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Towards an Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management Along the Bengal Coast
Climate, Food and Environment | Energy | Sustainable Development | Climate Change Jul 08, 2021

Towards an Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management Along the Bengal Coast

The management of fish stocks along the Bengal coast has traditionally relied on the formula of dictating where, when, and how much to catch of one particular kind of fish to mitigate the risk of stock depletion. This paper argues that this conventional approach is ...

The COVID-19 Challenge to Indian Federalism
Healthcare Jun 29, 2021

The COVID-19 Challenge to Indian Federalism

In different parts of the world, the federal system of government is facing some of its biggest trials yet, from the COVID-19 pandemic. Federalism—which believes in shared sovereignty and territoriality between multiple constituent units of governance—was anticipated to fail against a massive pandemic that needed ...

Latin American Investments in India: Successes and Failures
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy | Economic Diplomacy | International Trade and Investment Jun 28, 2021

Latin American Investments in India: Successes and Failures

Latin American companies that have invested in India since the 1990s have had varied experiences: some have achieved considerable success and remain in business, while a number of them have exited. This paper is a primer on enterprises from the Latin American region that have ...

The Case for Nurturing Military Scientists in the Indian Army
Defence and Security | Internal Security | Indian Defence Jun 24, 2021

The Case for Nurturing Military Scientists in the Indian Army

Many countries across the world are harnessing disruptive technology to maintain technological superiority over their adversaries. Research and development (R&D) organisations are key to this task. In the defence sector, focused R&D drives critical innovations and product development. India continues to lag in defence technology ...

Eastern Ladakh, the Longer Perspective
Indian Foreign Policy | China Foreign Policy | Indian Defence | China Military Jun 14, 2021

Eastern Ladakh, the Longer Perspective

This paper makes an assessment of the situation in eastern Ladakh following the Chinese occupation of several areas across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the summer of 2020. That occupation led to an incident in the Galwan river valley in mid-June, which resulted ...

The Article 370 Amendments on Jammu and Kashmir: Explaining the Global Silence
International Affairs | Domestic Politics and Governance May 27, 2021

The Article 370 Amendments on Jammu and Kashmir: Explaining the Global Silence

The amendment of Article 370 in August 2019, which effectively nullified the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, was a watershed moment in the history of the region that went largely uncontested by the international community. Besides China and Pakistan, most countries were unwilling to ...

Blue-Green Infrastructure: An Opportunity for Indian Cities
Urbanisation in India | Urbanisation | Sustainable Development | Climate Change May 26, 2021

Blue-Green Infrastructure: An Opportunity for Indian Cities

As the threat from climate hazards rise, several global cities have altered their urban planning and design approaches to incorporate nature-driven solutions as a counter to conventional infrastructure practices by harnessing blue elements (for instance, seas, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and water utilities) alongside the green ...

The Greening Imperative: How Indian States Are Promoting Sustainable Industry
Indian Economy | Sustainable Development May 25, 2021

The Greening Imperative: How Indian States Are Promoting Sustainable Industry

With natural resources being exploited beyond scope of regeneration, excessive pollutants accumulating in the biosphere, and ecosystems and biodiversity undergoing life-threatening degradation, industrial policies that steer investment towards a greener economy have become an imperative. This paper examines the green component of the industrial policies ...

The 5th National Family Health Survey of India: A Sub-National Analysis of Child Nutrition
Healthcare May 18, 2021

The 5th National Family Health Survey of India: A Sub-National Analysis of Child Nutrition

In December 2020, the government released the results of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 5 for 2019-20, covering 22 states and Union Territories (UTs). Contrary to expectations, NFHS5 found an increase in the percentage of stunted children in 13 states and UTs, compared to ...

Investigating the Impact of Commodity Transaction Tax on India’s Commodity Derivatives Markets
Domestic Politics and Governance | Indian Economy May 11, 2021

Investigating the Impact of Commodity Transaction Tax on India’s Commodity Derivatives Markets

The Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) was imposed on non-agricultural commodity derivatives trading in India from 1 July 2013. This paper investigates the impact of the CTT on some of the efficiency parameters of the commodity derivative markets in India. The authors analysed daily trading data ...


Soumya Bhowmick

Soumya Bhowmick

Soumya Bhowmick is an Associate Fellow at the Centre for New Economic Diplomacy at the Observer Research Foundation. His research focuses on sustainable development and globalisation economics. He is pursuing his PhD and holds a double master’s degree in economics ...

Read More + Sreeparna Banerjee

Sreeparna Banerjee

Sreeparna Banerjee is a Junior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation Kolkata with the Strategic Studies Programme.

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