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PWG Firepower Increasing
Defence and Security | State Level Politics | National Politics | Internal Security Aug 22, 2003

PWG Firepower Increasing

Left-wing extremists, Naxalites of the People's War Group (PWG), have traveled a long away from fielding hand-held, traditional farm tools as weapons. Their sagacity is, indeed, amazing. Perhaps, to state in a lighter vein, they would give a complex to India's defence technologists, if not ...

Significance of Vajpayee's China Visit
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy Aug 19, 2003

Significance of Vajpayee's China Visit

China¿s decision in the 1980's to supply to Pakistan nuclear weapons technology and missiles capable of delivering nukes over long distances was intended to bind India down in a south Asian strategic impasse and constrict India's larger role in Asia and the world. China achieved ...

Sino-Indian Asaphila Patrolling Face-off
Defence and Security | Indian Defence | China Military Aug 12, 2003

Sino-Indian Asaphila Patrolling Face-off

The recent face-off between Indian and Chinese patrols in Asaphila area on June 26, 2003 evoked considerable media interest and political debate in the country. It overshadowed and almost neutralised the Prime Minister's visit to China, which took place after a decade long gap and, ...

Pakistan and 9/11
International Affairs | Neighbourhood | Defence and Security Aug 07, 2003

Pakistan and 9/11

On July 31, 2003, Mr John S. Pistole, Deputy Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, testified before the Senate Committee on Government Affairs on ``Terrorism Financing: Origination, Organisation and Prevention``. One of the key findings he referred to was the link between the ...

IAF Accidents: A Report
Defence and Security | Indian Defence Jul 28, 2003

IAF Accidents: A Report

The most quoted reason for aircraft accidents in the Indian Air Forces is the absence of Advanced Jet Trainers. It is a valid point but to blame the increasing number of accidents on one factor would be grossly misleading.

Musharraf seeks out Ummah
International Affairs | Neighbourhood Jul 24, 2003

Musharraf seeks out Ummah

President Pervez Musharraf¿s recent trans-national tour¿four western nations and three African nations¿has significant implications for him, and Pakistan.

Recent Trends in India-China Relations
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy | China Foreign Policy Jul 14, 2003

Recent Trends in India-China Relations

It has been said that any foreign observer who spends a month in China is apt to write a book on the country; if he spends a year in China, he is content to write an article; and if he lives in China for five ...

Pak Jihadis have Dirty Bomb
International Affairs | Neighbourhood | Defence and Security | Nuclear Security Jul 10, 2003

Pak Jihadis have Dirty Bomb

On April 3 this year, a one-day conference was organised in Washington by the South Asian Studies department of the John Hopkins University. One of the sessions was on Pakistan, specifically on the safety of its nuclear installations.

The Sino-Indian Strategic Dialogue
Defence and Security | Nuclear Security | Indian Defence | China Military Jul 02, 2003

The Sino-Indian Strategic Dialogue

An Indian Prime Minister's visit to China has always been of strategic significance. Rajiv Gandhi's visit to China in 1988 following Wangdung episode resulted in the formulation of Mutual Understanding, Mutual Accommodation and Mutual Adjustment for a long-term Sino Indian boundary solution.

The Saudi Shockwaves
International Affairs Jun 28, 2003

The Saudi Shockwaves

For over seven decades the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia took justifiable pride in the stability of its political system, the tranquility of its social scene, and the in the overall loyalty of its citizenry. The compelling simplicity of the Saudi flag reflected the cohesion. Occasional ...


Zhonghe Zhu

Zhonghe Zhu

Read More + Manish Vaid

Manish Vaid

Manish Vaid is a Junior Fellow at ORF. His research focuses on energy issues, geopolitics, crossborder energy and regional trade (including FTAs), climate change, migration, New Silk Road, urbanisation and water issues. His research work has been published widely - ...

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