of China. ...

Thailand's pursuit of BRICS membership
International Affairs Jun 24, 2024

Thailand's pursuit of BRICS membership

Thailand eyes BRICS for economic gains and strategic ties, but must navigate risks to sovereignty and policy autonomy. ...

Running the world: Women in diplomacy
International Affairs | Gender | GENDER ISSUES Jun 24, 2024

Running the world: Women in diplomacy

India should lead by example by prioritising the inclusion of women in diplomacy by adopting a Female Foreign Policy approach. ...

Building on foundations: Kishida’s premiership post-Abe
International Affairs Jun 21, 2024

Building on foundations: Kishida’s premiership post-Abe

As the PM, Kishida has upheld Abe's legacy by maintaining Japan's focus on regional security and economic resilience, while introducing initiatives to address income inequality and improve diplomatic relations. ...

Rising global nuclear arsenals and the call for strategic stability
International Affairs Jun 21, 2024

Rising global nuclear arsenals and the call for strategic stability

The latest SIPRI report indicates the concerning trend of modernisation and growth of arsenals across the globe. ...

NATO’s pivot to Indo-Pacific: Focus on Japan and South Korea
International Affairs Jun 19, 2024

NATO’s pivot to Indo-Pacific: Focus on Japan and South Korea

NATO's pivot to the Indo-Pacific will involve a strategic partnership with Japan and South Korea to bolster deterrence and uphold the rules-based international order in the region. ...

Is it time to recognise electricity as a basic human right?
Urbanisation in India | Urbanisation | Energy Access Jun 19, 2024

Is it time to recognise electricity as a basic human right?

Access to electricity is more than a connection. Considering the growing importance of electricity in accessing other necessities, stronger measures are needed to ensure a reliable basic supply. ...


Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna is a Research Intern at the Observer Research Foundation ...

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Manya Khanna

Manya Khanna is a Research Intern at the Observer Research Foundation ...

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