Date: Jan 09, 2024 Time: 09:00 AM
ORF SPARK Dialogue 2024

With a population of over 4 billion, the young and youth comprise over half of the world’s population. It is the highest it has ever been in history and the most educated ever. How this demographic thinks and responds will play a critical role in shaping global development agendas. For it is they who will truly actualise critical pathways to our collective destiny. The ORF SPARK Dialogue 2024 situates itself in this backdrop and amplifies young voices, their hopes and aspirations towards a strong and prosperous future for all.

The Dialogue, in partnership with the School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, to be held on 9 January 2024 at the TISS Convention Centre in Mumbai will have students and youth from across academia, sports, entrepreneurship and social change in attendance. It will also result in an ISBN publication comprising articles across the dialogue themes, written by students and inspiring youth icons from across the country and overseas.

The Dialogue will pivot around the following discussions that reflect the youth’s aspirations and anxieties in developing a future that enables, inspires and builds towards the greater common good: 

  1. Power and Purpose | Pathways for a Rising India
  2. SHE Leads | Building an Equitable Tomorrow
  3. Contestations and Convergences | Rising to the Climate Change Challenge
  4. Jobs for All | Future of Work in the 4th Industrial Revolution
  5. Harmonising Hubs | The India-Australia Partnership for Climate Action and Sustainable Growth
  6. Bridging Horizons | Challenges and Pathways for Social Innovation

Venue Address

Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai