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Electric Vehicles in India: Filling the Gaps in Awareness and Policy
Energy | Energy Security | Sustainable Development Oct 18, 2022

Electric Vehicles in India: Filling the Gaps in Awareness and Policy

In recent years, more governments have been giving greater attention to developing their countries’ electric vehicles (EV) sector as a strategy for minimising the harm that mass transportation can cause to human health and the environment. This paper tells the story of India’s EV initiative. ...

Building India’s Economy on the Backs of Women’s Unpaid Work: A Gendered Analysis of Time-Use Data
Indian Economy | Economics and Finance | Gender | Economic Reforms Oct 17, 2022

Building India’s Economy on the Backs of Women’s Unpaid Work: A Gendered Analysis of Time-Use Data

This paper undertakes an analysis of the gender-disaggregated data from the National Statistical Organisation’s Time-Use Survey 2019, and finds that Indian women spend eight times more hours on unpaid care work than men. The patterns are similar across educational qualification, and employment or marital status: ...

Understanding the ‘India Out’ Campaign in Maldives
Neighbourhood Oct 07, 2022

Understanding the ‘India Out’ Campaign in Maldives

Since Ibrahim Solih’s election as president of Maldives in 2018, India and Maldives have been working to revive their previously strained relations. The relationship faces an enduring threat, however, in the form of the ‘India Out’ campaign spearheaded by opposition parties. Although limited to certain ...

In China’s Own Words: An Analysis of Chinese Strategic Discourse on Tibet
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy | Defence and Security | China Foreign Policy Oct 06, 2022

In China’s Own Words: An Analysis of Chinese Strategic Discourse on Tibet

The predominant view not only within India but globally, is that China sees Tibet solely through the prism of sovereignty and territorial integrity. Analysing sources that illuminate China’s internal debates and discussions about its stakes in Tibet, this paper finds that unlike in the past, ...

Development Cooperation Towards the SDGs: The India Model
Indian Economy | Developing and Emerging Economies Sep 30, 2022

Development Cooperation Towards the SDGs: The India Model

The Russia-Ukraine war has dealt a massive blow to a world already battered by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) appear farther from reach. The current global scenario demands greater international cooperation for development. Yet, development aid is increasingly getting more ...

To Price or not to Price? Making a Case for a Carbon Pricing Mechanism for India
Sustainable Development | Climate Change Sep 26, 2022

To Price or not to Price? Making a Case for a Carbon Pricing Mechanism for India

The 2021 Conference of Parties 26 (COP26) propelled nations to ramp up their climate targets and the concomitant Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. However, the updated NDCs and the announced pledges for 2030 remain insufficient and poorly aligned with the ...

Taiwan’s Battle for Diplomatic Space
International Affairs | Great Power Dynamics | China Foreign Policy | China Military Sep 22, 2022

Taiwan’s Battle for Diplomatic Space

Taiwan is facing an existential identity crisis, one whose consequences can go well beyond the region. The island exists between two sovereignties: it has domestic sovereignty and is secure in its identity as a democracy and an economic powerhouse; at the same time, it has ...

Understanding the Rejuvenation of China’s Revolutionary Impulse
International Affairs | China Foreign Policy Sep 15, 2022

Understanding the Rejuvenation of China’s Revolutionary Impulse

Various explanations have been proffered for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s renewed emphasis on ideology. The popular narratives attribute it to either Xi’s power ambitions, or a reaction rooted in his personal trauma during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. Meanwhile, an alternative discourse projects the ...

The G20 Digital Economy Agenda for India
Cyber Security | Privacy & Data Protection | Internet Governance Sep 13, 2022

The G20 Digital Economy Agenda for India

The role of digitalisation in the global economy has become increasingly crucial as the dependency on digital technologies has surged amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Establishing a digital economy involves utilising digitisation as the key factor of production in a broad range of economic activities. The ...

Assessing the Efficacy of the West’s Autonomous Cyber-Sanctions Regime and its Relevance for India
Cyber Security | Privacy & Data Protection Sep 09, 2022

Assessing the Efficacy of the West’s Autonomous Cyber-Sanctions Regime and its Relevance for India

Cyber-sanctions have emerged as a preferred tool for Western governments to deter cyberattacks emanating from their adversaries’ territories. As they implement such sanctions, however, these states face various challenges one of which is the difficulty in attribution. Moreover, the sanctions have only partially curbed the ...


Soumya Bhowmick

Soumya Bhowmick

Soumya Bhowmick is an Associate Fellow at the Centre for New Economic Diplomacy at the Observer Research Foundation. His research focuses on sustainable development and globalisation economics. He is pursuing his PhD and holds a double master’s degree in economics ...

Read More + Sreeparna Banerjee

Sreeparna Banerjee

Sreeparna Banerjee is a Junior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation Kolkata with the Strategic Studies Programme.

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