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Climate Performance Index: A Study of the Performance of G20 Countries in Mitigation
Climate, Food and Environment | Sustainable Development | Climate Change Feb 20, 2023

Climate Performance Index: A Study of the Performance of G20 Countries in Mitigation

Climate is a global common, and the task of reversing the worsening climate change is a global responsibility. There are two aspects to climate action: adaptation and mitigation. This paper focuses on mitigation, the global efforts for which are uneven as some countries are performing ...

Amid Changing Nature and Character of War, the Need for Tech-Oriented Military Commanders for India
International Affairs Feb 17, 2023

Amid Changing Nature and Character of War, the Need for Tech-Oriented Military Commanders for India

It has historically been assumed that while the nature of war remains the same—i.e., violence inflicted on the adversary to bend them to one’s will—the character of warfare changes with technology, organisation, politics and culture. This notion has changed. Over the past decade, the nature ...

‘Freebies’ and Welfare Schemes: Setting a Framework for the Debate in India
Domestic Politics and Governance Feb 16, 2023

‘Freebies’ and Welfare Schemes: Setting a Framework for the Debate in India

India has a long history of nurturing a social welfare regime whereby material goods are distributed to the poor and vulnerable populations of the country, helping uplift their socio-economic condition. However, many of such welfare goods are often called ‘hand-outs’ or ‘freebies’ that are promised ...

Green Hydrogen: An Opportunity for India-Africa Cooperation
International Affairs | Developing and Emerging Economies | Climate Change Jan 16, 2023

Green Hydrogen: An Opportunity for India-Africa Cooperation

Although India and Africa have long shared close ties, engagement between the two regions is yet to reach its full potential. However, amid the global green transition and attempts to enhance energy security, green hydrogen—increasingly seen as the ‘fuel of the future’—could provide a new ...

Bangladesh's Seaports: Securing Domestic and Regional Economic Interests
Neighbourhood Jan 10, 2023

Bangladesh's Seaports: Securing Domestic and Regional Economic Interests

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies globally. Over 90 percent of the country’s international trade is through the ports of Chattogram and Mongla, which also provide the neighbouring countries an access to the sea for trade and connectivity. This paper seeks to assess ...

Towards Universal Social Security: Priorities for the G20
Domestic Politics and Governance | Indian Economy | Development Jan 03, 2023

Towards Universal Social Security: Priorities for the G20

At least 4 billion people around the world are yet to be covered by any form of social security, and therefore vulnerable to economic, social, and environmental shocks. This paper examines the state of social security in the Group of Twenty (G20) economies—home to 63 ...

Nehru’s Navy: India’s Tryst with Aircraft Carriers
International Affairs | Defence and Security | Maritime Security Nov 08, 2022

Nehru’s Navy: India’s Tryst with Aircraft Carriers

The commissioning of the homegrown INS Vikrant in September has revived debates within India’s strategic community and the decision-making elite, on the desirability and viability of aircraft carriers for the Indian Navy. It remains unclear how these debates are settled among the political, bureaucratic, and ...

India and Cyber Power: The Imperative of Offensive Cyber Operations
Cyber Security | Internal Security | Digital Inclusion Nov 03, 2022

India and Cyber Power: The Imperative of Offensive Cyber Operations

Defensive cyber operations are necessary to protect a network. At the same time, Offensive Cyber Operations (OCOs) cannot be neglected in military planning and should get as much attention as defensive cyber missions. Given the massive requirements for investment in cyber military capabilities geared for ...

Women-centric Approaches under MUDRA Yojana: Setting G20 Priorities for the Indian Presidency
Indian Economy | Gender Oct 25, 2022

Women-centric Approaches under MUDRA Yojana: Setting G20 Priorities for the Indian Presidency

Gender disparities in economic participation and opportunities remain significantly large across the world. To bridge these gaps, G20 countries are working to advance women’s entrepreneurship through financial assistance, knowledge creation, and governance for supporting enterprise. India, in particular, has introduced a number of government schemes ...

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Sanctions: An Assessment of the Economic and Political Impacts
International Affairs | Defence and Security Oct 21, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Sanctions: An Assessment of the Economic and Political Impacts

In the modern era, sanctions measures have evolved into a major policy instrument, and their usage has increased rapidly since the end of the Cold War. Sanctions have been used by the US and the European Union extensively since 2014 in the context of the ...


Soumya Bhowmick

Soumya Bhowmick

Soumya Bhowmick is an Associate Fellow at the Centre for New Economic Diplomacy at the Observer Research Foundation. His research focuses on sustainable development and globalisation economics. He is pursuing his PhD and holds a double master’s degree in economics ...

Read More + Sreeparna Banerjee

Sreeparna Banerjee

Sreeparna Banerjee is a Junior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation Kolkata with the Strategic Studies Programme.

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